A few random truths about women.
- Women are greedy and care more about money than they do about you.
- Women A will defend, and side with another woman, woman B, that she hates, if woman B is attacking a man woman A “loves.”
- Women only care about stimuli and sensations. They have no understanding or appreciation of nuance or “higher” things. Women cannot conceive of concepts like justice.
- Women lie about everything, whether or not there is any gain in it for them.
- Women sneak, hide, and conceal for no reason.
- Women do not actually have any true feelings regarding anything; the emotions they display are tools they use to manipulate men. If the tool isn’t working then they will immediately stop expressing whatever emotion they are expressing.
- When a woman shows you kindness, it’s about her pleasure. A woman will feed you a treat for the same reason she throws bread to a duck: because she likes watching the duck beg and scrabble around for the treat. When she becomes bored with watching you scrabble and beg, you become an annoyance and a hassle.
Children and husbands are dolls women use for playing. They want to dress you up and sit you at a table and play house.
When they get bored with their toys, they will discard them and do something else, with no remorse, no guilt.
You have no more meaning to a woman than a chocolate. You are something for her to enjoy and consume. She doesn’t care what the chocolate feels or thinks. She doesn’t care what
you feel or think.