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Dates from hell - your worst experiences?



Mar 29, 2018
I (36 year old, unkissed virgin) had two dates in my entire life:

Date with first girl:

I met this girl on the internet. We were writing for a while. She tells me that while she was being in a relationship with her ex boyfriend she had sex with another guy - a chad who as she said fucked another girl each week. Then she quit the relationship via Whatsapp and when he was calling her on the phone "crying very much" she told him she fucked another guy and then just hang up on him. She says she's so sorry but actually it's all his fault because he didn't take care of her and she doesn't really regret it anyway.

I told her I was not sure about meeting her in real life because I was concerned she wouldn't like my looks. She said that looks don't matter to her at all and that it is only about personality. We were talking on the phone a lot. She tells me she likes me so much and my personality is great and she is sure we will be together. When meeting her and she saw me for the first time all of a sudden she was quite distant. I tried holding her hand which she let me but later on she told me that was going too fast for her and didn't feel right and that she is "not like that" and that she takes her time...

After the third date she tells me she's sorry but I am just not attractive to her. She said "I would love to have a boyfriend with your personality". When asking why she's not attracted to me then if she likes my personality at first she would give an excuse. Then I kept asking her what's wrong and then she admitted that I was too fat for her. However, she said she would like to meet me again if I managed to lose weight. She said since I was really important to her she wanted to invite me to her birthday.

2-3 weeks later she suddenly writes an email saying I can't come to her birthday. She says she thought I meant something to her but she actually found out I didn't and therefore I should not come to her birthday.

Then I read her posts on a femoid forum and find out why she didn't want me to come to her birthday: She says she met another chad who fucked her on the first date (remember: holding hands on the first date is too fast for her...she's not like that). However, after fucking her he dumped her and now she wants to get him back and is seeking advice.

I am depressed for about 3 years and my whole life gets fucked up even more than before.

Date with second girl:

Writing with a girl online. She gives me the usual: "Don't worry about looks, I am all about personality" bullshit. Then she tells me: "Well actually I do have a boyfriend but it's not like that. He's a moron and I don't love him and I am only with him because I don't want to be alone." I am like: "What the fuck? You have a boyfriend and you are dating other guys online?" She is pissed about it but we keep chatting daily.

After a while we eventually meet. I realize she is very distant all of a sudden. She is laughing at me for stuttering. Then she says she is sorry but she wants to go home. We went back to her car together. Then she tells me the parking lot automat won't take her coins and if I could pay for it. I only have a 10 Euro note so I hand it to her. She pays the ticket and keeps the change.

I am then standing at the railroad station and freezing my ass off because it's cold. I have to wait for about an hour because I didn't expect to go home this early and the train is not coming yet.

Then she writes via Whatsapp that I am not her type. I am asking when she found out that I am not her type? I ask her: "Was it more like after 3 seconds or after 20 minutes?" She responds: "3 seconds."

About a year later I see on her Facebook page that she has married the guy whom she called a moron. The guy whom she didn't love and just didn't leave because she didn't want to be alone. Three years later they have two children. I am not sure if I should feel sorry for the guy. Actually I don't because even if he will spend a life with a woman who considers him a moron and who is dating other guys while being with him he still gets to stick his dick into her dirty cunt on a regular basis.


After that I had no desire to go on any other dates.

Tell us about your most terrible dates and how you were humiliated and dehumanized by femoids.
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Never had one
>Had not one, but two dates
"had two dates"

"After that I had no desire to go on any other dates."

Back to the MGTOW forums, volcel. This forum is for incels.
lmao i fucking can't even build a relationship with foid to ask her date like wtf?
every girl INSTA friendzone me or do not even acknowledge my existence.
it's truly depressing to see people texting and stuff i don't have any social media even i had let's say instagram how da fuck could i possibly post a picture of me.
none of you guys are truecel except me.
Reading my own post above I have to say German girls are EVIL...EVIL CREATURES!!
"had two dates"

"After that I had no desire to go on any other dates."

Back to the MGTOW forums, volcel. This forum is for incels.

:D :D Did you read the actual text? They dated me because they didn't know what I looked like. They would have dated anyone on this board.
incels don't get dates so go back to your own way kek
:D:D Did you read the actual text? They dated me because they didn't know what I looked like. They would have dated anyone on this board.

Honestly, no I didn't.

Here in the USA, women you meet online will demand to see a pic before they agree to see you -- and if they don't like what they see, they will stop chatting with you altogether. How do I know this? Because that happened to me a few weeks ago.

I guess women in Europe are a little less shallow than your typical Americunt.
Honestly, no I didn't.

Here in the USA, women you meet online will demand to see a pic before they agree to see you -- and if they don't like what they see, they will stop chatting with you altogether. How do I know this? Because that happened to me a few weeks ago.

I guess women in Europe are a little less shallow than your typical Americunt.

Same here. I chatted (or tried to make contact) with about 200 women until I found these two willing to go on a blind date. And then read the text to see what those "less shallow women" did...

Ok boyo, never even talked to a woman in my fucking life kek.
I've never been on a date.
Describe your appearance OP
Okay Chad,no need to humble brag.
Describe your appearance OP

I cant tell if I could get laid if I was slim because I was only slim for a year and didnt try enough. I kind of have a baby face. People always think I am 25 when I am 36. On picture rating sites I got rated 6.5/10 when slim. 2/10 when fat. But pictures do not necessarily mean that much. You may look good on pics bad ugly in RL
Fatcel = volcel GTFO :heybby:
off to mgtow kiddo
Never been on one.
"had two dates"

"After that I had no desire to go on any other dates."

Back to the MGTOW forums, volcel. This forum is for incels.

Most incels who are truly blackpilled shouldn't want dates
any non-chad who goes on a date is begging to get fucking destroyed
are you ugly if you can get a date?
Volcel af what the fuck

True, but they have never acknowledged my existence, I literally think I would have the police called on me if I approach a girl.
Date? The only date I’d ever have involving a woman was a court date because I looked at her for more than a second and it made her uncomfortable so that means sexual harassment.
Well I went on a date with a textbook stacy slut that lasted for about 3.5 hours. Didn't lead to anywhere. I didn't have what to say since I'm an asocial loser and we ended up talking about anime/movies which doesn't work for sub 8 males
I read the cruelty of the first page and now I want to kill myself. I don’t think I can stomach this thread
this forum is retarded. 36yo KV is called to get out by teenagers cos he had 2 dates in his 36 years of life.

OP, I was very close to getting a date but she flaked out on me. I was almost gonna be a 27yo KHV instead of KHDV.
Yeah, what the heck? As an oldcell I have similar stories as well. I agree, this guy and myself aren't completely repulsive, but we are nowhere close enough to cut it. I have also been a girl's emotional tampon in between her time with Chad before.
Legit depressionfuel.
Just because this guy isn't a truecel doesn't mean he isn't an incel. He's a 36yo KV FFS!

Truecels really need their own section.
22, never had a date, every girl ive tried talking to has rejected me.
Truecels really need their own section.

I have made this recommendation on several occasions. I'm in my mid-30s and can't even get a woman to talk to me where I live (unless it's something business related).
After that I had no desire to go on any other dates.

Tell us about your most terrible dates and how you were humiliated and dehumanized by femoids.

I can understand that. I once went on a date with a fat girl I met online, but she did not look fat in her online profile. She was a neurotic bitch, too. Incels should just LDAR it less stress.
wow... imagine finally getting a below average looking girl online just for them to be like this, and its very common that they are. im so fucking mad
he IS a truecel. You dont call a 36yo KV a truecel ? lmao..getting 2 dates at age 36 is nothing.

how old are you ? most likely 20 like majority of this forum. he is twice your age. With that logic there is no truecel. cos with enough amount of swiping and askinf out you are BOUND to have 1-2 dates by age 36. I can literally make a volcel/fakecel argument FOR EVERYONE in this forum following your logic.
I'm 33. I thought a truecel was someone who's had 0 experience with women and also has no friends. I'm happy to be corrected if that's wrong. You should direct your guff at the guys saying he isn't even an incel. Ya know the people I was arguing against.
I'm 33. I thought a truecel was someone who's had 0 experience with women and also has no friends. I'm happy to be corrected if that's wrong. You should direct your guff at the guys saying he isn't even an incel. Ya know the people I was arguing against.

On second thought, the OP may not an incel, but he's definitely not a truecel if was able to to go on three or more dates with the same woman. Women wouldn't even let truecels be seen in public with them. Not even for one date.
ANYONE who STRUGGLES with girls is WELCOME here
whether they they got laid a few times before or never
he IS a truecel. You dont call a 36yo KV a truecel ? lmao..getting 2 dates at age 36 is nothing.

how old are you ? most likely 20 like majority of this forum. he is twice your age. With that logic there is no truecel. cos with enough amount of swiping and askinf out you are BOUND to have 1-2 dates by age 36. I can literally make a volcel/fakecel argument FOR EVERYONE in this forum following your logic.

Looks to the TV...looks to your profile pic...looks to the TV... Is that you I am watching there on Youtube? :D I swear to God I am watching you on Youtube this very moment. Thanks for the support btw.
On second thought, the OP may not an incel, but he's definitely not a truecel if was able to to go on three or more dates with the same woman. Women wouldn't even let truecels be seen in public with them. Not even for one date.

I am 36 years old unfucked, unkissed, unhugged and no girl ever showed any interest in me whatsoever. The one girl that I had three dates with just went there because we were talking on the phone for months before and she really had liked me so it took a while until her female intuition was convincing her. The second girl just laughed at me and left after a couple of minutes. What else does it take to be truecel? Do I have to die unfucked first? :D
op your post made me very sas. living in germany myself. very hard here indeed. women want:
high iq
im not kidding. USAcels dont realise they have it fairly easy comparrd to us.
op your post made me very sas. living in germany myself. very hard here indeed. women want:
high iq
im not kidding. USAcels dont realise they have it fairly easy comparrd to us.

Here the women are not only shallow as fuck but there are 2 million more men than women between 18 and 50. You are completely and utterly hopeless as an incel here.
Here the women are not only shallow as fuck but there are 2 million more men than women between 18 and 50. You are completely and utterly hopeless as an incel here.
didnt even know about that. :feelstastyman:
are you ugly if you can get a date?


Which is why I'm wondering if op is sending an accurate picture before he meets these girls.

It's still a sad story, they liked his personality but it was never going to be enough. This is why looks are the most important thing above else and can't be detracted. Everything else like personality, health, wealth are bonuses.
After a while we eventually meet. I realize she is very distant all of a sudden. She is laughing at me for stuttering. Then she says she is sorry but she wants to go home. We went back to her car together. Then she tells me the parking lot automat won't take her coins and if I could pay for it. I only have a 10 Euro note so I hand it to her. She pays the ticket and keeps the change.

I am then standing at the railroad station and freezing my ass off because it's cold. I have to wait for about an hour because I didn't expect to go home this early and the train is not coming yet.

Then she writes via Whatsapp that I am not her type. I am asking when she found out that I am not her type? I ask her: "Was it more like after 3 seconds or after 20 minutes?" She responds: "3 seconds."

About a year later I see on her Facebook page that she has married the guy whom she called a moron. The guy whom she didn't love and just didn't leave because she didn't want to be alone. Three years later they have two children. I am not sure if I should feel sorry for the guy. Actually I don't because even if he will spend a life with a woman who considers him a moron and who is dating other guys while being with him he still gets to stick his dick into her dirty cunt on a regular basis.

Reading about that second date is ragefuel. I'm sorry she put you through that... she didn't need to act like a cunt over something you can't even control (in this case, "not being her type".) This is more reason why I despise women of today. They treat people like us like absolute garbage, when they hardly know us and don't really have anything to judge us on. The injustice sickens me.
I've had similar happen, the last was 5 years ago, after another 7 years of trying online dating with no dates, we met up and she left after 10 minutes saying she didn't think there is an attraction and that her time was precious. I had to pay the bill for her drink of course too.

You should have just started seeing escorts in your 20s, I wish I had' had done in hindsight.
this guy is low inhib as fuck, i don't even think i could touch a girls hand on the first date. Too bad he's a fatcel otherwise he might have had some succes.

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