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Blackpill Data Point 1: Minimum looks treshold to date an average white foid per race

Ci Jey

Ci Jey

Incel Proletarian
May 23, 2022
For whites literally just be average so MTN

Latinos depends on your pheno

If your a castizo you will need to be an strong MTN-HTN to pull a white girl
If you're a mestizo you will need to be HTN+
If you have a pure Native American pheno you will need to be Chad lite

For indians
If you have a med looking pheno you have to be at least Chad lite to have a chance with a average white girl
If you don't the med or don't even slightly look European you will have to be a Chad at least to pull an average white girl

For blacks : You have to be a thugmaxxed MTN- HTN because of BBC halo , although as the blackpill theorist Lebo Black said, you have to take broken white girls if you're black.
@DarkStarDown @curryboy @beanercel @RealSchizo @Chudpreet @Sandniggercel
@DarkStarDown @curryboy @beanercel @RealSchizo @Chudpreet @Sandniggercel
I'd like to correct on one thing here. Good observation, but niggers can be LTN and still slay because the BBC halo is their biggest trump card. I myself have seen tons of very ugly and even obese niggers who have scored a blonde white stacy. Also for balkans and eastern europe in general the churka phenotype is considered the most attractive. Kavkazpill right there.
I'd like to correct on one thing here. Good observation, but niggers can be LTN and still slay because the BBC halo is their biggest trump card. I myself have seen tons of very ugly and even obese niggers who have scored a blonde white stacy. Also for balkans and eastern europe in general the churka phenotype is considered the most attractive. Kavkazpill right there.
Balkan women are the biggest whores ever. Out of all the Slavic countries, I respect Western-Slavs the most
Balkan women are the biggest whores ever. Out of all the Slavic countries, I respect Western-Slavs the most
Niggers are considered demigods by slavic women.
I'd like to correct on one thing here. Good observation, but niggers can be LTN and still slay because the BBC halo is their biggest trump card. I myself have seen tons of very ugly and even obese niggers who have scored a blonde white stacy. Also for balkans and eastern europe in general the churka phenotype is considered the most attractive. Kavkazpill right there.
yeah ugly BBCs can pull white foids IF they are very thugmaxxed/have status and an 8 incher +,
I forgot abt kavkaz/central asians, they have to be thugmaxxed LTNs to pull slavic becky natasha, and MTNs to pull slavic stacy
For whites literally just be average so MTN
I would say height also plays a factor, as white foids have incredibly high height standards for us mayocels: This is partially due to the fact Whites(alongside some sub-groups of Negroids) have the most potential for the tall genes to express themselves.

NTness as well, though not as big as perhaps when it comes to most ethnics(except Asians)
Latinos depends on your pheno
If your a castizo you will need to be an strong MTN-HTN to pull a white girl
If you're a mestizo you will need to be HTN+
If you have a pure Native American pheno you will need to be Chad lite
I would say it depends on the % of Latinos in the area:

Where I live, we have a heavy Latino population, and I've seen a few mestizo normies with lower-tier white foids. I would also say that being a "whitexican" plays a role, since we have quite a few of those.
For indians
If you have a med looking pheno you have to be at least Chad lite to have a chance with a average white girl
Very few curries have a Med looking pheno or could pass as Med; most of the curries I've seen who pass as any other race usually are Chadpreetlite & can pass as being Persian or somer form of Levantine Arab.

I've also noticed, many ethnics like to use Meds & even Balkanites in general as a way to assert their proximity to Whites. @Chudpreet
If you don't the med or don't even slightly look European you will have to be a Chad at least to pull an average white girl
Well most agree Curries have the lowest SMV, so that just makes sense.

For blacks : You have to be a thugmaxxed MTN- HTN because of BBC halo , although as the blackpill theorist Lebo Black said, you have to take broken white girls if you're black.
Thugmaxxing part is true, though I would say it can apply to LTN niggers as well.

The part about going for "broken" white foids seems to also check-out; most of the race-traitor whores I knew in HS were wannabe
ghetto White foids with tons of issues, though that does reflect a good chunk of the White foid population sadly.
yeah ugly BBCs can pull white foids IF they are very thugmaxxed/have status and an 8 incher +,
Many Nigs in America also have good frame, height, or natural athleticism.
I forgot abt kavkaz/central asians, they have to be thugmaxxed LTNs to pull slavic becky natasha, and MTNs to pull slavic stacy
I wonder why these Kavkaz guys do so well in the Balkans? @RealSchizo
Thats also one of the main reasons I cannot stand them, since I Hate race mixing. They deserve a bullet
Based: White/European women need to be enslaved by White/European men & have all rights revoked, each one of us is entitled to our virgin looksmatch who will be a submissive housewife.
I would say height also plays a factor, as white foids have incredibly high height standards for us mayocels: This is partially due to the fact Whites(alongside some sub-groups of Negroids) have the most potential for the tall genes to express themselves.

NTness as well, though not as big as perhaps when it comes to most ethnics(except Asians)
Well i mainly focused on the minimum face rating but you are right, you must be at least the avg white male´s height which is around 5´10-5´11
I didnt counted NT cause its a requirement for any foid
Based: White/European women need to be enslaved by White/European men & have all rights revoked, each one of us is entitled to our virgin looksmatch who will be a submissive housewife.
I´m Glad we are on the same page, regarding this topic.
I love my White race, we should protect it.

White women who have a history of dating blacks, deserve to be called traitors and need The letters ´BBC´ carved into their foreheads, so it will be a permanent scar for life.
mark these whorish traitors, just like the Jews back in ww2, so white men can avoid this Filth
Cringe pfp, whiny marxist
Many Nigs in America also have good frame, height, or natural athleticism.

I wonder why these Kavkaz guys do so well in the Balkans? @RealSchizo
mogger bones, inherently thugmaxxed, can fight and a lot of them deal drugs. Why do niggers do well with white women in the US? We slavcels dont have as much balls as kavkaz same with white americans , they get T mogged by Tyrone brutally hence why they are so desired. Feminine traits are what turns foids off when it comes to dating. She would rather date a drug dealer cold killer who lives on the edge over a HTN white man who's law abiding citizen. Being a good goy is feminine trait. @Ci Jey
For whites literally just be average so MTN

Latinos depends on your pheno

If your a castizo you will need to be an strong MTN-HTN to pull a white girl
If you're a mestizo you will need to be HTN+
If you have a pure Native American pheno you will need to be Chad lite

For indians
If you have a med looking pheno you have to be at least Chad lite to have a chance with a average white girl
If you don't the med or don't even slightly look European you will have to be a Chad at least to pull an average white girl

For blacks : You have to be a thugmaxxed MTN- HTN because of BBC halo , although as the blackpill theorist Lebo Black said, you have to take broken white girls if you're black.
Good descriptions primo. As a mestizo just one thing though we also need MTN because alot of mestizos somos rete feos guey
I´m Glad we are on the same page, regarding this topic.
I love my White race, we should protect it.
White women who have a history of dating blacks, deserve to be called traitors and need The letters ´BBC´ carved into their foreheads, so it will be a permanent scar for life.
mark these whorish traitors, just like the Jews back in ww2, so white men can avoid this Filth
They deserve more than to just be marked imo(in Minecraft).
mogger bones,
Examples? I've never really seen a Kavkaz before; closet would be some Caucus peoples.
inherently thugmaxxed, can fight and a lot of them deal drugs.
So basically they are lowinhib giga-NT thugmaxxers.
Why do niggers do well with white women in the US? We slavcels dont have as much balls as kavkaz same with white americans , they get T mogged by Tyrone brutally hence why they are so desired.
Brutal as fuck; I'm sure the Kavkaz are at least somewhat better compared to Negroids.

We need to get our T-levels back to pre-globohomo levels so we can put our foids back in their place.
Feminine traits are what turns foids off when it comes to dating. She would rather date a drug dealer cold killer who lives on the edge over a HTN white man who's law abiding citizen. Being a good goy is feminine trait. @Ci Jey
We've had our natural masculinity suppressed by Jews in order to make us more complacent: I know that sounds like redpill stuff, but it's true.

I mean, there's literally fluoride & other nasty chemicals in our water designed to lower T-levels & also IQ.
Agree with this, it’s over for latinos and curries. While blacks have bbc halo and all.:feelscry:
yeah chadlite curries can get white girls but they will only be able to get the most digusting and slutty white girls since those are the only ones willing to go for curries
yeah chadlite curries can get white girls but they will only be able to get the most digusting and slutty white girls since those are the only ones willing to go for curries
Yeah you have to be Chadpreet and gymmaxxed to get a hot white foid
yeah chadlite curries can get white girls but they will only be able to get the most digusting and slutty white girls since those are the only ones willing to go for curries
like landwhales or deformed white bitches, look at hamza who would be a chadpreetlite taking into account his height and networth...yet the only thing he could land was a 4/10 landwhale cumskin
Agree with this, it’s over for latinos and curries. While blacks have bbc halo and all.:feelscry:
if you are not BBC or a cracker its over man, we latinos and indians are fucking done
. I myself have seen tons of very ugly and even obese niggers who have scored a blonde white stacy.
Same, as a blackpilled black I can't believe it and asking myself why.

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