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Soy DankMemes Mod bans “Transphobic” memes after Trans swimmer demolishes competition; Asserts men are women because daddy Google told them so



Dec 3, 2020
Reddit Mods Full Retard Comment:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/tiiw4y/dont_risk_it_youre_gonna_be_permabanned/i1nbvk4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

This display of stupidity is just astounding. These people are mental children. Surprisingly I did find some pretty based comments in the thread like this one:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/tiiw4y/dont_risk_it_youre_gonna_be_permabanned/i20ad7w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

Backup in case it gets deleted since the mods are removing anything in their path that disagrees with them:
>This is equivalent of when Christians tell you that they’re right because “The Case for Christ” book exists. Then the other side says the same thing back because the book “The Case Against the Case for Christ” exists.

It’s very very easy to find articles that align with the position you already have (especially when Google as a company happens to share your view and curate search results accordingly).

It doesn’t matter that books/articles exist, what matters is the arguments they contain. Just dumping them in a pile and saying “educate yourself bigot” is exactly the same condescending holier than thou cringey garbage that Atheists who tell you to just “go read The God Delusion you idiot” or Christians who tell you to just “go read Mere Christianity you idiot” do. You’re not right just because you can point to a word dump that agrees with your opinion.

The broader gender/pronoun/trans debate mostly comes down to how you define the relevant underlying terms (man/woman/sex/gender/etc) and what one thinks the function of pronouns is in our language. Painting in broad strokes you’ve got the strict traditionalists and the modernists who fundamentally do not agree with each other on these questions and as such come to different conclusions.

The trans-people in sports debate is a valid one and you’re not a bigot for recognizing that people that have gone through male puberty have an advantage in the ring over native born women. To say otherwise is pure delusion and people should be able to meme on that without the control freaks losing it when their sacred cow doesn’t go down how they want.
10% low effort
Mucho texto
Off topic, have you guys noticed how redditards don’t even understand words correctly?

You have all these people sucking the mod off about how “based” they are for example.

That’s not what “based” means lol — based is what you say when someone says something unpopular or controversial yet true. What the mod is saying is as mainstream as it gets in addition to being false. You’re not “based” when your view point is the normie Google milktoast one and you’re definitely not based when you’re wrong to boot.

Good god, it’s genuinely shocking how dumb people on Twitter and Reddit are. Maybe they’re all just kids who’ve been brainwashed by propaganda, but I’ve seen full grown adults who seem to have mental capacity of a 5 year old.

These people’s only debate maneuver without fail is (I stole this off another rare good comment):
1) call opponent -phobic -ist / bigot
2) censor and ban them so they can’t disagree with you anymore.
They’re pathetic.
But how is this related to inceldom tho?
Just figured it’d be good for a laugh, historically I’ve seen a lot of discussion for subjects like this.

In fairness you’re right, I should’ve actually put it on sewers or another one of categories, my bad.

We do have a label for “Soy” so I figured it would fall under that.
Transwomen in womens sports is epic lulz, any Incel who has something against women should support it TBH
Reddit mods think a lot of words = being right it would seem.
They are well known for the mental gymnastics
2806433 1648060283620
Just because a bunch of scientific communities say men can transition doesn't make it so.

I can find tons of material proving the opposite easily such as this one:

In 1975 psychiatrist Robert Stoller of the University of California, Los Angeles, wrote something bizarre in his textbook on sex and gender. He asserted that people who were assumed to be boys when they were born but whose gender identity or expression did not match that assumption “often have pretty faces, with fine hair, lovely complexions, graceful movements, and—especially—big, piercing, liquid eyes.” Based on this observation, he suggested a theoretical model in which transgender girls become transgender because they are especially cute. Society treats them more like girls, he reasoned, and because of this experience, they start to identify as female.
According to this book, society causes girls to transition (which is absolutely correct).
JFL at "science".
Science = corporate sponsored propaganda / some dude saying something everyone likes to get status
Transwomen in womens sports is epic lulz, any Incel who has something against women should support it TBH

Personally I’m just tired of seeing irrational retards with the power to make these minds of decisions make obviously stupid ones that any monkey could see doesn’t make sense.

It’s like the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” — everyone knows what they’re being forced to pretend is fake, but people go along with it anyway to fit in or to avoid the wrath of the other side coming down on them.

Virtue signaling and being part of the “holier than thou” woke mob is “in” right now I guess.
The American Psychological Association were the same guys who said homosexuality was a mental illness years ago lol
They’ll change their statement to whatever the current social pressure tells them to.

I’m getting really sick of seeing these mods just appeal to authority and then rest their case as though that means they won.

The APA could say pigs fly, it doesn’t make it true — who is saying X is irrelevant, what matters is “is X true”. Again, these people are mental children — all they know how to do is call people bigots and ban then to shut them up — they’re pathetic irrational people.
Just because a bunch of scientific communities say men can transition doesn't make it so.

I can find tons of material proving the opposite easily such as this one:

According to this book, society causes girls to transition (which is absolutely correct).
Nailed it mate (thanks for those links) — “social science” is a total joke because the institutions that be just change their public statements to whatever the public pressure of the day tells them to. Like another commenter pointed out, remember when the APA said being gay was a mental illness then dropped it like a rock as soon as the mob came for them?

It’s like that one commenter in the OP I referenced said, what the mod is doing is “the equivalent of when Christians tell you that they’re right because “The Case for Christ” book exists. Then the other side says the same thing back because the book “The Case Against the Case for Christ” exists. It’s very very easy to find articles that align with the position you already have (especially when Google as a company happens to share your view and curate search results accordingly).”
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JFL at "science".
Science = corporate sponsored propaganda / some dude saying something everyone likes to get status
Ding ding ding, that is correct! You are in control of the board! :dab:
This. I'm fine with trannies.
I don’t give a fuck what someone else does to themselves or calls themselves or whatever. The issue fundamentally starts when they start demanding that everyone else indulge their delusion under penalty of having your reputation wrecked/being banned off of platforms for non-compliance which is where we are in the west.

People should not have to lie to them about what they really are — indulging delusion isn’t healthy for people in the long run.

And the whole pronoun nonsense is dumb as a sack of bricks — pronouns are third party descriptors. It doesn’t even make sense to say that one identifies with certain pronouns, because the purpose of pronouns is not to determine identity, but to describe a person or thing. The correct pronoun is what a person is, not what a person wishes they were. It’s worked this way forever and the people arguing otherwise literally don’t understand the English language and/or want to change it to suit their own warped delusion.

Don’t even get me started on the asinine current “mainstream view” of gender - sex and gender have been used interchangeably going on forever and it’s only in recent years that certain groups and institutions have sought to alter its meaning for their own agenda.

The whole situation is exactly like the story of the emperor’s new clothes. There is such a thing as common sense.
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Personally I’m just tired of seeing irrational retards with the power to make these minds of decisions make obviously stupid ones that any monkey could see doesn’t make sense.

It’s like the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” — everyone knows what they’re being forced to pretend is fake, but people go along with it anyway to fit in or to avoid the wrath of the other side coming down on them.

Virtue signaling and being part of the “holier than thou” woke mob is “in” right now I guess.
Youre not wrong about the Emperors new clothes analogy, however watching the Left Eat their Own is a rare treat, in this case it is the Radical Left Trans agenda Eating the Radical left Women Empowerment agenda

I support Trans "women" in womens sports 100%, women have enough Privilage in society, let them Suffer the same type of Injustice they inflict on Incels for once in their lives
Youre not wrong about the Emperors new clothes analogy, however watching the Left Eat their Own is a rare treat, in this case it is the Radical Left Trans agenda Eating the Radical left Women Empowerment agenda

I support Trans "women" in womens sports 100%, women have enough Privilage in society, let them Suffer the same type of Injustice they inflict on Incels for once in their lives
Yup, I see watcha mean good point. It is indeed a rare treat when they start in fighting like that.
Nailed it mate (thanks for those links) — “social science” is a total joke because the institutions that be just change their public statements to whatever the public pressure of the day tells them to. Like another commenter pointed out, remember when the APA said being gay was a mental illness then dropped it like a rock as soon as the mob came for them?

It’s like that one commenter in the OP I referenced said, what the mod is doing is “the equivalent of when Christians tell you that they’re right because “The Case for Christ” book exists. Then the other side says the same thing back because the book “The Case Against the Case for Christ” exists. It’s very very easy to find articles that align with the position you already have (especially when Google as a company happens to share your view and curate search results accordingly).”
Right, they are incentivized to "find" that transgender women are completely natural and normal. I'm going to have to search up the APA article you mentioned it sounds interesting (if you still have the article let me know).
Trannies are of course abominations but I support them in foid sports, they raise awareness that men are superior to foids.
I love seeing Reddit tear itself apart. Trannies disgust me, but them ruining foid's sports is entertaining. We incels are deprived of our biological imperative and yet foids getting btfo by troons in amateur sports gets all the attention. No sympathy from me, especially since those same foids getting btfo no doubt supported the type of culture that led to their own disenfranchisement
Meh dankmemes was normie tier unfunny trash so not much is lost but still sucks that it's a W for the clown world. Btw,
>posted by N8theGr8

I know about that tranny. It is an insufferable shitstain powerjanny. Absolute fucking cancer even on the cancerous shithole that is reddit. I know its rambling will make me angry so I am not even going to read that worthless wall of text.
Good day gentlemen, I hate women and trannies

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