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It's Over Damn, my only way of femail human contact is gone :'(



Mopping subhuman tears.
Nov 8, 2017
When I went to the gym to cope, I had to hand the people at the front desk my membership card, they scanned it and handed it back to me. I would come into contact with the girl's hands when I handed the card to them. I can't believe chads get this kind of thing every day, whenever they want. I never held a womans' hand before.

Now, the gym changed things and they have a scanner where you have to scan the badge in yourself. I hate it. No more physical contact for me :'(

It's also funny how when i'm entering / leaving the gym by myself, none of the women workers greet me or say bye when I go and leave the gym. Sometimes I bring my older brother in with my membership as a guest. He's facially better looking obviously. All of a sudden, the girl says 'have a nice day guys.' I don't respond. Only my brother does. I respond to the male workers because they greet me **individually.** Same thing happened at my old gym.

Back when I went to piano lessons when I was younger, at least the girl at that front desk figured out that i'd like to be greeted individually. In any case, women like those wouldn't touch ethnics even with a giant pole.
In any case, women like those wouldn't touch ethnics even with a giant pole.

Are you ethnic? if so then logic also implies your brother is ethnic yet he still gets attention?
Are you ethnic? if so then logic also implies your brother is ethnic yet he still gets attention?
Yea, his face is better looking. He looks West Indian, I look like an indian / pakistani / bengali person.
Ugly men are invisible to girls.
Eh, I wouldn't say you're missing much...
Ugly men are invisible to girls.
Of course. They've always been. This is something I experience daily though. Ugly men are the most woke. They see the world at its worst. I remember how "surprised" people were when Overlord Trump was elected.
Your one of the few OG nov , 2017cels left . So many we have lost ...:feelsbadman::cryfeels:
I'm not a November 7th cel though, I made an account on November 8th. :'(
this happens at my gym with the young receptionists that range from 18-25.

The older receptionist are very kind and say good morning.
this happens at my gym with the young receptionists that range from 18-25.

The older receptionist are very kind and say good morning.
I don’t go to the gym but have a home gym. When I used to go they always gave me the stank eye. :feelskek:
this happens at my gym with the young receptionists that range from 18-25.

The older receptionist are very kind and say good morning.
Definitely. All of the receptionists that have done this were stacys that were 18-25.
We are still OGs boyo, different time zones.
I guess. I went to sleep and made my account the morning after. One of the most brutal sleeps of that whole year.
I don’t go to the gym but have a home gym. When I used to go they always gave me the stank eye. :feelskek:
I have no room for a home gym and there's none around me that open during the subhuman hours of the night.
If it makes you feel better, all us UKcels see 8th November as the earliest registration date
Damn, definitely does. Lots of UKcels were late to the sub being banned. I also remember coming back to check on r/lovecels only to see our true safehaven nuked :'(
go HR and make your voice heard to the manger of the establishment
go HR and make your voice heard to the manger of the establishment
Damn, I should. That person works there everyday and i'm a member that hates going there. I wonder who HR will favor. :'(
Never touched Reddit and never will. Came from sluthate but wanted a more active incel forum and then this appeared.
Damn, I have no idea how you got here so early if you weren't with us during the r/incel ban. Never been to the other PSL sites.
They can sense your muhsogynistic vibes :soy:
Probably hated touching your hand so blackmailed the manager saying she would say he raped her if he didn't get a machine so she wouldn't touch The Ugly.
Lurked sluthate since 2014 (was purplepilled at that age, then fully blackpilled at around 17 years old though I didn’t sign up to sluthate until I was 18 back in mid 2017). Also lurked the misc a lot around the ages of 14-17.
>Being blackpilled at 17
Suifuel tbh
Lurked sluthate since 2014 (was purplepilled at that age, then fully blackpilled at around 17 years old though I didn’t sign up to sluthate until I was 18 back in mid 2017). Also lurked the misc a lot around the ages of 14-17.
I got blackpilled after I first lost a bunch of weight and cut off my hair (which was longer). It didn't get me a girlfriend but in high school where everyone knows eachother and everythings based on status, I went from not being bullied by women to being ignored by them, all because of looks based things. It was also obvious that they still went after tall and non ethnic men. I got blackpilled without the use of internet communities but I still wish I found groups like sluthate back then. I felt right at home when a user on reddit asked me to join r/incels.
Probably hated touching your hand so blackmailed the manager saying she would say he raped her if he didn't get a machine so she wouldn't touch The Ugly.
Damn, I think that's how it went. The system was changed for the whole gym just because the stacys hated making **accidental** contact with the ugly men in the gym. My areas full of curries so Friday night and the weekends are packed.
go HR and make your voice heard to the manger of the establishment

"Deborah, I'm going to need to force you to wave to that creepy guy because he came to me and demanded you give him attention"

Yeahhhh... No. That's not gonna work.
We don't get that kind of primo customer service. They see right through us and can tell that we desperately need a foid connection, and everything in their brains tell them to stop that from happening as opposed to taking pity so we don't much up the gene pool.
A chad lite gym manager will creep shame you harder than any stacy ever would.
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The foid supervisor in the uni admission test today touched my hand to get my digitals. But she was mulatto and ugly.
What's the difference?
West Indians are much more Americanized and have white features with the exception of brown skin. They have a stereotype of partying A lot and being heavy drinkers, tons of social skills, more athletic and bigger framed / taller. I associate with being west Indian because the south Indian stereotype is the one looked down upon even where I live.
It's also funny how when i'm entering / leaving the gym by myself, none of the women workers greet me or say bye when I go and leave the gym. Sometimes I bring my older brother in with my membership as a guest. He's facially better looking obviously. All of a sudden, the girl says 'have a nice day guys.' I don't respond. Only my brother does. I respond to the male workers because they greet me **individually.** Same thing happened at my old gym.

The same happens at my gym, the guys will always greet me but the women will simply ignore me when I'm on my own. I'm only acknowledged by them when my good looking gymbro is with me. Fucking disgusting whores.
All of a sudden, the girl says 'have a nice day guys.' I don't respond. Only my brother does. I respond to the male workers because they greet me **individually.** Same thing happened at my old gym.

Good, just ignore them. Treat them like air.
If you want to interact with a female just go to some clothing store with men and womens clothes. The females there are paid to interact with customers so just go into one and act like youre looking for an outfit or some shit. Ive done this and some of them will even put outfits together for you and hold clothes up to you. Chance they might ignore you or act like snobby bitches because you aren’t a chad but it’s worth a shot
West Indians are much more Americanized and have white features with the exception of brown skin. They have a stereotype of partying A lot and being heavy drinkers, tons of social skills, more athletic and bigger framed / taller. I associate with being west Indian because the south Indian stereotype is the one looked down upon even where I live.
Do you have any pictures you can use? I honestly see no difference facially at least. But of course you are talking about other features.
West Indians are usually mixed somewhat and have part-Tyrone blood. Explains all the risk taking high-T behavior.
So they're darker in general then?
Do you fap while sniffing your card afterwards?
Do you have any pictures you can use? I honestly see no difference facially at least. But of course you are talking about other features.

So they're darker in general then?
Yea, like the other guy said, they are more 'tyrone blooded.'

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CWTG0E/young-men-with-tattoos-CWTG0E.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/west-indian-young-men-tattoos.html&docid=Ul-kxPZksy6y0M&tbnid=cOCyWmrH7NRFqM:&vet=10ahUKEwiw6cXCptDeAhWLxoUKHc6dBjQQMwhXKAEwAQ..i&w=1300&h=1373&bih=754&biw=1536&q=west indian men&ved=0ahUKEwiw6cXCptDeAhWLxoUKHc6dBjQQMwhXKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=1373&imgdii=cOCyWmrH7NRFqM:&vet=10ahUKEwiw6cXCptDeAhWLxoUKHc6dBjQQMwhXKAEwAQ..i&w=1300

That ^ is what lots of people in my area look like.

Here's a pic of one of the Guyanese cricket teams.


Here's a Trinidadian one.


West Indians are alot more americanized overall by their looks and attitude. They don't have the beta quiet pushover stereotype that south indians have. If you look up the countries you'll mostly see black men or tyrones so I had to search for the ones who originally migrated from India.

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