exception isnt the rule tbh, for one of these gals, theres 1000 other roasts that gave their virginity away to some hs sweetheart / chad for nothing. This website is full of posters that assume that the rare exception is the rule. Its in the news for a damn reason.
idk how those woman do this without losing face though, everyone that knows them irl prolly mock them hard
even a simple mistake of cheating on their boyfriends can easily ruin roastie's reputation among their social circle, this is how it is IRL.
I know 100% that I wouldnt do it, if I were a roastie, the social costs are not worth it, losing face like that, heck
sleeping with countless gross men you know nothing about.
being a prossy / camwhore / escort could easily ruin your reputation and future prospects.
A lot of incels in here says theyll do it themselves if they were foid, but I dont think yall really think about this,
its not worth it, just imagine how everyone would see you...your friends and family,
not to mention ruining future career prospect. The bullying.
never really understood the incels that were jealous of prostitute, I dont think you REALLY understand the social cost of these things,
not to mention sleeping with so many men that dont know them really fuck them up mentally.
I read about the experience of foid who work in hooters once cos easy money she said, and essentially her father was so embarassed dont know what to tell his colleague, so she decide to quit after only working for a short while..those foid that escort probably have shitty ghetto family that dont have much of a rep to keep, and their social circle must also be full of lowlifes..