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Discussion Daily Dose of WatER: IT users are often low IQ (IT won't touch this)

Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

Discord: misogynistvegeta
Feb 16, 2024
I suspect that many IT users would score in the double digits of an IQ test if they took one.

Why do I suspect this?
1. They are redditors

It is quite common knowledge on the internet that many redditors are not as smart as they think they are. They are quite literally societies common interpretation of the Dunning Kruger effect but instead of the x-axis being knowledge it is instead intelligence. In fact the idea that knowledge and intelligence are the same is a common mistake that most midwits make and to no ones surprise many redditors make that mistake. They often think because they have knowledge of obscure scientific facts that that makes them intelligent (it doesn't). Another common redditorism is the inability to detect whether or someone is being serious or not, There detection for seriousness is so bad for redditors that they often have to include the phrase "/s" at end of everything, this shows a lack of pattern recognition which is a massive part of IQ tests, I know this because of personally taken an IQ test before, a real IQ test not a fake internet one (I scored 120). Finally we have grammar policing, when their intellect is ever challenged redditors love to over analyze Internet arguments to spot grammar or spelling mistakes so they can felicitate their own ego which is bounded by a superiority complex. They often do not realize that structure of a forum post is going to be different then that of most literature, but they also don't understand that we don't care the message gets across regardless in fact I will be intentionally not grammar or spell checking just to make any lurkers reading this seethe as they would so desperately love to correct all the mistakes I have made to make themselves look superior but if they were to do it now they would look like illiterate retards.

2. They fall for fake posts all the time
The inability to detect the most obvious fake posts from this site they love to stalk is an obvious tell of low intellect from the users of IT. Seriously you can just take a the logo of this site slap a black background under it and right write out a generic, often outdated and poorly argued incel argument in paint and these complete retards will actually think it's an authentic real argument coming from a poster on this site. Don't believe me? here is an example
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1hbmejy/theyre_getting_jealous/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed

650 comments 2.5k upvotes and not a single comment calling this fake post out, You'd think for all the time they spend stalking this website they'd be aware of what a post here actually looks like but no they are fucking retarded.

3. Cherrypicking
For those who are at least intelligent enough to know they are not that intelligent but still have an ego about their intelligence anyways, Cherrypicking acts as a way for ITfags to boost their own ego, they intentionally pick out poorly made arguments often from people who aren't even incels and conflate this people with us, from retarded conservaboomers to slightly misogynistic sex-havers they conflate all these people with us because Low IQ opinions aren't frequent enough here for them to keep with their daily habit of seething over incels. When there are Low IQ opinions here they often come from GrAYtards who don't even stay on this forum for that long. Finally the last posts they are cherrypick are those that are not serious, they just take them seriously all the damn time showing that they are not any different from the average redditor who lacks the ability to detect seriousness, more specifically a lack there of.

4. Inability to read long posts
On the occasion that they aren't cherrypicking posts and post something that is competently made they just don't fucking read it, They are literal DNRetards. At most they read the title and couple of sentences in and then just stop. The amount of times I have read the comments and they make an argument that was already addressed in the OP's post is just ludicrous like I wouldn't be surprised at all if this post does end up getting picked up by them and they just ignore my point on how they felicitate their own ego through spell-checking and grammar-checking and do those things anyways or maybe their egos are so strong that they won't care. And no not having enough time is not an excuse, some of you fuckers spend more time on reddit then a lot of us do on this site, you have time to read the full post no this isn't hypocrisy when it comes to grammar-checking and spell-checking, as long as the grammar errors aren't to bad you can still understand the argument that is being made

5. Inability to understand Lingo
The inability to understand our Lingo that many IT users have is once again a sign of bad pattern recognition which is a sign of low intelligence. You've spent alot of time stalking us based on how we use our Lingo you should at the very least have a grasp of what it means but no you are too retarded to figure it out and have to have someone else explain to you, i've seen the comments of many IT posts and confusion about our lingo is very common. again if this gets posted to IT these retards will not understand what DNRetard means even though it quite obvious that it stands for Did not read retard because i was literally mentioning people not reading long posts a literal sentence ago.
Cherrypicking, falling to any blatant karma-farming lies and "tiktok style" short posts are not exclusive to Inceltears, it is a staple of almost any subreddit. The thing is, it takes a particularly stupid and viscious individual to farm karma and engagement on plight and suffering of others. Unlike many other subreddits, where top posts consist of blatant lies, theirs are the most aggresive and dehumanazing idiotic rage-posts. They pride themselves in making fun of other less forunate people. As you said in point 4 IT is a staple of retarded echo-chambers, and still they have the nerve to call us one. Every time I go on this subreddit I see hundreds of copy-pasted brainless takes, that still get engagement. They completely barricade themselves from all and any opinions that don't already exist and are approved inside this dump of theirs.
Cherrypicking and anecdotes are bread and butter of any bluepiller, they have no respect for any empirical evidence, because they simply don't understand it, and are too dumb to accept any new viewpoints.
As for the Inability to understand lingo, I could forgive that to any other normie, but when your daily routine includes 5 hours of actively shitting on us, at least learning our words seems to be the bare minimum, but their stupidity and worldview forbids them from as much as taking a peek in general direction of our community
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