That's a great mindset to have. Can you link that thread? I'm not exactly sure what the title of it is.
You're absolutely right by saying that the wicked nature of normies should be the cause of their suffering NOT ours. Sadly, that is rarely the case what recompense do we have? I certainly don't want to give myself a permanent punishment for what the normies in soyciety have done to me, but do you honestly think that there is another way? not caring about the opinions of others is easier said than done.
Furthermore, I'm not much of a preachER myself, but your sERmon in that last sentence might be a solution, probably not though. I'm not sure if that's what I even want to do. Those who cause our suffERing could easily be ERadicated, they could be bitten by a tERrier or fERret maybe even a tERrapin. They could be bludgeoned with a spear, there are certainly many ways for such people to be ERadicated. With tERror in our minds they could pERish at the hands of nothing more than a piece of papER. HereaftER, our joy will emERge at the fERocity of their pERil. As extraordinary expERts in all things life and death, they claim to hold a monopoly on truth yet they don't know they first thing about neithER Lookism nor Genetic hERmeneutics their rhetoric is as harsh as cERamic tERracotta. I will exalt with exubERance the day when our pERilous plight will pERiodically pERish and our rhetorical hERitage as societal hERetics shall triumph. I will testify as part of my truecel testimony that normies are truly tERrorists.