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Brutal Currycel next to dutch chads (Giga-Brutal)

من علاوه بر اینا از سه سالگی هورمون رشدش میدم، ما داروخونه داریم و گیر آوردن هورمون برام مشکلی نیست
خودمم قصد دارم از چند وقت دیگه یه دوره سه ماهه اکساندرولون و تستوسترون شروع کنم
به تخمم هرچی که بشه

ایرانیا دنیا رو ول کردن فکرشون توی بهشت و آخرته
کیرم توی دهن این ملت که هرچی میکشیم از کسخلی خودمونه..

تو هم ختنه ای؟
هورمون رشد شنیدم قیافه رو از فرم میندازه.

هرچی میکشیم دقیقا از کسخلی خوانواده مونه اکثرا.

آره کیر منم بریدن:cryfeels:

شنیدم کسایی که مسلمانم نیستن تو ایران بازم ختنه ان. رفیقم پدرش آتیسته مادرش مسیحی ولی ختنه اس

That ethnic should be granted the freedom to fuck that pig roastie on daily basis until she is pregnant and forced to give birth to his subhuman spawn. That is the punishment she should receive for humilating him in a photo op like that.
هورمون رشد شنیدم قیافه رو از فرم میندازه.

هرچی میکشیم دقیقا از کسخلی خوانواده مونه اکثرا.

آره کیر منم بریدن:cryfeels:

شنیدم کسایی که مسلمانم نیستن تو ایران بازم ختنه ان. رفیقم پدرش آتیسته مادرش مسیحی ولی ختنه اس

آره قیافه رو دراز میکنه ولی بستگی به شخص و ژنتیکش داره

به خدا راست میگی کیرم توی خونواده های بی مخمون

واقعا؟ بابا دیگه اونا چرا؟ دیوونند
من رو هر خری کیرم رو بریده ریییییده
انگار کیرم تو جنگ ترکش خورده
یه ورش بزرگ تر، یه ور کوچیک تر، پر از زخم و خراش، اصلا هم خط دورش میزون نیست
ریدم توی این دین و فرهنگ تخمی
This is why I never take my shirt off as a dutchcel. I am not buffed and look pale af
آره قیافه رو دراز میکنه ولی بستگی به شخص و ژنتیکش داره

به خدا راست میگی کیرم توی خونواده های بی مخمون

واقعا؟ بابا دیگه اونا چرا؟ دیوونند
من رو هر خری کیرم رو بریده ریییییده
انگار کیرم تو جنگ ترکش خورده
یه ورش بزرگ تر، یه ور کوچیک تر، پر از زخم و خراش، اصلا هم خط دورش میزون نیست
ریدم توی این دین و فرهنگ تخمی
ماله منم کیری بریدن منم خط دورش نا متقارنه.
They all looks meh, but brutal mogging due to height and race. Ricecel in the background and curycel why are they even there?
من توی اصفهانم و لر زیاده، همشون اندازه غولند پدر سگها
:lul::lul:یه همکار داشتم قدش ۲ متر پنج بود.لر بود یه سری دعوا شد از پشت میرش که بلند شد همه دوییدن رفتن راهرو
ایرانیای کسخلم همش برنج و نوشابه و ازین کسشرا
من به دنیا اومدم جنگ تازه تموم شده بود قحطی بود. کیری ترین غذاهای ممکنو‌خوردم
آره کیر منم بریدن:cryfeels:
The only reason we don't out right commit suicide is because we're waiting to go ER on your cumskin fakecel asses :feelsdevil:

arent persians and arabs lightskinned? I know people from the middle east that look pretty white
arent persians and arabs lightskinned? I know people from the middle east that look pretty white
20211204 161520

20211204 161532

literally on my bike rn, otherwise I'd send you better pics
anyways look at the comment I was replying to
there's a reason I wrote that
Weird he's alive still. He should kill himself, and free himself from existence as an ethnic male.

All subhumans here, who arent white passing, should just kill themselves right away as well.
Fuck off Graytard
This is beyond brutal. Poor Pajeet never had a chance :feelsrope:
:lul::lul:یه همکار داشتم قدش ۲ متر پنج بود.لر بود یه سری دعوا شد از پشت میرش که بلند شد همه دوییدن رفتن راهرو

من به دنیا اومدم جنگ تازه تموم شده بود قحطی بود. کیری ترین غذاهای ممکنو‌خوردم

ناموسا لرا بد جور هایت ماگ میکنن بقیه ایرانیارو. بعدش کوردا.


This is beyond brutal. Poor Pajeet never had a chance :feelsrope:
he should go home if he has any type of self awarennes
Jfl at assfucks saying they're not chads. You are the incarnation of IT.

I bodymogged him after 3 months in the gym. Well except for height but that's not gymmaxxing, that's doingcrunchesandpushupsathomemaxxing.
Just FUCKING lol.
Doing crunches and pushups at home gives you that body?
Dude I went to the gym for 3 months and ate a chicken breast every day and there was ABSOLUTELY no change.
Actually a couple weeks ago the doctor officially told me that I will never be muscular no matter how much I exercise.
Giga low IQ and bluepilled if you think an incel body can be fixed.
Dude I went to the gym for 3 months and ate a chicken breast every day and there was ABSOLUTELY no change.
Did you take your sets to failure?
Were you eating in a caloric surplus?
Did you take your sets to failure?
Were you eating in a caloric surplus?
Yeah I think so.

The backpill = Our fates were sealed in the bigbang.
Anything that suggests we could change = bluepill.
Yeah I think so.

The backpill = Our fates were sealed in the bigbang.
Anything that suggests we could change = bluepill.
Bodybuilding=most genetic related sport ever

at least in other sports you can use your iq,there's nothing you can do in bodybuilding if you have shit genetics
Bodybuilding=most genetic related sport ever

at least in other sports you can use your iq,there's nothing you can do in bodybuilding if you have shit genetics
Jfl at assfucks saying they're not chads. You are the incarnation of IT.
Body isn't that important. No one gets rejected because he doesn't have enough muscle. And those guys would look like weaklings in any gym I've been going to.
The guy on the left has his height going for him but his face doesn't look chadlike to me.

Just FUCKING lol.
Doing crunches and pushups at home gives you that body?
There's two components to having that body.
1. Doing crunches and pushups at home will give you those muscles (with adequate nutrition, obv).
2. Lowering your body fat percentage to under 10% will make those muscles visible.

Actually a couple weeks ago the doctor officially told me that I will never be muscular no matter how much I exercise.
The only thing a doctor can "officially" tell you is your diagnosis. Did he give you a diagnosis? Share it with us so we can look it up.

Giga low IQ and bluepilled if you think an incel body can be fixed.
There's no "incel body" diagnosis. Come on, what did your doctor tell you.
Fucking kill yourself op this white worship bullshit is getting ridiculous. I was expecting a manlet framelet. The curry looks literally fine. He frame mogs them.
Why does it matter? Do you seriously believe he gets more pussy than the other two guys? You are coping
They all looks meh, but brutal mogging due to height and race. Ricecel in the background and curycel why are they even there?
like why this nigger is torturing himself?
he should go home if he has any type of self awarennes
Why is he even there?
Some fucking kind of masochist he is..
Just imagine how much more subhuman he'd look without the sun glasses....
They all looks meh, but brutal mogging due to height and race. Ricecel in the background and curycel why are they even there?
The curry went home and ate a 12-gauge shell for supper that night.
Cope idiots, he (and especially the rice ethnic in the background also) look like he having a good time
Fucking kill yourself op this white worship bullshit is getting ridiculous. I was expecting a manlet framelet. The curry looks literally fine. He frame mogs them.
Also this ^

And good job mods for banning that complete faggot earlier in the thread.
Why does it matter? Do you seriously believe he gets more pussy than the other two guys? You are coping
Probably not but im pretty sure he gets something. He is not an incel, judging from that pic
Probably not but im pretty sure he gets something. He is not an incel, judging from that pic
He looks like he could have good social circle going on. So I agree he may well have escaped incel by being strong socially.

Try to get retards here to comprehend that however...
Cope idiots, he (and especially the rice ethnic in the background also) look like he having a good time
Coping deathnics here are hilarious. I think most of you are IT larpers. if they have a good time it's because they're young and blue pilled, they have no idea how fucked they are

Probably not but im pretty sure he gets something. He is not an incel, judging from that pic
How do you know?:feelskek: he's without a doubt an incel, no woman there will choose a currycel as bf over a dutch guy
He looks like he could have good social circle going on. So I agree he may well have escaped incel by being strong socially.

Try to get retards here to comprehend that however...
even you admitted he's most likely an incel
Coping deathnics here are hilarious. I think most of you are IT larpers. if they have a good time it's because they're young and blue pilled, they have no idea how fucked they are
Nah, not all incels are basement dwelling losers
Can't sympathize for fatcels with juvenile hairlines, sorry. He could be zyzz after gymcelling (if he has bones) and we'll never know with all the useless weight he's carrying around.

If he reaches 15% body fat or lower and his bones are recessed then send him an invite on here, we will accept him.
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I told you. He said you'll never be muscular. That it's mostly genetics.
I didn't need him to say that btw. I already knew this fact.
So the doctor's diagnosis is: you'll never be muscular because you have an incel body? :feelshaha: Man, medical schools have gone downhill in recent years.

The fuck is that joke of a picture? :lul:

Fucking kill yourself op this white worship bullshit is getting ridiculous. I was expecting a manlet framelet. The curry looks literally fine. He frame mogs them.

Then why doesn't he have the foid hanging off of him?

They're not chads but it's brutal to be an ethnic in the Netherlands.

How is the one on the left not a chad?
This is why I never take my shirt off as a dutchcel. I am not buffed and look pale af

Irrelevant, JBW means you still easily mog any ethnic.
The guy on the left has his height going for him but his face doesn't look chadlike to me.

The guy is white and tall; that is all he needs and you know it.
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Tall guy is chad, middle is normie in his country (chad in my country), the curry doesn't even look bad. How much you wanna bet he has a white girlfriend? I don't think he's the virgin type because he doesn't have that shitskin pheno he look more like a black guy to me.
That ethnic should be granted the freedom to fuck that pig roastie on daily basis until she is pregnant and forced to give birth to his subhuman spawn. That is the punishment she should receive for humilating him in a photo op like that.

based as fuck. When the incel revolution is over and foids become property, white women must be given to currycels for their enjoyment and pleasure, after rejecting us for years and years, we will take our revenge on them by forcing our curry seed inside them, polluting their bloodline and corrupting their genetic lineage, inshallah!

hahahaha what a fucking mog, that shit made me laugh
[UWSL]Middle guys nipples are like 2 inches too low[/UWSL]

why are you staring at his nipples, very weird that you noticed that :feelsLSD:
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