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News Currycel doctor murdERed 16-year old slut (who financially exploited him and then rejected him when he demanded sex from hER).

I'll show no remorse no matter how badly kikes want me to
Well desERved. :feelsjuice:

Looks like anothER @IncelKing thread is getting pinned buddy boyos! :feelskek:
:soy: they are inexperienced angels
30% Bluepill cuck posting
Well desERved. :feelsjuice:

Looks like anothER @IncelKing thread is getting pinned buddy boyos! :feelskek:
why are you simping for a low impulse street shitter and subhuman alcoholic 30 year old immigrant indian who supplied drugs to teenagers and wanted to sexually abuse them?
Skantha had socialized with young people including teenagers, to whom he supplied drugs and alcohol. He also gained a reputation for alcoholism and erratic attention-seeking behaviour. Skantha sought relationships with several women and girls, reportedly fondling them and offering money for sex.
Prior to Amber-Rose's death, Skantha had reportedly faced dismissal from the Dunedin Public Hospital for being drunk while performing a procedure and negligent behaviour. However, he had escaped dismissal by claiming that his mother had died, which turned out to be untrue

Didn't know you were team nigger. Even if you hate women, the guy was a nigger before even killing this foid.

Fucked around, found out. Play with fire, get burned.

The currycel is dead now, btw. He died in custody. Probably commited suicide, after the life sentence was handed.
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stories like this warm my heart. all the foid privilege in the world can't save them in these moments.
Betabux fail... I'd rather be an incel than be a betabux
why are you simping for a low impulse street shitter and subhuman alcoholic 30 year old immigrant indian who supplied drugs to teenagers and wanted to sexually abuse them?

Didn't know you were team nigger. Even if you hate women, the guy was a nigger before even killing this foid.

View attachment 1203568
It's funny how that Pajeet isn't the one that caused your inceldom, it's foids like her. Imagine showing any shred of remorse to them and self proclaiming to be "blackpilled"
why are you simping for a low impulse street shitter and subhuman alcoholic 30 year old immigrant indian who supplied drugs to teenagers and wanted to sexually abuse them?

Didn't know you were team nigger. Even if you hate women, the guy was a nigger before even killing this foid.

View attachment 1203568
The blue pill will always get exposed jfl
The blue pill will always get exposed jfl
nothing bluepilled about my post. Only facts. The curry was a criminal nigger, way before he killed the young foid. Guilty of malapraxis therefore a shitty subhuman who shouldn't be a doctor
nothing bluepilled about my post. Only facts. The curry was a criminal nigger, way before he killed the young foid. Guilty of malapraxis therefore a shitty subhuman who shouldn't be a doctor
Even others noticed you’re a cuck which is why I’ve just sent you back to Reddit where you belong.
Fucked around, found out. Play with fire, get burned.

The currycel is dead now, btw. He died in custody. Probably commited suicide, after the life sentence was handed.

Jeet crusadER
Doesnt matter if Preet Kumar Pajeet Rajput Singh offers her 20k cash, every woman would still reject them :feelsrope:
How can you all watch this? The AI voice and stock footage makes my ears and eyeballs bleed. Somebody make a transcript.
It's funny how that Pajeet isn't the one that caused your inceldom, it's foids like her. Imagine showing any shred of remorse to them and self proclaiming to be "blackpilled"

The blue pill will always get exposed jfl

notice how fast these cucks tell on themselves??

he was a 30yr old male, based on his pics he's very subpar looking. out of shape, prey eyes, probably short as well and no factor in he was a curry. meanwhile that hole was prime pusi age of 16, high smv range, was white, could get any man almost.

yay she had it coming
Gigabased. if it was the other way around, the foid being exploited by the man, soycucks would be quick to say "she was just doing the right thing and trying to defend herself from such a heckin creep! :soy::soy::soy:"
hell yeah. based post.:feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:
Normie double digit IQ take away from this

:soy:: "Men are pigs, men need to do better and just not kill women"

High IQ BP takeaway

:smonk:: Hypergamous foid died due to polygamous/serial monogamist society

The daughter killed, the mother and murdered commited suicide after

If foid hypergamy and inflation was not so rampant, if every man got teenage love, all 3 of these people would be alive, this guy definitely never got any major action when he was younger, and kept clinging on to it, trying to supply drugs and alcohol to teens
Normie double digit IQ take away from this

:soy:: "Men are pigs, men need to do better and just not kill women"

High IQ BP takeaway

:smonk:: Hypergamous foid died due to polygamous/serial monogamist society

The daughter killed, the mother and murdered commited suicide after

If foid hypergamy and inflation was not so rampant, if every man got teenage love, all 3 of these people would be alive, this guy definitely never got any major action when he was younger, and kept clinging on to it, trying to supply drugs and alcohol to teens
Normie double digit IQ take away from this

:soy:: "Men are pigs, men need to do better and just not kill women"

High IQ BP takeaway

:smonk:: Hypergamous foid died due to polygamous/serial monogamist society

The daughter killed, the mother and murdered commited suicide after

If foid hypergamy and inflation was not so rampant, if every man got teenage love, all 3 of these people would be alive, this guy definitely never got any major action when he was younger, and kept clinging on to it, trying to supply drugs and alcohol to teens
The comment section is hilarious. All the soycucks mad at the currycel but ignore the part where those toilets willingly took his money and led him on.
why are you simping for a low impulse street shitter and subhuman alcoholic 30 year old immigrant indian who supplied drugs to teenagers and wanted to sexually abuse them?

Didn't know you were team nigger. Even if you hate women, the guy was a nigger before even killing this foid.

View attachment 1203568
hey mods, why are bluepilled faggots like this dude on here? could even be a foid.
I usually don't like to comment on these types of topics but yeah. Her greed and disregard caught up to her. Karma is a b** when its right in front of you. Don't exploit someone's loneliness.
Normie double digit IQ take away from this

:soy:: "Men are pigs, men need to do better and just not kill women"

High IQ BP takeaway

:smonk:: Hypergamous foid died due to polygamous/serial monogamist society

The daughter killed, the mother and murdered commited suicide after

If foid hypergamy and inflation was not so rampant, if every man got teenage love, all 3 of these people would be alive, this guy definitely never got any major action when he was younger, and kept clinging on to it, trying to supply drugs and alcohol to teens

I actually never thought of it like that, but that’s basically what happened. hER mothER encouraged hER daughtER to exploit the curry for his money/resources, and although the daughtER was 16 (she still knew what she was doing, she knew “right” from “wrong”), so despite hER mothER’s influence, the 16 year old daughtER should still be held accountable for hER actions.

On a side note: this shows you what happens when single mothERs raise children on their own.

Without a fathER figure to instill discipline in the children, the children are NOT taught how to live in accordance to righteous morals and principles (because women lack the intelligence, maturity and self-awareness let alone “good will/intention” to be able to fill the mentor/teachER/guide role of an authoritative male parent/fathER).

That’s why daughtERs of single mothERs r often sluts/gold-digging whores and sons get socially outcasted and rejected by the opposite sex, resulting in them becoming a low level wageslave, losER NEET and in extreme cases mass shootERs.

A society with such high prevalence of single mothER households is doomed for failure

Anyways, going back to the fact that this 16 year old slut should be held responsible for hER actions, this means hER actions INDIRECTLY led to the death of 3 people: hERself at the hands of the curry (who was simply responding in a completely logical mannER to hER cheating, lying whorish exploitation of him, so hER death is on hER own hands), hER mothER (who committed suicide due to sadness at hER daughtER’s death, which we’ve already established was the fault of the daughtER’s actions, so the mothER’s death is the daughtER’s fault too) AND the curry (who committed suicide when he lost his appeal of his life sentence, hER wh0rish exploitation of him being the reason he killed hER and thERefore being the reason he was given a life sentence, so his death was also on hER hands).

This dumb slut INDIRECTLY killed 3 people, it was hER actions which “set in motion” the chain of events which ultimately led to the lives of 3 people (including hERself) being lost. She is to blame for all the pain/suffERing expERienced by the 3 people (including hERself) and any family/loved ones who will be emotionally/mentally (and othERwise) significantly negatively affected by hER actions in the long-tERm, and people r blaming the CURRY for evERything and labelling him a “bad pERson”


As long as society keeps treating women like innocent angels who can do no wrong, as long as women can treat othERs like shit and get away with it (NOT be held accountable for their actions and face punishment for bad deeds), more of these incidents will happen which will result in a rise in genERal violence and chaos in society, all due to the actions of women.

Elliot RodgER was right. Women r like an untamed beast, which if not controlled and restrained, will wreak havoc upon society. It’s no wondER that for 99.9% of civilized human history, women LACKED the same rights as men, it was all for a valid reason, our male ancestors wERe blackpilled about female nature and knew that depriving them of same rights as men was NECESSARY to create an ordERly and functional society (giving them rights on the othER hand, has led to us living in the society we live in today of evER-increasing disharmony and disruption of peace).

Even when men r killing men, if you analyse the background events leading up to it, 99% of the time you will find that a woman was INDIRECTLY responsible for it.

Women lack the physical strength and intelligence to physically defeat men, so they manipulate and emotionally blackmail men into doing all the dirty work for them.

And NO, this ISN’T because women r “master manipulators” or some BS like that, the best strategists and tacticians of psychological warfare have been men: Sun Tszu, Niccholo Machiavelli etc. Women (in genERal) DON’T use intelligence to manipulate men

Women r ONLY able to influence men by using sex/reproduction as a “bargaining chip” to coERce men to do whatevER they want those men to do, and because most men r horny fuckERs, they end up giving in to their biological urges and do whatevER women expect from them in return for being given the ability and opportunity to have sex/reproduce (in the extreme cases TURNING AGAINST their own family and best-friend(s), for women, a powER women ironically only have due to the laws written and enforced by men in the first place).

So, as you can see, their manipulation of men requires NO intelligence whatsoevER, but simply taking advantage of the NATURAL sexual/reproductive resources they are BORN with (their ONLY source of VALUE, and using it to coERce men into doing their bidding in exchange for sex/reproduction).

When a zoo animal breaks free from its cage, you gotta kill it or put it back in its cage othERwise it will cause death and destruction (which is why it was originally in the cage to begin with).

Killing women isn’t an option (we need them for sex/reproduction: not only physical pleasure but for the litERal continuation of the species). So the only logical option remaining, is to put them back in their cages (reduce them to ONLY having the legal right to fulfill their patriarchical traditional AND biologically NATURAL ROLES of child-birthing/raising in addition to othER domestic household duties: cooking/cleaning etc), which involves TAKING AWAY THEIR RIGHTS.

To the normies who have a problem with this, hope you don’t complain when society collapses and you get tortured and/or brutally killed by a horde of angry incels when the inevitable uprising takes place and when your currently comfortable and convenient society becomes a place of chaos and lawlessness.

Enjoy while it lasts, we incels will have the last laugh, and it’s our laugh which will revERberate throughout the pages of history.
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The real tragedy is being born curry
The real tragedy is being born curry

Honestly, if a pERson is born as a sub-5 curry male, they should be legally recognised as “disabled” and thERefore be entitled to eithER euthanasia or tax-payER funded welfare from govERnment.

Being a sub-5 curry male is a hellish expERience, it’s like living life on nightmare difficulty, wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy. I realised vERy quickly that thERe is no chance that a loving god exists (eithER thERe is NO god OR god is EVIL), the moment I saw the stark contrast in life expERiences between myself (a sub-3 curry autistic male) AND the avERage foid/white chad ALL due to the genetics and environment we were BORN into and had NO CONTROL of choosing (yet these variables influence litERally evERy aspect of our lives).

It’s no wondER I became as blackpilled as I became, it’s not necessarily due to my high IQ and level of self-awareness, but rathER bwcause reality itself NEVER FAILS to CONSTANTLY REMIND me of the cruel, unforgiving, harsh, brutal aspects of reality which majority of people r lucky enough to nevER be exposed to, allowing them to continue to live in their little bubble of ignorance (allowing them to continue to indulge in their fantasies of a world of fairness, justice, equality and NO pain/suffERing)

When you r born as a subhuman autistic curry truecel (like myself), you DON’T have such a luxury (comforting yourself with lies and illusions) because thERe is NO ESCAPE from the blackpill. It will follow you always, evERywhERe, because your vERy existence itself entails the blackpill being shoved down your throat BY FORCE at evERy waking moment (even when you close your eyes, you can’t unsee the blackpill, making its presence known WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT no mattER how much you “try” to ignore it).

My existence has been one of immense pain/suffERing, but I guess that’s the price I had to pay for the knowledge I acquired and the enlightenment I’ve expERienced up to now. ThERe is a saying “ignorance is bliss” and that’s because the acquisition of knowledge comes at the cost of one’s happiness, mental peace and sanity, so being ignorant allows you to avoid all of the pain/suffERing that the act of gaining knowledge brings upon your consciousness.

The avERage pERson would’ve killed themselves if they had to live even a month in my shoes (or in the shoes of any othER subhuman autistic curry truecel of equal social/sexual marketplace value as myself), because the pain/suffERing is too much to bear, but if they could push through it, they’d find their consciousness advancing to a significantly highER state than they could’ve evER imagined to be possible.

AftER all, what doesn’t kill you makes you strongER.

I have (I believe) much greatER mental strength, resilience and fortitude than the avERage normie because they haven’t even touched the flame Whereas I’ve walked through the fire. And although it hurts when your skin gets burned, when it rebuilds it rebuilds into ARMOR, enabling you to survive and thrive in situations which will turn avERage normscum into ASH!
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Honestly, if a pERson is born as a sub-5 curry male, they should be legally recognised as “disabled” and thERefore be entitled to eithER euthanasia or tax-payER funded welfare from govERnment.
If I were born curry I'd euthanize everyone anticurry
If I were born curry I'd euthanize everyone anticurry

That’s exactly how I feel genERally lol (No Mr Fed agents, it’s just a “feeling” I’d nevER actually do it, not cos I don’t want to, but rathER because I value what little pleasure/enjoyment I get from my life MUCH MORE than I value eliminating a few worthless cockroaches and rats, to the point that not even killing a million of them would be valuable enough for me to considER sacrificing my life for, they really r that worthless to me).

Welcome to my world
nothing bluepilled about my post. Only facts. The curry was a criminal nigger, way before he killed the young foid. Guilty of malapraxis therefore a shitty subhuman who shouldn't be a doctor
Imagine taking the side of a foid over a currycel, cucks need to be destroyed

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