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Venting Cultural Boomerism



19th c. Church of Hamlossus high priest contender
Jul 4, 2018
My parents are really neurotic about irrelevant stupid shit. my dad persists for example to dry dishes per hand instead of just letting them dry in the dishwasher, every single item needs to be put instantly into the dishwasher, or that the boxtrees need to be cut into perfect spheres every year or searching for shit in the garden, instea dof giving the dog a dedicated shitting area. At the same time they bemoan how it is all so straining and they have no energy especially when I ask them to do something.
Sometimes when I need something from a dusty area, I need someone who gets me the stuff and cleans it because of my allergies.

There are things that are bazillion times more important, that should be done, but you decide to rather waste time on your neurotic endeavors, always 10.000 reasons at hand to waste time with problems, that only exist in their heads, but things that actually matter like the house, retirement planning, my health etc. are left untouched and acceptable to postpone forever,

Also their arguments always boil down to "I don't like it" "I am old, I have my ways." "It can't be always go like you want." (Hardcore projecting jfl.)

I know everyone says just get out. The thing is people are bluepilled on the economic and social outlook. Also if I see a big reason in me failing in my parents, why should I let them off the hook? I didn't ask to be born. and I didn't ask to be left to rot and ignored my whole life. I am just a stumped person and nothing will materially change to the positive, if I leave. I demand my problems not being categorically ignored in favor of their little low iq "hobbies".
Bluepilled if you think some institution will help you.
Bluepilled if you think you just make friends that help you.
Bluepilled if you think you will just pay for help with your big minimum wage loony wage
Wealthy children have it all, especially if they get ill and noone one asks them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and increase the burden on their already bad situation and move away from their support and you know what? They become useful member of society as well (nepotism issues asside, but theoretically spoken.).
I am starved of everything in life besides food. There is no manning up. I am what manning up looks like in tis situation already, otherwise I would hav roped already.


Working as a 28yo ugly, physically ill autist in a minimum wage job? Have you looked at the economic prospects and statistics of wealth inequality? Might just kill yourself (and this is what I will do).

EEeww inkler, what kind of person are you, that you exploit your parents like this.

> Commodify every aspect of society
> Loathing a cripple for supposedly commodifying his parents, seeing them just as an asset for helping with mundane tasks in face of a dark future (even though this is just his last resort)
Chose one Govnigs.

Why are you all so retarded bootlickers here? Is it maybe like inceltears says and you are all born comparatively priviliged looks aside and never noticed the golden dildo stuck in your anus? In every thread someone come they out of their hole, how my situation is self-inflicted because it's supposedly hard enough as it is? This cultural boomerism is really mind boggling. The truth is you had it to easy in the past or probably suffer from Stockholm syndrome.

I was good in school. I STFUed about my problems. I worked hard compared to my NTist classmates (until I became depressed). I am tech savy. I am frugal. I am manually skilled, despite autism. I took my jewpills. I did the training programs. I spent months in useless hospitals. I did like people told me.

So please. None of this shit is an issue. It's purely medical.
They're paying for your shit when you're a grown adult and you're complaining because they don't live how you want them to? Jfl. Not even I am so arrogant.
Yeah Americans born from 1950 - 1970 are literally the worst generation tbh
They're paying for your shit when you're a grown adult and you're complaining because they don't live how you want them to? Jfl. Not even I am so arrogant.
Are you fucking retarded? They can live how they want. but putting basic needs after cosmetic emotionalist nonsense, while complaining about the state of things and having "no energy" is hypocritical. This is exactly what I mean.

Also I didn't chose my situation nor the law making you financially affiliated with your parents until 25. Also they wouldn't even have to pay anything probably, if they bothered starting to do their part of the bureaucratic process. Heck i probably wouldn't even be here, if they did their deed.
It's actually quite the contrary. I was to inhibited to force them to use their money to help me, because I thought like you. Also I couldn't have sued, as this would just end in financial ruin for everyone.

Instead of doing shit they decided to tough this out until I was 25 and now complain how I don't stand on my own. The truth is I never stood in the first place thanks to you jfl.

Grown adult is a meme btw. I saw so many people having what you consider a normal life, but with the intellect of a child (these people were healthy though). :feelskek:

After your logic we should really get rid of boomers afap. Retirement homes? What kind of sick socialism is this? Oh you piad for it upfront and it is a result of insurance? To bad I was poor plus my parents never cared. I guess I should have worked harder, when I was in preschool or something. :lul:
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Are you fucking retarded? They can live how they want. but putting basic needs after cosmetic emotionalist nonsense, while complaining about the state of things and having "no energy" is hypocritical. This is exactly what I mean.

Also I didn't chose my situation nor the law making you financially affiliated with your parents until 25. Also they wouldn't even have to pay anything probably, if they bothered starting to do their part of the bureaucratic process. Heck i probably wouldn't even be here, if they did their deed.
It's actually quite the contrary. I was to inhibited to force them to use their money to help me, because I thought like you. Also I couldn't have sued, as this would just end in financial ruin for everyone.

Instead of doing shit they decided to tough this out until I was 25 and now complain how I don't stand on my own. The truth is I never stood in the first place thanks to you jfl.
weird how all this shit you just spewed effects no one else but you
weird how all this shit you just spewed effects no one else but you
As I said it is an area of not followed liability in the past having persisting affects on me now. Well my parents are affected in so far, that they could have an easier life as well. I mean sure they could just ignore me like they did and thrown me out at 25. BUT MAYBE JUST MAYBE THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN CHILDREN IN THE FIRST PLACE THEN.

I wish it was so easy. Could have gotten my government buxx and insurance like people after 25 instead relying on my toxic parents and then I could have went my own way from the beginning. But somehow you are still forced to rely on them despite being 18.
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Get a job?
How old are you? Sometimes you have problems, that need to be dealt with before being able to work. Even if I wouldn't be able to work at all, do we throw old people and children under the bus then? How am I supposed to get insurance in adance, if I didn't have the chance to work yet? Also even if I worked I couldn't pay for it anyway.
So maybe just toughen it out and get a well paying degree? Ye, good luck with that. Just have a plethora of 6+ mental and physical conditions and study and work at the same time, brah (wouldn't get student loans, parents need to be involved for that).

You could even argue the onset was much earlier anyway. I am not autistic etc. since yesterday lel.

This is really a catch 22.
How old are you? Sometimes you have problems, that need to be dealt with before being able to work. Even if I wouldn't be able to work at all, do we throw old people and children under the bus then? How am I supposed to get insurance in adance, if I didn't have the chance to work yet? Also even if I worked I couldn't pay for it anyway.
So maybe just toughen it out and get a well paying degree? Ye, good luck with that. Just have a plethora of 6+ mental and physical conditions and study and work at the same time, brah (wouldn't get student loans, parents need to be involved for that).

You could even argue the onset was much earlier anyway. I am not autistic etc. since yesterday lel.

This is really a catch 22.
No. It's not hard. You literally just apply for a job and then if they hire you you start working. Even teenagers do this shit. There's nothing to be figured out. No special planning to be done.
No. It's not hard. You literally just apply for a job and then if they hire you you start working. Even teenagers do this shit. There's nothing to be figured out. No special planning to be done.

This is literally what @Gyros_Pretcel was talking about:
I know everyone says just get out. The thing is people are bluepilled on the economic and social outlook.

I do think that a good handful of people here are somewhat bluepilled when it comes to economic and social outlook. I also think, that a good handful of people here, have actually somewhat decent lives besides females and this is why they think like this. They most likely did not fail at school, they are studying or they have a somewhat decent job.

It is really hard to find a job these days, specially in places like Germany. And if you find a job, it will be a low-level job where you have to work hard for little money. You will never be able to sustain yourself with that money, regardless of how much effort you will put into.
No. It's not hard. You literally just apply for a job and then if they hire you you start working. Even teenagers do this shit. There's nothing to be figured out. No special planning to be done.
Ye, it will just lead nowhere. How consistently could I keep up with the requirements? How long do you think could I go on in this dead end untreated? If I fail like now how would it get better then? The money would not be enough for treatment and to stand on my own feet anyway.
Bluepilled if you think some institution will help you.
Bluepilled if you think you just make friends that help you.
Bluepilled if you think you will just pay for help with your big minimum wage loony wage
Wealthy children have it all, especially if they get ill and noone one asks them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and increase the burden on their already bad situation and move away from their support and you know what? They become useful member of society as well (nepotism issues asside, but theoretically spoken.).
Agree on this, for me is either i live with my dad or i became homeless, i quit school in 7th grade elementary because of bullying and no one wants to hire me, my only option for work is to break my spine and neck working in the rubber factory where is 50c and you have to carry a 50kg rubber 8 hour per day.
regardless of how much effort you will put into.
Don't put effort in the wrong place. If you put effort into doing well at school, you can get a good job.
Don't put effort in the wrong place. If you put effort into doing well at school, you can get a good job.

Some men missed the opportunity though. This is why I say, that people who still go to school, should actually put effort into it. If I could go back in time I would change a lot.
Agree on this, for me is either i live with my dad or i became homeless, i quit school in 7th grade elementary because of bullying and no one wants to hire me, my only option for work is to break my spine and neck working in the rubber factory where is 50c and you have to carry a 50kg rubber 8 hour per day.
There is a reason poor people die ten years earlier. Chances are your health gets even worse in these jobs.
If you put effort into doing well at school, you can get a good job.
Cope. schooling alone doesn't grantee a good job. There are STEM grads I know that have a hard time finding decent jobs that aren't just labmonkey work for low pay.
They use "muh roof" as the basis for everything but get annoyed when you point out that that job of yours stopped being able to pay for said roof decades ago.
There is a reason poor people die ten years earlier. Chances are your health gets even worse in these jobs.
Yeah, imagine inhaling fumes of burned rubber 8 hours straight.
They use "muh roof" as the basis for everything but get annoyed when you point out that that job of yours stopped being able to pay for said roof decades ago.
its also hilarious how they always feel like its their right to treat you like shit when under their roof but if you ever put them in a home when they got older they would probably RREEE about it and say that they deserve better even though you are paying for them.
Some men missed the opportunity though. This is why I say, that people who still go to school, should actually put effort into it. If I could go back in time I would change a lot.
You always have the option to go back to university
Cope. schooling alone doesn't grantee a good job. There are STEM grads I know that have a hard time finding decent jobs that aren't just labmonkey work for low pay.
Don't be retarded and you will get a good job

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