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Cuckservatism won’t save you.



The Infernal, Divine Asshole
Oct 6, 2023
Alright fags, time to pop your cope of hope. Those who cling to redpilled nonsense.

I’m not a liberal cuck, I’m beyond the binary of liberal and conservatism, so I don’t give a fucky do deee do.

When you analyze conservatism objectively over time, you start to realize that conservatism doesn’t actually have an objective meaning. I mean what is “conservatism”? Compare someone like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump, Matt Walsh, George Bush - all these people have widely different beliefs, worldviews, and opinions that are totally disunified except for some basic trends.

When you start aggregating conservative figures enough, you get some semblance of a coherent thought, but what this coherent thought tends to be is two things:

1. Rebellion against Liberalism
2. What Liberalism was 30 years ago.

Conservatism is ever changing over time because it reflects where Liberals were 30 years ago.

Let’s take the 90s. One of the huge talking points in the 90s for Liberals was an openness towards more graphic forms of media - Mortal Kombat, Satanic Panic horaldo, sex in movies - while conservatives were morally outraged over how it was corrupting the youth. In the 90s, there was a greater push for women in the workplace, while still having an openness for traditional gender roles. People were just opening up to gay marriage at the time, and Liberals were real hostile against American foreign policy.

Now? Conservatives are literally embracing all of these points when you aggregate conservatives thought. People like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh are very libertarian about more graphic forms of media by 90s standards, while still outraged over shit like drag queens. Emblematic of this is how Benny old boy talks about how much he loves Doom. Matt Walsh played Mortal Kombat on a video. Most conservatives are slowly open to gay marriage while still not going overboard to LGBT ideology. Most conservatives agree with women in the workplace. And most conservatives are now hostile to American foreign policy.

I mean for fucks sake guys. The Matrix was one of the most anti-corporate Liberal films in the 90s, and conservatives are appropriating its imagery just now.

One of the draws of conservative is this myth that there’s this old fashioned gold standard. But there isn’t. The gold standard is just Liberalism but 30 years old.

What’s gonna happen in 30 years time is that conservatives will accept transgenderism as normative. They will accept casual sex and hookup culture via Tinder. They will again proclaim the necessity for American interventionism. And they will embrace Liberal language about flattening hierarchies, eating the rich, getting rid of inequity, and will promote racemixing while whining about colonialism. This will happen.

For you see, when there really is no gold standard and conservatism is as malleable as it is, and because one of its main talking points is that it opposes Liberalism, literally anything that opposes Liberalism can disguise itself as conservative.

People like Ben Shapiro, a Jew, has been called a fascist Nazi. Slavoj Zizek, a fucking communist, has been called alt-right. Cuckard Peterson has been called the same for finding trans people icky. And Andrew Tate, who advocates for harems and subjugation of women via Islam while living like a 90s Donald Trump, is also that.

So every demagogue that appears which parrots certain strands and talking points probably doesn’t have any consistent ideology that seeks to offshoot Liberalism. It’s really an aggregation of “outsiders”, those who don’t agree with the dogmas of contemporary society. But again, those strands of beliefs and ideas are just Liberalism, but where Liberalism was 30 years ago.

Yet every cuckservative will embrace every demagogue that comes and goes under the premise that they are a fresh voice of conservative that we need to hear, even though they can’t actually formulate a coherent ideology that serves to offshoot Liberalism.

Most of the conservatives don’t have any coherence between each other in terms of their values, beliefs, or ideas. How is Ben Shapiro’s solution to society possibly compatible with Andrew Tate’s?

There is no salvation in cuckservatism. You need to embrace the inevitability of defeat. Either this system falls and breaks down because of the fact that it’s run by Joker and Harley Quinn tier Psychopaths who aren’t social by the standards of any functioning post agricultural revolutionary society (we are not functioning), or it collapses into a third world shithole. I think it’s the former because internationally we have too many fingers in the pie and too many enemies who will take advantage of us.
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no shit conservatism isnt the answer, they put the same chains that feminism puts on you. you didnt need a wall of text to make this point.
I despise conservatives but they are easy to scam of so I support trump
no shit conservatism isnt the answer, they put the same chains that feminism puts on you. you didnt need a wall of text to make this point.
I need to explain “why” there are chains.
I need to explain “why” there are chains.
no you do not. you're acting like anyone except us is reading this shit.

but, because you think all this stuff is how it works, the only people interested in critiquing this have a way to gaslight you.

it's simple, OP. bad people don't deserve rights. they deserve whatever pain they go through, because they do not want to add any benefit towards your life.

stop falling for the emotional and moral blackmail, then you wont feel like you need to be the next Karl Marx.
All traditional societies are “conservative”. It’s a term used by the left (usually far left) to contrast their ideology as if a rational centre is somewhere between the left and right, rather than the reality the “left” only exists in one society and all other societies are conservative right wingers
no you do not. you're acting like anyone except us is reading this shit.

but, because you think all this stuff is how it works, the only people interested in critiquing this have a way to gaslight you.

it's simple, OP. bad people don't deserve rights. they deserve whatever pain they go through, because they do not want to add any benefit towards your life.

stop falling for the emotional and moral blackmail, then you wont feel like you need to be the next Karl Marx.
Fair point.

The reality is I’m like a potted plant. I just sit there and think. I have nothing else to do. I scratch my ears and wiggle my toes, and think about stuff that doesn’t matter.

I have no outlet because I really don’t think anyone gives a shit what I think. And why would they? Im a plant. My job is to just sit there.

So I delude myself that someone has something to listen to what the plant says.

Nobody is interested at reading political thought at this level. Nobody is.
There is no answer for us, its just over. Normies are too blind to ever see the truth anyway
Fair point.

The reality is I’m like a potted plant. I just sit there and think. I have nothing else to do. I scratch my ears and wiggle my toes, and think about stuff that doesn’t matter.

I have no outlet because I really don’t think anyone gives a shit what I think. And why would they? Im a plant. My job is to just sit there.

So I delude myself that someone has something to listen to what the plant says.

Nobody is interested at reading political thought at this level. Nobody is.
watch this clip from American History X; it's really good.

i know this movie gets a bad wrap, and even i recalled this scene differently, but when i came to check back i was pleasantly disillusioned, especially at that part of him saying he didnt get any answers because he wasnt asking the right questions. this scene now resonates with me, and i hope it resonates with you too.

i know this movie gets a bad wrap, and even i recalled this scene differently, but when i came to check back i was pleasantly disillusioned, especially at that part of him saying he didnt get any answers because he wasnt asking the right questions. this scene now resonates with me, and i hope it resonates with you too.

It does resonate with me at some level. I’m aware that most of my life’s issues is just me. Nothing more, nothing less.

But I really a still cynical to accepting full responsibility for that. I was outcasted very early on.
It does resonate with me at some level. I’m aware that most of my life’s issues is just me. Nothing more, nothing less.

But I really a still cynical to accepting full responsibility for that. I was outcasted very early on.
who said anything about "accepting full responsibility"? no one's blaming you for anything. you're CLEARLY struggling; that isnt your fault.

you just believe you have to be a certain way because evil assholes told you to be, so you're arguing for your emancipation in that regard.

but you dont have to be. you dont have to play their game and give into their tricks anymore. you dont have to act a certain way because you were told you were a "creep" or "rapist".

it's all about you and where you want to exercise your efforts. sure, a corporation trying to raise money to give to children in need in africa could just use their own, and a restaurant could just pay their workers more instead of gouging your tips, but regardless of those facts, it is just fucking work and no one really wants to do it.

but, whereas everyone can accept that about themselves, you think YOU'RE the one that's fucked up for it.

get that out of your head; kill the cop in your mind.
Alright fags, time to pop your cope of hope. Those who cling to redpilled nonsense.

I’m not a liberal cuck, I’m beyond the binary of liberal and conservatism, so I don’t give a fucky do deee do.

When you analyze conservatism objectively over time, you start to realize that conservatism doesn’t actually have an objective meaning. I mean what is “conservatism”? Compare someone like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Donald Trump, Matt Walsh, George Bush - all these people have widely different beliefs, worldviews, and opinions that are totally disunified except for some basic trends.

When you start aggregating conservative figures enough, you get some semblance of a coherent thought, but what this coherent thought tends to be is two things:

1. Rebellion against Liberalism
2. What Liberalism was 30 years ago.

Conservatism is ever changing over time because it reflects where Liberals were 30 years ago.

Let’s take the 90s. One of the huge talking points in the 90s for Liberals was an openness towards more graphic forms of media - Mortal Kombat, Satanic Panic horaldo, sex in movies - while conservatives were morally outraged over how it was corrupting the youth. In the 90s, there was a greater push for women in the workplace, while still having an openness for traditional gender roles. People were just opening up to gay marriage at the time, and Liberals were real hostile against American foreign policy.

Now? Conservatives are literally embracing all of these points when you aggregate conservatives thought. People like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh are very libertarian about more graphic forms of media by 90s standards, while still outraged over shit like drag queens. Emblematic of this is how Benny old boy talks about how much he loves Doom. Matt Walsh played Mortal Kombat on a video. Most conservatives are slowly open to gay marriage while still not going overboard to LGBT ideology. Most conservatives agree with women in the workplace. And most conservatives are now hostile to American foreign policy.

I mean for fucks sake guys. The Matrix was one of the most anti-corporate Liberal films in the 90s, and conservatives are appropriating its imagery just now.

One of the draws of conservative is this myth that there’s this old fashioned gold standard. But there isn’t. The gold standard is just Liberalism but 30 years old.

What’s gonna happen in 30 years time is that conservatives will accept transgenderism as normative. They will accept casual sex and hookup culture via Tinder. They will again proclaim the necessity for American interventionism. And they will embrace Liberal language about flattening hierarchies, eating the rich, getting rid of inequity, and will promote racemixing while whining about colonialism. This will happen.

For you see, when there really is no gold standard and conservatism is as malleable as it is, and because one of its main talking points is that it opposes Liberalism, literally anything that opposes Liberalism can disguise itself as conservative.

People like Ben Shapiro, a Jew, has been called a fascist Nazi. Slavoj Zizek, a fucking communist, has been called alt-right. Cuckard Peterson has been called the same for finding trans people icky. And Andrew Tate, who advocates for harems and subjugation of women via Islam while living like a 90s Donald Trump, is also that.

So every demagogue that appears which parrots certain strands and talking points probably doesn’t have any consistent ideology that seeks to offshoot Liberalism. It’s really an aggregation of “outsiders”, those who don’t agree with the dogmas of contemporary society. But again, those strands of beliefs and ideas are just Liberalism, but where Liberalism was 30 years ago.

Yet every cuckservative will embrace every demagogue that comes and goes under the premise that they are a fresh voice of conservative that we need to hear, even though they can’t actually formulate a coherent ideology that serves to offshoot Liberalism.

Most of the conservatives don’t have any coherence between each other in terms of their values, beliefs, or ideas. How is Ben Shapiro’s solution to society possibly compatible with Andrew Tate’s?

There is no salvation in cuckservatism. You need to embrace the inevitability of defeat. Either this system falls and breaks down because of the fact that it’s run by Joker and Harley Quinn tier Psychopaths who aren’t social by the standards of any functioning post agricultural revolutionary society (we are not functioning), or it collapses into a third world shithole. I think it’s the former because internationally we have too many fingers in the pie and too many enemies who will take advantage of us.
Great fucking essay. Read all of it.

It'll be interesting to see current conservatism will be the new radical far right in 30 years.
There are users on here that think conservatism will save them?
I wonder if the reason mainstream traditional-conservatives have accepted gay marriage is because they realize it's a losing battle. Almost all of gen-z believes gay marriage should be legal, along with millenials, gex-x, etc.
American right wing Christians need to be extreme like those based Muslims in Afghanistan.

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