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Soy CuckQueers think a 20 year old male messaging a 16 year old female is "gross."



Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
JFL at these modern Western society worshipping faggots.

It's amazing how much modern comforts allowed people to completely detach themselves from biology and reality.
It's amazing how much modern comforts allowed people to completely detach themselves from biology and reality.
IKR, it's actually pathetic, they're (along with Western cucks) are all hiveminds who can't think outside society's definitions.
they hsould just declare all straight males to be pedophiles then fuck off
A 16 year old foid has already a bigger fuck count than all non-chad men around her.
Well know. In teen years 4 years is a massive difference. I as an 16 year old have a different idea of relationship that a 12 year old foid might have. I'd go 2 years lower and not a day more tbh.
Soon you can be classified as a pedo even if your 16 and male.
If the genders were switched no one would bat a eye.
Well know. In teen years 4 years is a massive difference. I as an 16 year old have a different idea of relationship that a 12 year old foid might have. I'd go 2 years lower and not a day more tbh.
The thing is that foids start puberty early and develop faster than 95% of men. Physically, there ain't no difference between a 16 year old girl and a 20 year old one.
30-40 year old roast cunt pursuing 20 year old men = fine
20 year old men pursuing 16 year old girls = gross

Fucking dumb cucks.
How is it gross to date a prime foid? They just envy her, because CuckTears are way beyond prime.
The complete lack of fucking empathy pisses me off, doesn't matter if you are sad if you have sexual desires as a low vaule male you need to be locked up and fucked in the ass. "I'm sorry you are not entitled to love now fuck off and deal with it" it shouldn't be a damm mystery why spree killings happen and why jayme closs was abducted..............this attitude in the first place.
Paddock dealt with it.
Elliot dealt with it.
Jake Patterson more likely than not delt with it.
That is what "dealing with it" is going to get you.
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those people lead unhappy miserable lives that's why they're meddling with other people's business. No accomplished individual will waste their time by keeping tabs on the normal sexuality of a 20-year-old man. Only in a sick dystopian society, this type of madness is considered righteous.
times have changed for the worse and it will get worse especially for the unattractive man. they are fucking at 13 these days. once they start fucking they are no longer innocent.
30-40 year old roast cunt pursuing 20 year old men = fine
20 year old men pursuing 16 year old girls = gross

Fucking dumb cucks.
They think 40 year olds going after 20 years olds are fine because they both are fully grown consenting adults. While the 20 year old going after 16 is phedophilia because the 16 year old is too young.

It’s not double standards but the cuckitears are still wrong. Girls mature a lot faster than boys. They become taller, stronger, smarter and develop breasts and the reproductive system. A 16 year old girls and a 20 year old girl don’t have much differences besides age. A 16 year old can make decisions because they are technically all grown up.

In other countries the consent age is 16. That means if they were in a different country it would be legal.
those people lead unhappy miserable lives that's why they're meddling with other people's business. No accomplished individual will waste their time by keeping tabs on the normal
No matter what age you are, if youre a virgin hitting on JBs and messaging them is not weird at all

Experiencing a prime teen girl is a human right
Adult pursuing +60yo women = weird but okay
Adult pursuing developed teens = pedo

You'd be surprised at the amount of underage high schoolers who willingly date young adults just for the privileges like alcohol and drives

30-40 year old roast cunt pursuing 20 year old men = fine
20 year old men pursuing 16 year old girls = gross

Fucking dumb cucks.

Also this
I chat with girls who are younger than that but only in a friendly non sexual way. Because I'm studying the female mind.
Cucktears is just full of trannies that envy the attention that 16yr old roastie gets.

It's hysterical tbh that they consider 16 paedophilic. There's foids nowadays who look 18+ (based on ass/tits) but in reality they're about 16.
This is what they envision as a "Healthy, relationship":

Also, @ordinaryotaku how do i go from KTHHV to KHHV?
Cucktears is just full of trannies that envy the attention that 16yr old roastie gets.

It's hysterical tbh that they consider 16 paedophilic. There's foids nowadays who look 18+ (based on ass/tits) but in reality they're about 16.

Also, @ordinaryotaku how do i go from KTHHV to KHHV?
Yeah, foids develop earlier, and they look really hot by the time they're ~14.

What's a KTHHV? Touchless? If so, I am also touchless. :(
Yeah, foids develop earlier, and they look really hot by the time they're ~14.

What's a KTHHV? Touchless? If so, I am also touchless. :(

Yeah it's touchless. :cryfeels:
The girl is already past puberty. The age difference is 4 years. NBA star Gordon Hayward was dating his now wife when she was still in high school while he was like 23 yrs old, and no one seemed to give a fuck.
Standard negative IQ garbage from cucktears tbh.
They are landwhales
Male mammal wants to mate with fertile female mammal.. Gross...
Unironically though. Have you heard the IT bitch on the podcast? She literally has voice fat.
Thats why I said she had to alter her voice because people would realize she is a fat slob,
16 is legal in multiple states but anyways nice larp br0
they are fucked in the head
JFL @ being attracted to fully developed prime women when the world is full of strong, independent, mature and experienced single moms who all deserve love :soy:
I'd even bet the 16 yo has more experiences than the 20 yocel.
I can't fathom and accept the fact that eventhough we're continuously rejected, we are expected to chase foids our age. No matter what maxxing we do, what inventions we create until we get Nobel prize, if we are always rejected in our whole life, we will be expected to chase grannies at the end of the day
16 is legal in multiple states but anyways nice larp br0
Every time IT screams that being attracted to a 16 year old is pedophilia, someone should point out to them that the AoC is 16 in multiple states in the USA. Hell, 13 year old foids were sucking dick back in middle school.
It's hysterical tbh that they consider 16 paedophilic. There's foids nowadays who look 18+ (based on ass/tits) but in reality they're about 16.
This is what they envision as a "Healthy, relationship":

No, the foid is alive in that video, she is too young to consent. Only 100+ yr old corpse foids are mature enough to consent.
Every time IT screams that being attracted to a 16 year old is pedophilia, someone should point out to them that the AoC is 16 in multiple states in the USA. Hell, 13 year old foids were sucking dick back in middle school.

No, the foid is alive in that video, she is too young to consent. Only 100+ yr old corpse foids are mature enough to consent.
im not necessarily attracted to 16 year olds and definitely not below that but just saying its legal in many states. and yeah i knew of plenty of popular girls in middle school who had sex with multiple guys by 14.
move her to another part of the west and it suddenly becomes okay.

Cucktears are incapable of cognitive awareness, it's a mystery how they're of the same species as us. One would think such low IQ mouth breathers didn't make it out the jungle with the rest of us, but one would be wrong
In Europe, after 15 yo a girl can date any man at any age.
Not only is this legal, it's completely justified in the case when the man is a virgin. As a virgin in my twenties I have nothing in common with women my age who already had sex more than a dozen of times.
They think dating any woman younger than 30 is paedophilia. Roasties are super insecure about the agepill.
The age of consent is 16 or lower in half of American states and most European countries.
JFL, even a 4 year age difference constitutes "pedophilia" now ... and right-wingers are paranoid about pedophilia being legalized soon, although teh very opposite is happening and cunts and cucks declare pretty much everything evil pedophilia these days.
It's amazing how much modern comforts allowed people to completely detach themselves from biology and reality.
Society's logic : "being gay is natural bro", "gender is a social construct bro", "being trans is liberating bro"

Also society : "you're a gross sick pedophile for wanting to have sex with full-grown fertile females REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
imagine being a "successful" inceltear redditor obsessing with other people lives. lmao. Meanwhile these 16 yo whores are sucking their gym instructor cocks
I too am against this kind of things because of hypergamy.
She probably fuck a 20yo chad but it is a crime when a subhuman male texts
Society's logic : "being gay is natural bro", "gender is a social construct bro", "being trans is liberating bro"

Also society : "you're a gross sick pedophile for wanting to have sex with full-grown fertile females REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Cucktears should feature this post tbh.
Unwanted expired roastie jealously rees behind her wall in envy, hearing young prime girl seek to start sexual journey with mature man, in a try to scare man off.

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