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SuicideFuel COVID is over

  • Thread starter Deleted member 29529
  • Start date

Deleted member 29529

Sep 21, 2020
The complaints of roasties spending years of their prime locked up. Going through college without having to endure the social dynamics brought about by femoids and normans. Not being reminded of my position in the social hierarchy. Not being reminded of the life I will never experience. This virus has been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
Delta variant shit. Tho I am glad it's over. Many occultism meetuos and buddhist events been cancelled.
Cross your fingers and hope for a new variant that the vaccines are ineffective against

I have mixed feelings about covid
Cross your fingers and hope for a new variant that the vaccines are ineffective against

I have mixed feelings about covid
I need covid cancelled
Jfl, if you think it's over. Not even close.
The complaints of roasties spending years of their prime locked up. Going through college without having to endure the social dynamics brought about by femoids and normans. Not being reminded of my position in the social hierarchy. Not being reminded of the life I will never experience. This virus has been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
Nice KC/int/ avi man :soy:
Oh it’s far from over OP my friend.

As I type PPEcels fellow Jews, their libtard SJW slaves, DNC political hacks and lowlives not to mention Dr. Fauci himself and the rest of the corrupt medical industry and Big Pharma are gearing up to make this hoax bullshit last 15 years if not longer and they’re preparing to do that with phony new variant after phony new variant, vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, encouraging neighbors to snitch on neighbors if they haven’t gotten the jab etc, etc and every other nightmare one might expect from a Jew communist dictatorship.

So don’t for one minute think this is in any way over.

Most think the Jew deep state will really dig its heels in and bring on the full weight of their tyranny in the fall.
No, far from over
COVID is not over, it's designed to last permanently as part of the Great Reset
It is still alive and kicking judging by the # of cases
Look at the covid cases graphs, they are ramping up again. Jewcines are useless, and it seems that covid is seasonal. So unless it is decided that we´ll ignore covid from now one, universities and shit should remain in distance communication modes.
muh delta, muh lambda, muh DOOMSDAY VARIANT :soy:
Incel trait: enjoying COVID lockdowns
The complaints of roasties spending years of their prime locked up. Going through college without having to endure the social dynamics brought about by femoids and normans. Not being reminded of my position in the social hierarchy. Not being reminded of the life I will never experience. This virus has been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
Not sure why you're surprised

Death quotas were met and plenty of small businesses were murdered within that timespan.
Cross your fingers and hope for a new variant that the vaccines are ineffective against

I have mixed feelings about covid
They media will just say there is a new variant. covid is never gonna be over. Normies get high on compliance, obedience, and feeling moral. They’ll never ask questions
They media will just say there is a new variant. covid is never gonna be over. Normies get high on compliance, obedience, and feeling moral. They’ll never ask questions
:feelshaha: jfl normies and their conspiracy theories
:feelshaha: jfl normies and their conspiracy theories
“Conspiracy theory”

based on what? Based on CNN or some activist “fact checker” declaring it a conspiracy theory?

“Conspiracy theory” in current year is just something that is declared to be one to discourage further inquiry into the subject. It used to work better in 2019 and 2020 because the word hit a little harder and kind of served as an ad hominem checkmate (like accusing someone of being a pedo to immediately end and win the argument), and nobody wanted to be associated with paranoid, low SMV caricatures of conspiracy theorists they’ve seen in movies. Now it’s taken on the same sting as calling someone racist. As in, there is No sting at all. It’s all very transparent. “If you think these thoughts, you’re crazy and your behavior/thought patterns are socially unacceptable, so you should stop thinking these thoughts immediately for the sake of your own social status”. Eventually, maybe soon, the left will invent a new word nobody’s ever heard before to restore the effects that “conspiracy theory” once had before it started being thrown around all Willy Nilly (like they did with the fairly transparent tactic of calling thier opposition liars, with replacing the word “lie” with all sorts of euphemisms: misinformation, disinformation, falsehood, untruth, etc).. Same with all their other ad hominem checkmates designed to “win” arguments on social status/moral grounds. No different than foids attacking SMV when they lose an argument. They still win the interaction and walk away feeling better than you.

if you think I’m wrong, then tell me this. What methodology is used in determining whether or not something is a conspiracy theory or “debunked” other than someone in a position of authority playing arbiter of reality declaring it to be so?
if you think I’m wrong, then tell me this. What methodology is used in determining whether or not something is a conspiracy theory or “debunked” other than someone in a position of authority playing arbiter of reality declaring it to be so?

Congratulations, you've described every academic field ever.

Does it hurt your wee little feelings when you encounter an opposing view? Or when the facts don't comport with your fantasies?
Until march nothing will change
I want another fuckin lockdown and more free money. I hate seeing normies, chads, and stacies out and about. I want America's debt to GDP ratio to go up to 300% (its at 104% right now).

I also want inflation to skyrocket as a result of the free money.

I also want BLM to keep wrecking havoc. And that governor newsom doesn't get recalled. So that more chaos can ensue. Thugs are literally robbing people at gunpoint and being released the next day. The bay area is close to a flow blown race war right now between naggers and chinks.

There is talk about another lockdown in the fall. Great fuckin news.
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Congratulations, you've described every academic field ever.

Does it hurt your wee little feelings when you encounter an opposing view? Or when the facts don't comport with your fantasies?
I’m not describing any academic field. The media or fact checkers saying something is false doesn’t make it false. Every other academic field has rigorous method of proving their points. And yeah, people take it on faith that the experts are rights. My point is that the left has co-opted this dynamic and now just declares whatever they want as true through their friends in such positions. They can invent whatever ‘facts” they want. Apparently it’s a fact that there are more than 2 sexes, I’m sure fact checkers agree, so don’t tell me academia and scientific disciplines arent hijacked by leftists.

you argue like a typical foid/leftist. “Does it hurt my wee little feelings”. Imagine being on a blackpilled incel forum and still attacking SMV, and yes that’s what you’re doing when you say “wee little feelings”

you retards cannot differentiate between winning an argument on its merits and bullying your opposition or “winning” on moral ground (when your morals are flexible af. The media can put out an NPC software update tomorrow declaring that genocide is now morally justified rightthink, and you retards would get behind it). But muh republicans are fascist Nazi bullies. Blormpf Cheeto is literally hitler!

reminder that herd mentality oversocialized people like you would have been nazis in 1930s Germany, because that was the fashionable rightthink at the time

rant over. Ad hominem checkmate!
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Hasnt even begun you retard. They haven't even started the neo communist quasi martial law they're planning on
Congratulations, you've described every academic field ever.

Does it hurt your wee little feelings when you encounter an opposing view? Or when the facts don't comport with your fantasies?
Why are you promoting the idea of covid being a genuine disease, you fucking obvious chinese shill. Fuck off already
Hasnt even begun you retard. They haven't even started the neo communist quasi martial law they're planning on

Why are you promoting the idea of covid being a genuine disease, you fucking obvious chinese shill. Fuck off already
Can’t tell if srs, but on the chance that you are, Just wait. they will offer the entirety of the leftist agenda as a cure to covid or as preventative measures for another pandemic, the state will grant itself greater powers based on precedents set during covid, which people complied with both out of panic and an inability to resist the state in any way, and they will use “saving lives” (of octogenarians) as justification of unjustifiable things. They can suspend any protocols or norms by an emergency declaration. The future looks bleak af. IF the covid smoke ever clears, the world will be a far different place. For example, social media companies have established precedent to censor ANYTHING for ANY REASON that they can just make up on the fly. They can censor information that might affect the outcome of an election with zero pushback. They can censor whatever they deem to be immortal wrongthink, by calling it an “incitement to violence” because nothing is more than a few degrees of separation away from physical violence, and the word violence is used loosely af.. and since these companies that constitute the public square are friendly with the state, this effectively means the state is engaging in censorship and we no longer have a first amendment.. how long before other amendments are effectively nullified under the pretext of serving the greater good. Hypothetically, internet service providers, domain hosts, payment processors, etc, can collude and take down any gun manufacturers/gun store’s website/payment processing (with some moral justification) and there goes the 2nd amendment.. it’s all ogre. Military (so far just the army, afaik) is being ideologically vetted. Eventually the left will have the consent of all the people who wield their guns and tanks and grant the state it’s power, and there is no limit to what they can do from there. a resistance by civilians would be impossible, even in theory.
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I'm still working from home. Hasn't ended for me. I'll never get the vaxx.

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