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Discussion Could you fuck a flat chested foid?



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021

Volcel if you wouldn’t.
I would fuck a flat chested foid, It would be fun to fuck them.
Only if she is dead
Fucking toilet I would fuck her
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You have bigger tits than her :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
No, since fucking a flat chested foid would basically make me look gay since she only has a hole to differentiate herself from a man
is that a man.
duh,retarded question
as long as she's cute sure
Yea man shes very beautiful
Ofc. Rather fuck a landwhale tho
I like thin foids. Super model thin. They usually don't have tits but the thigh gap that they have because of their skinniness drives me crazy.

I'd just bend her over and pound away.
Yes a lot of them look good
She's way too good for me, but yes.
Almost everyone here would like to fuck Jordyn Jones.
Looks like a transsexual
Standardcel shit annoys me.
Sure, why not.
I like small tits so yes.
Yeah, as long as she has a pretty face and she's not fat I don't care
No, because he wouldn't have a vagina. Neo vaginas are... :feelspuke:. It's pretty obvious that it is an ersatz replica.
Shit take. What about women who are injured or born hermaphroditic? Your logic doesn't check out.
Such women are so rare, outliers, that they do not need to be factored into my stance. My belief covers the 99%.
It doesn't matter. That 1% proves you wrong. If you were to say that all birds fly, you would be wrong. Penguins are a small minority of birds, but they don't fly. Either change your definitions or just admit that you're wrong.
No, since fucking a flat chested foid would basically make me look gay since she only has a hole to differentiate herself from a man
You look like Mr. G already oi
... what are you arguing exactly? That my stance on the differing factor between a man and flat-chested woman being the genitals is flawed as there are some (a few, statistically insignificant) that are born without a vagina or hermaphrodites? The 99% proves the rule, as does the 1% outliers. Your stance is the flawed one. I am not going to change an entire definition to accommodate the outliers. That is the same logic that troons use.
Troons claim something entirely different. Try again.
Poor response. Don't just dismiss the rest of what I said.
I will and I just did because the entire premise is flawed. Everything that stems from that dogshit premise is false.
Try again.
And AGAIN, you haven't addressed anything I said - you focused on the weakest point to dismiss the entire argument. So I will not try again haha. What is it exactly that you have taken issue with?
The central premise. That weakest point is your entire argument.
Oh fuck off. You'll probably take this as me admitting defeat - I'm not going to waste my time on this inane subject. The vast majority of women have vaginas - the outliers who do not prove the rule, also.
Now you've changed your premise. Now it's not women in general, it's the vast majority. You are a hopeless retard.
I would if she wasn't muscular
Women in general = vast majority. What is your problem, haha? Outliers exist.
Not true. What falls under an outlier of the group known as women? Not a woman. You are a tranny apologist. KYS
??? It feels like you have warped my argument to make it seem I am arguing for something I never said.

Explain what your issue is exactly.
My issue is that you have defined a woman based on a hole, that is clearly not the case, because there are women who do not fit in the category as having such a hole. You are a tranny apologist because you are attempti g to normalize the concept of a woman being just a standard of body. Protip: chromosomes are what make a woman a woman. Chromosomes are that thing you are missing one of.
I get it. And I understand that chromosomes are the main factor; OP was arguing that he'd feel gay for being with a flat chested foid, stating that all she has is a hole to differentiate herself from a man. I argued that the vagina, the hole, is the main factor (which is what you took issue with - I should have just stated that she has XX chromosomes and thus most definitely a female regardless of boob size) as to why she isn't male. I took issue with how he brushed aside her genitals as if they were a trivial thing, thus I hyper-focused on that aspect.

He then argued that if a man was to chop his dick off wouldn't that make him a woman (essentially arguing what you are, that we cannot use the hole alone as a determining factor). I said no, as he wouldn't have a vagina, basically just an axe-wound. A vagina, a uterus, a womb - all goes without saying. I should have just said XX chromosomes over and over, but simply didn't. I was too focused on the genitals, which is where you took issue; tunnel vision on my behalf. Not every person with a vagina is biologically female (1.7% of the population are hermaphrodites).

You argued that my logic is flawed as there are some females who are either injured or are born hermaphrodites and thus I shouldn't base a woman off of genitals - which I do agree with. A flat-chested woman is still a woman as dictated by her XX chromosomes (seeing as hermaphrodites can have female genitalia and not be female; troons try to argue against the chromosomes measurement of female/male, placing incorrect emphasis on the genitals and outer appearance and disregarding the biological). I now understand your issue; that is very much not my actual belief - make no mistake.

I really only have myself to blame for this misunderstanding, haha. My stance hasn't changed, as it was the correct one to begin with - I was just arguing with the wrong aspect. No bad blood, yes. Felt like I was thrown into the lion's pit, haha. I will make sure, in the future, to use chromosomes as my main line of argument. Apologies for the block text/repetition. Being succinct isn't my strong suit.
Fair enough.
You already started the question thread answering it.

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