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Blackpill Copes will never satisfy you if you do not go to the bottom of what makes you an incel - You are still unconsciously bluepilled on many topics.



Sep 30, 2019
Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?

Do you believe that religion is for retards?

Do you believe that the IIIrd Reich would have been good for incels?

Do you believe that Marxism-Rodgerism and other pseudo-Bolshevik ideas are cool?

If you answer yes to any of those questions, it means you are still duped by left-wing originated bullshit (yes, even the IIIrd Reich), which means you have some blue pills left in your brain.

If you are in this situation, no matter how blackpilled you think you are, you will never be content with anything. No amount of coping will do. Only alcohol, drugs and eventually roping will pacify you.




I agree, coping is dealing with a difficult situation, it's not meant to keep you content otherwise you wouldn't need to cope to begin with
Why do you believe in retarded bullshit about "Science" and religion which have been invented by bluepilled woke libtards?

Don't you see that it is idiotic propaganda to control the masses?
Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?

It would be necessary to define what is the truth. Science answers questions about how the material world works, but not about how to live life, because ultimately, life is emptiness.

Do you believe that religion is for retards?

I wouldn't say it's for retards, but many believe and take it for granted..
Do you believe that the IIIrd Reich would have been good for incels?

It does not matter if it is the Third Reich or the Islam of the VIi century. The sex market is a zero sum game where there will always be incels because our inceldom depends on the will of the foids or the will of other people.

Do you believe that Marxism-Rodgerism and other pseudo-Bolshevik ideas are cool?

Marxism-rodgerism plays on the objectivity that the only way to end inceldom for most men is to make women lose their human character and become objects of exploitation, socialized to the majority of men.

Only alcohol, drugs and eventually roping will pacify you.

I've tried the last two and they don't work. The more you smoke and the more you drink, the worse you feel.
It would be necessary to define what is the truth. Science answers questions about how the material world works, but not about how to live life, because ultimately, life is emptiness.
The only way the word "truth" is understood today is according the "correspondence theory of truth". A statement is true if and only if it "corresponds" (perfectly) with reality. Many philosophers pretend that they have other "theories of truth" but they are swindlers. The correspondence theory, starting with, Plato has won. In all European languages, the word for truth ("verite", "Wahrheit", etc.) means "a statement that is in correspondence with reality". Anyone who tries to "redefine" it, is just muddying the waters for nefarious purposes.

The upshot of this is that Science is NOT about "truth" (C.F. THomas Kuhn)

I wouldn't say it's for retards, but many believe and take it for granted..
Many religions are bad, including the majority of official Christian denominations today. However, a human being cannot live without some kind of religion. Those who pretend they have none, like @based_meme and his ilk, are just deluding themselves and pushing THEIR religion on others under the pretense that it is "objective" or "the truth" because it is "scientific" (see above).

It does not matter if it is the Third Reich or the Islam of the VIi century. The sex market is a zero sum game where there will always be incels because our inceldom depends on the will of the foids or the will of other people.
In the future, I believe it will be possible to do away with sex entirely. Babies will be grown in artificial wombs from artificially fertilized embryos. Then sex will be forbidden, except for registered prostitutes (of both sexes) and their clients. Ordinary people will no longer have sex together (under strict penalties). That way, the link between sex and social status will be broken and everyone will finally be able to relax about this shit which has plagued humans for so long.

Marxism-rodgerism plays on the objectivity that the only way to end inceldom for most men is to make women lose their human character and become objects of exploitation, socialized to the majority of men.
A complete pie in the sky. What I just suggested above would be a piece of cake to implement in comparison.

I've tried the last two and they don't work. The more you smoke and the more you drink, the worse you feel.
Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?
Its just a set of methods to learn about the world. Modern science uses Popper's criterion, which does not guarantee truth.
Do you believe that religion is for retards?
No. WTF.

Do you believe that the IIIrd Reich would have been good for incels?
Lmao. No. Its good if you're bluepulled specimen of a certain race.
Do you believe that Marxism-Rodgerism and other pseudo-Bolshevik ideas are cool?
Dafuq is that?
If you answer yes to any of those questions, it means you are still duped by left-wing originated bullshit (yes, even the IIIrd Reich), which means you have some blue pills left in your brain.
IIIrd Reich is left wing.
If you are in this situation, no matter how blackpilled you think you are, you will never be content with anything. No amount of coping will do. Only alcohol, drugs and eventually roping will pacify you.
I'm not content
Science can be biased (like companies influencing clinical trials so they yield favorable results for their products) but when science produces bullshit it has more to do with the funding, culture, and people around science rather than the scientific method being inherently flawed.
I agree. But in order to be clear, we need a clear definition. To me. Science is when you have a theory that makes quantified predictions that can be tested in experiments where you have instruments which yield unbiased quantified data,

This means that only Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry are sciences. Everything else is part of the Humanities, i.e. of religion.

Are we in agreement on this?

I don't think science is used to control the masses because the majority of scientific research has no practical application and involves very niche areas of study only a few people around the world are likely to understand.
Yes but the word "science" has become a religious symbol. Look at Fauci. Wasn't he controlling the masses like some kind of Mullah?

There is a whole subreddit devoted to this realization: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChurchOfCOVID/
Its just a set of methods to learn about the world. Modern science uses Popper's criterion, which does not guarantee truth.
I agree, although I believe that Thomas Kuhn's epistemology is an improvement over Popper's

Lmao. No. Its good if you're bluepulled specimen of a certain race.

Dafuq is that?
Some nonsense that has been popular on this site lately

IIIrd Reich is left wing.

I'm not content
Please read the book embedded in this thread, maybe it will help ...
Right-wing-originated content can dupe you as much as left-wing-originated content

Both political sides are mostly blue-pilled

This thread just seems like unnecessary partisanship. People can be blackpilled without being religious cuckservatives
Right-wing-originated content can dupe you as much as left-wing-originated content
There is no real "Right-wing" content. Everything Right-wingers pretend to be for are just old left-wing shit that the current left does not believe in anymore.

Both political sides are mostly blue-pilled
I agree. One has its foot on the accelerator pedal while the other has its foot on the breaks, but they believe in the same crap. They are all devotees of the Great FOID GODDESS, ISHTAR (see the thread linked in my sig)

This thread just seems like unnecessary partisanship. People can be blackpilled without being religious cuckservatives
It is not partisan. I am certainly not advocating for right-wing ideas. Just saying that all bluepilled ideas ultimately originated from the left, even if the right embraced them later. For example, the founding fathers of the US were considered leftists at the time, even though today, every redneck right-winger carries a copy of the constitution and talks about "We the people" at every turn.
Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?
It will never explain everything.
Do you believe that religion is for retards?
No, but I'm a retard
Do you believe that the IIIrd Reich would have been good for incels?
Everything is against inkwells no matter what's the setting.
Do you believe that Marxism-Rodgerism and other pseudo-Bolshevik ideas are cool?
Nothing good has come from Marxist/Bolsheviks ideas as far as I know.
If you answer yes to any of those questions, it means you are still duped by left-wing originated bullshit (yes, even the IIIrd Reich), which means you have some blue pills left in your brain.

If you are in this situation, no matter how blackpilled you think you are, you will never be content with anything. No amount of coping will do. Only alcohol, drugs and eventually roping will pacify you.
>"No" in all questions.
>I will never be content.
>Only roping will pacify me.
Do you believe that religion is for retards?
I just recently saw sandniggers push people to their deaths and one of them was stoned thereafter, most probably because of pisslam. I can't take those people seriously. They along with christians did and still do dumb shit and then justify it by saying it was allowed by god, a wise and compassionate being. Religion is fine when it doesn't promote violence and discrimination against others.
Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?
Science deniers are either ignorant or are pushing some sort of agenda. The scientific method has been proven time and time again.
Religion is fine when it doesn't promote violence and discrimination against others.
Even when religion discriminates against whores?
>"No" in all questions.
>I will never be content.
>Only roping will pacify me.
You must have other bluepilled remnants. Do you know the philosophy of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer? What about Max Stirner? Do you agree with any of them?
Science deniers are either ignorant or are pushing some sort of agenda. The scientific method has been proven time and time again.
Ok, but what is your definition of Science? Could you summarize it briefly? Also, please list academic disciplines that you consider scientific.

Science deniers ...
One last question. Do you consider Tony Fauci a scientist? Do you consider his handling of the Covid crisis scientific?
You must have other bluepilled remnants. Do you know the philosophy of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer? What about Max Stirner? Do you agree with any of them?
Perhaps, I still have remnants.

Even though I know Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, I haven't read any of them. I believe I'm too low IQ for them, but, Idk, I haven't even tried.

Anyways, It was my understanding that if you're content or assuaged with your situation that means that you're whitepilled not blackpilled, correct me if I'm wrong.
This is why you will never understand anything. Science can give you approximations for a limited number of things, but never any "Truth".
i will never do alcohol or illegal drugs as they are degenerate
Don't be so sure. You'll need to cope. Abusing drugs and alcohol is degenerate but using them to cope is okay. However none of this on it's own will provide any significant satisfaction without the proper cleansing of the Mind.
Perhaps, I still have remnants.

Even though I know Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, I haven't read any of them. I believe I'm too low IQ for them, but, Idk, I haven't even tried.

Anyways, It was my understanding that if you're content or assuaged with your situation that means that you're whitepilled not blackpilled, correct me if I'm wrong.
imo, there is no "whitepill" really. The Blackpill is just a step in the road to something that is more universal and not a "pill" at all.
Yes, if it's part of the natural sciences. Not psychiatry or anything pseudoscience. Research papers and studies also need proper methods minimising biases, but this is a cultural issue that can be fixed by non-scientific means
Ok, but what is your definition of Science? Could you summarize it briefly? Also, please list academic disciplines that you consider scientific
I'm gonna use the scientific method here. A science is the study of something, say, economics, or biology. Studying a problem or the unknown, trying to figure out how something works by looking at all the factors at play and then coming up with a solution or an understanding of that..something.
One last question. Do you consider Tony Fauci a scientist? Do you consider his handling of the Covid crisis scientific?
Yeah. I mean he is a doctor. I don't know if it was him who told his institute to work on the vaccine or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the researchers there used the scientific method to come up with a vaccine, he's their leader and he's also a doctor. How some people ended up not getting vaccinated is out of his control i think.
I'm gonna use the scientific method here.
Ok, so what is that ?

A science is the study of something, say, economics, or biology. Studying a problem or the unknown, trying to figure out how something works by looking at all the factors at play and then coming up with a solution or an understanding of that..something.
That definition is way too wide. As such, it is open to all forms of deception (C.F. Fauci below)

Here is another definition: A science is a discipline in which there are theories which make quantified predictions that can be validated by (repeatable and reproducible) experiments using sensitive enough instruments to make accurate quantified measurements possible.

As a result of the above definition, only physics, chemistry and biochemistry are sciences. All the rest belongs in the humanities.

Yeah. I mean he is a doctor. I don't know if it was him who told his institute to work on the vaccine or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the researchers there used the scientific method to come up with a vaccine,
They did not. First of all, vaccine R&D is engineering, no science. Second of all, vaccine testing on humans cannot be scientific because you do not really control the parameters of the experiment (in vitro testing is science; live human testing is not). Finally, it seems that in that particular experiment (Covid vax testing), a large number of vaccine injuries that occured during testing were discarded. So, not only was this not science but engineering, in fact, it was fraudulent engineering (like when a contractor does not put enough cement in his concrete and the bridge collapses)

he's their leader and he's also a doctor.
A doctor is not a scientist but an engineer. So he just should not have said "trust the science", because it was not science. Furthermore, he engaged in fraud in the name of "science". This is what happens when people start to worship "Science". It makes them gullible and susceptible to fraud.

That is what you are, I think, a "Science" worshiper. That is your religion. It is a retarded one.
Science can be biased (like companies influencing clinical trials so they yield favorable results for their products) but when science produces bullshit it has more to do with the funding, culture, and people around science rather than the scientific method being inherently flawed.
Ok, so what is that ?
It has seven steps. Question, research, hypothesis, experiment, data analysis, conclusion, and communication. Using this definition, other disciplines can be categorized as a science. Like, say, economic science and sociology. Your definition limits what science can be to the stereotypical person-in-a-labcoat working in a lab.
They did not. First of all, vaccine R&D is engineering, no science.
But R&D is scientific, it's basically the scientific method. And like, when an engineer faces a problem while working on a project, they'll use the same method to come up with a solution, so engineering is a science.
Finally, it seems that in that particular experiment (Covid vax testing), a large number of vaccine injuries that occured during testing were discarded.
It looks like only one contractor or whatever was reported of doing this, oh now they imply that there were 3 of them. The article wants me to sign up and I'm not doing that. Anyway, I don't know much about the pandemic, I didn't keep up with what was happening around the world, but yeah you could argue that what those contractors did when testing the vax was not scientific since they did some stupid shit. I didn't know anything about that tony guy, i don't know how he or the fda or the people at Pfizer handled this, but yeah throwing away data and managing a lab like shit is not scientific.
That is what you are, I think, a "Science" worshiper. That is your religion. It is a retarded one.
No, i believe in god and think that science has and will continue to make our lives better.
It has seven steps. Question, research, hypothesis, experiment, data analysis, conclusion, and communication. Using this definition, other disciplines can be categorized as a science. Like, say, economic science and sociology. Your definition limits what science can be to the stereotypical person-in-a-labcoat working in a lab.
Nope. Not science. This is the bullshit definition that bulshitter academics have used to bullshit the gullible. If you believe this, you are just a gullible sucker. :soy::soy::soy:

But R&D is scientific, it's basically the scientific method.
Nope. Engineering contains lots of rules of thumbs, prior art that works but no one knows why, etc. Not science.

And like, when an engineer faces a problem while working on a project, they'll use the same method to come up with a solution, so engineering is a science.

It looks like only one contractor or whatever was reported of doing this, oh now they imply that there were 3 of them. The article wants me to sign up and I'm not doing that. Anyway, I don't know much about the pandemic, I didn't keep up with what was happening around the world, but yeah you could argue that what those contractors did when testing the vax was not scientific since they did some stupid shit. I didn't know anything about that tony guy, i don't know how he or the fda or the people at Pfizer handled this, but yeah throwing away data and managing a lab like shit is not scientific.
This shit happened because there are too many gullible idiots like you who are to lazy to "keep up with what was happening around the world" and do not hold the bulshitters to account. Your fault. We don't live in Barbieland. Wake up.

No, i believe in god and think that science has and will continue to make our lives better.
That's really the kicker ....
The bottom of what makes me incel is severe mental illness. If you're not mentally ill, you don't need to rely on online dating, which means you can sidestep the most brutal form of dating. I did fine in real life before I had a bad reaction to using party drugs and became permanently mentally ill it seems
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Do you believe that Science gives you the truth?

Do you believe that religion is for retards?

Do you believe that the IIIrd Reich would have been good for incels?

Do you believe that Marxism-Rodgerism and other pseudo-Bolshevik ideas are cool?

If you answer yes to any of those questions, it means you are still duped by left-wing originated bullshit (yes, even the IIIrd Reich), which means you have some blue pills left in your brain.

If you are in this situation, no matter how blackpilled you think you are, you will never be content with anything. No amount of coping will do. Only alcohol, drugs and eventually roping will pacify you.
Should we consider anime bluepill?

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