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JFL Confusing. Isn't it?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1060
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Isn't it confusing?

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    Votes: 48 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 25.0%

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Okay you pedo retard.

>Being attractived to pubescents makes you a pedophile! The jews told me so!

:soy: pure soy

First of all the age of consent of 14 only applies to men who are under 21. Read the laws yourself you fucking idiot.

This doesn't apply to every country that has the age at 14. Regardless, isn't 20 y/os adults? Is'nt that still pedophilia according to your cuck defintion?

>Muh 14 y/o can slut it up with a 20 y/o but not a 30 y/o!

jfl.:feelskek: If she's capable of fucking a 20 y/o, then she's capabel of fucking a 30 y/o.

I already gave you my response to the AoC being increased. It's because people live much longer.

What utter rubbish.

1. You're basically saying that if ppls age increased to 120, then we would have to increase the AoC to 25 or something.
2. Living much longer is nonsense. Ppl regularlly lived into their 50s-60s. The infant mortality rate was simply higher.
3. Even if this was or wasn't the case is irrelevant to the fact that females are sexually and biologically ready 2-3 yrs after entering puberty. Meaning if one starts at 6, they may be ready by 8-9. If they start at 10, they may be ready by 12-13.
4.Ppl in the past knew that young wives made for better wived, hence why they married them at that age. Has nothing to do with longevity.
5. Your argument further fails given that the purpose of marriage, especially then, would be to have children, especially if ppl are supposedly dying, so why would some dumbass in the 1800s marry a girl incapable of producing children and breastfeeding them?

Plus the age of consent laws are 18 in countries that doesn't even have Jewish influence such as fucking Iraq, India, and turkey.

1. Jewish influence is basically everywhere.
2. International law from first world (jew controlled) countries cause this to happen. This is no different than how usury or whoredom is also spread thanks to first world influence. Similar to how they are trying to get places like Saudi Arabia to increase the AoC.
3. It still doesn't change the fact that raising the AoC was spear-headed by jews and feminists. Yet you want to gobble that up like a good goy as the one (1) thing they CONCIDENTALLY got right all the while getting divorce, alimony, gender differences, and whoredom wrong.

Females desire only the most genetically fit males is found in all of nature and the animal kingdom. Feminism doesn't make women want the top 20% of guys. It's natural.

Feminism magnifies and makes that aspect uncontrollable. Nothing wrong with hypergamy or seeking HVM. The key is that traditionalism strikes a balance by making sure a 2/10 roastie gets with a 4/10 male. Feminism leads to 2/10 roasties with 6/10 males. Again, members of my own family, including my parents, make this very apparent.

I know what society is about and I know why women have been historically oppressed. The point I was arguing that you have purposefully deflected because you are hypocrite. Is that basing rules and policies off what is natural isn't always what is best for society.

Never said something being natural makes it good. Homosexuality can be natural, as is murder. While marriage is unnatural. However, speaking from an atheistic/evolutionary POV, there can be no objection to men wanting to copulate with young females.

Even then, it has not been proven in any shape or form that marrying young girls, once they are physically matured, is harmful for soceity. On the contrary, it is well known and shown that younger wives will be more loyal, obedient, and loving. Younger wives will have less time and oppurtunities to whore around and will have more time to bond with their husband, especially considering these are her impressionable years, meaning pair bonding through sexual intimacy will be far more intense.

Obviously oppressing women is best for overall society, but it doesn't change the fact that many women are going to end up with men that they are not sexually attracted to.

And that sexual attraction can be there if they are married at a young age. Again, look back on these pics I posted. Younger girls are less picky. Couple this with gender segregation and other traditional norms, and you will prevent their hypergamy from working up too much.

Using some shit chart that shows how 25% of men are attractive to girls under 16 years old doesn't mean that low age of consent and child marriage is good for society.

Many other studies exist as well. And lol, you can deny it all you want, doesn't change the fact that 12-15 yr old females are sexually appealing to non-pedophile hetero males.

There is a reason why we did away with all of that.

Because you love being a jewish slave so much?

Are we better off than we were hundreds of years ago. I would say that the changes made have had eugenic effects on society. The changes in the last 50 years not so much.

Gee, I dunno, given the pverty, divorce, suicide, and alcholoism rampant in the west, I'd argue no.

The west has been in decline since feminism came around 120 yrs ago, it only slowed down during WW1,2, and Cold war.
>Being attractived to pubescents makes you a pedophile! The jews told me so!

No it's that you're an ethnic scumbag. You and I both know you'd go much lower.

What utter rubbish.

Lol you're arguement is literally "Its the Jews' you have no fucking proof and your reasoning is shit. The Jews increased the age of consent to make women more slutty in Iraq, India and Turkey? As far as I know India has arranged marriages still. I guess its the Jews there too, huh?

Feminism magnifies and makes that aspect uncontrollable. Nothing wrong with hypergamy or seeking HVM. The key is that traditionalism strikes a balance by making sure a 2/10 roastie gets with a 4/10 male. Feminism leads to 2/10 roasties with 6/10 males. Again, members of my own family, including my parents, make this very apparent.

This is not a answer. You are wrong and you know it. Females in the animal kingdom seek out genetically fit males. Human women are no different. Most men are not genetically fit. There is a reason we shifted from polygamy to monogamy.

While marriage is unnatural

You have no proof of this. There are several species that are monogamous and mate for life. There is no definitive proof either way what the natural relationship between Man and woman is. Monogamy is more eugenic for society though. You made it clear in one of your arguments that men build and maintain society and they do so for the guarantee of having access to women and sex. Monogamy is the best solution.

Even then, it has not been proven in any shape or form that marrying young girls, once they are physically matured, is harmful for soceity.

I think there is plenty of proof. Most of the countries that still have it are complete shit holes. That's proof enough. And we've had higher age of consent laws for quite some time and yet we've made great progress in society.

I would say the west has already given enough to degenerates like you. Homosexual marriage, transgenderism, beastility. What's next? Necrophilia, and ofcourse pedophilia. Why should we lower the age of consent laws because 20% of men, ugly ethnic men like you want to stick your dick in young white pussy. You shouldn't even be allowed to a fucking opinion. If our founding fathers where alive they would of hanged you for even making the mere suggestion.

Gee, I dunno, given the pverty, divorce, suicide, and alcholoism rampant in the west, I'd argue no.

Yeah I don't think anyone with half of brain is going to agree with you that the modern standard of living is inferior to the standard of living hundreds of years ago. I don't really think anyone with half of brain agrees with anything you say, tbh.
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Nazicopers are incredibly low IQ
Nazicopers are incredibly low IQ


How dare you?


So are shitskin subhumans like you.

Says the lowest ever IQ poster ever typed anything on this forum.

We never had any problem with highIQ nazicels on this forum though. They are actually cool guys and nice to chill together.
You're blaming feminism for what is natural state of female sexual desire. Which goes entirely against your fucking argument that we should lower the age of consent because some men find young teen aged girls attractive. Are you too stupid to realize the hypocrisy in this? You already conceded that what is natural isn't always what is best for society. What more is there left to argue? You've made no argument why lowering the age of consent would be beneficial to society. Dont you think you should make an argument sometime soon since you're the one arguing in favor of lower age of consent. We've obviously flourished in spite of having a higher age of consent.

No, I'm not. I'm fine with women wanting HVM and being hypergamous, just as I am fine with men wanting young brides. There simply needs to be some control over these, such as gender segregation or having the father approve of a girl's marriage.

"we've obviously flourished in spite of having a higher age of consent"

Right, the past 60 yrs of feminism must have just all been in our heads.

This is a shit arguement that isn't even worth addressing.

Concession accepted.

Yes I'm if we lowered the age of consent laws it would end there. Just like it stopped after homosexual marriage was legal, Just like after transgenderism became popularized.
That's simply because of the hypersexual nature of the west. They want more and more because they are bored of vanilla.

You are clearly on the side of good

According to the God of the Bible, yes I am.
According to the God of the Quran, yes I am.
According to evolutionary biology, yes I am.

wanting to lower the age of consent so you can fuck young girls.

Nothing wrong with wanting to fuck young girls, dumbass. You sound exactly like a foid.

"You want to shame whores so you can fuck young virgins" is literally no different than you saying
"You want to marry young girls so you can fuck young virgins."

Yes I do

I'm sure they would definitely want to fuck a subhuman like you.



and please stop acting like a tough guy. we're both on this damn site. you're a subhuman as well.

Yeah George Washington married a 7 year old named Martha Washington.

Don't care about him. Doesn't change the fact that age of marriage was 7-10.

And the answer you have to all that is to lower the age of consent? That would solve all our problems. Completely irrelevant.

It would help alot, and is very much relevant. It obviouslt isnt the only thing that needs to change, as things like usury, alcohol, and gender mixing also need to be changed.

And considering things like suicide, depression, drugs, and broken families are all caused by weak marriages, yes. It very much WOULD help solve these problems by having young loyal wives who are far more strongly pair bonded to their husbands due to being younger.
Where did I fucking say ethnics don't rape? Read my comments again. Rape is the only way they can get laid. What's your point?
Read my fucking comment retarded piece of fucking brainless shit. I didn't say all. I said those guys who are "dating" underage girls. Those girls are prostitutes pimped by their mothers. Also the pic you (or the other guy or whoever fuck) posted is not a pic of a "rape". It's a pic of a "date". So the only way to explain it is to child-prostitution.

Lmfao, show me a single white women who's not a whore. They start fucking as soon as they reach their 9 years. Yea they don't ask money, but they fuck for free (for chads). Ethnics can't fuck for free, they need to pay (or rape).

Because may be you can't?

That's just from a freaking single google search. May be there are, I need to look more.

Whatever. Those pics corroborate nazicoping claims anyway (my kweenz are getting stolen)

I didn't read your shit, I only read shit that's addressed to me.

Looks like I need to do a write up about this. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
With all the proofs, statistics and shit. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Also you forgot to explain this shit to me:

How many white kids in your neighborhood? Can you fucking groom any of them? How do you groom? How do you meet? Where do you meet? How do you convince them to come to your place? How do you get inside their house and fuck them?

Most immigrant shitskin ethnics can't even barely speak/read/write anything except their native language.

Are you seriously this fucking naive??

We will see. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Lmfao fucking cuck. Your women want you fucking dead. Read with me it again, THEY WANT YOU FUCKING DEAD. DEAD.

Where did I say, we aren't?

Of fucking course they are. I actually agree with the first (left) button.


I don't understand what the actual fuck you are talking about.

Ask everyone on this forum. I'm the most brutal ethnic basher ever existed on this forum.

You are misunderstood, just like a fucking brainlet you are.

Read my above comment retardcel. Of fucking course they rape, because that's the only way they can get sex. Rape is not date or marriage. How many fucking times do I need to type this shit? Can't you fucking read?
Ignore him, man
He is a fucking brazilian
Then what do they think? Ethnics are not having sex with white women?

So ethnics are having sex with white women?

You conveniently left out where I said that you're presenting a false dilemma. You live in a black and white world where it's either:

a) Race-mixing doesn't occur at all
b) Nazis base their ideology on the fact that "white women are getting stolen by ethnics"

I don't live in the same fantasy world as you where all there is are these two mutually exclusive choices. I'm not here to prove to you that race-mixing never happens, what I say, again, is that this "ethnics are stealing white women" thing is simply bullshit taken straight from your fantasies. You're misinterpreting the ideology and projecting your own immature view of politics onto this.

You can't make women to fuck ugly ass subhumans by applying propaganda, biological hardwiring can't be changed through propaganda. You can't even fucking realize how utter nonsense your statements are.

Oh really? Then how did hundreds of years of monogamy work, where even low-status men could marry and have children with a fellow subhuman? Foids are easy to keep in check and receptible to propaganda. Foids live in a society under the race-mixing agenda and it absolutely has an impact on their childish minds.

I can show intergalactic travels on tv shows, but that's not happening anyway. What's the complain here? I don't understand.
You'd think any white woman even considering mating with any ethnics is science-fiction tier fantasy, but with propaganda and forced normalization you can make the most degenerate behavior acceptable among foids. Google the phenomenon of "Tyskerjente" for example.

I saved that brainlet meme you sent though, best one I've seen in a while ngl.
Right, the past 60 yrs of feminism must have just all been in our heads.

Feminism and the age of consent laws are not even related. Encouraging women to be slutty and promiscuous, focus on their careers and have less children has nothing to do with the age of consent. Second wave feminism didn't begin until the 1960s. The age of consent in most states was 18 even a century ago.

According to the God of the Bible, yes I am.
According to the God of the Quran, yes I am.
According to evolutionary biology, yes I am.

I thought we already pointed out that what is natural isn't always best for society. Hypocrite. Which are you, a christian, or a muslim? Well I'll suppose you'll be anything you need to be to get access to that sweet young pussy.

Only when you groom little girls that have no daddy's and are so happy to recieve attention from a much older man. The second she gets mature enough she's going to leave your subhuman ass for Chad. I thought you were blackpilled?

Don't care about him. Doesn't change the fact that age of marriage was 7-10.

n Massachusetts records dating from 1652 to 1800 demonstrate that the mean age of first marriage for ladies was between 19.5 and 22.5 years, and records for other colonies reflect similar ages. In fact, the average age of first marriage for all of the colonies studied was 19.8 before 1700, 21.2 during the early 18th century, and 22.7 during the late 18th century.

Destroyed by facts, data, logic n shiett

It would help alot, and is very much relevant.

You hear that guys. Better start drafting the bill
Nothing wrong with wanting to fuck young girls, dumbass. You sound exactly like a foid.

"You want to shame whores so you can fuck young virgins" is literally no different than you saying
"You want to marry young girls so you can fuck young virgins."

Yes I do

Nothing wrong with wanting to fuck grannies though. That's why I'm granny exclusive. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:


What about you @the3rdwill ?


Which are you, a christian, or a muslim?

We are nothing, we just want to stick with old testament laws -- ad verbatim.

@Made in Heaven
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Feminism and the age of consent laws are not even related. Encouraging women to be slutty and promiscuous, focus on their careers and have less children has nothing to do with the age of consent. Second wave feminism didn't begin until the 1960s. The age of consent in most states was 18 even a century ago.

>Feminsim raised the age of consent
>claims they're not related


And yes it does, because a women who delays marriage is more likely to have less children and be slutty.

I thought we already pointed out that what is natural isn't always best for society. Hypocrite. Which are you, a christian, or a muslim? Well I'll suppose you'll be anything you need to be to get access to that sweet young pussy.

Yet you've yet to show me why it would be bad and simply use war-torn countries as a strawman. Meanwhile, I've explained to you very clearly why young wives are benefecial for society and a family/marriage.

Only when you groom little girls that have no daddy's and are so happy to recieve attention from a much older man. The second she gets mature enough she's going to leave your subhuman ass for Chad. I thought you were blackpilled?

Hey, If it works, it works.

Also, still no proof they don't have fathers, especially considering many cases of foids becoming whores at 12 despite having fathers.
Also, lol she can't leave under traditionalism. lmfao Again, this is why all world cultures have such a tight grip on female freedom.
Also, again, like I keep saying, its not only AoC that needs to be changed, but other aspects of gender relations as well.

n Massachusetts records dating from 1652 to 1800 demonstrate that the mean age of first marriage for ladies was between 19.5 and 22.5 years, and records for other colonies reflect similar ages. In fact, the average age of first marriage for all of the colonies studied was 19.8 before 1700, 21.2 during the early 18th century, and 22.7 during the late 18th century.

Destroyed by facts, data, logic n shiett

Not reading all that. Show me the relevant part.

Though I can safely say that this: the sample size for this study no doubt would have been very small, not only given the lack of data gathering that went on back then, but also the sample size, which would almost certainly be small due to the difficulty of travel/communication.

And even then, this is talking of the mean, meaning you could have people as old as 30 and as young as 10 affecting these results.

And even then, I'm not necassarily saying every last girl should get married asap as soon as they hit puberty, but it should be an option. Meaning if a 12, 13, or 14 y/o is ready they should, if not, they may wait. My own parents got married in their late 20s and they have a very good marriage

Edit: Also forgot to mention that the age of puberty would naturally also factor into this, as we know the age of puberty increased to as late as 15-16 during the industrial revolution, at least among Europeans, who we already know start puberty on average much later in life than other races.
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Holy fucking retardcel. If three mothers in the US can pimp their 3 year old children, why the whore mother of that girl in the pic you posted won't pimp her? Of fucking course they are related. It's quite common for white western single mothers to pimp their kids. All child-prostitution rings work like that. Fucking brainlet retrard. Read it again --

Seriously, I cannot believe that anyone could read this post and not think you are retarded. There is no fucking way I am alone in this.

You showed evidence of a single case in which three white crackheads pimped their daughters out to pedophiles. Based off that one example you now believe that the only possible explanation for ethnic men fucking white girls is because their mothers are pimping them out. Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? Than you posted some ridiculous article about how "78% of western women are the cause of children being pimped out". But none of the data you provided specifically pointed to White women. The majority of those cases could be shitskin women. I'm sure it wont take me long to find you a case were a sheboon sold her child for a pair of nikes. I guess that means any niglet that is sexually abused is being sold out by her mommy, according to your low IQ logic.

My explanation for the picture showing the adult arab male with that little white girl is far more likely. Daddy isn't around to protect them. And he is grooming them. Afterall, this is what Arab subhumans do in their own countries. Their practically known for it. They groom little girls, rape little girls. They fuck their sisters and cousins. That's why 60% of arab men are inbred.

Furthermore the pictures taken are in fucking Finland I believe, definitely a european country. And the guy is fucking posting on social media. Although shitskins are dumb as shit..
Yet you've yet to show me why it would be bad and simply use war-torn countries as a strawman.

Why dont you show me the prosperous, civilized, technologically advanced countries that allow old men to fuck little teenaged girls since the burden of proof is on you. You're the one who is claiming it's eugenic for society, afterall. Ofcourse you don't have any proof.

Meanwhile, I've explained to you very clearly why young wives are benefecial for society and a family/marriage.

Yes I remember,

It would help alot, and is very much relevant.

Though I can safely say that this: the sample size for this study no doubt would have been very small,

And I can safely say you're a fucking moron. Massachusetts records dating from 1652 to 1800. tens of thousands of marriage records.

I'm not repeating what the data says. You know it proves you wrong so you refuse to accept it as evidence because your intellectually disingenuous shitstain.

meaning you could have people as old as 30 and as young as 10 affecting these results.

When you're using thousands of sample sizes the mean number is representative of a trend. It's like saying average height range isn't the most common heights because some people are going to be short and others are going to be tall Fucking moron.

You have no evidence or data that would even hint or suggest that If we lowered the age of consent society would have any better off. In the past 60 years its clear that Feminism has been the problem. The age of consent laws haven't changed in the past 60 years. The very fact that society has raised the age of consent laws and we prospered and progressed in spite of that proves how irrelevant it would be.

All I see in your ramblings is just a pedophile that wants to fuck little girls. If we did lower the age of consent laws you still wouldn't be happy, you'd want them even lower. Forcing little teenage girls to marry someone like you is a scary fucking thought. Females may have been historically oppressed but in the past few hundred years they have had some agency. The point of monogamy is to level the playing field not make it completely one sided. As little I think of incel community, I seriously doubt that the majority of white incels would even agree to forced marriage and complete removal of rights from women. Even if little white girls had a choice at that young of an age to be with who they wanted to, their fathers would never let them around a subhuman like you. I certainly wouldn't. And since duels are technically legal I guess we'd be at a impass.

"Technically marriage at any age is legal". Jflol why don't you go ask a 13 year old to marry you than? We all know why because her father would wipe the floor with you, cowardly shitstain.
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You showed evidence of a single case in which three white crackheads pimped their daughters out to pedophiles.

I will bring more cases, fuck, I can bring millions of such cases. But they won't fit here and will take time to curate all of them.

Based off that one example you now believe that the only possible explanation for ethnic men fucking white girls is because their mothers are pimping them out.


Ethnic men fucking white underage girls -- yes, those girls are whores and getting pimped off by their mothers. This is a common knowledge, even many nazicels on stormfront say so. I actually got this information from them. It's not something I made up. I am a regular poster there.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

That's not ridiculous. It's a well known fact that sluttery and whoremongering is intricately embedded in western "post-modernist" values.


Than you posted some ridiculous article about how "78% of western women are the cause of children being pimped out".

None of those are ridiculous. WTF. You are coping, it's called 4th Reich cope.

But none of the data you provided specifically pointed to White women.

As I have said (this is my 7th time saying this same shit), those are from just one google hit and first couple of links from the first page. I didn't look through them in detail.

The majority of those cases could be shitskin women.

They can be, but does not matter, that doesn't say white single mothers are not pimping them. Have you ever heard of "logical deduction" buddy boyo? Are you a brazilian?

I'm sure it wont take me long to find you a case were a sheboon sold her child for a pair of nikes.

I have other things to do buddy boyo. As I have said, I will make a write up about this will tag your subhuman chimpIQ ass. When do you need? It will take 2~3 days minimum.

I guess that means any niglet that is sexually abused is being sold out by her mommy, according to your low IQ logic.

No. Read my comment above.

My explanation for the picture showing the adult arab male with that little white girl is far more likely.

No. You are retarded.

Daddy isn't around to protect them.

Where is your daddy buddy boyo? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Do western white kids have daddies? Lmfao. Hahahahahahaa :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

And he is grooming them.

How? How do you groom? How does this "grooming white western kids" work? Be specific. Babbling "groom" again and again does not make a point. We are not chimps my boy.

Afterall, this is what Arab subhumans do in their own countries. Their practically known for it. They groom little girls, rape little girls.

Yea they do, but how does that work in the west? Without getting caught and going to jail?

They fuck their sisters and cousins. That's why 60% of arab men are inbred.

Of fucking course they are inbred and that's why they are subhuman mongrels. But how do they steal "your" women even being a subhuman mongrels? That was the first question, wasn't it?

Furthermore the pictures taken are in fucking Finland I believe, definitely a european country. And the guy is fucking posting on social media.

He's fucking a whore and bragging about it. Yes, he's dumb. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
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Why dont you show me the prosperous, civilized, technologically advanced countries that allow old men to fuck little teenaged girls since the burden of proof is on you. You're the one who is claiming it's eugenic for society, afterall. Ofcourse you don't have any proof

Saudi Arabia

And I can safely say you're a fucking moron. Massachusetts records dating from 1652 to 1800. tens of thousands of marriage records.

Doesn't mean they recorded all the data. Again, we're talking of a time with very little communication, at least when compared to these days. You think some schmuck went around from village to village on his horse asking ppl what age they married? lol

I'm not repeating what the data says. You know it proves you wrong so you refuse to accept it as evidence because your intellectually disingenuous shitstain. When you're using thousands of sample sizes the mean number is representative of a trend. It's like saying average height range isn't the most common heights because some people are going to be short and others are going to be tall Fucking moron.

Never said the evidence is invalid, but there are other factors to consider as I mentioned. And again, the age of marriage was 10 for many decades, you're deluded if you think that wasn't there for a reason or that it wasn't refective of the norms of the time.

You have no evidence or data that would even hint or suggest that If we lowered the age of consent society would have any better off.

Does the fact that girls getting deflowered at 12-13 not mean anything to you?

In the past 60 years its clear that Feminism has been the problem.

Feminism raised the AoC

The age of consent laws haven't changed in the past 60 years.

Yeah, because they already managed to change it for their agendas 100 yrs ago.

The very fact that society has raised the age of consent laws and we prospered and progressed in spite of that proves how irrelevant it would be.

Still blathering about feminism, whoredom, broken families, and suicide being progress and prosperaty jfl :feelskek:

All I see in your ramblings is just a pedophile that wants to fuck little girls.

Attraction to pubescents isnt pedophilia, bluepilled cuck.

If we did lower the age of consent laws you still wouldn't be happy, you'd want them even lower.

Forcing little teenage girls to marry someone like you is a scary fucking thought.

Your soy side is showing again.

"muh scary creepy inkwell can't have sex with young girls. only roasties!":soy:

Females may have been historically oppressed but in the past few hundred years they have had some agency.

Females weren't oppressed. They were controlled.

The point of monogamy is to level the playing field not make it completely one sided.

Leveling the playing field with a child-minded female? lmfao Men and women aren't equal.

More soy:soy:

As little I think of incel community

You a fakecel?

I seriously doubt that the majority of white incels would even agree to forced marriage and complete removal of rights from women.

No one advocated for either of these.

Even if little white girls had a choice at that young of an age to be with who they wanted to, their fathers would never let them around a subhuman like you.

Fathers want a good man for their daughters, so they would accept a man if he is moral, and if his daughter is physically matured, which most girls tend to be by 11-12 these days.

I certainly wouldn't. And since duels are technically legal I guess we'd be at a impass.

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How retarded are you? Why do you think they enjoy being around older men that shower them with affection and attention. Because they don't have fathers in their life you idiot.

No daddy? Freaking bastards aren't they? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I will bring more cases, fuck, I can bring millions of such cases. But they won't fit here and will take time to curate all of them.


Ethnic men fucking white underage girls -- yes, those girls are whores and getting pimped off by their mothers. This is a common knowledge, even many nazicels on stormfront say so. I actually got this information from them. It's not something I made up. I am a regular poster there.

That's not ridiculous. It's a well known fact that sluttery and whoremongering is intricately embedded in western "post-modernist" values.


None of those are not ridiculous. WTF. You are coping, it's called 4th Reich cope.

As I have said (this is my 7th time saying this same shit), those are from just one google hit and first couple of links from the first page. I didn't look through them in detail.

They can be, but does not matter, that doesn't say white single mothers are not pimping them. Have you ever heard of "logical deduction" buddy boyo? Are you a brazilian?

I have other things to do buddy boyo. As I have said, I will make a write up about this will tag your subhuman chimpIQ ass. When do you need? It will take 2~3 days minimum.

No. Read my comment above.

No. You are retarded.

Where is your daddy buddy boyo? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Do western white kids have daddies? Lmfao. Hahahahahahaa :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

How? How do you groom? How does this "grooming white western kids" work? Be specific. Babbling "groom" again and again does not make a point. We are not chimps my boy.

Yea they do, but how does that work in the west? Without getting caught and going to jail?

Of fucking course they are inbred and that's why they are subhuman mongrels. But how do they steal "your" women even being a subhuman mongrels? That was the first question, wasn't it?

He's fucking a whore and bragging about it. Yes, he's dumb. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Honestly I am really just done with you. You simply cannot understand that posting cherry picked examples is not proof. Your subhuman brain cannot understand this so it's pointless to continue with you.
Honestly I am really just done with you.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: Reply to my previous comments if you are a man.

You simply cannot understand that posting cherry picked examples is not proof.

There are literally "triliions" of such examples, how am I going to post all of them? What do you want me to do? How many examples do you need? If I post like 20 or 30 links, you will still say "cherrypicked" anyway. What's the point?

What is the minimum number of examples that I should post that will convince you they aren't cherrypicked? I know there is no such bound.

Old ethnic guys fucking underage white girls is not a very common thing, but they are not "cherrypicked" if you bring such examples. But whatever I say is "cherrypicked" -- I don't understand.

If you are a real nazi/WN, you should talk like a real man.

Have some fucking honor, for fuck's sake.

Being a bastard child of a single mother and coming from a fatherless home does not mean you shouldn't have any honor. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Your subhuman brain cannot comprehend this so it's pointless to continue with you.

Of fucking course!!! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Also read this @the3rdwill , it will help:
  1. You are completely fine as long as your mothers and sisters are riding white chad's dick. But you go apeshit when some extremely rare good looking ethnic shags a white girl. You need to change this mind set. Fix your whore mothers and sisters.
  2. You won't have a 4th Reich as long as you are okay with your mothers and sisters being rabid whores. Ethnics are a problem? Fine, kick them out. Are your women gonna be Mother Teresas from the next day? No. You completely polluted your women's mind with modernism and so called progress, and kicking ethnics out won't fix that. Fix your whore mothers and sisters.
  3. See these, yes they are memes, but these are not just memes, these are real:

The more you make delay in understanding these facts, the more your """civilization""" :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: will collapse.

Again, fix your dog-fucker whores.

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Chaddam but not ethnics in general. Its easy if you dont have an IQ of 85

How many "chaddams" do you see? Was asking cuz I don't see any, may be 1 in 10000.

Looks like my IQ is fucking with my eyesight. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
It is also not about anger. Like @chudur-budur already said, everyone should just stick to their own kind. It is just natural and simple. Why making things more complicated than it is?

More than good enough argument against race mixing. HighIQ.
You conveniently left out where I said that you're presenting a false dilemma. You live in a black and white world where it's either:

a) Race-mixing doesn't occur at all
b) Nazis base their ideology on the fact that "white women are getting stolen by ethnics"

Where did I say race-mixing doesn't occur at all? WTF. Yes they occur, but frequency is too small to be a real issue.

I don't live in the same fantasy world as you where all there is are these two mutually exclusive choices.

Mutually exclusive only if you say "our women are taken over by the ethnics".

I'm not here to prove to you that race-mixing never happens, what I say, again, is that this "ethnics are stealing white women" thing is simply bullshit taken straight from your fantasies.

Damn. I'm a very long time poster on stormfront. Everyone knows me there. "Ethnics are stealing white women" is an extremely prevalent narrative among nazicels. We talk about it all the fucking time over at stormfront. WTF you are talking about?

Oh really? Then how did hundreds of years of monogamy work, where even low-status men could marry and have children with a fellow subhuman?

We don't live in 100 years past. Now everything revolves around glamor, lust, sex and looks. Foids are free to fuck anyone, why on fucking earth they're gonna ride some subhuman's dick? Lmfao. Just to look "good"? and to convey some political message? You are fucking retarded. Yes, they will ride ethnics, I didn't say they don't, but ONLY if the ethnic is extremely good looking.

Foids are easy to keep in check and receptible to propaganda.

No, traditional societies in the past needed to take "extreme measures" to keep them in check.

Foids live in a society under the race-mixing agenda and it absolutely has an impact on their childish minds.

There is agenda, I don't disagree. But that doesn't make them fuck average ethnic men. They fuck ONLY if the ethnic guy is extremely good looking. It doesn't disprove/contradict your "agenda" argument anyway.
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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has banned Child marriages (da joos!:lul:) you fucking stupid idiot . Before than there was no age of consent for marriage but the average age a saudi woman would married was 20. And sex is illegal outside marriage. Again even when there are low age of consent laws No decent father would let his daughter marry that young.

Data from the Saudi General authority for statistics revealed important figures that reflect a number of demographic, social and economic characteristics in the Kingdom. One of the interesting results of the survey was the fact that majority of Saudi men prefer to get married at the age of 25.3 years, while the average age of Saudi women marrying for the first time was 20.4 years old. This data was taken BEFORE the child ban marriage ban.

Alright so I am done with you but I will give my closing statement.

You're a fucking stupid pedophile. Finding pubescent teenaged girls attractive isn't pedophilia. But YOU are a pedophile and we both know it. You keep insisting that the high age of consent laws have some incredible dsygenic effects on society when you really can't prove it. Citing alcoholism, suicide, and drug abuse is not even relevant . Society has advanced and prospered and has a higher standard of living in spite of having high age of consent laws. That is the objective truth. Your best argument is feminism being the problem but feminism influencing women to be promiscuous, focus on their careers, abort their children and have less children has NOTHING to do with age of consent. Even if you lowered the age of consent laws to 12 years old, girls would still be promiscuous, still focus on their careers and still have less children because feminism tells them to. And as long as they had agency they still very likely wouldn't choose to be with old ugly subhuman men like you. And if they have fathers in their lives you would never even get the chance.

Fathers want a good man for their daughters, so they would accept a man if he is moral, and if his daughter is physically matured, which most girls tend to be by 11-12 these days.

Like you said, technically child marriage is legal in the USA in some states with the consent of the parents.

Than what is stopping you? Maybe its because no father would ever consent to his 11-12 year old daughter to marry a older man no matter how good he is. Any man that would even make that suggestion would be jumped. You'd have to make some pretty good arguments as to why its good for society that their 11-12 year old daughter fucks you. But as anyone with half a brain can see, you are incapable of making any good arguments.
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Compared to redpillcopers and right wing cucks,a lot of people in here seems to not care about ethnics stealing white women.
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