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JFL Confusing. Isn't it?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1060
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Isn't it confusing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 25.0%

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I'll leave this here


There are trillions of pics like this:


But we prefer statistics and facts to some random pics on the internet.


There is a thing called "whitemaxxing", but there is no such thing called "ethnicmaxxing".

Ethics ARE stealing our women.
And there aren't many uralic people left compared to whites and especially dark skinned people.
This is genocide

But ethnics are ugly ass subhumans, how on fucking earth they are stealing white women? Does not make sense.
I'll leave this here


Basically proving the point of how ethnics are subhman in more ways than just looks. Preying on underage white girls that don't have a father to protect them from predators like this.
Don't worry, their brains are flexible enough for this mental gymnastics
sfcels need to cope somehow
meanwhile, they are fucking gooks because thats all they can get
Then how are they getting these JBs?

They are grooming white girls from broken homes you fucking idiot. There is no father around to protect them from grown men. The white mothers are self-hating liberal cunts that have no problem allowing some shitskin around their daughter because "white men are pedophiles".

If they aren't grooming white girls they are raping them. No "white supramcists" feel threatened by Ethnic men. You turds are just being disingenuous by lumping in Black guys with ethnics.
They are grooming white girls from broken homes you fucking idiot. There is no father around to protect them from grown men.
that have no problem allowing some shitskin around their daughter because "white men are pedophiles".

He's not grooming. I'm sure he's paying. Yes, she's being pimped by her mother.

Typical western white "family", they are literal whore houses. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:



Paying for the whore is the only way an ethnic shitskin subhuman can get laid.

You are such a brainlet that you can't even get your fucking head around it. How are you gonna establish 4th Reich with that IQ buddy boyo?

If they aren't grooming white girls they are raping them.

rape =/= date

fucking retardcel.

No "white supramcists" feel threatened by Ethnic men. You turds are just being disingenuous by lumping in Black guys with ethnics.

Stop whiteknighting for your women, fix your dog-fuckers.

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Low IQ. What ”nazis” say isn’t that ethnics steal white women, it’s that jews push a race mixing agenda. Cope somewhere else dindu
What is the backstory behind these pictures:lul:? I know they are refugees in Finland or something.

Their mothers run whore houses, it's quite common.


Low IQ. What ”nazis” say isn’t that ethnics steal white women, it’s that jews push a race mixing agenda. Cope somewhere else dindu

Chimp level IQ.


How does "race-mixing" happen without ethnics marrying/dating/reproducing with (i.e. that's what they "stealing") white women?
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So brainlet that you can't even get your fucking head around it. How are you gonna establish 4th Reich with that IQ buddy boyo?

You're such a intellectually disingenous turd. Using a completely different pictures and examples from the ones I originally responded too.
rape =/= date

Wtf does this even mean? Everyone's heard of paki grooming gangs preying on young white girls. It's swept under the rug by the media but everyone knows what they do.

Pointing out cherry picked examples of White people doing crimes doesn't change the fact that shitskins are far worse. It's hard to even make fair comparisons since your countries are such uncivilized shit holes that most of your crimes are not even documented because the concept of law and order is practically foreign to you.

You subhumans continuously use these weak ass arguments because the concept of Per capita is simply beyond your understanding.
they just dont like us ethnics in their countries and come up with any excuse to drive us out. Wont happen tho

Is not that a normal reaction when your homeland is fluted with foreign people who also shits on you?
You're such a intellectually disingenous turd. Using a completely different pictures and examples from the ones I originally responded too.

Holy fucking retardcel. If three mothers in the US can pimp their 3 year old children, why the whore mother of that girl in the pic you posted won't pimp her? Of fucking course they are related. It's quite common for white western single mothers to pimp their kids. All child-prostitution rings work like that. Fucking brainlet retrard. Read it again --


Everyone's heard of paki grooming gangs preying on young white girls.

They are just paying and fucking whores. Yes, those "white single-mother homes" are nothing but brothels. Guess you might be brought up in one of those, weren't you?

It's swept under the rug by the media but everyone knows what they do.

Keep coping pathetic whiteknighting cuck. Keep coping.

Pointing out cherry picked examples

lmfao, says the cherrypicker himself.
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If there is one man for every one woman, you don't think that guy could lose his looksmatch to an ethnic? Don't act like you never see ethnics and blacks with white women. Anyway, whatever idc really. Sluts will be sluts and nothing really matters unless men take power back which probably won't happen.
Holy fucking retardcel. If three mothers in the US can pimp their 3 year old children, why the whore mother of that girl in the pic you posted won't pimp her? Of fucking course they are related. It's quite common for white western single mothers to pimp their kids. All child-prostitution rings work like that. Fucking brainlet retrard. Read it again --

How is using an example of 3 moms who pimp out their children tantamount to the pictures I originally responded to which were clearly older shitskin males with young white girls. They aren't paying those girls you fucking idiot. They are grooming them. Using a completely different crime to link them together is fucking ridiculous.

They are just paying and fucking whores.

Are you fucking kidding me? YOu're saying roaming paki rape gangs are actually paying for it? Lol. So shitskin males being responsible for most of the rape in Sweden is actually a lie because they were paying for it? So you're not just fucking stupid you're also a complete scumbag. Lol an ethnic male that doesn't know what the word rape means. What else can you expect from a savage?

lmfao, says the cherrypicker.

What cherry picked examples have I used? I've been replying to all your examples you fucking moron.
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Most white supremacists/alt-righters look in such way that if it wasn't for their swastikas I would've mistaken them for liberal numales.
Most white supremacists/alt-righters look in such way that if it wasn't for their swastikas I would've mistaken them for liberal numales.

And most ethnic incels look worse and try to pretend they are apolitical when in reality they are all left-leaning shitbags that like to criticize everyone elses politics but are too cowardly to reveal their own positions because they even more dog shit. But it doesn't matter because the reason why they are left leaning is out of self-interest for their group, no matter how biased it is to them, or unfair it is to everyone else. But yet they criticize whites for doing the same thing.
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How is using an example of 3 moms who pimp out their children tantamount to the pictures I originally responded to which were clearly older shitskin males with young white girls. They are grooming them.

Older men can't go to brothels? Fucking brainlet?

How many white kids in your neighborhood? Can you fucking groom any of them? How do you groom? How do you meet? Where do you meet? How do you convince them to come to your place? How do you get inside their house and fuck them?

Most immigrant shitskin ethnics can't even barely speak/read/write anything except their native language.

Are you seriously this fucking naive??

They aren't paying those girls you fucking idiot.

They are not fucking paying to those girls you fucking retarded piece of shit. Lmfao.

They pay to their mothers. Fucking brainless retard.

78% of child prostitution in the west are perpetrated by single mothers.

YOu're saying roaming paki rape gangs are actually paying for it? Lol.

If the kids are underage, in most cases, yes. They are paying to their mothers. This is quite common in white single-mother household, specially in Europe.

So shitskin males being responsible for most of the rape in Sweden is actually a lie because they were paying for it?

No, I didn't say that. Rape happens and mostly perpetrated ethnics. But that still doesn't support the nazicoping narrative. Rape is not date or marriage. Ethnics are ugly and subhumans, rape is the only way they can get sex. It's not like they are dating those girls.

So you're not just fucking stupid you're also a complete scumbag.

Hard pill to swallow isn't it?

What cherry picked examples have I used? I've been replying to all your examples you fucking moron.

Those grooming pics. Those are cherrypicked. They are not general occurrences.
And most ethnic incels look worse and try to pretend they are apolitical when in reality they are all left-leaning shitbags that like to criticize everyone elses politics but are too cowardly to reveal their own positions because they even more dog shit. But it doesn't matter because the reason why they are left leaning is out of self-interest for their group, no matter how unfair, biased it is to everyone else that isn't them. But yet they criticize whites for doing the same thing.

Lmfao, fix your whores. We are not telling your women to fuck dogs or to become rabid whores retard.

It's not our fault your women are cum slurping whores.
Most white supremacists/alt-righters look in such way that if it wasn't for their swastikas I would've mistaken them for liberal numales.

Okay so apparently addressing a confusing nazicope suddenly made me a libtard? Whitecels need to fix their whores.
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Okay so apparently addressing a confusing nazicope suddenly made me a libtard? Whitecels need to fix their whores.

Either you weren't replying to me or you have a bad reading comprehension.
Don't act like you never see ethnics and blacks with white women.

I didn't say that there is no ethnic dating white women.

Yes, there are, but the numbers way fucking less than those of white-male-ethnic-female couples and only extremely good looking ethnics can pull that off. And for obvious reasons such ethnics are rare. Ethnics are ugly ass subhumans and that's a fact.

There are millions of statistics to back this up.

These ethnic-male-taking-our-kweenz is nothing but a nazicoping political agenda.
78% of child prostitution in the west are perpetrated by single mothers.

You haven't adressed any of my counter arguements. Explain to me how you are stupid enough to believe that Shitskins responsible for most of the Rape in Sweden is actually not rape at all but due to prositution. Explain to me how paki rape gangs are actually not raping but paying for sex?

I'm not going to address your dog shit argument of 78% of Western women pimping out their daughters. It doesn't even talk about racial demographics.

Those grooming pics. Those are cherrypicked. They are not general occurrences.

I DIDNT post those pics you fucking idiot. I responded to them with. Some fucking idiot posted them as an example of how Ethnic males are "fucking JB" whites. I offered a reasonable explanation for those pictures, and my explanation is very likely to be the correct one. Not your absurd "White women are pimping out their daughters" argument. No idiot here would actually believe that retarded excuse. This is all just a shitskin cope to try and push the blame on to White women for the simple fact that ethnic males are fucking subhuman savages. Look at your fucking countries? They are all war-torn uncivilized, disgusting cesspit bereft of injustice and decency. Who the fuck are you trying to convince that it's all just a coincidence that Shitskin males are responsible for most of the rape in Northern european countries.
And most ethnic incels look worse and try to pretend they are apolitical when in reality they are all left-leaning shitbags that like to criticize everyone elses politics but are too cowardly to reveal their own positions because they even more dog shit. But it doesn't matter because the reason why they are left leaning is out of self-interest for their group, no matter how biased it is to them, or unfair it is to everyone else. But yet they criticize whites for doing the same thing.

Criticizing racism isn't a leftist idea. Fascism/nazism have more in common with socialism/communism due to their statist nature.
Criticizing racism isn't a leftist idea. Fascism/nazism have more in common with socialism/communism due to their statist nature.

It doesn't matter. All politics are rooted in race. You don't like white nationalists because they are white people that want to do what's right for their group even at the expense of others. You're a shitskin that wants to do what's best for your group even at the expense of others. And your politics reflect that. If not explain to me why the majority of Ethnics favor Racemixing, immigration, big government, stricter gun laws, universal health care, welfare. Because it's white people paying for all of it while you benefit the most. Your own shit hole homelands wont give you any hand outs or show you any favor so you come to the West to get them.
Explain to me how you are stupid enough to believe that Shitskins responsible for most of the Rape in Sweden is actually not rape at all but due to prositution. Explain to me how paki rape gangs are actually not raping but paying for sex?

Where did I fucking say ethnics don't rape? Read my comments again. Rape is the only way they can get laid. What's your point?
Read my fucking comment retarded piece of fucking brainless shit. I didn't say all. I said those guys who are "dating" underage girls. Those girls are prostitutes pimped by their mothers. Also the pic you (or the other guy or whoever fuck) posted is not a pic of a "rape". It's a pic of a "date". So the only way to explain it is to child-prostitution.

Lmfao, show me a single white women who's not a whore. They start fucking as soon as they reach their 9 years. Yea they don't ask money, but they fuck for free (for chads). Ethnics can't fuck for free, they need to pay (or rape).

I'm not going to address your dog shit argument of 78% of Western women pimping out their daughters.

Because may be you can't?

It doesn't even talk about racial demographics.

That's just from a freaking single google search. May be there are, I need to look more.

I DIDNT post those pics you fucking idiot. I responded to them with.

Whatever. Those pics corroborate nazicoping claims anyway (my kweenz are getting stolen)

Some fucking idiot posted them as an example of how Ethnic males are "fucking JB" whites. I offered a reasonable explanation for those pictures, and my explanation is very likely to be the correct one.

I didn't read your shit, I only read shit that's addressed to me.

NOt your absurd "White women are pimping out their daughters" argument.

Looks like I need to do a write up about this. :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
With all the proofs, statistics and shit. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Also you forgot to explain this shit to me:

How many white kids in your neighborhood? Can you fucking groom any of them? How do you groom? How do you meet? Where do you meet? How do you convince them to come to your place? How do you get inside their house and fuck them?

Most immigrant shitskin ethnics can't even barely speak/read/write anything except their native language.

Are you seriously this fucking naive??

No idiot here would actually believe that retarded excuse.

We will see. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

THis is all just a shitskin cope try and push the blame on to White women

Lmfao fucking cuck. Your women want you fucking dead. Read with me it again, THEY WANT YOU FUCKING DEAD. DEAD.

for the simple fact that ethnic males are fucking subhuman savages.

Where did I say, we aren't?

Look at your fucking countries? They are all war-torn uncivilized, disgusting cesspit bereft of injustice and decency.

Of fucking course they are. I actually agree with the first (left) button.


I don't understand what the actual fuck you are talking about.

Ask everyone on this forum. I'm the most brutal ethnic basher ever existed on this forum.

You are misunderstood, just like a fucking brainlet you are.

Who the fuck are you trying to convince that it's all just a coincidence that Shitskin males are responsible for most of the rape in Northern european countries.

Read my above comment retardcel. Of fucking course they rape, because that's the only way they can get sex. Rape is not date or marriage. How many fucking times do I need to type this shit? Can't you fucking read?
Because it's white people paying for all of it while you benefit the most.

You are not paying for anything. You are an incel who is either NEET or works at a dead end job. Stop coping. Ethnic doctors/engineers don't need your money, LOLOLOLOL.
You are not paying for anything. You are an incel who is either NEET or works at a dead end job. Stop coping. Ethnic doctors/engineers don't need your money, LOLOLOLOL.

I work and pay taxes. And when I say "we" I meant white people. And we don't just pay for it financially. What a brilliant fucking response.

And you're probably the real NEET living off welfare, food stamps and free medicare. Like pretty much most other shitskins in the West. Criticizing white people for wanting to what's best for their group. Meanwhile you're voting left to make sure you keep your benefits coming. Getting all butthurt that you didn't get a stimulus check because you're not a legal citizen. But you're the wise, apolitical ethnic that is blackpilled and beyond petty politics.
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You are not paying for anything. You are an incel who is either NEET or works at a dead end job. Stop coping. Ethnic doctors/engineers don't need your money, LOLOLOLOL.

@the3rdwill Yo I'm an ethnic and IQmog and moneymog your entire family lineage (your both parents, including your dad, if you have one lmfao :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: ).

Now calm down.

And no I'm not asking for your whore single-mother's money she got from renting her roastbeef over the years. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Ethnics are ugly ass subhumans and that's a fact.

Most are truecel without arranged marriage, I'm not denying that. WNs want no white women paired with non whites since they want every white man to be able to be with a white women and not have go with noodles and others.
Most are truecel without arranged marriage, I'm not denying that. WNs want no white women paired with non whites since they want every white man to be able to be with a white women and not have go with noodles and others.
WNs on suicide watch. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
@the3rdwill Yo I'm an ethnic and IQmog and moneymog your entire family lineage (your both parents, including your dad, if you have one lmfao :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: ).

Now calm down.

And no I'm not asking for your whore single-mother's money she got from renting her roastbeef over the years. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Yeah you sure sound like you're brilliant, not really understanding the word rape. Claiming that White women are pimping out their children to ethnics and using some shit statistic that doesn't even have racial demographics.

And now you're coping by telling me you have a high IQ and you make more money than me. So pathetic. You clearly are a diversity hire.
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Yeah you sure sound like you're brilliant, not really understand the word rape.

What is rape buddy boyo? :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Claiming that White women are pimping out their children to ethnics and using some shit statistic that doens't even have racial demographics.

I said I will do a write up, but it will take time and I will tag your fucking nazicoping ass.

Also I can tag your mom if she wants, of fucking course she's single isn't she? Where is your fucking dad? Gone? :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

JFL @ these crackers come from fucking literal whorehouses and trynna talk big shit. Lmfao.

And now you're coping by telling me you have a high IQ and you make more money than me. So pathetic.

Because I do. :feelsEhh::feelsEhh::feelsEhh::feelsEhh:
I said I will do a write up, but it will take time and I will tag your fucking nazicoping ass.

I would love to see your write up about how most of the pimping in the West is actually White women pimping their children out. That would be a unbelievable read.

Also why don't you be sure to explain how the migrant men responsible for most of the rapes in Sweden is actually not rape but prostitution. And be sure you also explain how Paki rape gangs in England are actually paying for sex instead of raping girls.
Chimp level IQ.


How does "race-mixing" happen without ethnics marrying/dating/reproducing with (i.e. that's what they "stealing") white women?

Someone did NOT get an A in reading comprehension! I said that "nazis" DON'T THINK that ethnics steal white women. Your whole reply can be summed up as a mix between poor reading/interpretation skills and an immature view on politics. Also, nice false dilemma where it's either "racemixing never happens" or "ethnics are stealing our women".

Jews are pushing race-mixing in advertisments, hollywood, tv shows... You are incapable of understanding my point. White women are being brainwashed by kikes to not hate subhuman shitskins. You are projecting your idiotic assumptions onto me, never have I said that shitskins are stealing white women. In fact, I stated the opposite. The extent of race-mixing is much narrower than in your fantasies. But sadly it does occur sometimes and that is because the kikes have normalized it and forcibly removed the natural "ew" barrier between white women and ethniks.
I work and pay taxes. And when I say "we" I meant white people. And we don't just pay for it financially. What a brilliant fucking response.

And you're probably the real NEET living off welfare, food stamps and free medicare. Like pretty much most other shitskins in the West. Criticizing white people for wanting to what's best for their group. Meanwhile you're voting left to make sure you keep your benefits coming. Getting all butthurt that you didn't get a stimulus check because you're not a legal citizen.

Wow, so many assumptions, so many things to make fun of. But, this is not surprising from your low IQ WN ass. Let's debunk your nonsense:

1. I am not NEET, I work and pay taxes, too.
2. I am half-ethnic, but passable as a white.
3. I am not criticizing white people since it would involve criticizing my white half of DNA. Do you realize how silly nationalism, ethnocentrism, identity politics, etc sound to people of mixed heritage??
4. I got my stimulus money cause I am a legal resident.
5. Yes, I am indeed the wise, apolitical HALF-ethnic that is blackpilled and beyond petty politics.
Wow, so many assumptions, so many things to make fun of. But, this is not surprising from your low IQ WN ass. Let's debunk your nonsense:

1. I am not NEET, I work and pay taxes, too.
2. I am half-ethnic, but passable as a white.
3. I am not criticizing white people since it would involve criticizing my white half of DNA. Do you realize how silly nationalism, ethnocentrism, identity politics, etc sound to people of mixed heritage??
4. I got my stimulus money cause I am a legal resident.
5. Yes, I am indeed the wise, apolitical HALF-ethnic that is blackpilled and beyond petty politics.

You're a mutt and therefor you don't value ethnonationalism. Which means you're basically on the side of every other shitskin. You wouldn't be welcome in a white nationalist society so naturally you are against it. You want access to white society because you know that white people build more prosperous, safer, and civilized societies than non-white people do. You have biases just like I do. If you were truly apolitical you wouldn't be criticizing white nationalism at all but instead recognize its about white people doing what's best for their group
All this thread shows, without a shadow of a doubt, is that ethnics are low IQ. Just stop.
You're a mutt and therefor you don't value ethnonationalism. Which means you're basically on the side of every other shitskin. You wouldn't be welcome in a white nationalist society so naturally you are against it. You want access to white society because you know that white people build more prosperous, safer, and civilized societies than non-white people do. You have biases just like I do. If you were truly apolitical you wouldn't be criticizing white nationalism at all but instead recognize its about white people doing what's best for their group

That's right, I don't value ethnonationalism because it's a retarded collectivist cope. You are taking pride in belonging to a group simply by the virtue of sharing a common genetic ancestry. But guess what? Go a few hundred thousand years into the past and you find yourself sharing an ancestry with "shitskins". Go a few dozen million years and your relative is a chimpanzee. Go a couple of billion years and will see an amoeba in your family album.

As far as the whites building more prosperous and civilized societies, I don't have any objections to that. That's a fact. However, you have not personally contributed to that. You didn't invent calculus as Isaac Newton did, you didn't write Crime and Punishment as Dostoyevsky did, you didn't set a rocket to the Moon as von Braun did, and so forth. You are merely attributing someone else intellectual effort to yourself on the basis of race. Ultimately, it's a cope. See the paragraph above.
However, you have not personally contributed to that. You didn't invent calculus as Isaac Newton did, you didn't write Crime and Punishment as Dostoyevsky did, you didn't set a rocket to the Moon as von Braun did, and so forth. You are merely attributing someone else intellectual effort to yourself on the basis of race. Ultimately, it's a cope. See the paragraph above.
Stormfront cope shattered

Number of letters on a keyboard IQ

Chaddam but not ethnics in general. Its easy if you dont have an IQ of 85
That's right, I don't value ethnonationalism because it's a retarded collectivist cope. You are taking pride in belonging to a group simply by the virtue of sharing a common genetic ancestry. But guess what?

What would you know about pride you're a fucking mutt. You belong to no bloodlines and you have no ancestry. How could you possibly know what it's like to be apart of anything greater than yourself. Race is real and you can't deny it. White people are inherently different from non-white people. They look different, they behave differently, they vote differently, they have different levels of intelligence, they have a different culture. All of that starts from race. So nationalism makes much more sense than multiculturalism and globalism does.

As far as the whites building more prosperous and civilized societies, I don't have any objections to that. That's a fact. However, you have not personally contributed to that. You didn't invent calculus as Isaac Newton did, you didn't write Crime and Punishment as Dostoyevsky did, you didn't set a rocket to the Moon as von Braun did, and so forth. You are merely attributing someone else intellectual effort to yourself on the basis of race. Ultimately, it's a cope. See the paragraph above.

Another shitskin cope. People build societies, individuals can make great contributions. Without white people of all classes working together, great accomplishments would never be made. When white people show pride in their race, the accomplishments of their ancestors and appreciation of what they built and passed on to us, you are quick to remind us that we didn't contribute to that. Funny though how you shitskins also use Slavery and the Holohaox as a way to make us feel guilty. So I guess we should only take responsibility for the bad things our ancestors did.

Even if I haven't personally made great contributions to humanity, neither have you. What have mixed races contributed? The most overrated pile of shit in history of the world. "muh hybrid vigor". Explain to me how filling up our Western nations with people like you is some how a benefit to our societies. What has done for Brazil? A complete fucking shit hole filled with useless mutts with an average IQ of 85. The best parts of Brazil are the whitest parts, lol. I'm sure that's a coincidence. So far multiculturalism and diversity has shown to have nothing but dsygenic effects on society.

Weather you like it or not the majority of white people don't want to live with non-white people like you. If that wasn't true white flight wouldn't even be a thing. Even in cities people segregate. It's natural to want to be with your own tribe. Nationalism isn't an ideology its a natural state of being. Shitskins like you are opposed to it because you gain nothing from it and lose the privilege of living in white society. It's not weather or not its objectively right or wrong for a society, its what is right or wrong for you.
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What would you know about pride you're a fucking mutt. You belong to no bloodlines and you have no ancestry.

Incorrect. I do belong to a bloodline and I do have ancestry. One half is white, and the other is "shitskin". So, here we have it. Your assumption is that only white bloodline/ancestry counts, but others don't.

How could you possibly know what it's like to be apart of anything greater than yourself.

Bahahaahahaha. You are coping. Coping hard. This is some religion-level of coping. Are you going to preach gospels of Jesus, too?

Race is real and you can't deny it. White people are inherently different from non-white people. They look different, they behave differently, they vote differently, they have different levels of intelligence, they have a different culture

On average, yes. Overall, correct.

All of that starts from race.

This is where you start going wrong. Your assumption is that humans have genetic memory for culture. No, we don't. Culture is an acquired experience. Put a white baby into a "shitskin" country and he/she will adopt that culture. The same goes for a "shitskin" child in a white country.

So nationalism makes much more sense than multiculturalism and globalism does.

I reject all racial/ethnic identities (white or non-white). So, you gonna have to ask liberals who push for identity politics.

Another shitskin cope. People build societies, individuals can make great contributions. Without white people of all classes working together, great accomplishments would never be made. When white people show pride in their race, the accomplishments of their ancestors and appreciation of what they built and passed on to us, you are quick to remind us that we didn't contribute to that. Funny though how you shitskins also use Slavery and the Holohaox as a way to make us feel guilty. So I guess we should only take responsibility for the bad things our ancestors did.

Again. This is liberal department. I am not a liberal. I don't hold you accountable for slavery or "Holohoax".

Even if I haven't personally made great contributions to humanity, neither have you.


What have mixed races contributed? The most overrated pile of shit in history of the world. "muh hybrid vigor". Explain to me how filling up our Western nations with people like you is some how a benefit to our societies. What has done for Brazil? A complete fucking shit hole filled with useless mutts with an average IQ of 85. The best parts of Brazil are the whitest parts, lol. I'm sure that's a coincidence. So far multiculturalism and diversity has shown to have nothing but dsygenic effects on society.

Again. "Muh hybrid vigor" is a part of liberal identity politics. I don't subscribe to that. Ask liberals.
And I am not from Brazil. My username is a mockery of Brazilian Sigma (an r/IncelTears legend).

Weather you like it or not the majority of white people don't want to live with non-white people like you. If that wasn't true white flight wouldn't even be a thing. Even in cities people segregate. It's natural to want to be with your own tribe. Nationalism isn't an ideology its a natural state of being. Shitskins like you are opposed to it because you gain nothing from it and lose the privilege of living in white society. It's not weather or not its objectively right or wrong for a society, its what is right or wrong for you.

More of WN drivel.
The two are not mutually exclusive. Foids go to Tyrone for BBC and other rthnics to virtue signal.

Low effort race bait.

Only if they are attractive, though. No foid is going to fuck an ugly ethnic just to prove a point.
Is not that a normal reaction when your homeland is fluted with foreign people who also shits on you?
I was mostly referring to the neo nazi larpers who hate every foreigner in their country legal or not.
As for the invasion of your country, I would suggest to direct your (justified) anger towards your own politicians and your women who overwhelmingly were in support for these policies. Also since your countries have a non sunstainable fertility rate, your population being replaced is only a matter of time. My point is you need to put your bitches in order, not attack random ethnics on the street or on the internet(generally speaking, not saying you do that)
our assumption is that humans have genetic memory for culture

Culture comes from the differences between races. Something like IQ differences can change culture of a race. The fact that we all developed different culture, values and traidtions just proves that culture is influenced heavily by race. Low IQ take.
Again. This is liberal department. I am not a liberal. I don't hold you accountable for slavery or "Holohoax".

Every counter point I make to your dog shit arguments you just deflect and say you "you don't believe them" Ofcourse you do. Just like every cowardly shitskin when you are backed into a corner you pretend that you are "a political". The fact you posting in this thread already proves you are not. Disingenuous turd. Apolitical until the voting seasons and you pull the lever for the left just like you've always done. All you have to do is look at the voting patterns of shitskins like you for the past 50 years.

More of WN drivel.

Also 100% true. Why don't you prove that White flight is a myth. Why don't you prove that cities aren't segregated. Why don't you prove that the majority of white people don't date, marry, and breed within their own race. Why don't you prove that most white people are not right-leaning and anti-immigration. Oh wait. you cant. Because it's all true.

This multicutlural diversity experiment was forced on us. And it's absolute shit. No one wants to live with you people. You don't even want to which is why you flee your dumpy countries to come live with us.

Again. "Muh hybrid vigor" is a part of liberal identity politics. I don't subscribe to that. Ask liberals.
And I am not from Brazil. My username is a mockery of Brazilian Sigma (an r/IncelTears legend).

This is just an example I used to show that Non-white people don't make societies better. They make them worse. You brought into question what the average, unremarkable person like me contributes. My question to that is what does the average shitskin contribute? You are dumber than we are, provable. You commit more crime than we do, provable. Your culture is inferior to ours. What exactly does the west gain by bringing in millions of you shitskins, exactly?
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Culture comes from the differences between races. Something like IQ differences can change culture of a race. The fact that we all developed different culture, values and traidtions just proves that culture is influenced heavily by race. Low IQ take.

Every counter point I make to your dog shit arguments you just deflect and say you "you don't believe them" Ofcourse you do. Just like every cowardly shitskin when you are backed into a corner you pretend that you are "a political". The fact you posting in this thread already proves you are not. Disingenuous turd. Apolitical until the voting seasons and you pull the lever for the left just like you've always done. All you have to do is look at the voting patterns of shitskins like you for the past 50 years.

Also 100% true. Why don't you prove that White flight is a myth. Why don't you prove that cities aren't segregated. Why don't you prove that the majority of white people don't date, marry, and breed within their own race. Why don't you prove that most white people are not right-leaning and anti-immigration. Oh wait. you cant. Because it's all true.

This multicutlural diversity experiment was forced on us. And it's absolute shit. No one wants to live with you people. You don't even want to which is why you flee your dumpy countries to come live with us.

This is just an example I used to show that Non-white people don't make societies better. They make them worse. You brought into question what the average, unremarkable person like me contributes. My question to that is what does the average shitskin contribute? You are dumber than we are, provable. You commit more crime than we do, provable. Your culture is inferior to ours. What exactly does the west gain by bringing in millions of you shitskins, exactly?

Well, Einstein (oops, bad example, he is an evil space Joo), I don't care about your rebuttals (after all, this is an incel forum, not Stormfront), but remember this: while you are coping with your fantazies of racial supremacy and superiority, attractive people around the world of all races are enjoying their lives, while you (and everyone else here) are slowly rotting away, unloved and unwanted. Sucks, doesn't it? Take care now.
Well, Einstein (oops, bad example, he is an evil space Joo), I don't care about your rebuttals (after all, this is an incel forum, not Stormfront), but remember this: while you are coping with your fantazies of racial supremacy and superiority, attractive people around the world OF ALL RACES are enjoying their lives, while you (and everyone else here) are slowly rotting away, unloved and unwanted. Sucks, doesn't it? Take care now.
20200227 160051

Here take this. You deserve it.

(I don't give these out to just anyone so don't lose it okay?)
I was mostly referring to the neo nazi larpers who hate every foreigner in their country legal or not.

It is not about legal or not. It is about a foreign force in your own country. Why should anyone allow such atrocity?

As for the invasion of your country, I would suggest to direct your (justified) anger towards your own politicians and your women who overwhelmingly were in support for these policies.

It is also not about anger. Like @chudur-budur already said, everyone should just stick to their own kind. It is just natural and simple. Why making things more complicated than it is?

Also since your countries have a non sunstainable fertility rate, your population being replaced is only a matter of time.

This is not a reason to allow foreign people to roam freely in your own country.

My point is you need to put your bitches in order, not attack random ethnics on the street or on the internet(generally speaking, not saying you do that)

So, why is it ok to shit on white people or to shit on ''eviiill Nazis''? Seriously, your post sounds like it would come directly from the bluepilled and leftist media.

Also, no one here in Germany is attacking foreign people. It is pretty rare, in fact, it is the other way around. We also do have leftist white people attacking ''rightwing'' white people. So, we do have a lot of problems, why should we bring in more problems? That is retarded.
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