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It's Over Compilation of normies insulting my looks



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
So some CUNT posted my pictures on reddit again, he is a huge larper that is long time banned(I won't say his name because he does not deserve any publicity), he also called me a "virgin" as an insult on reddit, watches MMA and posts on MMA subreddits like a fucking normie.
Here's compilation of insults. tfw you rot at home and you still get called bad words :feelsbadman:

Master has said. I also like how most insults looks based were from foids.

EDIT: BTW I don't know why images did not attach so I made an imgur album, enjoy.
There are going to be 2 high IQ comments.
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It is over, friend. I used to think you were fakecel, but you do have some strong facial flaws. Surgery will greatly benefit you.
It is over, friend. I used to think you were fakecel, but you do have some strong facial flaws. Surgery will greatly benefit you.
Thx. I swear I had like 50 screenshots, god damn images didn't attach lel
How ı can post my pics on reddit ? asking srs
I fucking hate reddit.
when is the roping
Potent ER fuel tbh.
One of the best-looking users is ugly. I guess it just confirms it's over for 99% of people here.
JFL at not school shooter personality maxxing
women love psychos bro
"I think i'm legit developing a phobia for aryans. The blue eyes/nazi hair fucking terrifies me."
How much do you want to bet that's an ethnic foid who exclusively dates White guys?
Also don't let this post fool you, Weed's just back to trying to convince everyone he doesn't look like a total Chad.

He didn't even link to the post in question. Kek. For all I know he could've made all this shit up, we'll never know unless he links the post.
"I think i'm legit developing a phobia for aryans. The blue eyes/nazi hair fucking terrifies me."
How much do you want to bet that's an ethnic foid who exclusively dates White guys?
Also don't let this post fool you, Weed's just back to trying to convince everyone he doesn't look like a total Chad.
View attachment 64894
He didn't even link to the post in question. Kek. For all I know he could've made all this shit up, we'll never know unless he links the post.

Bro, you really have no fucking clue how to rate Whites. Weed is FAR from a Chad. Sure, he might not be a truecel but he's normie-tier AT BEST.
lets see these fags and landwhales post their pics for us to dissect. i also guarantee if ur pic wasn't linked to incels people would be saying bluepilled shit like ur a 10/10 and would never say u look like ER
WTF ?! No homo but the boy looks good. Sad that western women have such high standards that even boys like this end up as incel.
Legit Aryan that Hitler could be proud of can’t find a girl. Smh.

Shame on the female gender.
Bro, you really have no fucking clue how to rate Whites. Weed is FAR from a Chad. Sure, he might not be a truecel but he's normie-tier AT BEST.
So white peoples look like greek statues
View attachment 64894
He didn't even link to the post in question. Kek. For all I know he could've made all this shit up, we'll never know unless he links the post.

People on this site are really gullible, I was recently in a thread where a guy posted an image of a twitter post, of some women in office clothes and the post said something about using data mining and judicial powers to track incels or some shit (title of thread was - "They are coming for us" or some crap like that), everybody in the fucking thread was panicking and talking about what ifs, instead of checking if it was legit, I posted at first, and then went and did some digging on the image, I looked up the twitter name of the person, the time of the post, and found that same image but it just said - "were the real Justice League" or some shit like that, they were a legal team and the image was shopped.

I then replied with a that same image and a link to the twitter post with the original image, and asked the poster wtf is this and if they are a larp and thinks everyone here is stupid, the poster then said he didn't research the image and just took it from 4chan. The users on this site are so fucking retarded that its easy to mislead and troll them, that was the most disappointed I was with this sites userbase in a while. The thread was deleted shortly after I pointed it out. I don't know if this guy was larping or he actually just got caught up by the image and didn't do any background research.

Whenever I see posts like what @Weed is doing here I don't believe them, because he gives a lot of specifics, and provides no proof of them.

JFL at - "I won't say his name because he does not deserve any publicity"

Weed, what fucking publicity, publicity from the incel community, are you fucking kidding, this is a BS excuse, you aren't fooling anyone, or atleast that's what I'd hope, but based on how I see the users on this site operate, you are fooling them, most of them are that stupid and gullible.
Bro, you really have no fucking clue how to rate Whites. Weed is FAR from a Chad. Sure, he might not be a truecel but he's normie-tier AT BEST.
At best he's normie tier? That means you'd rate him incel tier, lmao, JFL @ the state of fakecel scum.

Legit Aryan that Hitler could be proud of can’t find a girl. Smh.

Shame on the female gender.
He can find a foid, hes bragged about Tinder matches and is already a non-virgin, having had sex without even using an escort. The faggots not even 20 yet and hes had more sex than over half the forum lmao.

People on this site are really gullible, I was recently in a thread where a guy posted an image of a twitter post, of some women in office clothes and the post said something about using data mining and judicial powers to track incels or some shit, everybody in the fucking thread was panicking and talking about what ifs, instead of checking if it was legit, I posted at first, and then went and did some digging on the image, I looked up the twitter name of the person, the time of the post, and found that same image but it just said - "were the real Justice League" or some shit like that, they were a legal team and the image was shopped.

I then replied with a that same image and a link to the twitter post with the original image, and asked the poster wtf is this and if they are a larp and thinks everyone here is stupid, the poster then said he didn't research the image and just took it from 4chan. The users on this site are so fucking retarded that its easy to mislead and troll them, that was the most disappointed I was with this sites userbase in a while. The thread was deleted shortly after I pointed it out. I don't know if this guy was larping or he actually just got caught up by the image and didn't do any background research.

Whenever I see posts like what @Weed is doing here I don't believe them, because you gives a lot of specifics, and provides no proof of them.

JFL at - "I won't say his name because he does not deserve any publicity"

Weed, what fucking publicity, publicity from the incel community, are you fucking kidding, this is a BS excuse, you aren't fooling anyone, or atleast that's what I'd hope, but based on how I see the users on this site operate, you are fooling them, most of them are that stupid and gullible.
This, I actually agree 100% with you for once.
Who knows, it could be real, but he didn't even post the thread or give us a name, just expecting us to believe a bunch of screenshots of comments without usernames.
He can find a foid, hes bragged about Tinder matches and is already a non-virgin, having had sex without even using an escort. The faggots not even 20 yet and hes had more sex than over half the forum lmao.

Ironically I think shit like this is the work of the "halo effect" on the incel community, these blue pilled fucks so want to be surrounded or next to someone who is attractive and can get women, that they will pull mental gymnastics and convince themselves he's not attractive. Its pathetic and saddening.

Its a good thing I'm not a mod on this site, I don't like neetdom but I would never ban neets because they are still incels. But shit like this, oh a lot of guys would be banned already, especially weed. I don't know how certain users are still allowed on this site with huge laycounts and good facial aesthetics. Its like they are being allowed to troll, I'm sure even they are somewhat confused on how they are allowed to be here but just go along with it, because its a joke to them.
"I think i'm legit developing a phobia for aryans. The blue eyes/nazi hair fucking terrifies me."
How much do you want to bet that's an ethnic foid who exclusively dates White guys?
Also don't let this post fool you, Weed's just back to trying to convince everyone he doesn't look like a total Chad.
View attachment 64894
He didn't even link to the post in question. Kek. For all I know he could've made all this shit up, we'll never know unless he links the post.
If that's considered ugly then its extra over for me and my ethnic ass :feelswow:
> Guests: 74
Whenever I see posts like what @Weed is doing here I don't believe them, because he gives a lot of specifics, and provides no proof of them.

JFL at - "I won't say his name because he does not deserve any publicity"

Weed, what fucking publicity, publicity from the incel community, are you fucking kidding, this is a BS excuse, you aren't fooling anyone, or atleast that's what I'd hope, but based on how I see the users on this site operate, you are fooling them, most of them are that stupid and gullible.
Bro, you really have no fucking clue how to rate Whites. Weed is FAR from a Chad. Sure, he might not be a truecel but he's normie-tier AT BEST.

eh, they're only insulting you because they know you're a regular on here. Assuming they didn't know who you are and you showed them one of your pics of yourself and then asked if you're too ugly to be with women, a definitive no would be given. They'd even compliment your looks, possibly going as far as calling you a Chad. These people are inherently trustworthy because they lack the capacity for objectivity. This trait is one of the cornerstones of the eternal normie. If you want an objective assessment, listen to what I and other autists have to say. Jfl at trusting normies to be objective about anything
Bro, you really have no fucking clue how to rate Whites. Weed is FAR from a Chad. Sure, he might not be a truecel but he's normie-tier AT BEST.

So.......... normie-tier looks is now incel-tier looks, I'm not saying an average looking guy can't be incel, but he isn't average looking, he's above average.
So some CUNT posted my pictures on reddit again, he is a huge larper that is long time banned(I won't say his name because he does not deserve any publicity), he also called me a "virgin" as an insult on reddit, watches MMA and posts on MMA subreddits like a fucking normie.
Here's compilation of insults. tfw you rot at home and you still get called bad words :feelsbadman:

Master has said. I also like how most insults looks based were from foids.

EDIT: BTW I don't know why images did not attach so I made an imgur album, enjoy.
There are going to be 2 high IQ comments.

Over for NiggerCels


HAHAHAHA Plebbit back at it.
Btw gibs link to your post.
Their feedback is clearly skewed because they know you’re associated with inceldom and think you’re a fascist. Jfl at you thinking this is proof that you’re a truecel.
If it's over for the Stereotypical 6ft Blonde Blue Eyed Aryan SS Officer LongMidfaceCel & Skincel Model on here. It's definitely over for all of us...
FYI OP I do fucking love your Pussy Avatar & Signature :lul::lul::lul::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
View attachment 64933

HAHAHAHA Plebbit back at it.
Btw gibs link to your post.
PMed, don't share plox. Just tell @BlkPillPres that it's legit since he doesn't not believe me even tho I never lied to inceldom community and in 9094 of my posts never been caught for lying.
So.......... normie-tier looks is now incel-tier looks, I'm not saying an average looking guy can't be incel, but he isn't average looking, he's above average.
I could list all of his facial flaws, but the list would be pretty exhaustive. Weed's a low - mid tier normie in terms of looks.
PMed, don't share plox. Just tell @BlkPillPres that it's legit since he doesn't not believe me even tho I never lied to inceldom community and in 9094 of my posts never been caught for lying.


Is this you?

If so then it doesn't matter, you aren't incel, anybody this good looking claiming to be incel is a troll looking to humble brag.
lets see these fags and landwhales post their pics for us to dissect. i also guarantee if ur pic wasn't linked to incels people would be saying bluepilled shit like ur a 10/10 and would never say u look like ER
exactly. These losers are just salty because OP mogs them. This is reddit we're talking about, JFL @ calling them "normies."
@Weed ignore the haters, you look fine.
WTF ?! No homo but the boy looks good. Sad that western women have such high standards that even boys like this end up as incel.

naahh, I posted his best pic on okcupid in new york city and he had some hot ass asians and white girls MESSAGE HIM FIRST

he has nct and weak lower third but blonde hair + blue eyes gives a massive boost (contrary to "nerdic" lookism bullshit)
"he looks like the type of guy to help his neighbours with groceries!!"
Destroyed completely might as well rope.
aaaaaaaand I am back guys! One more post of normies insulting me :) ALSO LOL GUYS JUST LOL It's (almost) confirmed that @TheVman = Cucktears hahhaha, can you imagine that normie autist is a cucktears spy meanwhile some users thought he was truest. Just proves how easy it is here to rack up 4k posts as a cucktears retard who watches MMA like a normie.

Also funny thing is that my personality is actually alright, and when I use chad on tinder women say I am funny.

and here's an imgur album


loool that forehead bro, am I right?
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