Feminism didn't spread because communism had an already established non toxic rational form of it. Sure not everone has probably embraced it and yes mentalities don't change in a blink and the structural realities carry over even after political changes. Don't forget half of the military aparatus stemmed from tsarist times and without social engineering chances are most people will just stay in the traditional trodden pathes. A lot of officials later weren't probably even communist just careerists or quiet oppositionists as well. You can't purge "wrongthink", no matter how much a Stalin wished.
I think this has moslty to do with local differences. From my experience older russian women I met were pretty much emancipated (and quite bossy on top towards their husbands, tbh
), as far as I could tell. I also saw historical accounts of this gender relation. Could have been idelaized intellectual narrative though.
Scandinavia was just a current example for women staying in certain fields, no matter if it is biological, conditioned or structural and not for socialism per se.
Gays were commonly seen as ill in these times or as some kind or late roman decadence by the left. But that changed after Marx as well.
You can critcize immigration for different reason and have different solutions for the same "problem".
Stalin was just a paranoid dick at that point tbh. No idea what Trotzky has to do with this topic. I don't think he plan to establish the todays feminist extremist form in capitalist countries at his time.
Just because it is dividing the working class doesn't mean they thougt it is wrong per se. It was just a tactical focus. No war but the classwar, ehh? Bourgeois feminism was is a liberal movement anyway.
The internationale was basically dead, she wasn't kicked out. Just take a look at the fucking spd at that time and still today.
Todays non larping communist are pretty much true to the core ideals imho. Political maldevelopments in the twentiest century are subject to discussion.
Do you remember the thread with the link to a reddit post, where I think it was an anthropologist or psychologist argued, that rape is basically a social construct? In a late stage communist society sex could be decommodified through education akin to these native communities, if this is true. Just a theoretical idea.