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Committing suicide is technically not the solution to inceldom.



Jan 31, 2021
If you are an atheist , and you are committing suicide thinking you will cease to exist after death , so all your sufferings will be over . Then I would like to tell you , it is just stupidity and being ignorant.

Because Universe is definitely cyclical and everything repeats in a perfect pattern (due the problem of infinite regression) and when you kill your self , you become non-existent but that also means , non-existence will mean nothing to you as you can't feel "non-existence".

So, for you -

You Die --> You become non-existent (which you can't feel which means this part is nothing to you or time will stop for you) ---> This universe ends ---> This Universe gets created again and you are born again in this same life.

So, that means , you die , and quickly get born again in this same universe and in this same life. So, basically means , you are caught up in a infinite cycle of torture of this life.

Suicide is not equals to " Sleeping" which most of you think.

Basically you can't "escape" any problem given by the universe . You will have to solve it , Universe is the ultimate hard task master.
Shit thread kys OP
I almost wish I still had my Yahoo samples. Many threads here are...
If nietzsche said it, it must be true.

What does problem of infinite regression has to do with it? You know what the problem of infinite regression is?
If nietzsche said it, it must be true.

What does problem of infinite regression has to do with it? You know what the problem of infinite regression is?
Universe is cyclical. Okay . It is common sense.
(due the problem of infinite regression)
Proof that it is true? Why there can not be a reason that explains itself ?
It is common sense.
Common sense is a horrible argument. Common sense just means that the majority of people agree with something.
hen you kill your self , you become non-existent but that also means , non-existence will mean nothing to you as you can't feel "non-existence".
You can feel non-existence. one week ago, I was not being eaten by a crocodiles, just because I was unaware, it does not change the fact, that I did not experience comfort of not being eaten by a crocodiles.
Is there any proof that the universe is cyclical? It doesn't look like it to me, things change quite a bit without going back to how they were before. Even if this were true, it's such a horrific idea of coming back to life and reliving it for eternity that it's for the best to imagine that it is false.
Because Universe is definitely cyclical and everything repeats in a perfect pattern (due the problem of infinite regression) and when you kill your self , you become non-existent but that also means , non-existence will mean nothing to you as you can't feel "non-existence".
With all due respect, this exposé is piss-poor.
If nietzsche said it, it must be true.
First of all, just blindly believe other people theory. Secondly, do you agree with everything Nietzsche stood for?
Common sense is a horrible argument. Common sense just means that the majority of people agree with something.
People who commit suicide instantly regret it and one of these two things happens:
1 They see their own dead bodies and will be trapped in that place they committed suicide for years or decades , because of regret, until a spirit guide comes to them to take them to an unknown place
2 They fall into a black tunnel and get trapped and tormented in a dark place lamenting and regretting what they did with other suicidal people forever
There are several out-of-body and near death experience testimonies online saying the same things about falling into a black tunnel, seeing an omniscient spirit guide, being disembodied, instant sadness and regret, etc...
When you kill yourself, you kill you phyisical body but you continue to live, the soul remains alive and you don't solve your problems
Suicide is as useful as the escape button during a video game. It pauses the gaming, but it doesn't make the game finished.
There have been numerous studies and research done on what happens after death and suicide, books available online, but i could not find any information or books about this in English, only in my language.
People who commit suicide instantly regret it and one of these two things happens:
1 They see their own dead bodies and will be trapped in that place they committed suicide for years or decades , because of regret, until a spirit guide comes to them to take them to an unknown place
2 They fall into a black tunnel and get trapped and tormented in a dark place lamenting and regretting what they did with other suicidal people forever
There are several out-of-body and near death experience testimonies online saying the same things about falling into a black tunnel, seeing an omniscient spirit guide, being disembodied, instant sadness and regret, etc...
When you kill yourself, you kill you phyisical body but you continue to live, the soul remains alive and you don't solve your problems
Suicide is as useful as the escape button during a video game. It pauses the gaming, but it doesn't make the game finished.
There have been numerous studies and research done on what happens after death and suicide, books available online, but i could not find any information or books about this in English, only in my language.
"Spiritism, as a source of knowledge about life after death and as an instrument for the destruction of materialism, came to show and make creatures aware of the consequences of the act, in the afterlife.

Instead of being "free", the suicidal spirit feels more tied than ever to the flesh. This is because after the act, the bond and vital force that binds the spirit to the body persists for a long time, because it is almost always in the fullness of its strength at the moment it is broken. Therefore, they still feels everything, as if they were alive.

They feel a lot of pain, disturbance, and incomprehension because they feel alive, even though they are disembodied. Many spend countless years in this state, and it can last as long as the life that was interrupted should have lasted.

Some, because of the affinity between the spirit and the body, feel everything, even the process of decomposition, burial, cremation, and physical sensations.

Some are unable to receive help from the benefactor spirits because they block themselves in the aura of suffering and despair. Weakened, the spirit can also become an easy target for obsessors, who can further amplify its suffering.

The spirits tell us that the effects of suicide are not identical for everyone, but that these are the common characteristics of every violent death and of every abrupt interruption of life. "
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What are obessors?
"An obsessing spirit is one that exerts a negative influence on one or more people. It causes the energy to become unbalanced, making the person physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually unstable. The spirit can be disembodied or not, which means that anyone we live with can be an obsessor, even you can be the obsessor of other people. Obsession is this process that involves the obsessor and the obsessed, who is the one who feels repressed, sucked..."
Okay so when you say we kill ourselves we still feel the pain on our physical body?
yes. there are several cases where the spirit only gets freed from the body when the bond and vital force that binds the soul and the body gets exhausted, which happens after the remaining years of expected life the person had, or at least when only bones remain. Until there, the person feels worms and other insects cutting and eating his flesh
People who commit suicide instantly regret it and one of these two things happens:
1 They see their own dead bodies and will be trapped in that place they committed suicide for years or decades , because of regret, until a spirit guide comes to them to take them to an unknown place
2 They fall into a black tunnel and get trapped and tormented in a dark place lamenting and regretting what they did with other suicidal people forever
There are several out-of-body and near death experience testimonies online saying the same things about falling into a black tunnel, seeing an omniscient spirit guide, being disembodied, instant sadness and regret, etc...
When you kill yourself, you kill you phyisical body but you continue to live, the soul remains alive and you don't solve your problems
Suicide is as useful as the escape button during a video game. It pauses the gaming, but it doesn't make the game finished.
There have been numerous studies and research done on what happens after death and suicide, books available online, but i could not find any information or books about this in English, only in my language.
Another very common perception is the recurrent reenact of his last act. The consciousness everyone possesses brings up such things to the mind so the spirit can get conscious of what he did. Thus, the spirit will be remembering the act for a long period, until he gets better and emotionally balanced.

There is a good source about this topic: 1. Memoirs of a Suicide. 2. Spirits' Book. It's a very interesting book.
If you are an atheist , and you are committing suicide thinking you will cease to exist after death , so all your sufferings will be over . Then I would like to tell you , it is just stupidity and being ignorant.

Because Universe is definitely cyclical and everything repeats in a perfect pattern (due the problem of infinite regression) and when you kill your self , you become non-existent but that also means , non-existence will mean nothing to you as you can't feel "non-existence".

So, for you -

You Die --> You become non-existent (which you can't feel which means this part is nothing to you or time will stop for you) ---> This universe ends ---> This Universe gets created again and you are born again in this same life.

So, that means , you die , and quickly get born again in this same universe and in this same life. So, basically means , you are caught up in a infinite cycle of torture of this life.

Suicide is not equals to " Sleeping" which most of you think.

High iq shit, Chico. Reincarnation is real, mang
Proof that it is true? Why there can not be a reason that explains itself ?

Infinite regression is quite simple.

Imagine an infinite line of eternity . You are existing at one of the point on the line. So, for you to exist , infinite time has to be passed as the line is linear . Since infinite time can never be passed. So, that line must be cyclical. So, that means , you were also existing in the past and will also exist in the future only then your this existence can be possible.
its not a solution, but it is an answer
Infinite regression is quite simple.

Imagine an infinite line of eternity . You are existing at one of the point on the line. So, for you to exist , infinite time has to be passed as the line is linear . Since infinite time can never be passed. So, that line must be cyclical. So, that means , you were also existing in the past and will also exist in the future only then your this existence can be possible.
indeed. It’s a matter of perspective. All traditional cultures and religions were aware of this. There is always a self that lives through the manifestation of the being, the thing that we are all part of. That’s why suicide isn’t the solution.

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