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RageFuel [ClownWorld] Boy, 9, found hanged 'was bullied for being white'



May 20, 2018

A boy of nine who was found hanged is believed to have killed himself after he was ‘bullied for being white’ by an Asian gang at school.

Aaron Dugmore – thought to be one of the youngest children in the UK to commit suicide – was discovered in his bedroom after being tormented for months, his parents said.

They said Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil, who warned him: ‘Next time it will be a real one.’

He was also allegedly told by another pupil that ‘all the white people should be dead’ and he was forced to hide from the bullies in the playground at lunchtime.

Aaron’s mother, Kelly-Marie Dugmore, 30, and stepfather Paul Jones, 43, said that despite complaints to the school, nothing was done to stop the bullying.

Aaron had recently started in Year Five at Erdington Hall Primary School in Birmingham, a school where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds.

According to staff at the school he had already ‘settled in quickly’ with his classmates after he joined the school last September when his family moved nearby.

The school, which caters for 450 pupils aged three to 11, received an ‘inadequate’ rating by Ofsted inspectors last year.

Aaron was discovered by Miss Dugmore hanged in his bedroom at the family home in the Erdington district of Birmingham at about 6pm on February 11.

He was taken to Birmingham Children’s Hospital where doctors desperately attempted to revive him but he died the following day from a suspected cardiac arrest.

His mother said she was convinced the taunts led to her son killing himself.

‘Aaron got on with all the children at his last school, and for him to have been bullied because of the colour of his skin makes me feel sick to my stomach,’ she said.

Mr Jones said that from Aaron’s first day of joining the school he had noticed a change in him.

‘He became argumentative with his brothers and sisters, which wasn’t like him at all,’ he added.

‘Eventually he told us that he was being bullied by a group of Asian children at school and had to hide from them in the playground at lunchtime.’

His mother claimed she went to see the head teacher of the school several times only to be told: ‘You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here.’

A neighbour of the boy’s grandmother earlier told how ‘he had been targeted by a gang of older bullies at the school’.

She said: ‘They made fun of him because he was the new kid but no one really thought it was any more than playground stuff.’

An inquest was opened at Birmingham Coroner’s Court last week but was adjourned to a date to be fixed.

Detective Inspector David Wallbank, of West Midlands Police, confirmed that the force was investigating allegations that Aaron was being bullied in the run-up to his death.
Dumb cunt Brits, congrats on colonialism, aka the game you started but can't win.

On a side note, Asians are yellow, have slanty eyes, integrate well into Western society and don't bully white kids to death.
Aaron’s mother, 30, and stepfather Paul Jones, 43, said that despite complaints to the school, nothing was done to stop the bullying.
You are very gullible if you think a 9 year old is going to commit suicide over bullying. If a 9 year old is in a position to hang himself and not get caught before completing the process, the parents clearly don't give a shit about his wellbeing. @Azaylias is a zoomer who got caught by his parents real quick when a noose got found in his room, a nine year old is ten times more retarded than him and should get caught. The mother looks like a low-IQ Anglo troglodyte and the STEP-DAD (not even the kid's real dad) is probably a scumbag who feels no connection to the kid and is only there to fuck the juggernaut goblin that gave birth to him. It's pretty obvious in these kinds of scenarios that the parents usually just hang the child, but because it's bullying and the parents lost their child nobody can call them out on it and they receive instant sympathy. I bet they were so pathetic they panicked after half-hanging him and called the ambulance, likely regretting it all of a sudden because they knew they were murderers. Was the kid even able to talk about what happened when he was rushed to hospital?
Dumb cunt Brits, congrats on colonialism, aka the game you started but can't win.

On a side note, Asians are yellow, have slanty eyes, integrate well into Western society and don't bully white kids to death.
In British parlance Asian refers to South and West Asians, ie Pakistanis and other shitskinned Muslims.
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In British parlance Asian refers to South and West Asians, ie Pakistanis and Muslims.

I know. It just sounds retarded because there are tons of Muslims in the sub continent of the Arabian peninsula + North Africa. I swear they just use that word instead of Arabs/Muslims because it sounds better.

Either way do you honestly believe that people are hanging their kids en masse? There's no proof of that plus children around ten kill themselves all the time, at least in the US.
You know it's over when 9yr Chads are hanging themselves :feelsrope:
This is new information for me. A bully Asian in a white country. Not saying it was good ofc. Should've not done that.

What's more impressive is the parents who underestimated child stress that they still let him go to that school. More so that he managed to have the means of roping and do it, without being found out on time.

As a side note,

extremely high IQ stepdad trying to uncuck himself by letting the kid get stressed till he roped himself
kid looks like he could have become a future chad
Either way do you honestly believe that people are hanging their kids en masse? There's no proof of that plus children around ten kill themselves all the time, at least in the US.
Yes. Look at US news. People put their babies in ovens and leave the bodies of their 10 year old daughters in bathtubs after starving them to death. Dykes tie their adopted kids to the wall, starve them and beat them for no reason. People murder-suicide their six adopted children off cliffs in cars. There are people everywhere that kill their kids all the time, lots of people are fucked in the head or just hate their kids and want to get rid of them. At least forcing your child into a noose until they stop moving gives you sympathy and plausible deniability. I'm sure there are some outlier children able to execute a suicide by hanging at about age 10 but that's definitely not the full story.
This is new information for me. A bully Asian in a white country. Not saying it was good ofc. Should've not done that.
as @jerrycan dan has already stated above, Asian in Britain means Pakistani etc
NGL shit like this makes me so fucking depressed. Even male children are at the point of fucking suicide.

I've seen a few other cases of child suicide by hanging. Very fucking tragic every time
NGL shit like this makes me so fucking depressed. Even male children are at the point of fucking suicide.

I've seen a few other cases of child suicide by hanging. Very fucking tragic every time
I envy them tbh, as I don't currently have the willpower. Often I wish someone shot me in the back of the head years ago.
Being white is the worst curse in the world.
Just a little taste of what is to come in earnest during the next 30-50 years. Frankly, I don't care anymore; if the English aren't prepared to fight to secure their own existence, then they're unfit to live on this planet anyway.
Ethnics are biting the hand that feeds.
Nothing new there. The future is bright, they'd pay the full price.

They said Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil, who warned him: ‘Next time it will be a real one.’ He was also allegedly told by another pupil that ‘all the white people should be dead’ and he was forced to hide from the bullies in the playground at lunchtime.

One more for you @NEETAndTidy

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These places are paki shitholes, nothing worse than gangs of these little savage cunts. I hate everything about them. Most cities in the UK now are compromised with foreigners, UK is basically a lost cause unless you stick to the countryside.
Fucking racists
I know. It just sounds retarded because there are tons of Muslims in the sub continent of the Arabian peninsula + North Africa. I swear they just use that word instead of Arabs/Muslims because it sounds better.

Either way do you honestly believe that people are hanging their kids en masse? There's no proof of that plus children around ten kill themselves all the time, at least in the US.

(((They))) call them Asians instead of Arabs because they want to divide and conquer and whites/asians usually get along so they want to create division so we do not unite.
when i was 9 i didn't even know what hanging was

God I bet more shit like this will happen in the future
A boy of nine who was found hanged is believed to have killed himself after he was ‘bullied for being white’ by an Asian gang at school.
I wouldn’t exactly call a group of elementary school kids a “gang”. I’d say clique is more accurate and even that’s pushing it a little
You are very gullible if you think a 9 year old is going to commit suicide over bullying. If a 9 year old is in a position to hang himself and not get caught before completing the process, the parents clearly don't give a shit about his wellbeing.
Also this
What the fuck? His parents should have pulled him out of that school.

A boy of nine who was found hanged is believed to have killed himself after he was ‘bullied for being white’ by an Asian gang at school.View attachment 113077

Aaron Dugmore – thought to be one of the youngest children in the UK to commit suicide – was discovered in his bedroom after being tormented for months, his parents said.

They said Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil, who warned him: ‘Next time it will be a real one.’

He was also allegedly told by another pupil that ‘all the white people should be dead’ and he was forced to hide from the bullies in the playground at lunchtime.

Aaron’s mother, Kelly-Marie Dugmore, 30, and stepfather Paul Jones, 43, said that despite complaints to the school, nothing was done to stop the bullying.

Aaron had recently started in Year Five at Erdington Hall Primary School in Birmingham, a school where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic minority backgrounds.

According to staff at the school he had already ‘settled in quickly’ with his classmates after he joined the school last September when his family moved nearby.

The school, which caters for 450 pupils aged three to 11, received an ‘inadequate’ rating by Ofsted inspectors last year.

Aaron was discovered by Miss Dugmore hanged in his bedroom at the family home in the Erdington district of Birmingham at about 6pm on February 11.

He was taken to Birmingham Children’s Hospital where doctors desperately attempted to revive him but he died the following day from a suspected cardiac arrest.

His mother said she was convinced the taunts led to her son killing himself.

‘Aaron got on with all the children at his last school, and for him to have been bullied because of the colour of his skin makes me feel sick to my stomach,’ she said.

Mr Jones said that from Aaron’s first day of joining the school he had noticed a change in him.

‘He became argumentative with his brothers and sisters, which wasn’t like him at all,’ he added.

‘Eventually he told us that he was being bullied by a group of Asian children at school and had to hide from them in the playground at lunchtime.’

His mother claimed she went to see the head teacher of the school several times only to be told: ‘You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here.’

A neighbour of the boy’s grandmother earlier told how ‘he had been targeted by a gang of older bullies at the school’.

She said: ‘They made fun of him because he was the new kid but no one really thought it was any more than playground stuff.’

An inquest was opened at Birmingham Coroner’s Court last week but was adjourned to a date to be fixed.

Detective Inspector David Wallbank, of West Midlands Police, confirmed that the force was investigating allegations that Aaron was being bullied in the run-up to his death.

Fuck "asians" ie muslims tbh
This is just sad
I'm not even surprised tbh

nice one BBC
Asian in UK means south asian or curries ie paki , Indians , Bangladeshi. If the kid didn't rope he would be fucking ethnic whores thirsty for his Germanic cock in 3~4 years.
United cuckdom
Being white is the worst curse in the world.
Astronomically low IQ, the white halo effect is a God tier bonus to life. These chinks literally bullied that kid out of jealousy.
So who knotted the noose, surely not a 9yo lmao.

Just another example of why multiculti hell holes don't work.
So who knotted the noose, surely not a 9yo lmao.

Just another example of why multiculti hell holes don't work.
So who knotted the noose, surely not a 9yo lmao.
Children hang themselves. Its rare but happens.

They dont tie proper noose knots. Any knot will work.
Astronomically low IQ, the white halo effect is a God tier bonus to life. These chinks literally bullied that kid out of jealousy.

ROFL this is what ethnics actually believe
whites are oppressed

even here we are oppressed by the ethnic mob
that actually is sickening to read

if you are persecuted like this, please any lurker here even- GET YOUR CHILD TO SOCK THAT BULLY WHEN HE ISNT LOOKING. make sure to go for areas like the cheekbone and eye socket to fuck up their face in the process.
Iifefuel for curry/sand cels.

The bullies are probably Chaddams-in-development and future evidence against JBW nonsense.
1488 brothers
In the future, whites and males are bullied just for being white by transgender and LGBT kids.
JFL at the child Asian gang in the UK, act cocky all you want while you still can but one day you'll hit puberty and the racepill will show up. We'll be waiting for you here.
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The schools need to stop the bullying.
This kid could've been the next school shooter.
If a kid could kill himself over being picked on, imagine what he could do to others.
Apparently these victims are not afraid of death / going to jail.
The schools need to stop the bullying.
This will never happen since all the teachers are heavily into Lookism so much that anyone not Chad is disregarded. It's seriously getting into Eugenics territory. Been going that way for a long time. :dafuckfeels:

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