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Civilization was a 100 times more advanced thousands of years ago before jites showed up to the world and destroyed it IMO

  • Thread starter Deleted member 27249
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Deleted member 27249

Deleted member 27249

Full time... Winner? I'm undefeated
Jun 29, 2020
It seems factual and documented with many designs like the pyramids existing being built by superior arabs. Then jites showed up and the world reverted back in history and they've spent every second since taking us backwards and lying.
Arab civilization 1000 bce african civilization 1000 bce mexican civilization 35516584
There were megaliths in Europe, in arabia your people were fucking camels and killing each other over water, perpetuating generations of blood feud.
dumb and dumber laughing GIF

We wuzz egyptions and shieeeet
Temples in cental america are leftovers of the aryan civilisation of Atlantis
Lol, all our ancestors would be disappointed in us.
If you're incel doesn't matter your descent - your cultures disowned you.
You thought arabs were building pyramids in egypt
Factual, Egyptians built pyramids, whites were still lickinig their dogs balls.
"we wuz egyptians not camel jockeys" :lul:

fucking delusional, mohammad
Yes we were egyptions indeed, built the pyramids and gave you most of your modern inventions(you're welcome btw).

Back to working for israel now, white cuck!

tries to mock "we wuz kangz" by applying it to white people then we wuz kangz himself unironically

arabs were always desert savages, and all the islamists that ever contributed anything were persians, macedonian greeks in egypt, and berbers
Arabs innovated math, flight and the we also built the pyramids. you're welcome btw. historical facts, not a pol meme. You're welcome again cuck
What arab did that? You mean persians, macedonian greeks, berbers, and the spaniards and jews in al-andaluse? arabs were too busy shagging camels and lopping off heads of "infidels" that didn't want to follow a pederast prophet to be busy with that math stuff

also... flight... LOL :lul:
yeah you're right dude, I remember learning about boeing jets in saudi arabia circa 800 ad
Yes arabs, in the middle east. you're welcome btw. We have history, you have pol memes.
Now go back to being a tranny cuck
It's a FullTimeLoser thread which can only mean he's shitting on White people again. Must be one of those Afro Jews like Jussie Smollet. Das Rite!
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It's a FullTimeLoser thread which can only mean he's shitting on White people again. Must be one of those Afro Jews like Jussie Smollet. Das Rite!
I'm not jewish, i'm not white. Only whites are jews. and jews and whites are the same
yeah it's a pol meme to suggest arabs weren't building pyramids in egypt and created flight :lul:
we wuz wright brothers n sheeeeit, in the past we wuz dropping bombs from the sky my sand nigga, now we strap them to our chests
Who's the wright brothers? A poor man's Abbas ibn Firnas?
>berber not an arab
>alleged to have "flown" with feathers, no contemporary account that this nonsense actually occurred

I guess the greek myth of icarus is the real invention of flight, fucking retard :lul:

Wright brothers actually sustained flight, their results are replicable, documentation exists, contemporary witness accounts, field of aviation built upon their success, etc

Back to the drawing board, mohammad
He was the first man to experience flight. you are welcome. Also:
>Abbas Ibn Firnas devised a means of manufacturing colorless glass, invented various glass planispheres, made corrective lenses ("reading stones"), devised a chain of things that could be used to simulate the motions of the planets and stars, and developed a process for cutting rock crystal that allowed Spain to cease exporting quartz to Egypt to be cut.[6][7] He introduced the Sindhind to al-Andalus,[4] which had important influence on astronomy in Europe.[9] He also designed the al-Maqata, a water clock.[10]

You're welcome again, subhuman.
You think a legend centuries after he supposedly gathered feathers and flew is true? Holy fuck you are a dolt :lul:

that's literally just the myth of icarus

he was also a berber, thanks for nothing camel jockey
Historians agree, maybe make a youtube video crying and debunking it, but the truth is obvious. You're welcome for all your technology btw.
you're dumb as hell :feelskek:
Smarter than you, try me in chess.
that's not an aircraft anyway even if it weren't just a legend like the myth of icarus. the wright brothers made an actual aircraft that rose from the ground and sustained flight for a distance, the scientific field of aviation is built off of their invention and experiment, not this berber "jumping from mountains with eagle feathers."
Cope, they basically copied his blueprint and failed like losers and then whites brainwashed themselves into believing they're some inventors:feelskek:
It was recorded (more inventions by the white man)
Only for people who are north korea level of brainwashed
and once again, he was a berber, not an arab. islamist =/= arab. as previously stated, all islamic contributions were by persians, macedonian greeks in egypt, berbers, and spaniards and jews in al-andalus.

back to the drawing board, mohammad
All arabs.
Keep crying for me, tranny cuck
you're not high level your rank on the site you use converts to a lower rank on more serious sites and rankings, so your claim to fame is that you're average at a memorization and flowchart game after playing all the time :feelskek:

anybody can beat me at chess as I don't play it, might as well challenge me to street fighter 5, retard
Lol you seem to know a lot about chess for someone who doesn't play it. Also how do you know which site I use?
I use lichess which would obviously have lower rankings than the offical fide, but my highest was 2200 in blitz, which equates to 2000 fide and still makes me better than 95% of players and far above average. What's your claim to intelligence? Do you even speak any other language?
how are they comparable in any way, and it's literally just the myth of icarus?
If you did research and how far his blueprints reached(stolen by europe) you'll understand. I linked the wiki earlier learn to read.
jews are arabs? another self-own :feelskek:

we wuz persians, ancient egyptian pyramid builders, macedonian greeks, berbers, spaniards, and jews
jews are white. you can't claim someone is jewish and I tell you they aren't and then you say "so you're saying jews are arabs."
I can always telll the difference between a jew and an arab. But I can't tell the difference between a jew and a white. And neither can you. cuz they're the same. scarlett johanson? a white and a jew.
Uh oh, caught in a lie.
1900 lichess = 1670 fide = average elo

I know because I've read what great chess players like Bobby Fischer have said about it.
could be a talent, could be a cool unique story. I'll start

My chess elo is 2200
Where's the lie?? You always go with what your highest was at a point. I'm currently at 2000 range, my hieghest was near 2200. I dropped to 1900 rapid(which is the match I played with that user in that thread) but it still currently above 2000. Google any chess player and google will show you their highest rating, not their current. 2200(2000 fide) is 95 percentile, far above average.
Oh right, there is no lie, you just used the "dropped to 1900" and didn't include the "at the highest was 2200" .
I also know it only requires an average intelligence to learn multiple languages. Anglophones aren't motivated to learn a second one.
I speak 3 languages. All of which without an accent(or with very little hint of an accent) despite never living in any country that doesn't speak arabic. That's high IQ af.
yeah the wright brothers stole his blue prints
Glad we agree
you just said jews are arabs :waitwhat:

scarlett johansson is mixed and has had plastic surgery done
I never said jews are arabs, and all whites and jews are mixed since they're the same
the lie is that you "dropped" to your real max which is 1900, which is average elo
How is it my max if I dropped to it, your low IQ retard? 2200 Top 95 percentile bitch, cry about it, tranny.
you have an accent speaking english, thick one at that. I think you learned english by watching blood in blood out everyday
Cope most people could not detect an accent from me, because I am high IQ and adapt very quickly.
yeah gluing on feathers and jumping from mountains is the same thing as their actual aircraft that lifted from the ground surely requires a blueprint, I'm one hundred percent not mocking your we wuz kangz stupidity
yeah glad we agree on that one
I'm totally laughing with you not laughing at you
He blueprinted the first flying machine and was the first man to experience flight. You're welcome europe.
you said berbers, persians, macedonian greeks, and spaniards and jews in al-andalus are all arabs

therefore you said jews are arabs

you had to claim they were arabs because every islamic inventor, philosopher, poet, transcriber of greek knowledge or whatever you can find will be from those origins and not an arab blood feuding camel jockey
Cope they were all arabs. Jews(whites) invented nothing.
1900 = 1600s = average, we wuz kangz about it camel jockey
Good thing my max was 2200, which is 2000 and 95 percentile. also 1600 fide is also more than a bit above average.
they were being nice, unlike the chick you were talking to on instragram that was willing to accept payment for a fuck until you showed your face. your accent sounds liek you're an extra from the set of blood in blood out
instagram?? Are you talking about the whisper prostitue? You do know I talked to her in arabic right? how is it even relevant?
And you know damn well I barely have an accent. Even bummer couldn't tell until I told him.
this stupidity, this delusion

once again you admit jews are arabs

also thanks berbers for copying the myth of icarus while arabs were shagging their camels, bravo
seems like you're once again getting insecure over facts of your useleness as a race
There were megaliths in Europe, in arabia your people were fucking camels and killing each other over water, perpetuating generations of blood feud.

and neither are any islamic philosophers or inventors of not
What? Islamic philosophers, at least the original ones, were Arabs. I could agree that Al-Kwarizmi was Iranian, but not all Arabs are goat fuckers and retarded nutjobs.
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you mean your max was 1900 and then you lied and said you "dropped," which is in the 1600s really. average.
How did I lie months before we even had this conversation? Also I mentioned before that I was 2200 months ago.
Actually if you were on shortcels I mentioned it a year ago back there when i was the resident chesscel and had a "loser shows face" match with someone.
Admit you're wrong and that I am much higher IQ than you, you have NO talents unlike my 2200 tope 95 percntile ELO in chess
no, vato, you have a mexican accent from watching blood in blood out too many times
I have no idea what blood in blood out is, I have no accents, I pretty much can pass for american if I wanted to( I don't).
Uh no, I'm not an arab
And You never will be, tranny:feelshmm:
lmao at calling egyptians africans, we wuz kangz anddd shiieeet man. Just look at the dna results of the pharoes they have even less sub saharan dna than modern egyptians
they were arab you utter retard, anyone who believes otherwise you're a retard who fell for pol memes
your max lichess score which you tried to pass off as a "drop" converts to average, and actually probably less if you played on real sites
A white man lies despite evidence of me saying 2200 from years ago. It's the white way. Also 1600 fide is way above average and i'm way above that making me 95 percentile. Still waiting on your claim to intelligence(other than shameless lying)
"I do not even know what this movie I watched exactly 257 times to learn english even is, believe me"
I speak English better than you. I bet I have better literary ability than you as well. I am just naturally very intelligent. I get it from my dad.
And that's a good thing, shemale. :feelscomfy:
You will always be white. Never forget that.
????? what and no they were not arab they were coptic another semetic people
Giga cope and pol meme, I don't take white people seriously anyway ngl
Bragging about the past
because you can't accomplish anything now
Silly arabs
Bragging about the past
because you can't accomplish anything now
Silly arabs
we're literally the last gatekeepers of cultures and the last people pushing away degeneracy from whites

you just can't stop lying
You can't get an official fide rating unless you're at least 2000 and compete in real life tournmants you utter moron. So the average fide rating is a lot higher. Just to reach 2000(which I did) would literally mean you're better than 90% of players. I am better than 95% and on lichess I was in the top 5% there.

Literally learn to do actual reading before googlinf a post on a forum and using it as a source you utter inbred. Literally the first comment in that post explains it to you.

Weak white lies

No you don't.
No you don't (rap battle proves this)
No you aren't :feelskek:
Nobody asked
My rhymes(which I wrote and recorded in 20 minutes) utterly mogged yours because I am much higher Iq than you

By the grace of god, for nobody wants to be an abba dabba diaper head
You will always live with the shame of being white

DURKA DURKA we invented flight
your lichess score converts to below average, and probably even less because lichess is a joke according to chess experts
My lichess score(2200) converts to literally top 5% world wide. you literally googled a forum post and didn't even read the replies lmaoooooooo being this buttmad
dumb and dumber laughing GIF

you have to preface with an excuse and already admitted you lost :feelskek:
And still managed to outwrit
being white = being a tranny cuck
we wuz pilots!!!
we really did innovate aviation.
your lichess score of 1900 translates to 1600s to real scores which is below average :feelskek:
1600 fide is far above average you retard, and my score is 2200 you utter retard.
You literally googled a forum post in which the top reply literally proves my point.
I always wonder how whites can be so shameless
you already admitted you lost :feelsYall:
Outwitted you with my high IQ. You only had production on me, but I was clearly the better and more intelligent rapper.
I literally am so humiliated and ashamed that I use forum posts that prove my master FTL right because I'm so low IQ
we wuz pilots !!!!
Thank me everytime you ride a plane
your score is 1900 on lichess which converts to 1600s which is far below average
2200 on lichess, which converts to top 2000 top 95%.
And again, 1600 is far above average you low IQ retard
1200 is average. I am literally one of the best in the world, you are a low IQ subhuman
yours was called "stanky ass nigga" and you rhymed gay boys with boy, and later boy with boy in the same 10 bar rap :feelskek:

meanwhile this is a line from mine

"incurred the wrath of the rap god colossus
each diss is soul ether more dire than the breath of hamlossus"

nice revisionist history after already admitting you got a verbal smackdown, mohammad. talk about shameless
This is you proving you don't understand literary techniques which proves you're low IQ subhuman white genes.

What a weak line that is btw, utterly embarassing and corny. you probably think eminem is a good rapper.
I wish I had your chess talents, but I am a low IQ white boy with no talents
icarus was a greek myth, thanks for nothing
LOOOOOOOl keep being mad that you're not arab and an innovator
1900 on lichess, favorably converts to 1600s, below average especially for someone that has played as much as you have
2200 elo converts to 2000 which is top 95% of all chess players, extremely high IQ something you could never achieve.
yeah teh technique of rhyming boy about 8 times in a 10 line rap :feelskek:
you always have an excuse for why you suck
I mixed internal rhyming with identical rhymes, something your lame "I rhymed a random word I googled with hamlossus and thought it was clever even though it didn't fit"
wwouldnt never get
don't listen to rap that's you, and you still got anal raped no lube

and came up with this doozy:
cuz you're full of shit, boy
you ain't got what it takes boy

whoa definitely not corny and gay
Yup that's an excellent rhyme with the flow. You ain't got what it takes boy, called your friends to come and help, boy. sparrow is a faggot who likes gay boys.

the rhyme scheme and syllables here is too complex for you to understand
I will always be a subhuman white who will never be talented and high IQ as FTL
Yeah true
Neither was Abbas ibn Firnas
*mic drop*
you're a jite tho, your opinion is automatically assumed lies. thank me and abbas everytime you fly
which is 1600s which is average

all I have to do is play for some months, memorize games and follow a flowchart, a computer kicks your ass
2200, top 95% chess players. You made up that 1900 number from your ass since I directly mentioned dropping

I swear to god if you play for 10 years you won't even reach 1900 on lichess. That's a fact.
Also a computer would kick magnus Carlson's ass

it's extremely advanced technique to rhyme boy 8 times in a 10 bar line, which you bragged you copied from eminem who you now say sucks lol

shameless as hell
Shameless white lying because he's low Iq and will never have the talents I have and I mog you in literally every taught talent and aspect

it's corny, it's gay, it's basic :feelskek:

you notice the only praise you get about it is from yourself, just repeat a lie often enough I guess
Cope tons of people liked it and thought I was hilarious cuz I am

You mog me in every talented aspect
Well duh

we wuz pilots
just lol at 2200 score at lichess, fuckinb peanut brain subhuman garbage
also just lol at thinking piramid era technology was more advanced that what we have today.
uggo mongo vs fulltimeloser arguments are pretty neat to watch
Reminder: OP isn't just any shabbos goy but a PALESTINIAN shabbos goy.
Reminder: OP isn't just any shabbos goy but a PALESTINIAN shabbos goy.

You're literally a shabbos goy controller opposition hiding the truth and doing dsmage control for jews and whites

If I played for a few months I would stomp you

Computer beating Magnus is the point. In other games they cannot program the computer to consistently beat top players.
2200, converts to 2000 top 95%
You could play your whole life and would never reach my level. Most don't cuz im high IQ
And in every single game you can program a computer to always win if the devs want to.

Oh yeah, this isn't you?:
No it's you. Notice how you shamelessly lie despite your own links proving you wrong? Jite trait

yeah eminem sucks so much according to you you had to try to copy his rap lol

And it was 5 times out of 20, one of the times you didn't even try to rhyme it. That's so far off from the 8 times out of 10 for comedic embellishment.
I used eminem as an example cuz I knew your corny ass would only get that. Look up the song looking boy. Damn you're getting educated rn

Cope by tons of people you mean your mother, the aunt you're trying to bang, and your pet rock mohammad jr
Bro, you're a fat white dude who lives with his mother asking for nuggies
I must downplay your high IQ accomplishments because you humiliate me intellectually. It's the white way
Yeah people know that about whites

durka durkas really believe this

(icarus myth, which feather berber is a knockoff)
is 100x superior to this

and this
He was the first man to experience flight, built the blueprint for aviation, and jites are lying about him? 100% confirmed. You're welcome for airplanes, subhuman tranny
Sumerians are not Arabs u moron they were one fo the 3 races of Noah after the great flood
1900, which is 1600s, which is average. You play on lichess.
I could play for a few months and surpass you if I cared

And only if you give the computer advantages. Chess is predictable and about memorizing flowcharts.
2200, my plowest was 1900, top 5% something someone as low IQ as you could never reach jite
And any computer in any game can be beat you rerard if the devs set him up to predict your every move or button you press.

huh? it's a direct link to your own post retard
My own post? What are you talking about? Me saying I dropped to 1900? Which literally proves you wrong? Or my other post from months ago saying my rating is 2200 which also prove ls you wrong?
I'm talking about the literal forum post you linked in which the top reply proves you wrong. Jite tricks are weak. I smell the insecurity off of you

Yeah you tried to mimic eminem because you lack creativity, and still failed
More lies. I mimic no one. It's a common literary device and I'm high iq like dat.

You're a little arab living at home pretending like you have a wage slave job when you really are just in your room 24/7 watching this forum like a hawk and respond to everybody that quotes you 1000 times a day in seconds
Sounds like a fatboy projecting. You will always be white tranny cuck

I lie in the face of direct facts despite google existing. I can't believe you're so much smarter than me. But I'm used to being subhuman since im white
I know

Icarus was the first man to experience flight, Daedalus invented the scientific field of aviation. 100% confirmed. Still wasn't an airplane though.

Wright brothers invented the airplane. You're welcome you could flee your homeland in an invention made by the white man, subhuman shemale.
We innovated flight and aviation. Took you about 2 thousand years to catch up, and you're still fingering each others butthole faggots.
Jites will always be subhumans
I thought that you were going to say Jews that would have made more sense.
Pyramids were built by Europeans. The modern day Egyptian is a mutt.
Pyramids were built by Europeans. The modern day Egyptian is a mutt.
dumb and dumber laughing GIF

Main qimg 57a7f5789f075be8dabc48aaf058bc91

Whites literally will just use pol memes to justify being subhumans :lul: :lul: whites never built shit, not even europe
1900, 1600s, average after all that tryharding
2200, my plowest was 1900, top 5% something someone as low IQ as you could never reach jite
I quoted your post about eminem tard
Where I said he used it as the only reltavle example for a lot iq jite?

more lies, you said you mimicked jayz when someone said you sounded like a corny retard and that was supposed to exonerate your corniness
I said I used the takeover sample from a jayz song you low Iq white liar(oxymoron)

25k posts in less than a year, always ready to answer back any notification
sorry nah
you will always be a shemale durka durka traitor that spends 24/7 on this website like you get paid per post by the jidf
You literally pay the jidf money lmaoo fatass white boy living with his momma

Things are unraveling! I can no longer get away with my knowledge from pol memes I am being humiliated with facts about whites inventing nothing
Its ok to cry

the berber didn't even live 2000 years ago lol
daedalus lived in the heroic age, way predating berber feather boy

arabs have literally never contributed anything except a religion that revolves around worshiping on their knees 5 times a day a pederast
Don't forget to thank an arab man every time you pray. The last true culture pushing back white trannies and fags. You'll be stone and you're welcome
1900 on lichess, which is 1600, which is average. tryhard that plays all the time and still playing on lichess and can cite no real accomplishment in chess
2200, my plowest was 1900, top 5% something someone as low IQ as you could never reach jite

but eminem sucks so why are you copying him?

also rap isn't literary especially when you just repeat the same 3 letter rhyme over and over rhyming it with itself
I didn't copy him and I made that clear but you're low iq jite

Caught lying again, which you were trained to do in your religion that worships a pederast
I literally assume everything you say is a lie. Everyone here knows white = lies. I never lie. You literally lying rn

as you can see you explicitly state you tried to ape his flow in your corny retard rap and this is supposed to excuse your trash attempt at rapping
I literally never did. Thanks for proving again your lies. So far the score is 64-1 for me

how can I pay the jidf money when I don't have to pay taxes? :feelstastyman:
arab boy living with his momma pretending to be a grocer because he's insecure about being a glorious neet and has to lead a double life on an incel forum (poorly at that)
You pay a sales tax anytime you buy anything retard. You literally pay money to jidf. Jite isn't a meme. It will catch on.

I have to ignore reality and literally your own comments from months ago proving you right because I'm a jite and lying is what i do cuz I have no soul

To reiterate for the last time, this arab shemale thinks that a tall tale about a berber, not an arab, gluing on feathers and jumping off mountains to glide which is just a retelling of the icarus legend is a direct precursor to the wright brother's actual invention of a powered aircraft that lifted from the ground, sustained flight and had actual contemporary documentation and led directly to the scientific field of aviation leading to european air battles less than 15 years later

Gluing on feathers and jumping from mountains is as factual as Paul Bunyan digging out the grand canyon

yeah he really is that retarded and still can't come up with an arab contribution to civilization
Literally white lies. He was literally the first man to experience fliggt and buult the blueprint for aviation. Whites couldn't handle it so obviously believed the wright brothers trash machine is first(even tho we were thousands of yesr before and they stole our blueprint)
You're welcome for airplanes bro, white tricks aint working
You simplify people, you can control them

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