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Serious Christmaxxers, why did God create incels?

because god wants angry violent terrorists like me to make action films for him and entertain him. also spend all day dreaming about 72 virgins in heaven while not getting laid here
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
Under the Christian narrative/worldview/weltanshauung/what have you, ours is a fallen world corrupted by sin the very moment Adam and or Eve if not the both of them disobeyed Yahweh/Ell Shaddai/Jehova etc, etc who is the Christian monotheistic god figure basically.

Thus the Bible refers to Satan as the prince of this world as well the ruler of this world we are living in.

The Bible says the wages of sin is death.

From the internets…

“Suffering is a product of the fall, a consequence of human sin against God (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21). Suffering is in our lives because we are living in a broken world. Some suffering is due to our sinful and wrong choices, but some is due simply to the world being fallen.”

Yet John 3:16 explains to us its wondrous simplicity that God so loved the world (likely meaning we his literal human creations and not so much the ball of rock, grass and dirt) that he sent Jesus into the world as one of us to live our kind of life and experience our kinds of suffering as well joy and despite all of the temptation we go through he lived a totally sinless life and was able to stand in our place being tortured and killed on the cross for our crimes and sins and thereby redeem those of us who accept and believe in him as well ask him for forgiveness of our sins and once we do all of that and also accept his gift of our salvation he takes on his rightful role as our intercessor before God totally repairing our prior broken spiritual relationship with him allowing us into Heaven ie life eternal and no longer condemned to eternal death which is Hell and the lake of fire which were actually originally designed only to be the place of punishment for Satan and his rebellious angels that are now all demons.

Its a commonly mistakenly held belief that Satan and his demons control Hell and are torturing lost souls in it.

Rather if Christianity is true they are all or almost all of them just roaming the earth or the skies invisible to us as what the Bible refers to as the principalities and the powers of the air.

The biblical story of Jesus being merciful and sending frightened demons into a herd of pigs rather than Hell or the lake of fire after the main demon literally begged Jesus not to send him/them to the place of punishment before the appointed time should tell anyone just how awful Hell is and that it’s no picnic or party time for demons either.

That said I believe I did read some very powerful or evil demons are in Hell bound in chains in darkest darkness now for both their crimes of rebelling against God with Satan but also if memory serves correct they may be released either to help the AntiChrist and the False Prophet wreak havoc during the end times but then rechained up in Hell after they are defeated by Christ in Armageddon or a possible final battle after it (I forget which?) but then they are released for another brief time after a thousand years of Christ’s peaceful rule to begin wreaking havoc on the nations again until God/Jesus finally casts them into Hell or the lake of fire for good.

Anyway though I digress.

To answer your question perhaps more directly sure I’ve had the thoughts you yourself have pondered and those do seem to be unfortunately the most logically and rationally consistent or at least for those who expect a God to be good, moral and sane anyway.

I suppose however what all I’ve written for you above is that Christianity does have an answer to the problem of suffering even though it’s arguably not all that satisfactory of one.

That said the Bible via it’s slave morality also teaches that the last will be first and the first will be last and that servants will ultimately be considered better than their masters, so if that’s true in Heaven Chad will have to take a back seat for a change, as Christian inkwells will finally get all the prime Stacies for a change and first at that, before they’re all used up and ran through. :feelsokman:
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I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
800px Hypergamy
Christianity has been around for thousands of years we are just in the end days you idiot
I'm not religious, I'm just curious about how religious incels cope with god being all-powerful and choosing to make them a 5 ft 2 indian janitor. How do you not conclude that god hates you or is evil?
For the same reason he created Satan knowing full well what he'd do: to make everyone's life miserable because he gets off to it.

Or he's just a made up fairy tale by ancient kikes who needed to keep everyone in line with intimidation.
Well, its the retarded whore cunt eve's fault. The ones we have to blame are the retarded simps that forgot humanities first lessen, leave women to their own devices and they will fuck up paradise because a snake told them
why did god create the forbidden fruit to begin with. he surely must have known what would happen

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