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Discussion Christianity endorses "slave morality". This will be the demise of western society



Jul 30, 2022
Slave morality favors the poor and condemns the rich, with doctrines along the lines of "the meek shall inherit the earth", "the wealthy shall die and not enter heaven", "give to the poor and the sick", "do not envy the rich for they will suffer and shall be punished"

The issue with slave morality is that it caters to all demographics who are considered "oppressed". This includes women, ethnic minorities and LGBTQUIA. In the long run, it causes damage to the infrastructure of advanced societies like in East Asia and the West, because it allows intellectually inferior people and radical people with ulterior agendas to infiltrate other societies and cause social instability from the inside out

The enforcement of welfare state, relaxed stances on immigration, affirmative action, are all examples of how "slave morality" can have corrosive effects on the infrastructure of advanced societies. But when "slave morality" is exercised without restriction, it can easily lead to ochlocracy, cause like I said, people with ulterior agendas or ulterior interests can infiltrate a society and rise to power from the inside. "Slave morality" would ultimately be in their favor, as they would initially be seen as a marginalized or oppressed group for whatever reason (e.g. they are female, or homosexual, transgender, or ethnic migrant)

You have already seen recent examples of neo-ochlocratic activities, like:

Black Lives Matter movement, a neo-Marxist movement which resulted in the destruction of several shops and businesses, including family-run businesses, as well as the misappropriation of millions of $$$ of BLM funds to the personal pockets of BLM leaders and other LGBT organizations​

The #MeToo and AWDTSG movements, which mostly targets men, including some who are falsely accused of sexual harassment or false accusations of having sexual relations with other women​

"Cancel culture" in mainstream media and companies. Anyone who's alleged to have expressed views that are interpreted as anti-Semitic, transphobic, homophobic, racist or misogynistic, they will nuke their social media accounts, financial accounts or / and fire them from their job
Pride / LGBT movement, which goes as far as to grooming kids & toddlers into becoming faggots or troons via kindergarten / elementary school curriculum, kids TV shows, video games

All of this can be credited to the effects of "slave morality", and it will only be intensified in the future. Christianity is very aligned with "slave morality". Most of the "virtues" taught in Christian dogma can be dumbed down to slave morality. Eventually slave morality becomes the undoing of societies because it motivates people to allow privileges to other people who might have agendas or interests that would prove to be detrimental to the infrastructure of advanced societies over the long term. If a weak person is granted power, can the weak person be trusted not to resort to corruption or tyranny once they are in a position of power or influence?

It's like with normies, they come from all walks of life, weak and strong, rich and poor, high IQ and low IQ. The homeless man who begs for money on the street, he could be the kind of person who if given enough power, would turn around and start to abuse or condescend on people who he perceives as socially or financially inferior to him. It doesn't matter who is rich or poor, some people may have innate desires to be cruel or insensitive to others, regardless of how rich or poor they are. If the poor are given the conditions and abilities to exercise their desires, the poor man could ultimately become the tyrant, just like the man who already has power
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turn thy cheek, chud!
To be fair, many but not all rich peps are oppressors. My morning coffee, iphone, made-in-Malaysia clothes etc. can be traced back to child labor and structural oppression. There is a very clear hierarchy that the powers-that-be try to silence any mentioning of in for as much that knowledge of it is critical to having a functional worldview.

If the EU or US would lose their top-dog position over the night, CPU and GPU chips would be no more since they are all manufactured in China. Intelligently manufactured there by capitalists, because it isolates western society from the means-of-production (as in Marxism) required for modern information infrastructure. This allows companies like AMD and Intel to maintain hegemony in the semiconductor industry by setting the barrier-to-entry really high.

Imagine if all this went away over night. Western society would be back to the dark ages rather soon. Famine, plague and decadence would set in quick. This is because the society, by virtue of being masters rather than slaves, is dependent on the hierarchical order to survive. Meanwhile the third world would get a boost of invigoration by having their burden of oppression alleviated.

I'm not saying that the issues you pointed out with slave morality is non-existent either but they seem to stem from other weaknesses instead, like naivety or taking the bible literally. The grope I'm seeing is with psychological social dominance orientation, being the cause of female hypergamy and evolutionary processes becoming stuck in local minimums. What separates chimps from gorillas for example is that the latter relies on brute strength to determine who will breed (like many other animals such as bears), while our closer relatives plays coalition-like political games, ultimately advancing their species to where we are today.

As a final note, Christianity is an evolution of Judaism (the Jews also worship the Old Testament but not the new one), while Islam is based on both Christianity and Judaism. It should take no more than 2 brain cells to understand that if one is passifist / turn the other cheek, and the other cutting off your head, then the latter religion is the best one. Hence you need to ditch religion all-together and convert to modern science.
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To be fair, many but not all rich peps are oppressors. My morning coffee, iphone, made-in-Malaysia clothes etc. can be traced back to child labor and structural oppression. There is a very clear hierarchy that the powers-that-be try to silence any mentioning of in for as much that knowledge of it is critical to having a functional worldview.

If the EU or US would lose their top-dog position over the night, CPU and GPU chips would be no more since they are all manufactured in China. Intelligently manufactured there by capitalists, because it isolates western society from the means-of-production (as in Marxism) required for modern information infrastructure. This allows companies like AMD and Intel to maintain hegemony in the semiconductor industry by setting the barrier-to-entry really high.

Imagine if all this went away over night. Western society would be back to the dark ages rather soon. Famine, plague and decadence would set in quick. This is because the society, by virtue of being masters rather than slaves, is dependent on the hierarchical order to survive. Meanwhile the third world would get a boost of invigoration by having their burden of oppression alleviated.
I agree with this as well, the hierarchial relations between the developed world and the developing world are another example of master-slave morality - Outsourcing manufacturing and production to distant, foreign countries and selling the products back to western countries. This was most likely going to be a self-defeating tactic for western tech companies over the long-term, because China is right next to Taiwan, and China are not the same chumps that they were 50 or 100 years ago

At this point, western tech companies like Apple, Intel, Microsoft, would have been better off building their factories in a closer region like South America. Because if China invade Taiwan, which they will, China will seize control over the CPUs and GPUs that western countries depend on for maintaining modern infrastructure. The infrastructure of western countries will take a massive blow if they are forced to cut down on the distribution of CPUs and GPUs

It was only about 50 - 100 years ago when China were the slaves and Europe / North America were the masters. Now it looks like the tables are set to turn within the next few decades. This is partially thanks to the Europeans & North Americans who empowered the Chinese (and other rice countries) by economic trading with rice countries, building tech factories in rice countries, providing jobs, education to Chinese citizens. China used to be the "poor man", now they are the "powerful man", and are on track to become more powerful than Europe / North America
Might makes right — Ragnar Redbeard
Fuck the Turd World, Fuck Chinks, Fuck shitskins.
Christ cucks forgets what Jesus did when merchants sold there goods in temples. they forget the parts of the bible that praise soldiers. they forget what god did to Sodom. they forget eve and her betrayal.
To be fair, many but not all rich peps are oppressors. My morning coffee, iphone, made-in-Malaysia clothes etc. can be traced back to child labor and structural oppression. There is a very clear hierarchy that the powers-that-be try to silence any mentioning of in for as much that knowledge of it is critical to having a functional worldview.

If the EU or US would lose their top-dog position over the night, CPU and GPU chips would be no more since they are all manufactured in China. Intelligently manufactured there by capitalists, because it isolates western society from the means-of-production (as in Marxism) required for modern information infrastructure. This allows companies like AMD and Intel to maintain hegemony in the semiconductor industry by setting the barrier-to-entry really high.

Imagine if all this went away over night. Western society would be back to the dark ages rather soon. Famine, plague and decadence would set in quick. This is because the society, by virtue of being masters rather than slaves, is dependent on the hierarchical order to survive. Meanwhile the third world would get a boost of invigoration by having their burden of oppression alleviated.

I'm not saying that the issues you pointed out with slave morality is non-existent either but they seem to stem from other weaknesses instead, like naivety or taking the bible literally. The grope I'm seeing is with psychological social dominance orientation, being the cause of female hypergamy and evolutionary processes becoming stuck in local minimums. What separates chimps from gorillas for example is that the latter relies on brute strength to determine who will breed (like many other animals such as bears), while our closer relatives plays coalition-like political games, ultimately advancing their species to where we are today.

As a final note, Christianity is an evolution of Judaism (the Jews also worship the Old Testament but not the new one), while Islam is based on both Christianity and Judaism. It should take no more than 2 brain cells to understand that if one is passifist / turn the other cheek, and the other cutting off your head, then the latter religion is the best one. Hence you need to ditch religion all-together and convert to modern science.
The developing world being less integrated into the economy and process of globalization compared to the first world means their living standards wouldn't collapse as much relative to the West in the worst case scenario because their previous state wasn't as dependent on complex supply chains for specific technological assets and thus didn't have as high of a living standard compared to the first world to begin with. By virtue of the West being more reliant on these supply chains for technological assets to maintain a higher quality of life, there's a a bigger fall in living conditions in the event of a collapse simply because they're falling from a greater height than the developing world that started off with lower living standards and thus if their conditions fell in a collapse, the fall from the previous peak wouldn't be as drastic since the West's starting point is higher than the latter's staring point. Thus the developing world would have a smaller difference from their previous state than the first world.
Judeo-Christianity preaches this. REAL Christianity (Christian Identity and doctrines similar to it) is not this meek garbage. I’d read “The Sword Of Christ” for more info, as well as “Faith And Heritage”

Tbh these books are more along the lines of Racialist Protestantism than Christian Identity but I still think they’re very good at explaining what true Christianity looks like, and why Jews hate and subvert it to the degree they do.
nietzsche was a retard

I don't like christianity but the NT is infinitely superior to anything nietzsche wrote

nietzsche is like if the NT was rewritten by a completely braindead retard. he doesn't even stand out in that general time period. hegel was more intelligent. marx was more intelligent. kierkegaard was more intelligent. complete philosophical footnote, spouting nietzschean ideas should be considered slave morality bc nietzsche was so pathetic
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'nooo incel how dare u demand a state-mandated gf, why not just worship chads and dogs'
nietzsche was a retard

I don't like christianity but the NT is infinitely superior to anything nietzsche wrote

nietzsche is like if the NT was rewritten by a completely braindead retard. he doesn't even stand out in that general time period. hegel was more intelligent. marx was more intelligent. kierkegaard was more intelligent. complete philosophical footnote, spouting nietzschean ideas should be considered slave morality bc nietzsche was so pathetic
The slave morality allows minority oppressed classes to become empowered, and these minorities may have ulterior motives that would eventually prove to be detrimental to the welfare and comfort of others

Incels could be an example - A minority oppressed class of men who are unable to obtain sexual partners (outside of betabux / escortbux) for reasons beyond their control. Imagine if all of a sudden, normies and women became empathetic towards incels and started giving them loads of privileges and allowing them to elevate to higher positions in society. In the long run, this could lead to another class of people being discomforted or oppressed (aka women), as the aspirations of some incels (e.g. blackpilled incels) seem to be very conservative, patriarchal and to some degree fascist

Allowing one oppressed class of people to become powerful, can easily lead to another class of unoppressed people becoming oppressed. I do not know much of Nietzschean philosophy, but the concept of the Ubermensch and "master-slave morality", although heretical and pagan-like, do not seem to be unreasonable concepts

The laws of American and European countries have their origin in the teachings of Judaism and Christianity (do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness etc.). But these countries have become very liberal and now cater to woke stuff like feminism and LGBT. I'm pretty sure you won't find this in Islamic countries, as their laws are more conservative and less tolerant of homosexuality / foid empowerment. The laws of Islam are quite similar to the laws of Judaism
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