Fucking one women for rest of your life is boring as fuck .
Cope, porn is shit tier in comparison, its never going to be good enough, I had "bad sex" with a prostitute the first time I ever had sex and it was still better than porn in my opinion and the orgasms I had from porn were better. The bitch was loose and thick so I couldn't really enjoy it much, when I learn my way around the escort scene I'm gonna locate me a petite one and have me an actual good time.
I can actutally look back laughing at how deluded I was, understand that guys like us have "porn mind" so we don't know how this shit really works, for example that "cow-girl" position looks really good in porn when the bitch has a fat ass doesn't it, I tried to fuck the whore in that position, she was slamming it against me, my pelvis began to hurt over time
So were only getting the "good part" in porn, we don't know how this shit works, how much effort it requires, and I laughed in my head afterwards because it dawned upon me that I never once considered the "physics" behind sex until then, the weight of a woman riding you. Also I didn't even think to stretch my legs because you never see that in porn do you, well guess who got a leg cramp while in missionary position
Don't let porn fool you, actual sex can be more enjoyable if you know what you're doing (which I still don't, I need some escort training), but there's a lot of thought that goes into the act beforehand that we never realize because we've never done it. That's why I think escortcelling should be common practice among incels, not LDAR.
If I'm getting married to my 10/10 in this hypothetical I choose marriage, I'd never get tired of fucking a bitch like that.