Exactly. It's just better to have multiple options more or less balancing each other out, rather than a single unstoppable power
Basically everyone outweighs one another.
(which the US and its allies were until just recently to a level that I think most people don't really grasp,
Nah, we do. It's very obvious
The Cold War had the USSR as a counterweight, and beforehand it was more split since the UK was much stronger as was France who acted separately. though ofc, we both agree the USSR was just as bad if not worse than the US. In fact, I could explain how both were controlled by the same people more or less.
After WWI, most countries effectively became a form of "controlled" opposition due to various factors. And the last real opposition to globohomo ended in 45'
In fact, I think it would have been good for an "Anglo+French & American" split of sorts so that the UK & France won't be as intertwined to the US. Because let's face it, they're basically puppet states that just have a bit more leverage than smaller ones such as let's say Portugal.
I've thought about making a thread about this recently.)
Eh, geopolitics whilst important is something I find not as interesting.
I focus more on stuff such as immigration & economics which are more important imo & relevant. I constantly get irked by both FOX & CNN obsession over Gaza+Ukraine whilst the border is wide open, we have over 10 million illegals here, tons of economic issues, and not even healthcare. To me, constant obsession over geopolitics just reeks of the classic Upper-class Neoliberals who are using it as distraction, or have their balls tied to overseas banking/investments.
I also dislike how many online, even here, claim that this "benefits" the average population of these countries & use it to justify stuff against the population as a whole; including a certain someone who will be back. In reality, it doesn't benefit us since we pay for it ultimately, and only the richfags benefit.
I can also guarantee the thread will be full of BRICS dick-suckers who can't understand nuance in just wanting what we talked about, which still means the US & allies have power, and them shilling for it to the point they are contradicting their initial argument.