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It's Over China fucked up the whole dating world.



Titles are for fags.
May 21, 2018
China killed all of their newborn femoids to have boys causing 30 million more man than femoids.

Because of china there are way more men than femoids.
I am basically competing against 30 million Changs who's IQ is x2 higher than mine over the same girl.
How are we supposed to get a gf?!
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Its way to over for Chinacels. If you cant escape to a different country and try your luck there its over
I honestly don't think an extra 30 million men makes even 1% difference.

The bottom 90%, 95%? of men are already invisible to women.
It was (((feminism))) that fucked the dating market. Landwhales now think they are entitled to Chad.
china's leftover men jfl at the title so brutal....a political debates gonna happen if it change it to female
JFL at wagecucking and being a leftover
Population is killing us.
Aren't chinese trying to colonize africa? Some lucky chinacels might find their wife there.
Majority are considered ricecel tier in western world, Chang's are incredibly rare
Send them to war. You have the numbers.
However, China might be the answer on how to fix the incel problem. If we somehow manage to kill 95% of the male population us incels might have a chance.
That seems to me that way too. I have seen Chads, Tyrones and Chaddams but never a Chang.
If we measured T levels across races it wouldn't surprise me if Asian men scientifically had way less T
If we measured T levels across races it wouldn't surprise me if Asian men scientifically had way less T

It has been proven. Plenty of studies on this out there.

Also South-East Asians have higher T than East Asians.
This is always in the back of my mind, china killed a shiton of foids now we can't have the chinese foids that would be our sex slaves?
Changs are banging prime noodle Stacys, very few of them have interest in non Asian chicks. The 30 million leftover men are basically the lowest of the low. They aren't competing with anyone abroad LMAO.
That seems to me that way too. I have seen Chads, Tyrones and Chaddams but never a Chang.
here is a chang for ya

And they're supposed to be high IQ. Dumbass chinks.
Whites fucked up the world with imperialism and social media

It's 100% white peoples fault that caused all the instability that forces people to migrate
The Chinese screwing up the gender ratio hurt things, but I still believe our inceldom is caused by biology.

Even if there were a 10:1 female to male ratio, as long as polygamy was normalized, women would choose to become part of Chad's harem rather than be with us.

And even if monogamy was enforced, I believe at least half of this forum would still be incel. Women would rather be alone than with us. Only arranged marriages and outlawing divorce could save us.
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Whites fucked up the world with imperialism and social media

It's 100% white peoples fault that caused all the instability that forces people to migrate

Cope faggot. Jews created social media.
Whites fucked up the world with imperialism and social media

It's 100% white peoples fault that caused all the instability that forces people to migrate

JFL no, its all men, we fucked up by giving women rights period.
Changs are banging prime noodle Stacys, very few of them have interest in non Asian chicks. The 30 million leftover men are basically the lowest of the low. They aren't competing with anyone abroad LMAO.

Nah. Most Changs are of Korean or Viet heritage in my experience, not Chinese. Koreans mog Chinese into oblivion.

Cope faggot. Jews created social media.
Jews became rich because of white people. You're the ones who freely gave money and banking licenses to them (that's how they got rich back in the day).
Whites fucked up the world with imperialism and social media

It's 100% white peoples fault that caused all the instability that forces people to migrate

I honestly don't think an extra 30 million men makes even 1% difference.

The bottom 90%, 95%? of men are already invisible to women.
This is also true in Germany with the migrants. It's doesn't matter if you push millions of young adult men into a population if most of them are incel-tier anyway.

The only thing relevant about the rapefugees is that they have the blessings of the progressive left to rape and assault and have it be overlooked to a large extent.
This is also true in Germany with the migrants. It's doesn't matter if you push millions of young adult men into a population if most of them are incel-tier anyway.

The only thing relevant about the rapefugees is that they have the blessings of the progressive left to rape and assault and have it be overlooked to a large extent.

That's a major advantage they have though - can't be incel if you just take what you believe is yours :lul: Those Chadfugees are the most low-inhib men in existence.

Guy got #metoo'd afterwards, I guarantee it.
I read an article about how rental "girlfriends" are really popular in China since most guys can't get anything but they still need to have a girlfriend to keep up the appearances
That's a major advantage they have though - can't be incel if you just take what you believe is yours :lul: Those Chadfugees are the most low-inhib men in existence.
True. The only thing I can feel towards a subhuman ethnic who can go to places like Germany and Sweden and just grab those gorgeous blonde teens by the pussy, getting away with it on top of that, is envy.
I honestly don't think an extra 30 million men makes even 1% difference.

The bottom 90%, 95%? of men are already invisible to women.
We need to change cucked laws and introduce sexbots and male birth control to the market, then men will be able to get blackpilled enough to learn they must treat the majority of foids like property.
one of the dumbest laws ever. men are not more useful for society when their brains are deformed from not being able to have sex
China has an excess of 30 million pissed off ricecels, they'll probably use them to invade taiwan
30 million leftover men sound useful for aiding our manpower to start incel rebellion
You live in the west, you will do just fine.
never began for ricecels
There are 30-40 million excess men in China, and another 30 million in India from all the female infanticide. Even worse, foids in those societies are becoming hypergamous and are fucking only the top 20% of men just like Western foids. What is Cucktears going to say to these leftover men, considering it's mathematically impossible for each to have a woman, without even considering female hypergamy?
Nah. Most Changs are of Korean or Viet heritage in my experience, not Chinese. Koreans mog Chinese into oblivion.

Jews became rich because of white people. You're the ones who freely gave money and banking licenses to them (that's how they got rich back in the day).


consider this, the chinese changs are on their chinese apps like wechat which western social media is independent from. i know this because i see chinese changs all the time on this app through my chinese co-workers.

they dont need to immigrate to the U.S like viets do because most Chinese are nationalists due to $$$, i made a post about this but the Chinese that immigrate to the U.S are low quality genetic Southerners who white worship

most viets are whiteworshipping so all the upper tier vietcong changs are already in the U.S so the only ones left in Vietnam are kpop maxxed

korean changs are found due to weaboos
30 millions is nothing. There are 136 men for every 100 women in China.

Official state media put the male-to-female ratio at 136:100 among unmarried people born since the 1980s. Professor Jin Tiankui, an influential sociologist in China’s policy-making circle, predicts that by 2020 there will be 30 million more men than women in the 24–40 age bracket.

Literally a third of Chinese men won't find a wife. Truly fucked.

now they can focus on their jihad.
Ukraine brides will be the number one export to china.

Screenshot 20181104 214142 Chrome

They are just whores. They will divorce and get half of the money.


Ukraine has no real rule of law. Just bribe the judge. China has no concept of 'divorce rape'. The foid only gets the bare minimum.

Neither of those two countries are cucked like the Anglo-west. The whole half-the-money meme is only true for the EU, Latin Am, and the Anglosphere.

Ukraine has no real rule of law. Just bribe the judge. China has no concept of 'divorce rape'. The foid only gets the bare minimum.

Neither of those two countries are cucked like the Anglo-west. The whole half-the-money meme is only true for the EU, Latin Am, and the Anglosphere.

Irrelevant. The fact that the Chinese tycoons must go to the poorest European country to find some slut who will marry them says everything about the nature of such relationships.

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