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RageFuel Cheating sexhavers disgust me the most



WOMEN OWE ME SEX - Discord: personapimp
Feb 3, 2020
There are so many instances where sexhavers have cheated on their partners because of whatever pathetic reason they have. I find this to be sickening and appalling that some of them act in this degenerate way, yet they are the ones able to get sex and intimacy not us. They have zero appreciation of how well off they are and are not grateful for what they already have. Any one of us trucels would do anything to try and get what they have but they throw away their relationship just like that cheating.
They should be nailed onto a cross
Foids dont care if men cheat
It's never enough for one's ego to be fully satisfied.
I fucking hate them and toilets LOVE them, they throw their pussies to men who are already in relationship. Wearing a wedding ring in nightlife is a common redpill advice for reason. Many escort's clients are adulterers. Ungrateful pieces of shit, and they just joke "I guess my wife wouldn't like it". Still it's not a surprise, women are mostly the same since the times of Adam and Eve. Now the "forbidden fruit" are adulterers, drug dealers, murderers, psychopaths, street fighters and dogs. Many violent crimes, pollution through consoomerism and misery are basically product of simping, men trying to meet women's nature.
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I said it multiple times but adultery should be made illegal, and I don't understand how shit like this isn't considered illegal
I said it multiple times but adultery should be made illegal, and I don't understand how shit like this isn't considered illegal
It'd be nice. I don't know how many people in western nations would support it though.
I said it multiple times but adultery should be made illegal, and I don't understand how shit like this isn't considered illegal
At least its punished in some muslim countries
They laugh at us because they can easily have sex and relationships while we struggle.
I said it multiple times but adultery should be made illegal, and I don't understand how shit like this isn't considered illegal
It was illegal and punished for most of the history, but at some point the western society said that "we are smarter than all of our ancestors" and normalised this. That's why I don't believe in progress as a value in itself, it has to go in the actual good direction, because if not then it's a simple degeneration process
They have zero appreciation of how well off they are and are not grateful for what they already have.
That is hurting me the most. Many of us would be a very good and loyal boyfriends, but foids instead are choosing cheaters and thugmaxxers, who didn't appreciate them at all. The world could have been a lot better place if only the foids weren't so stupid
death to all sexhavers
What if there's something that'd make us do the same if we were them? :feelswhere:
I fucking hate them and toilets LOVE them, they throw their pussies to men who are already in relationship. Wearing a wedding ring in nightlife is a common redpill advice for reason. Many escort's clients are adulterers. Ungrateful pieces of shit, and they just joke "I guess my wife wouldn't like it". Still it's not a surprise, women are mostly the same since the times of Adam and Eve. Now the "forbidden fruit" are adulterers, drug dealers, murderers, psychopaths, street fighters and dogs. Many violent crimes, pollution through consoomerism and misery are basically product of simping, men trying to meet women's nature.
soyciety is self destructing. all this is going towards internal conflict :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::foidSoy: the thing is that immigrants will come to replace the libs who stopped making stable families and it will make the native people cornered and angry
There are so many instances where sexhavers have cheated on their partners because of whatever pathetic reason they have. I find this to be sickening and appalling that some of them act in this degenerate way, yet they are the ones able to get sex and intimacy not us. They have zero appreciation of how well off they are and are not grateful for what they already have. Any one of us trucels would do anything to try and get what they have but they throw away their relationship just like that cheating.
we are all owed what they have. we need some goddamn secks and concentration kkkamph labor so we can play vidyagames and get royal treatment from the widows of shot soyers
You mean looks?
We would need it to make this scenario possible but what I mean is that if we were able to have multiple partners, would our brains work different or would we perceive it different way and cheat
women dont give a fuck. they have sex with whatever men they find attractive why is this a surprise? if her husband dont like it, she would tell him he can accept it or leave. its a brutal world. incels get nothing!
It'd be nice. I don't know how many people in western nations would support it though.
None because we're governed by globohomo cucks

At least its punished in some muslim countries
The only based countries atm

It was illegal and punished for most of the history, but at some point the western society said that "we are smarter than all of our ancestors" and normalised this. That's why I don't believe in progress as a value in itself, it has to go in the actual good direction, because if not then it's a simple degeneration process
I also despise cheaters. Them cheating feels like a middle finger to us. I find it offensive because we can't get anything while they are wrecking their own relationships for fun or bullshit reason. I especially hate the foids that feel extra interest in guys that are already in relationship. There are plenty of single men around, but they feel entitled to the unavailable ones.
Any sexhaver disgusts me. Human should replicate what animals do. Children should be crated within a lab, not from having sex.
In a just society, there should be capital punishment for cheating. It is causing emotional distress like any other type of pain.

In today's society, the lack of these laws is highly beneficial, especially to the female gender, because they are the ones doing most of the cheating since your average guy cannot cheat at all. He simply has no other options than his wife or girlfriend and cannot obtain the next one easily. Basically, it only benefits women, the top 20% of males, and nobody else. It is once again another "hidden" benefit that women can use. They can cheat on their husbands and boyfriends and get away freely. What is worse is that society deems this behavior acceptable when a woman does it with sentences like, Yeah, girl, you can do better. He was a loser anyway. Go girl, you are not bound to your boyfriend/husband if he cannot satisfy you enough.

It is a great injustice against a common male and should have been dealt with a long time ago. Actually, men used to have power over the female in case she cheated on him and disrespected him this way, but it used to be in previous centuries.

In today's clown world, men are supposed to just take it and "man up."
Also very true. Ffs, women can freely cheat in a marriage and even take the victim's stuff/money thanks to no fault divorce laws.

I just realized how these no fault divorce laws are made specifically to women. There is no situation where a man would be protected because of these laws. Why? Because women are always the ones at fault when relationships fails.
women dont give a fuck. they have sex with whatever men they find attractive why is this a surprise? if her husband dont like it, she would tell him he can accept it or leave. its a brutal world. incels get nothing!
She will divorce rape her husband and take all of his belongings. Empathetic gender. :feelsclown:
I also despise cheaters. Them cheating feels like a middle finger to us. I find it offensive because we can't get anything while they are wrecking their own relationships for fun or bullshit reason. I especially hate the foids that feel extra interest in guys that are already in relationship. There are plenty of single men around, but they feel entitled to the unavailable ones.
Hypergamy. They would rather be chad's whore than incel's wife.
There are so many instances where sexhavers have cheated on their partners because of whatever pathetic reason they have. I find this to be sickening and appalling that some of them act in this degenerate way, yet they are the ones able to get sex and intimacy not us. They have zero appreciation of how well off they are and are not grateful for what they already have. Any one of us trucels would do anything to try and get what they have but they throw away their relationship just like that cheating.
Agreed. That shit is retarded. They are not thankful for what they have. They cheat because they are lustful and greedy. They want more and more and let us have nothing. Cheaterfags are scum.
That sounds like a sexhaver problem to me.
Foids dont care if men cheat
Depends on the foid, lmfao some foids like sharing and some want chads all to themselves, I saw a article about a lady cutting her cheating husbands dick off.
The worst thing is that women value men who cheat.
Women like when Chad cheats on them
Execute them ffs

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