Lel, whores are now cheating less and less, because they don't have to. Now this is the era of "open relationship".
If your wife cheats, you are not allowed to be "enraged" in 2018, because it's not responsible and civil. You can become "upset" at most, being "slightly uncomfortable" is the right response.
So if you feel "slightly uncomfortable" about this, you need to go to "therapy". The "therapist" will fuck with your brain so good that you will turn into a completely comfortable "docile cuck" from an "angry cuck". Once you become "comfortable", the "therapist" will suggest you to "open" your relationship, specially if you already have kids. Because recurrent fighting between you and your wife is not good for the upbringing of your kids, you should provide them with a "supportive environment". Because in an "open marriage", "your kids come first".
However, there are always some stubborn men who are immune to "therapy", after multiple sessions they still remain as "angry cucks", then they get divorce raped and become MGTOWs.
I have seen this "therapy" shit multiple times on reddit /r/relationships.
This is the new shit.