Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Changing social dynamics and natural selection



Nov 12, 2017
Hi incels. 

If you're wondering why I'm here...honestly just pure boredom and curiosity. I got linked to your sub a few months ago and just read stuff. 

And I'm curious. I genuinely can't imagine what I would be like as a person without intimate connections. While I have no more love than anyone outside your community for the advocation of violence, I also read alot of threads that boiled down to certain kinds of comments about what your experience is like. 

"What do you expect from us when we are denied this fairly basic form of human love and interaction"

I guess I kinda want that to be the overall theme of this thread, if I had to pick. Yall's experiences are so far outside of the norm that in many ways it feels to me like you guys are living in an alternate dimension. Feels like maybe the fundamental laws I accept in my daily life don't exist in yours or something? Like physics is different on your side and I don't really know how different, maybe?

It's a clumsy metaphor but clear enough. For various reasons you guys all live in a different world from me. Sometimes, seemingly, also different from each other. Like I would have thought that you got along with all the other communities, forever alones and redpills and puas and mgtows and MRAs but yall are like your own subset that doesn't cross over much when the rest of them seem to a good bit. Maybe forever alones are also kinda their own thing? Like yall but sad instead of angry I guess. 

I want to ask yall what it's like. I'd like to try to have an open discussion about it where I can talk about where my perspective differs from your and figure out why. I won't engage flames and dumb comments, if they take over the thread that's up to yall. 

And I'd tell you more about me, but I don't know if most of you would believe me and it might cloud the issue a bit. Ask if you want.
Polydude said:
I live in Texas it just kinda seeps in after 30 years.

Well howdy there cowboy. 

Gonna go to some rodeo after

If "Polydude" means what I think it means, you let your girl fuck other, better men while you play video games.
The attached picture should give you a quick view of what the actual problem is that we have.
The feeling of being completly undesired by anyone.
The main difference between FAs, MGTOW and us is that we accepted that there is no hope, while those groups still think that something will change someday and give them the relationship they dream of.


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Wearacombl said:
The attached picture should give you a quick view of what the actual problem is that we have.
The feeling of being completly undesired by anyone.
The main difference between FAs, MGTOW and us is that we accepted that there is no hope, while those groups still think that something will change someday and give them the relationship they dream of.

I've seen enough to get the basic idea but the lack of success you guys all share about are still individual experiences that vary a ton. 

I see alot of generalizations but no real hard information about why. Why is it like this? If that graphic is right and guys who are uglier and less confident than you have steady girlfriends, why? One of the threads talked about not even being able to be a cuck because no one wants you to begin with, so on the one hand it seems like you guys don't want to be cucks and would reject a relationship like that and on the other hand you couldn't get that if you tried?

Is that right? 

I don't see what the disconnect is that no one will bother. Do yall have nice conversations with girls at all? Because even ugly dudes can manage to get friend zoned and liked as people and it really seems like you guys have a basic problem that no one likes you as people? Why?
nobody in his right mind wants to be a betacuck, nor friendzoned

Idk what is so difficult to get
Polydude said:
I've seen enough to get the basic idea but the lack of success you guys all share about are still individual experiences that vary a ton. 

I see alot of generalizations but no real hard information about why. Why is it like this? If that graphic is right and guys who are uglier and less confident than you have steady girlfriends, why? One of the threads talked about not even being able to be a cuck because no one wants you to begin with, so on the one hand it seems like you guys don't want to be cucks and would reject a relationship like that and on the other hand you couldn't get that if you tried?

Is that right? 

I don't see what the disconnect is that no one will bother. Do yall have nice conversations with girls at all? Because even ugly dudes can manage to get friend zoned and liked as people and it really seems like you guys have a basic problem that no one likes you as people? Why?

Because even that most superficial connection of being a cuck, being a provider while the woman fucks better looking guys behind your back, is impossible to aquire for us.
There are enough threads already that have old /r/incels material in them that show that female atraction is first and foremost determined by looks.
If you don't have them, you shouldn't evene try becasue you will get rejected anyway.
And for the majority of us our looks place us at the absolut bottom of the attractivness scale. Having a nice conversation with any female for example is next to impossible for me since they simply don't want to have one when they see me.
And yes, the "basic" problem is that nobody likes us for the way we look.
No matter how great ones personality is, or how much money he has and so on, if you look like shit, you get treated like shit.
nausea said:
nobody in his right mind wants to be a betacuck, nor friendzoned

Idk what is so difficult to get

What are people like hanging over cliffs of social isolation I didn't know existed?

There's a thread up somewhere about fantasizing about being a cuck or even being able to talk to a girl. So not wanting that isn't universal. 

There's this massive gap in outside understanding as to exactly why this is like this. The only way we can find out is to find out a hell of alot more about your individual life experiences. 

Like, just being honest, there's a fair amount of pure irrationality and imagined fiction coming out of this community. Wild generalizations that no one can be expected to treat as true in a genuine fact based argument but which are held up in religious belief fashion as unquestionable. 

So the bottom line to me is that if what some of you believe to be true factually isnt, what is? Where's the truth here? Where's the gap between the world I see around me and the world you guys actually live in vs the world that some of you think you live in that you don't. 

Make sense?

Like, I don't agree with most of what you guys say about women. Probably all, but you never know. 

But on the other hand, when I see someone say "This is what this kind of social isolation does to people. This is what I emotionally feel. This is the damage it's causing me. This is why I lash out at the world" I sit up and pay attention. Crying for help is a manifest (and valid) part of your community, there's tons of talk about wanting change and hopelessness about having the ability to change it or affect it in any way. 

I think I can wrap my head around seeing the social culture that has by and large thrown you out as a rolling juggernaut that crushed you and left you behind. 

When you're the one being generalized about, it's easy to see the opposition as one dimensionally as they see you. 

What started that? I see guys who work out post pictures of themselves that as a (somewhat picky) bi dude I'd be willing to chat up and think about playing around with if they swung that way. Seen those guys lament how ugly they are. 

I'll disclaimer, there's a cutoff. Some of you think you're ugly and you're not and others of you are past that cutoff where life truly is awful because when people look at you their first unthinking reaction is that something is wrong. 

I'm sorry. That's a shit life to be handed and I honestly have no idea what to do about guys like you. 

But it's not all of you. Those guys probably quietly and resentfully know that they're not half of what the incel community is. 

So what's up with the rest of you? It's really not as obvious as you guys seem to think it is from the outside.

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