Low IQ thread. You can’t change your race as that is detERmined by the GENES in your DNA, which is the same reason you can’t change your gendER.
In the Same way that a man chopping off his cock can nevER biologically become a woman (because evERy cell in his body will continue to have the XY chromosomes of the male sex), likewise despite Michael Jackson bleaching his skin white, he was nevER biologically a European (because evERy cell in his body continued to contain African genes).
What you are is detERmined by your genetic makeup (GENOTYPE), irregardless of how you appear on the outside based on whatevER artificial and un-natural changes you make/don’t make to your physical appearance (PHENOTYPE).
Genotype and phenotype r 2 diffERent things.
This woman simply made hERself “look white”, but she didn’t actually change hER race to become a membER of the white race JFL (because bleaching hER skin and getting plastic surgERies doesn’t change the fact that evERy cell in hER body contains Asian genes).
She is not a white woman, she is an Asian woman who has some traits of white women in tERms of hER physical appearance and thERefore is “white passing” or can be said to “resemble a white pERson” but she’ll nevER actually be a white pERson.