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Serious Change My View: Our parents are our biggest enemies, even more than soys, NPC normies, foids, jews, and the government.



Defeated By Fate |Contra Mundi: Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
It is our parents who bring us into this terrible world. They equip us poorly with their horrible genetics and then cast us into this cruel world where we are forced to struggle and suffer. If we try to escape or kill ourselves, our parents prevent us from doing so. Meanwhile, while we're struggling to survive, it is our parents who gaslight us with bluepills and tell us that this horrible life they imposed upon us without our consent is worth living and fighting for just so that they don't have to feel bad about their selfish decision to procreate.
Why would i even try to change your view if it's the truth. My life is hell on earth thanks to my retarded parents. I don't even speak to them anymore.
Why would i even try to change your view if it's the truth.
Many incels claim that its society and not their parents who are responsible. I don't deny that society has radically changed and become competitive, but I do think that our parents fundamentally failed to adapt.
Many incels claim that its society and not their parents who are responsible. I don't deny that society has radically changed and become competitive, but I do think that our parents fundamentally failed to adapt.

It's both tbh.

Parents just ignore how society changes and keep imposing the same expectations on their children that they grew up with, becoming the "old people" they once resented themselves. But many parents are normies and most normies lack self-awareness.
Our parents weren't valued for their looks so they simply don't understand, that's not their fault.
My life is hell on earth thanks to my retarded parents. I don't even speak to them anymore.
Parents just ignore how society changes and keep imposing the same expectations on their children that they grew up with.
Which is why its primarily their fault.
Yes. Parents are piece of shits.n
Our parents weren't valued for their looks so they simply don't understand, that's not their fault.
If they were devoid of the carnal and primal knowledge of physiognomy and sexual dimorphism that goes into making mate choices, it is their fault.
If they were devoid of the carnal and primal knowledge of physiognomy and sexual dimorphism that goes into making mate choices, it is their fault.
Most people aren't, you can't blame them for that, they aren't in charge of what information is mainstream.
My parents don't even bluepill me any more, they know that it's ovER. My mother gave up years ago and doesn't talk about my inceldom any more. My father recently called me a disappointment, I told him that he's a disappointment as well, so we're even.
My parents don't even bluepill me any more, they know that it's ovER. My mother gave up years ago and doesn't talk about my inceldom any more. My father recently called me a disappointment, I told him that he's a disappointment as well, so we're even.
Ask him why he chose to reproduce when he considers himself a disappointment.
I cant even hate them cause they were both normies, i turned out subhuman only due to bad luck. And i cant hate them for bad upbringing cause they died almost immediately. Nothing to blame except luck for my position which is especially brutal.
I cant even hate them cause they were both normies, i turned out subhuman only due to bad luck. And i cant hate them for bad upbringing cause they died almost immediately. Nothing to blame except luck for my position which is especially brutal.
Did they have you late in life?
Ask him why he chose to reproduce when he considers himself a disappointment.
Oh, I consider him a disappointment. But he's a narcissistic boomer that views himself as perfect. The reality is that he himself would be an incel in this day and age.
It is our parents who bring us into this terrible world. They equip us poorly with their horrible genetics and then cast us into this cruel world where we are forced to struggle and suffer. If we try to escape or kill ourselves, our parents prevent us from doing so. Meanwhile, while we're struggling to survive, it is our parents who gaslight us with bluepills and tell us that this horrible life they imposed upon us without our consent is worth living and fighting for just so that they don't have to feel bad about their selfish decision to procreate.
i c
Their "dream" was to have 6 kids. My mother doesn't even speak to her kids and only 4/6 talk to my father. Both my parents are selfish narcissists
It is our parents who bring us into this terrible world. They equip us poorly with their horrible genetics and then cast us into this cruel world where we are forced to struggle and suffer. If we try to escape or kill ourselves, our parents prevent us from doing so. Meanwhile, while we're struggling to survive, it is our parents who gaslight us with bluepills and tell us that this horrible life they imposed upon us without our consent is worth living and fighting for just so that they don't have to feel bad about their selfish decision to procreate.
God damn I wish mine would die so I can be rich already :reeeeee:
Bad thread and all those who agree are ungrateful. FL these people have never been abused by their parents or suffered but they complain about them like how normies do. I am forever grateful for them and my enemy is not them and never will be
Bad thread and all those who agree are ungrateful. FL these people have never been abused by their parents or suffered but they complain about them like how normies do. I am forever grateful for them and my enemy is not them and never will be
I've been abused by my dad all my life.
Damn. Did he beat u?
Yes everything. Even now. :cryfeels::cryfeels::feelsrope::feelsrope:But that's now why I hate him most. I primarily hate him for giving me bad genetics which cosign me to live the life of a hermit without any hope of achievement.
My parents are the only reason i'm still alive, I feel horrible for cels that have awful parents, i don't know how you guys continue to go on.
our parents are just two random people, they're not responsible for the state of modern society jfl
It is our parents who bring us into this terrible world. They equip us poorly with their horrible genetics and then cast us into this cruel world where we are forced to struggle and suffer. If we try to escape or kill ourselves, our parents prevent us from doing so. Meanwhile, while we're struggling to survive, it is our parents who gaslight us with bluepills and tell us that this horrible life they imposed upon us without our consent is worth living and fighting for just so that they don't have to feel bad about their selfish decision to procreate.
I’m not sure I’d rank them as the “biggest” enemy but yes, for many of us here our parents are opponents and competitors or actively mislead us by teaching us all the wrong things growing up.

My parents are awful people who want to reverse the paradigm where parents raise their kids and lend them a helping hand and instead they want me (I’m poor for context, my work makes me want to kill myself) to take care of them and give them money. My parents both have more money than I do and they’re just selfish delusional people in general.

My mother ruined my life in a lot of ways. Aside from all the psycho shit she’s done over the years she taught me all of the wrong untrue things about life, women, people, work, you name it. When you’re a kid you trust your parents to lead you and if they lie to you it will fuck your up and you’ll have to learn the hard way. Often by then it’s far too late and the damage is done.

I have no feeling in my heart for anyone in my family. It makes me sad that they could all die tomorrow and I don’t think I’d feel a thing. I wish that wasn’t so.

Also yeah the boomers and our corrupt politicians have fucked over young people by ruining the government, borrowing from us and future generations to pay for things they want now but are unwilling to pay for, and they all “got theirs” when it comes to houses and jobs while the rest of us are now fucked. They already have all the money but still want to take the meager earnings of future generations on their way out.

I get that people are self interested and see the world through the lens of what’s best for themselves, but people are supposed to actually give a shit about their offspring and want to teach them and enable them to lead a better life than they had. That’s what parenting is meant to be, everyone knows it but so many people set their kids up for utter failure. And I don’t mean “well they tried and got some things wrong” I mean they’re retards like my mom that are so stupid and so selfish that they don’t deserve to run their own lives given the damage they cause when left to their own devices. And now she’s getting old and wonders why her kids hate her and why none of her children have families of their own.
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I’m not sure I’d rank them as the “biggest” enemy but yes, for many of us here our parents are opponents and competitors or actively mislead us by teaching us all the wrong things growing up.

My parents are awful people who want to reverse the paradigm where parents raise their kids and lend them a helping hand and instead they want me (I’m poor for context, my work makes me want to kill myself) to take care of them and give them money. My parents both have more money than I do and they’re just selfish delusional people in general.

My mother ruined my life in a lot of ways. Aside from all the psycho shit she’s done over the years she taught me all of the wrong untrue things about life, women, people, work, you name it. When you’re a kid you trust your parents to lead you and if they lie to you it will fuck your up and you’ll have to learn the hard way. Often by then it’s far too late and the damage is done.

I have no feeling in my heart for anyone in my family. It makes me sad that they could all die tomorrow and I don’t think I’d feel a thing. I wish that wasn’t so.

Also yeah the boomers and our corrupt politicians have fucked over young people by ruining the government, borrowing from us and future generations to pay for things they want now but are unwilling to pay for, and they all “got theirs” when it comes to houses and jobs while the rest of us are now fucked. They already have all the money but still want to take the meager earnings of future generations on their way out.

I get that people are self interested and see the world through the lens of what’s best for themselves, but people are supposed to actually give a shit about their offspring and want to teach them and enable them to lead a better life than they had. That’s what parenting is meant to be, everyone knows it but so many people set their kids up for utter failure. And I don’t mean “well they tried and got some things wrong” I mean they’re retards like my mom that are so stupid and so selfish that they don’t deserve to run their own lives given the damage they cause when left to their own devices. And now she’s getting old and wonders why her kids hate her and why none of her children have families of their own.
This is basically what i would say on this subject.

My parents are stupid and their decision making led me to a life of misery and disability.

I will be cured soon physically but mentally i doubt it.

im already 30 soon and i have to restart my life from scratch (literally from scratch i closed my bank account which had -60$) and they are getting old so more problems coming my way on top of restarting from ZERO.
This is basically what i would say on this subject.

My parents are stupid and their decision making led me to a life of misery and disability.

I will be cured soon physically but mentally i doubt it.

im already 30 soon and i have to restart my life from scratch (literally from scratch i closed my bank account which had -60$) and they are getting old so more problems coming my way on top of restarting from ZERO.
sorry about the state of your life and finances :feelsbadman: half the people I know seem to have lucked out across the board where their lives just went great and everything fell into place while the other half basically never even got things started, can’t find a job, have no money, no romantic prospects and so on.

I am really jealous of some people Im acquainted with because it’s like everything just went well for them without their even trying. There’s a Chad I’ve known for years where he was never particularly smart but his dad got him a job where he worked and he was basically fast tracked into a high up position. He also married his high school sweet heart who is 10/10 and is now carrying his child. This guys “job” is basically to take out clients for dinner and discuss contracts and he has a Tesla.

I mean, I guess I should be happy for him, but I know for a fact he flunked a ton of classes in Uni and is a great example of looks and connections and luck carrying one forward with relatively little effort. His wife is so hot, it’s like he won the lottery. Another guy I used to play video games with in Uni flunked out college but his wife got him a job at a startup and now he’s basically an exec there and has told me he does <2 hrs of work a day and that it’s braindead easy. Hearing shit like that is suicide fuel and makes me want to kill myself because my job pays me jack shit and is really hard for me.

Most young men are in the boat of making little money, having shit jobs, few to no romantic prospects and if they do their options are awful, and we’re just eyeing the barrel of a shotgun daily. I just wish our lives could be different you know? I don’t even need that much, a looks-match wife who actually loves me and wants sex + a job with enough pay for a home that doesn’t make me want to die isn’t asking too much. Most men were easily able to get that in some prior eras but not anymore.

I’m frustrated by how unfair it all is — just seems like I never had a chance. And it’s a negative feedback loop, you get your hope crushed again and again til finally you just give up. I’ve come around entirely to old world concepts like arranged marriage and small family owned businesses that don’t sell out to mega corps. Feminism was terrible mistake. Online dating and social media were terrible mistakes. Modern life is awesome for a few men and psychologically crushing for most. And nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.

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sorry about the state of your life and finances :feelsbadman: half the people I know seem to have lucked out across the board where their lives just went great and everything fell into place while the other half basically never even got things started, can’t find a job, have no money, no romantic prospects and so on.

I am really jealous of some people Im acquainted with because it’s like everything just went well for them without their even trying. There’s a Chad I’ve known for years where he was never particularly smart but his dad got him a job where he worked and he was basically fast tracked into a high up position. He also married his high school sweet heart who is 10/10 and is now carrying his child. This guys “job” is basically to take out clients for dinner and discuss contracts and he has a Tesla.

I mean, I guess I should be happy for him, but I know for a fact he flunked a ton of classes in Uni and is a great example of looks and connections and luck carrying one forward with relatively little effort. His wife is so hot, it’s like he won the lottery. Another guy I used to play video games with in Uni flunked out college but his wife got him a job at a startup and now he’s basically an exec there and has told me he does <2 hrs of work a day and that it’s braindead easy. Hearing shit like that is suicide fuel and makes me want to kill myself because my job pays me jack shit and is really hard for me.

Most young men are in the boat of making little money, having shit jobs, few to no romantic prospects and if they do their options are awful, and we’re just eyeing the barrel of a shotgun daily. I just wish our lives could be different you know? I don’t even need that much, a looks-match wife who actually loves me and wants sex + a job with enough pay for a home that doesn’t make me want to die isn’t asking too much. Most men were easily able to get that in some prior eras but not anymore.

I’m frustrated by how unfair it all is — just seems like I never had a chance. And it’s a negative feedback loop, you get your hope crushed again and again til finally you just give up. I’ve come around entirely to old world concepts like arranged marriage and small family owned businesses that don’t sell out to mega corps. Feminism was terrible mistake. Online dating and social media were terrible mistakes. Modern life is awesome for a few men and psychologically crushing for most. And nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.
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I also have similiar friends.

Friends who were poorer than me and stupider than me and are still stupider than me but their parents got them places they would never be if they lived my life.

I know one dude ngl, hes like the perfect sheep, religious and extremely narrow minded. One time, i told him to download discord so we can play together and chat and he didnt know how to download it or google it bear in mind this dude was my friend from uni where we are both studying computer science.

I opened a video call with him and taught him step by step how to download discord then register.

Its like im talking to a disabled child, then after that he logged in and got extremely confused how to join channels how to mute or unmute how to chat how to basically do anything there.

So i told him to just forget about it and maybe ill teach him later on.

His parents helped him work in a bank, im sure the bank let him be a janitor there or a coffee maker because hes legit mentally disabled but he got a job anyways.

A week ago i open instagram and i see his marriage pics to also his sweetheart gf whos an easy 8/10. She must be extremely retarded like him to accept a legit mongoloid 60 iq man.

He looks and acts and speaks like a person who you would feel sorry for but he is 6'5 and has an above average face, and parents who im sure realized they need to help their son out or else he wont be able to get past using a spoon correctly on his own.

thats all what he fucking has.

This existence is all luck honestly, i seriously cant fathom how unlucky and cursed i am.
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My parents thought it was okay to have a kid at 41 so in return I won’t shed a single tear for them when they die. I’ll celebrate.
My parents thought it was okay to have a kid at 41 so in return I won’t shed a single tear for them when they die. I’ll celebrate.
Mine had me very late was well. Dad was 42 and mom was 34. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
Mine had me very late was well. Dad was 42 and mom was 34. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
Mogs me, my mom had me at 41. Reminder that I have a disabled brother so they still thought that nothing would go wrong in conceiving me at a much later age.
Mogs me, my mom had me at 41. Reminder that I have a disabled brother so they still thought that nothing would go wrong in conceiving me at a much later age.
:feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: Teach them a lesson by beating them up!
:feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: Teach them a lesson by beating them up!
To us, our lives are a tragedy, but to the outside viewers, it's just a comedy show. We're there to lighten their mood when they're having a "bad day", since our suffering is so ridiculous it seems amusing, like a cartoon character having an anvil drop on his head.
Agreed, although not the biggest enemies, they made life a lot more unsmooth than it should have been
Our parents weren't valued for their looks so they simply don't understand, that's not their fault.
My mother Is Kind , to Kind Perhaps

Society Just scewed It Up for Man . And became way to superficial
This existence is all luck honestly, i seriously cant fathom how unlucky and cursed i am.
Insightful comment, thanks for sharing man. I know how you feel :feelscry: I hope your life turns around. To truly help most incels the structure of society would need to be altered though seems to me. Men are checking out and giving up because there aren’t opportunities like there used to be and women don’t want us either now that they have online dating and don’t need to rely on men directly for resources.
Mogs me, my mom had me at 41. Reminder that I have a disabled brother so they still thought that nothing would go wrong in conceiving me at a much later age.
Retarded ethnicfag parents never bother to read up on early development or science in general. I ended up teaching them more than they taught me at age 14 jfl.
It is our parents who bring us into this terrible world. They equip us poorly with their horrible genetics and then cast us into this cruel world where we are forced to struggle and suffer. If we try to escape or kill ourselves, our parents prevent us from doing so. Meanwhile, while we're struggling to survive, it is our parents who gaslight us with bluepills and tell us that this horrible life they imposed upon us without our consent is worth living and fighting for just so that they don't have to feel bad about their selfish decision to procreate.
Retarded ethnicfag parents never bother to read up on early development or science in general. I ended up teaching them more than they taught me at age 14 jfl.
The worst part is when they think they're still smarter and know more than you when they have an IQ of a violent nigga
No need to change your view, but I think you meant they are the biggest inflictors of inceldom, even unknowingly, to which I agree.

Ultimately parents, foids and simps share the blame. To determine which shares more you need to analyze your life.
Once, a sage told me that the soul chooses the body. Even if my midget father and cheating whore mother hadn't brought me into the world, I would still have been born as a subhuman in the slums of Kolkata. I can only hold myself accountable.

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