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Cope Chads do NOT become fat hobos later in life

Did the chads and stacys from hs become losers or stay successful?

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What happened to 90% of chads at your high school who had happy adulthoods? What kind do they have these days? The 10% you said became drunks or went to prison. What crimes they do?
Im not sure on the exact statistics. However the Chads with happy adulthoods were married and worked normal jobs. My class was exceptionally unexceptional. No one went on to become anything worth noting.

The criminals? Almost all drug related. Among the ones that were not drug related, they were still really drug related. Like one Chad I grew up with was stealing stuff to fund his girlfriend's (and his) drug habit.
Im not sure on the exact statistics. However the Chads with happy adulthoods were married and worked normal jobs. My class was exceptionally unexceptional. No one went on to become anything worth noting.

The criminals? Almost all drug related. Among the ones that were not drug related, they were still really drug related. Like one Chad I grew up with was stealing stuff to fund his girlfriend's (and his) drug habit.
all the chads/stacys at my hs are successful right now, finishing college and getting good grades. since you and i saw chads/stacys from our hs become successful, it's obvious this "they become losers later on" idea is a myth
Five people on this forum are coping way too hard.
The whole “Chads become the losers later in life” narrative is a cope born out of anecdotes so that those on the fringes of normtard social circles can continue to justify their belief in a just world to themselves

The reality is this: Genes tend to come in packages. Most good looking people are not airheads as much as fringe normies would like to believe, and their looks are not the only thing going for them. They are, in many cases, more athletic, more socially adept, and also more intelligent. Granted, of course there are cases of chads that don’t really end up progressing career wise and become deadbeats, but at the end of the day I guess it depends on what you consider to be worse: Would you rather be a chad deadbeat, leeching off taxpayers and fucking girls in your smelly ass apartment and not really having any responsibilities, or would you rather be a subhuman virgin in his 30s, likely still living with your parents and unable to find work after spending your prime busting your ass in uni and grad school while still being burdened by student debt that you can’t pay off? Even if you managed to be financially independent in that scenario, you’ll still be a subhuman 30-something, working your ass off every week so that you can survive and prolong your existence as a man invisible to not just women, but most of society in general.

I guess it just depends on who you personally think is the bigger “loser” between those 2, but I know which one I’d prefer
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Most are probably still successful but I don't envy them, thank God.
It really depends on the guy tbh. I find high tier Chads tend to not while Chad lites will sometimes get fat/uglier later on.
Why don’t you envy them?
Because everything of the world is like chasing after the wind. The world and the things of it will soon enough perish, but the spirit of those who believe will have the true, eternal life.
Because everything of the world is like chasing after the wind. The world and the things of it will soon enough perish, but the spirit of those who believe will have the true, eternal life.
I don’t really get it. Explain in a simpler way. I have autism
I don’t really get it. Explain in a simpler way. I have autism
Nothing worldly (fornication, wealth, drugs, fame, etc) is fulfilling or lasting. Every one of these things will not make you happy and will go away soon enough. But believing and trusting in the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Yahusha Hamashiach (aka Jesus Christ) on the calvary will grant you the true eternal life which will come after the judgement day.
Nothing worldly (fornication, wealth, drugs, fame, etc) is fulfilling or lasting. Every one of these things will not make you happy and will go away soon enough. But believing and trusting in the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Yahusha Hamashiach (aka Jesus Christ) on the calvary will grant you the true eternal life which will come after the judgement day.
You’re Christian?
Most people here are atheist but I’m Muslim
You're Muslim? That's unexpected. Do you truly believe or follow it for pragmatic purposes like curbing females?
You're Muslim? That's unexpected. Do you truly believe or follow it for pragmatic purposes like curbing females?
I truly believe. I was always muslim
Aren't you American? Do you come from a Muslim immigrant family?
My dad is from the Middle East but my mom was born in America. I was born in America
This is one of the biggest cope that Chads later fail in life. JFL. Chads and holes live life on tutorial mode. They never fail. Sex has always been a great experience for them starting from their teen years till their death. JFL at these retarded bluepilled copers making up imaginary anecdotes to justify their stupid beliefs.
Is your mom a Muslim as well?
She came from a Christian family but pretty much converted to Islam
This is one of the biggest cope that Chads later fail in life. JFL. Chads and holes live life on tutorial mode. They never fail. Sex has always been a great experience for them starting from their teen years till their death. JFL at these retarded bluepilled copers making up imaginary anecdotes to justify their stupid beliefs.
And they think once you’re 18, nerds will be successful billionaires with gigastacy wives and chads will be their slaves scrubbing their feet
So a bluepilled cuck types this as a response to me:

Please allow me to once again illustrate the "logic" of "incels": We have two kids, kid one goes to college, gets a good job, has a long successful career, meets the woman of his dreams, has a stable marriage, loving children and what most would consider to be a good life. However, he didn't lose his virginity until he was in college.

Kid two is a star quarterback and bully who had awkward sex with the head cheerleader, who was also a virgin, and after he graduated, settled into a dead end job, got fat, married the cheerleader who also got fat and received a good, swift kick in the ass from reality when he started his job and realized he was no longer king of the world outside of the microcosm that is high school.

"Incels" would view kid two as the success even though he peaked in high school and everything kid one did in life was a "cope" for not experiencing "teen love", even though he had completely put high school behind him by by his second year of college.


but Chads become fat bald ugly guys working at gas stations. You’ll end up rich and having sex with a gigastacy you inkwell:soy:

COPE. First of all, high school teenagers don’t always have “awkward” sex. And when they do they sometimes look back and kinda miss the awkwardness of first time sex. Once they have sex a couple more times in high school it isn’t so awkward anymore and JFL if you think highschoolcels lose their virginity in college. They don’t even look any physically different in college and also COLLEGE GIRLS DON’T PREFER NERDS OVER CHADS. You think some sorority girl is going to pick an incel over a frat boy chad or a college athlete? NO. Every college stacy I’ve seen in my life dates a tall gymmaxxed chad. And all of the incels from my hs are still incels. And all the popular students from hs are getting good grades and are in good colleges and have graduated just now. The incels at my hs often had shitty learning skills and trouble focusing. You watch too many movies like Can’t Hardly Wait where incels become chads and chads become incels. Most chads end up with a pretty good job, a pretty good house and a pretty attractive wife like most people. They don’t get bad grades in school. I think getting bad grades gets you kicked off the football team anyways. And most chads and stacys do NOT look fat or ugly after high school.

I would say the smarter ones are still successful, while the litteral braindead chads could be in that situation as the fat deadend job there are obvious exceptions like jeremy meeks.
I would say the smarter ones are still successful, while the litteral braindead chads could be in that situation as the fat deadend job there are obvious exceptions like jeremy meeks.
Many chads are smart
So a bluepilled cuck types this as a response to me:

Please allow me to once again illustrate the "logic" of "incels": We have two kids, kid one goes to college, gets a good job, has a long successful career, meets the woman of his dreams, has a stable marriage, loving children and what most would consider to be a good life. However, he didn't lose his virginity until he was in college.

Kid two is a star quarterback and bully who had awkward sex with the head cheerleader, who was also a virgin, and after he graduated, settled into a dead end job, got fat, married the cheerleader who also got fat and received a good, swift kick in the ass from reality when he started his job and realized he was no longer king of the world outside of the microcosm that is high school.

"Incels" would view kid two as the success even though he peaked in high school and everything kid one did in life was a "cope" for not experiencing "teen love", even though he had completely put high school behind him by by his second year of college.


but Chads become fat bald ugly guys working at gas stations. You’ll end up rich and having sex with a gigastacy you inkwell:soy:

COPE. First of all, high school teenagers don’t always have “awkward” sex. And when they do they sometimes look back and kinda miss the awkwardness of first time sex. Once they have sex a couple more times in high school it isn’t so awkward anymore and JFL if you think highschoolcels lose their virginity in college. They don’t even look any physically different in college and also COLLEGE GIRLS DON’T PREFER NERDS OVER CHADS. You think some sorority girl is going to pick an incel over a frat boy chad or a college athlete? NO. Every college stacy I’ve seen in my life dates a tall gymmaxxed chad. And all of the incels from my hs are still incels. And all the popular students from hs are getting good grades and are in good colleges and have graduated just now. The incels at my hs often had shitty learning skills and trouble focusing. You watch too many movies like Can’t Hardly Wait where incels become chads and chads become incels. Most chads end up with a pretty good job, a pretty good house and a pretty attractive wife like most people. They don’t get bad grades in school. I think getting bad grades gets you kicked off the football team anyways. And most chads and stacys do NOT look fat or ugly after high school.

It depends really. There was a post on here last month about someone's mother daydreaming about her chad boyfriend from high school but then losing interest in him when she saw he was an overweight farmer.
Fat skinny or muscular, it doesnt matter. Chad will always be chad unless he reaches 70 or gets fucked by an accident.
So a bluepilled cuck types this as a response to me:

Please allow me to once again illustrate the "logic" of "incels": We have two kids, kid one goes to college, gets a good job, has a long successful career, meets the woman of his dreams, has a stable marriage, loving children and what most would consider to be a good life. However, he didn't lose his virginity until he was in college.

Kid two is a star quarterback and bully who had awkward sex with the head cheerleader, who was also a virgin, and after he graduated, settled into a dead end job, got fat, married the cheerleader who also got fat and received a good, swift kick in the ass from reality when he started his job and realized he was no longer king of the world outside of the microcosm that is high school.

"Incels" would view kid two as the success even though he peaked in high school and everything kid one did in life was a "cope" for not experiencing "teen love", even though he had completely put high school behind him by by his second year of college.


but Chads become fat bald ugly guys working at gas stations. You’ll end up rich and having sex with a gigastacy you inkwell:soy:

COPE. First of all, high school teenagers don’t always have “awkward” sex. And when they do they sometimes look back and kinda miss the awkwardness of first time sex. Once they have sex a couple more times in high school it isn’t so awkward anymore and JFL if you think highschoolcels lose their virginity in college. They don’t even look any physically different in college and also COLLEGE GIRLS DON’T PREFER NERDS OVER CHADS. You think some sorority girl is going to pick an incel over a frat boy chad or a college athlete? NO. Every college stacy I’ve seen in my life dates a tall gymmaxxed chad. And all of the incels from my hs are still incels. And all the popular students from hs are getting good grades and are in good colleges and have graduated just now. The incels at my hs often had shitty learning skills and trouble focusing. You watch too many movies like Can’t Hardly Wait where incels become chads and chads become incels. Most chads end up with a pretty good job, a pretty good house and a pretty attractive wife like most people. They don’t get bad grades in school. I think getting bad grades gets you kicked off the football team anyways. And most chads and stacys do NOT look fat or ugly after high school.
The "good looking slacker who never gets anywhere" is just another cope-meme for uggos, just like "hard work pays off" or "just be yourself."
Attractive people tend to become more successful – both because good genes come in packs, and because they get more validation from other people.
they all lifemog me, even the normies
Claiming Chads inevitably become losers must be the biggest cope (self-lie) I have come across so far
Claiming Chads inevitably become losers must be the biggest cope (self-lie) I have come across so far
Anyone who believed that cope is gullible and dumb
What he told you was a fairy tale.

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