People have a "just get out there" mindset when they are good looking so that they can lure you into their dominant rule over you.
You're either an oblivious doofus or you are someone who clarifies the problem.
My dad who looks like a nerd who should be cynical from all the maltreatment he got STILL tries to be a Chad.
Thing is, to be high value means to be an oblivious doofus to your own problems and thus signal preselection.
Being an oblivious doofus is part and parcel of high status because you're numb to the plights of a victim, showing you always had the highground.
Most people want that, so whenever people make it big you can guarantee they'll keep their mouth shut about people's plights for the sake of fame, so that you are not associated.
The only reason people talk about PCness, sjwism is for virtue signalling.
Funny how so many people who talk about how people who talk about their victimhood are pussies will often give a lot of backup to SJWism and talking abotu the oppression of the black man, women, etc. for virtue points/ because it's mainstream.
Sometimes optimism is held as a way people should be so that people can make others not complain, and the oblivious doofuses can have their own way.
The whining factor is not an offset to valid victimhood when it happens. Unless it's extreme, but simple clarifications, and venting sense is there.
They don't have the perspective that you do. They never had a rude awakening.
Yeah and if you ever talk about hard reality then you give people the impression you have low primal value capital for being rudely awakened.
I hate it when normies are critical of my mindset also. "why cant you just be happy br0?". Again they lack the self awareness to understand the only reason they feel good is because they experience positive reinforcement from people.
All things positive come from a refined balance of factors.
For them their families had a streamlined refinement from good genes and it carried into the future.
Their balance was jammed and on lock.
But another thing too, they want to use their high optimism to smugly play vantage signalling as well.
Vantage-signalling is signalizing their high advantages over you.
So even if they know you're right, they gain more by subconsciously playing the flowery pepsquad prince/ princess to imply the status of a good life experience over you.
It's gaslighting.
Chad lives under a rock and if unable to comprehend the experiences of individuals that are less attractive than he is.
Lives under a privilege silver spoon rock.