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RageFuel ChadLite working at tacobell gets a gf meanwhile stemcels working a 6 fig job return to a empty apartment.

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017

Jfl chadlite works at Taco Bell and roastie just makes him her bf. Can things get any easier for good looking guys?

just work at tacobell theory? Jfl

I need to work a better job and get more moneyyyyy.Jfl
Looks = Everything
Redpill copers BTFO!
A young Chadlite with no wealth or status has an orbiter willing to date him.
At least the incel do something to improve his SMV, Better than sitting alone and do nothing in the rotten basement.
-He could have run an escortcel game.
This is why ER happens so often in burger land.
Why, does every one of these cringy instagram videos have atrocious music in it?
Look at his wrists, look at his frame, look at his seemingly introverted personality.
BRUTAL suifuel, ngl
Look at his wrists, look at his frame, look at his seemingly introverted personality.
BRUTAL suifuel, ngl
He’s a teenager you fucking autist
Look at his wrists, look at his frame, look at his seemingly introverted personality.
BRUTAL suifuel, ngl
Ragefuel for highT orges like me

He might grow since he’s still young. Plus girls at that age tend to find feminine features attractive. I would say he’s around 15-18
He looks 17-19. He is most likely done growing.
He might grow since he’s still young. Plus girls at that age tend to find feminine features attractive. I would say he’s around 15-18
Doesn't dissaprove my point? He has a pretty bad frame, and small wrists. Yet mog us into oblivion and slays due to face
Doesn't dissaprove my point? He has a pretty bad frame, and small wrists. Yet mog us into oblivion and slays due to face
Girls don’t care about frame and wrists size at that age. They only care about how cute the guy is and his height.
This is how easy it is to get into relationships, you were just ugly. This guy gets teenage love, a girl sucking his dick, him fucking her in tons of positions all because of facial bones. The girl did all of the work and made it obvious she wanted the d just like in every other relationship.
Women are stupid and I don't respect them
Face trumps all. He's going to bang prime teenage foids while most men can only hope for is being a betabuxx for a 30-year-old landwhale.
Moneymaxxing is a huge cope. The real question is, do people with a six figure salary even live in apartments? I'd at least live in a nice one story house in a gated neighborhood if I made that much.
Nothing is worth doing
Incelistan is the only solution
Just go to gym bro
Make money bro girls love it
Display intelligence bro

Handsome guy who sweeps McDonalds countertops: "He's a strong ,hard working man, i love him."

Ugly guy who sweeps McDonalds countertops: "ewww.. loser, I bet he dropped out of HS because he can't read and write"
Looking feminine and cute is even better than being classic masculine chad because you get prime teenage foids
Looks trumps all, nuff said.
This is how easy it is to get into relationships, you were just ugly. This guy gets teenage love, a girl sucking his dick, him fucking her in tons of positions all because of facial bones. The girl did all of the work and made it obvious she wanted the d just like in every other relationship.
She prpbably even eats out his ass if he wants ot.
Handsome guy who sweeps McDonalds countertops: "He's a strong ,hard working man, i love him."

Ugly guy who sweeps McDonalds countertops: "ewww.. loser, I bet he dropped out of HS because he can't read and write"
THIS is fucking true.
>Just hold frame bro

>Just analyze her shit tests like an autist bro

>Just hit the gym bro

>Just out-alpha all competition in the vicinity bro

Red pillers on suicide watch
Just browse the Craigslist "missed connections" section where foids express their interest in hooking up with lowly deliveryboys, store clerks, fast food workers, etc. while I still repulsed women between 2007-14 when I was making a shitton of money working for prestigious accounting firms, law firms, and large international banks.

This has been going on for years so it shouldn't be too surprising to anyone who has been around long enough.
This is why ER happens so often in burger land.

It doesn't happen often enough, though I predict it'll happen a lot more often in the 2020s and 2030s when incels start losing their parents and no longer have anything to live for besides unfulfilling wageslavery. Even if the liberals implement their desired gun control measures, that won't stop those at the bottom of the sexual totem pole from causing mass destruction in other ways.
At least the incel do something to improve his SMV, Better than sitting alone and do nothing in the rotten basement.
-He could have run an escortcel game.
Legit think this dude is a retard. Everything he spouts is bluepill horse shit
I don't understand IT, when there is video fucking evidence that it's ALL about looks.
The manlet twinks pretty boy wins again. Gymcel ogre copers destroyed.

JFL at her face with that shit eye area. Incel if male
He looks so weak. I could easily lift him. That does not make any sense.
He looks so weak. I could easily lift him. That does not make any sense.
cope, as usual the 120lb pretty boy slays while the coping gymcel focused on a new PR
:feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:
He looks so weak. I could easily lift him. That does not make any sense.
Yes, like srsly. It looks like being strong, muscular, good hunter, high IQ, having money, resources and having all key features for survival are less important day by day.
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Legit think this dude is a retard. Everything he spouts is bluepill horse shit

It's a redpill , man
If it was a bluepill , I should have said
"Looks aren't everything,Wimminz digs your personality!"
"Beauty is in the eyes of beholder"
My younger brother (a Chad) was jobless and living in a little room with his parents when he was slaying prime JB. Foids just don't give a shit about your job. It's irrelevant, unless you're gonna be their betabuxx.

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