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Serious chadlite gets booed off stage and shunned by the audience/judges on x factor. what do you guys think?



Nov 28, 2017

this one surprised me actually. although he had foid orbiters at the side and some foids in the audience were eyeing him, tulisa said she felt uncomfortable around him and the audience werent very forgiving(before he started talking shit).
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X factor is normie trash.
that dude is a legitimate homosexual u retard lol
He does not look like a Chad. He doesn't even look like a Chadlite. At most, he's a high-tier normie.
if he was chad then the tag should be lifefuel lolol
just another stupid normie aint no chad
I KNEW it wouldnt be Chad if he was actually booed or shunned
Never fails like clockwork. I KNEW it. Hes upper tier normie at most.
I'd go on there and do harsh noise and if I get booed I'll tell the whole audience they're gonna get raped.
right, because every chad has to be a male model... lmao

Well yeah, most Chads do have model-tier looks. Chads are pretty rare - maybe one in every 30 males are Chads, just like maybe one in every 6 males are Chadlites. Together, Chads and Chadlites make up the 20% of males which dominate the sexual marketplace.


Guys like in the pictures above sit comfortably as Chads - males who are 8 or 9 on the pointscale. Depending on height, frame and muscles, they may even qualify to be Gigachads.
tbh tbh I don't think he is a Chad. He looks like an upper-tier normie who is trying to Chadmaxx. TBH thats why the judge got all pissy. If he was a legit Chad he could of fucked her aggressively on stage and she wouldn't care.
Well yeah, most Chads do have model-tier looks. Chads are pretty rare - maybe one in every 30 males are Chads, just like maybe one in every 6 males are Chadlites. Together, Chads and Chadlites make up the 20% of males which dominate the sexual marketplace.


Guys like pic-related sit comfortably as Chads - males who are 8 or 9 on the pointscale. Depending on height, frame and muscles, they may even qualify to be Gigachads.

broccoli IQ post. foids go after the top 20% of males; the CHADS. the CHADS are the ones that foids chase and the ones that have no problem getting foids. those are the top 20%/CHADS. if you are top 20% in looks, you are a CHAD. not every chad has to be a fucking male model. you rarely encounter them in real life.
tbh tbh I don't think he is a Chad. He looks like an upper-tier normie who is trying to Chadmaxx. TBH thats why the judge got all pissy. If he was a legit Chad he could of fucked her aggressively on stage and she wouldn't care.

now that i look back on it hes chadlite but still
broccoli IQ post. foids go after the top 20% of males; the CHADS. the CHADS are the ones that foids chase and the ones that have no problem getting foids. those are the top 20%/CHADS. if you are top 20% in looks, you are a CHAD.
I think Chadlites are included in there though. Chads are pretty rare.
This is on national tv and with a huge crowd with mob mentality so they need to uphold the whole personality bullshit. Offscreen and in one on one or small group situations, he'd be forgiven not to mention get laid

This is on national tv and with a huge crowd with mob mentality so they need to uphold the whole personality bullshit. Offscreen and in one on one or small group situations, he'd be forgiven and still get laid

nice theory but to debunk that there have been many cases of the reverse halo effect like this:

nice theory but to debunk that there have been many cases of the reverse halo effect like this:

Singing was terrible tho lmao
broccoli IQ post. foids go after the top 20% of males; the CHADS. the CHADS are the ones that foids chase and the ones that have no problem getting foids. those are the top 20%/CHADS. if you are top 20% in looks, you are a CHAD. not every chad has to be a fucking male model. you rarely encounter them in real life.

now that i look back on it hes chadlite but still

You didn't even read my post properly man. 20% is Chads and Chadlites as I wrote. Go on r/ladyboners and look at the guys which foids obsess over. Or on the blackpilled Tinder experiments and see what kind of guys foids obsess over.

And he's not a Chadlite as tons of other people here pointed out.
broccoli IQ post. foids go after the top 20% of males; the CHADS. the CHADS are the ones that foids chase and the ones that have no problem getting foids. those are the top 20%/CHADS. if you are top 20% in looks, you are a CHAD. not every chad has to be a fucking male model. you rarely encounter them in real life.

now that i look back on it hes chadlite but still

My opinion as well but don't expect to convince these tards. A lot of them are 7+ good looking guys who are autistic and feel the need to believe "only male models can have sex" to feel better about themselves. Claiming Chad = pro male model is their cope.
You didn't even read my post properly man. 20% is Chads and Chadlites as I wrote. Go on r/ladyboners and look at the guys which foids obsess over. Or on the blackpilled Tinder experiments and see what kind of guys foids obsess over.

And he's not a Chadlite as tons of other people here pointed out.

get up a picture of a chadlite then. because im so confused right now lmfao.
get up a picture of a chadlite then. because im so confused right now lmfao.

Someone like this would probably be seen as a Chadlite by most people. A guy who is good looking to very good-looking, but not quite model material as most Chads are.

Usually I'd be lenient but he deffo isn't chadlite
Someone like this would probably be seen as a Chadlite by most people. A guy who is good looking to very good-looking, but not quite model material as most Chads are.


and like i said before CHADS DONT HAVE TO BE FUCKING MALE MODELS. chads are simply the top 20%. chadlites are almost chads/top20% but fail to make the cut and have it easier than normies but harder than chads.
Chadlite lol. That's a normie-looking ethnic. By the way, how can you be incel in the UK? the girls look subhuman. Jesus Christ, look how ugly they are. The British are probably the ugliest looking people in Europe.
and like i said before CHADS DONT HAVE TO BE FUCKING MALE MODELS. chads are simply the top 20%. chadlites are almost chads/top20% but fail to make the cut and have it easier than normies but harder than chads.

Chads are definitely not top 20%, they are more like 5% or less. Chadlites and maybe some statusmaxxed/thugmaxxed high-tier normies make up the remaining 15%.

You're using the word Chad in a weird way, usually people use Chad referring to physical looks. If you put 100 incels in a room, the top 20% of incels would not be considered Chads by anyone.
Chads are definitely not top 20%, they are more like 5% or less. Chadlites and maybe some statusmaxxed/thugmaxxed high-tier normies make up the remaining 15%.

You're using the word Chad in a weird way, usually people use Chad referring to physical looks. If you put 100 incels in a room, the top 20% of incels would not be considered Chads by anyone.

except im not talking about fucking incels. the top 20% of MALES are chads. the ones that almost make the cut are chadlites so probably the top 70-80th percentile.
I KNEW it wouldnt be Chad if he was actually booed or shunned
Never fails like clockwork. I KNEW it. Hes upper tier normie at most.
This sums it up.
except im not talking about fucking incels. the top 20% of MALES are chads. the ones that almost make the cut are chadlites so probably the top 70-80th percentile.

JFL man just look at the Virgin vs Chad meme.


Chads have very specific, defined facial features. Strong jaw, hunter eyes, good facial symmetry, etc. Also the 20% figure includes Chadlites because it's all men who can get sex easily and consistently - e.g, on Tinder 20% of men have sex with 80% of the women. Your definition would make no sense because Chadlites are also attractive and women would sleep with them, it's just they'd pass them up for a Chad if the opportunity presented itself. Also there are way more Chadlites than Chads.
He looks like a redpill PUA normie trying to be Chad.
That dude might be close to the top 20% of ethnics, but he's nowhere near the top 20% including whites.
That is not chad lmao

I thought normies were bad, but I've come to the realization that incels like OP are just as bad (if not worse) at rating. The dude in the video is normie at best
High tier incel tbh
Guy is a 5/10. He has jew nose and his eye area is fucked.
What about him makes him be chadlite to you?

facial harmony really, i cant exactly pinpoint why. that plus foids in the comments said hes attractive in another video and foids in the audience were eyeing him. he also had foid orbiters. remember that foids rate 80% of men below average so for foids to say or react as if he is attractive means a lot.
His "friends" should've told him he sucked before he embarrassed himself on tv.
facial harmony really, i cant exactly pinpoint why. that plus foids in the comments said hes attractive in another video and foids in the audience were eyeing him. he also had foid orbiters. remember that foids rate 80% of men below average so for foids to say or react as if he is attractive means a lot.
His eye area ruins his facial harmony. I think he might just be gay.

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