I'm chadfishing as Fabian Arnold. I've verified my account on tinder, and have additional accounts on hinge and bumble.
These are the 3 nudes I've received in the last 24 hours. The left is from a 21 year old fat slut. The middle and right are from the same foid - a 23 year old becky slut. Funny thing is she sent the middle one (hey) and I viewed it and ignored it, so she sent another one to get chad's attention.
These foids sent them first - chadfish didn't ask for them. In fact, I've never even sent any sexually suggestive image/message to these 2 sluts.
To comply with eSafety office Australian law on sharing of nudes, I've heavily censored all faces, jewellery and nude image parts.
Don't sexualise me
I want a relationship
I don't do hookups
And I've making a 25 year old Aussie stacy drive from Canberra to Sydney tomorrow to meet chad. This slut has booked leave so she can holiday in Sydney for a few days with chad. I'll share that tomorrow evening when I stand up the cunt.
Seethe, cope and dilate IT cucks.