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Experiment Chadfish Experiment



Childhood was Paradise
May 2, 2018
A couple of members asked me to update on this and now I will. I will keep updating this thread as the chadfishing progresses.

My pictures is of a Chad, not normie-tier or Chad-lite but Chad! I haven´t paid for Tinder plus so I can´t swipe that much but I swipe for that little time I was allowed and got 9 matches in 2 minutes or less.
Screenshot 20180831 113652

over a 100 likes!

Since the account is new I "only" got 9 matches yesterday because girls of course have to like me first before I match with them while I swipe, so a couple of hours after I woke up I still had the 99+ likes which means over 100 potential matches if I swipe yes to them so here are the results after swiping for the allowed none paid time (less than 2 minutes swiping)
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33 new matches! It feels so horrible this experiment, every time my phone vibrates with a new match I get anxiety because I know they just want Chad, and keep in mind I have been using Tinder and Hot or Not dating apps for several years and this Chad got more matches and likes in less than 24 hours than I got in years to make matters worse I am not repulsive I am not a 2/10 subhuman I have been rated to be a 5-6/10 even some said 7/10 and I have NEVER experienced what Chad got! NEVER!!!

Although "only" 3 has texted me the two first immediately asked about sex or switching sexy pics as the opening text.
And my description says "I´m studying HF" and "I don´t want anything serious just fun (smiley)"

It is absolutely absurd that if people heard me or you guys talking about how unjust the world is because we are not born an 8+/10 then they would think we are pathetic, weak and CAN get a good life if we just try you know bluepilled shit. But my point in this experiment is to see how easy Chad has it, and I am comepletely shocked I am not kidding I have anxiety because I can´t believe how easy some men has it, this Chad has it almost as easy as girls I mean 100+ likes and now has 39 matches in less than 24 hours! And the two first girls who text him ask for sex and these girls were hot! I have never got matches with girls this hot before and now ALL the matches are 7+/10 hotties even some 9/10 it´s not fair.

So if you have seen FaceandLMS Youtube videos you are probably pretty blackpilled but making a Chadfish account is the ULTIMATE :blackpill: nothing. One thing is to see all the post on here including the "Chadfish child rapist" that got posted yesterday and to see youtube videos about the blackpill but another is to sit with your phone in your hand and swipe as you have done hundred of time before but only this time every other girl is a match; I am not kidding when I swipe every other girl is a match and often 2-3 in a row is a match. The ultimate blackpill is definitely Chadfishing.

Here is the guy I am using. And I will of course keep updating this thread that is IF people are interesting or even bother to read all of this.


This is the profile pic on the Chadfish account.
:feelskek: Just take better pictures bro selfies won't cut it

Guy looks like he just rolled out of bed, still looks like a god.
Don't worry, I'm very interested. This is an eye opener for me.
What country are you swipinig in? Norway?
just be yourself,bro !
What country are you swipinig in? Norway?
Denmark but I am very knew to this catfishing and apparently I can´t send pictures on Tinder so I have to give them a snapchat account a new one I´ve created and then send pictures I have stashed in my gallery.
Denmark but I am very knew to this catfishing and apparently I can´t send pictures on Tinder so I have to give them a snapchat account a new one I´ve created and then send pictures I have stashed in my gallery.
Catfishing must be suicide fuel tbh, I don’t know how you guys do it cuz I don’t think I could stay sane doing such expirments lmao, fuck that shit.
Catfishing must be suicide fuel tbh, I don’t know how you guys do it cuz I don’t think I could stay sane doing such expirments lmao, fuck that shit.
I can´t either this is the first time I have tried it and I feel so much anxiety I might stop the experiment soon because this is definitely suicidefuel. Again keep in mind that I don´t have any deformities and look hideous like a monster I look about average I would rate myself as a 5/10 maybe even a 6/10 on a good day so to see this Chad get more likes and matched in less than a day than I have gotten in over 3 years is suicidefuel.
It is futile to try to compete with Chad. Any sub 7 has absolutely no chance it's not even worth trying. Know your place in the hierarchy.
I have no matches on tinder. Literally zero. And I swipe right on everybody.
A little update I have deleted the Chad account since it was just too tormenting. As I have said I haven´t paid for Tinder plus so I only experienced a couple waves of matches I have already posted my first wave but here is the second.

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The Chad account got 48 new matches in this wave of swipes, almost every other was a match sometimes 2-3 in a row.
You can see the girl named Caroline writes "en som dig vel :))" which means "someone like you" because I asked what she was looking for, and yeah she was looking for Chad no surprise there.
Screenshot 20180901 175023

This one was a GIF that was sent as a conversation starter of a girl from "How I Met Your Mother" putting lipstick on insinuating I (Chad) is hot. I have never got a message like that in my years of using dating apps, no girl has ever given me that kind of validation.

Also earlier today I was curious about how many swipes a day people can have for free and apparently it isn´t the same for everyone as seen in this article.
Here is a quote from the article:
tatistically, it looks as though young women are getting closer to 100 swipes, while men are getting closer to 50.
So as if it wasn´t enough that females get more matches because of their higher SMV then they get even more free swipes! Girls just get anything in life this is just a small example but we have all heard of clubs where females has free entry and the men has to pay just because they´re born a male, but we never hear feminist talk about these injustices because it isn´t benefiting their agenda.

Anyways I have created my original Tinder account and now I am curious to see tomorrow how many likes or matches I will get in comparison to Chad, I bet this is the ultimate blackpill experiment on dating apps to experience how it is to be a God in the dating world and go from that to be a nobody again.
Catfishing must be suicide fuel tbh, I don’t know how you guys do it cuz I don’t think I could stay sane doing such expirments lmao, fuck that shit.
Yeah doing something like this would just destroy my mental state even more. I'd just want to die after seeing this shit happen with my own eyes.
Hasn't this already been done a hundred times?
I have no matches on tinder. Literally zero. And I swipe right on everybody.

I did the same and got zero matches initially. I read that if you swipe right on everyone it prevents your account from being seen by other people, and I thought this happened to me. But then after a few thousand more swipes I started getting matches, and then shortly after getting matched the girl would unmatch me. I only have one match in my account right now and it is literally a man who set his gender as female because he identifies as a female.
I did the same and got zero matches initially. I read that if you swipe right on everyone it prevents your account from being seen by other people, and I thought this happened to me. But then after a few thousand more swipes I started getting matches, and then shortly after getting matched the girl would unmatch me. I only have one match in my account right now and it is literally a man who set his gender as female because he identifies as a female.
Interesting tho I find it sad. JFL at the dude who thinks he's a woman

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