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Blackpill CHAD really is our enemy #1, not foids!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24529
  • Start date
This is something a foid would say. Why stop at chad? Why not chadlites and tall normies? At what point do you stop giving women the benefit of the doubt?
>Foids are as mentally capable as men
OH NO NO NO NO NO look at the top of his blue pill.

Okay, let's kill all foids since all of them have become able to pick and choose and want a Chad. Let's not at least check if getting rid of Chad who was the primary emancipated thot enabler and the enabler of hypergamy would bring any change. Because who would think that foids then would have to settle for what was left. Even then, if only top tier normies would stay, the hypergamy levels WOULD drop down by 2 points, and current 5/10 guys would benefit massively from it (they would be on current 7/10 tier), and the same goes for lower tier guys.
Imagine fucking defending Chad, holy cuckoldry.
I mean if you want to foid worship and give them less blame because of "toxic male chad", then by all means continue with your foid worship.

I know the main enemy is not chad.
>You can change the minds of foids who are already 100% set their eyes and minds on CHAD ONLY.
Good luck. Bluepilled cucks like yourself are one of the main reasons NOTHING is going to change EVER. Go suck Chad's dick while you're at it, maybe you will taste the pussy of your looksmatch because that's the only way you will be able to achieve it when Chads are still around.
Okay, let's kill all foids since all of them have become able to pick and choose and want a Chad.

Let's not at least check if getting rid of Chad who was the primary emancipated thot enabler and the enabler of hypergamy would bring any change.
Just kill males theory.

Because who would think that foids then would have to settle for what was left.
So are we going to screen babies for chad genetics?
Just kill males theory.
Nigger, what part of "Chads literally were the ones to enable female hypergamy" don't you understand? Yes, foids are whore and have horrible nature, but they have to be kept in check and not enabled. As some noticed ITT, giving them rights and easy access online dating were also very crucial but all it took was to for a single Chad to say "okay" to a mediocre foid and the avalance of foid hypergamy started and there would be no hypergamy if it wasn't for fucking CHADS, you absolute mental sub-zero. ONLY disabling Chad's air intake AND pushing for something like Sharia Law could repair the SOYciety. But cucks like you want to suck Chad's dick.
Foids are just stupid animals, they have child mentality. Children don't know what's good for the group, only care about themselves. It's CHAD who started dating below their looks match, that made top tier normies date below their looks match that made normies date below their looksmatch that made us incels! Seriously, not only all Chads getting killed (in Fifa 2021) would even things out more, it would perhaps even let us get with girl above out looksmatch. Chad is the core problem. If I would go on a killing spree shooting (in Call of Duty's "No Russian"), I would target CHADS only.

Retard thread, there will always be someone better than you, but someone having realistic standards is a variable that can actually be manipulated and obviously has been manipulated already by men of the past

There will always be Chads, you can't get rid of them, but it doesn't always have to be that women are allowed to have realistic standards (that is something rather new)

Nigger, what part of "Chads literally were the ones to enable female hypergamy" don't you understand?

No its average men that enable female hypergamy, average men outnumber Chads vastly, if all average men decided that women no longer had rights, it would be so, if all average men decided to kill off all Chads they'd spend eternity killing off Chads as more and more Chads will be born anyways, your solution has no end, taking away women's rights is a final one and done solution

Both are equally as impossible though so discussing this is a waste of time either way
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Chads literally were the ones to enable female hypergamy
Listen newfag, hypergamy will exist with or without chad. Chadlites exist as well as normies. And no, killing chad only temporarily improves the situation. I want the problem gone permanently. We need to get rid of females. The only reason they exist is to produce more humans. They are inferior in every other way.

Killing chad doesn't fix hypergamy and dating apps and social media aren't going away. Women either need to evolve or die.
Even if chads were genocided and went extinct (which would be lifefuel) foids would still only go after the top 20% that is left. They will become the new chads. The best thing to do is revoke foids rights and redistribute the foids to everyone else
Listen newfag, hypergamy will exist with or without chad. Chadlites exist as well as normies. And no, killing chad only temporarily improves the situation. I want the problem gone permanently. We need to get rid of females. The only reason they exist is to produce more humans. They are inferior in every other way.

Killing chad doesn't fix hypergamy and dating apps and social media aren't going away. Women either need to evolve or die.
True. Idk what op is on but killing chads won’t help at all. A permanent solution would be to have government issued waifus who would be programmed to be loyal to its owner
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I want the problem gone permanently


We need to get rid of females

JFL not the approach I had in mind, doesn't this just create another problem of NO WOMEN TO FUCK?

Are you gay or something?

If you kill off all women, whats the point, might as well kill off the entire species as you've basically done that already, no reason to leave men alive
Listen newfag, hypergamy will exist with or without chad. Chadlites exist as well as normies. And no, killing chad only temporarily improves the situation. I want the problem gone permanently. We need to get rid of females. The only reason they exist is to produce more humans. They are inferior in every other way.

Killing chad doesn't fix hypergamy and dating apps and social media aren't going away. Women either need to evolve or die.
Chads block hightier normies from having high tier normie foids. If We would erase the Chad, high tier normies would block normies from having high tier normies at max. Things would even out much more especially since there are much more high tier normies than Chads. You clearly don't know the charts of how many men look like chads vs how many look like normies vs etc.
Even if chads were genocided and went extinct (which would be lifefuel) foids would still only go after the top 20% that is left. They will become the new chads.
Nope. Not the 20%. The 40% if not more. Now, top 20% are Chads and Chadlites. Erase them and you are left with the next 2 steps in male looks - high tier normies and regular normies which would then take more than 50% of all males. Voila, problems solved. Incels would be on the level of current normies. If not too short or too fucked up genetically, you would stand a pretty high chance of getting a gf after putting in some effort.
We need to get rid of females. The only reason they exist is to produce more humans. They are inferior in every other way.
But a few posts ago you said they are on our level and thus, it's vital to hold them accountable of their wrongdoings as much as Chads if not more.

You are living in some fucked up fantasy land. One more bluepilled Chad cock sucking post and you're added to the list.
Listen newfag
Woooah we have an oldcel here. STFU, I literally never noticed you on this forum, you are so puny.
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It's technology and simp betas giving females permission to larp as free that's the problem. Chads will exploit any system regardless. Wholesome 1950's housewives were fucking Chad on the dl but society functioned a little better because whores were'nt as blatant about their whoreishness as they are now. Ngl I'd take pleasure in seeing Chads taken down a peg but will it change anything? nah.
JFL not the approach I had in mind, doesn't this just create another problem of NO WOMEN TO FUCK?
Replaced with machines that do their roles better.

Chads block hightier normies from having high tier normie foids. If We would erase the Chad, high tier normies would block normies from having high tier normies at max. Things would even out much more especially since there are much more high tier normies than Chads. You clearly don't know the charts of how many men look like chads vs how many look like normies vs etc.
Its the top 20% regardless you smoothbrain. I don't care about whether normies fuck their looksmatches or not. Incels on the bottom are still just as fucked as they always have been. Tech doesn't go backwards. This is the new paradigm. If females can't adapt, they get replaced. Simple.

But a few posts ago you said they are on our level and thus, it's vital to hold them accountable of their wrongdoings as much as Chads if not more.
I said that we should hold them accountable like the adults they are. Not that they are equal. They aren't kids regardless of what tradcucks think.

You are living in some fucked up fantasy land. One more bluepilled Chad cock sucking post and you're added to the list
>I'll block you
Add me faggot. I don't give a shit what some pussy who can't defend their own points does. Go back to reddit nigger.
It's technology and simp betas giving females permission to larp as free that's the problem. Chads will exploit any system regardless. Wholesome 1950's housewives were fucking Chad on the dl but society functioned a little better because whores were'nt as blatant about their whoreishness as they are now. Ngl I'd take pleasure in seeing Chads taken down a peg but will it change anything? nah.
Women have always been whores. OP thinks that them being hypergamous is a new thing. The fucking old testament, ancient chinese, and greeks talked about this shit.
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Replaced with machines that do their roles better.

A robot can't replace the psychological aspect of sex, the feeling of dominance a man gets, you can't get that from something that you know isn't alive and isn't submitting to your will
It's technology and simp betas giving females permission to larp as free that's the problem. Chads will exploit any system regardless. Wholesome 1950's housewives were fucking Chad on the dl but society functioned a little better because whores were'nt as blatant about their whoreishness as they are now. Ngl I'd take pleasure in seeing Chads taken down a peg but will it change anything? nah.
So you admit Chads were a problem since always. Thus, they MUST go, no matter if it will change anything or if there will have to be some other measures taking place afterwards. So basically what I've been saying, thank you.
A robot can't replace the psychological aspect of sex, the feeling of dominance a man gets, you can't get that from something that you know isn't alive and isn't submitting to your will
We had this conversation before. I don't really care for dominance. Its just less of an issue for me. I just want a stable partner to help me raise my sons. AI will get there eventually. I believe consciousness is just a complex algorithmic problem involving quantum mechanics anyways. But we don't need human level AI to replace the vast majority of foids. I feel like males raised in an all male society will take to sexbots quite easily over biofoids.
So you admit Chads were a problem since always
The ancients didn't kill good looking men because they were good looking. They punished both when transgressions were made. The point was that foids have always created problems. See Eve and the apple. But the technology to render them obsolete is almost here. We should aggressively try to rid ourselves of these burdens.
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AI will get there eventually

Yes and you won't be alive so its not relevant to your existence

But the technology to render them obsolete is almost here. We should aggressively try to rid ourselves of these burdens.

Why do you copers keep speaking like its 10 years away, you'll be long dead, it bears no relevance to you
Yes and you won't be alive so its not relevant to your existence

Why do you copers keep speaking like its 10 years away, you'll be long dead, it bears no relevance to you
AI capable of providing a better romantic experience than the average woman is right around the corner. Within 20 years. The chatbot tech that currently exists already beats the average 18 year old foid in many respects. Technological progress is exponential once the required hardware is available and cheap. See computers today vs computers 20 years ago.
Women are the problem, not Chads. Here's why: Chad beats low-tier men fair and square. I can accept that, even if the fairness was a roll of the (genetic) dice. But women lie to low-tier men. They lie to make low-tier men act against their own interests — to simp for them.

You see, before the advent of dating apps became popular in the mid 10's, the average women didn't have the necessary tools to seek out specifically Chad as efficiently as they do now. The average women when attending social gatherings, would interact with mostly average men granting these average men the opportunity to court the average women. Therefore there wasn't much of a looks imbalance we see today that granted women an upper hand.

High IQ. When there is only one winner, a larger pool of competition means more inequality. Unfortunately, this an inevitable side-effect of globalization, and can't be stopped by going after a single online dating company.
I completelly disagre, but I could be worng. Foids are our number one enemy.
AI capable of providing a better romantic experience than the average woman is right around the corner. Within 20 years. The chatbot tech that currently exists already beats the average 18 year old foid in many respects. Technological progress is exponential once the required hardware is available and cheap. See computers today vs computers 20 years ago.

JFL at this nonsense, you have to be on drugs, anything worth paying for is 100 years away, not 20, and even if you were alive you would not even be able to afford it

Lets not even add to the fact of how much the COVID 19 pandemic is going to slow down progress for a few years, and yes I said years, this isn't going away anytime soon
Chads, foids, normcucks, and the elite are all the enemy and we must fight back against them in different ways.
Lets not even add to the fact of how much the COVID 19 pandemic is going to slow down progress for a few years, and yes I said years, this isn't going away anytime
Lol no. Its only making digital alternatives more palatable to the average person. Replika downloads have skyrocketed since the start of this shit.

JFL at this nonsense, you have to be on drugs, anything worth paying for is 100 years away, not 20, and even if you were alive you would not even be able to afford it
I've seen some of things being developed by DARPA and Google X. I can restate what I've said with extreme confidence. What is needed is to make sure the project isn't derailed by soys and foids.
Lol I've seen some of things being developed by DARPA and Google X. I can restate what I've said with extreme confidence. What is needed is to make sure the project isn't derailed by soys and foids.

I don't think you get it, AI can be developed without interaction, development and testing of robotics cannot, and it is going to be very expensive, if a realistic sex robot came out next week or in the next 10 years, only wealthmaxxed men would be able to afford it, so what are you doing in that regard?

Either way the average man could not afford it so it is of no relevance to them
only wealthmaxxed men would be able to afford it, so what are you doing in that regard?
The same was said of personal computers in 80s. And now look. And yes, every incel should be wealthmaxxing. I already have $70k in my primary savings account, with many investments in various industries. You plan to go to SEA right? That cost money as well. As a single man, you have lots of time to wealthmaxx without gf or kids eating money.
I don't think you get it, AI can be developed without interaction, development and testing of robotics cannot, and it is going to be very expensive, if a realistic sex robot came out next week or in the next 10 years, only wealthmaxxed men would be able to afford it, so what are you doing in that regard?

Either way the average man could not afford it so it is of no relevance to them
And while I'm on the subject, the replacements don't have to be physical robots. They can be holograms like blade runner or just a very advanced digital egirl that you interact with in VR.
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The same was said of personal computers in 80s. And now look. And yes, every incel should be wealthmaxxing

Please don't be so daft to compare a computer to advanced robotics, the difference in expense for maintenance is vastly different also it requires no expertise to build and manage, if you want to upgrade ram you simply take it out, buy a replacement and snap that in its place

When your robots motor functions start going haywire you;ll have to send it back to the manufacturer for repair, I have fixed minor problems in my own laptop before by opening it up and looking up a youtube video, you can't do that shit with advanced AI and robotics JFL

And while I'm on the subject, the replacements don't have to be physical robots. They can be holograms like blade runner or just a very advanced digital egirl that you interact with in VR.

You just sound like a guy that wants to waste money on pointless shit lol, I would much rather just move to yemen, become a muslim and marry a loli from a poor father and pay him a decent bride price
Please don't be so daft to compare a computer to advanced robotics, the difference in expense for maintenance is vastly different also it requires no expertise to build and manage, if you want to upgrade ram you simply take it out, buy a replacement and snap that in its place

When your robots motor functions start going haywire you;ll have to send it back to the manufacturer for repair, I have fixed minor problems in my own laptop before by opening it up and looking up a youtube video, you can't do that shit with advanced AI and robotics JFL
If computers don't cut it, look at cars. Cars also used to be very niche and a rich man's toy when they came out. 40 years later, everybody had a car. Do you send your car back to the manufacturer when ever something breaks? No. You either fix it yourself or take it to a mechanic who you pay to fix it. Robots will be the same. Shit, there are already repairmen that specialize in fixing basic sexdolls.

More than likely, if the bot cost a lot, there will be warranties and insurance companies that specialize in covering sexbots. New cars have warranties and insurance will cover major damage or theft. I can definitely see a company like Realbotix or some Japanese company having a dealer network and official service centers. Maybe mobile repairmen that service remote areas.
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If computers don't cut it, look at cars. Cars also used to be very niche and a rich man's toy when they came out. 40 years later, everybody had a car. Do you send your car back to the manufacturer when ever something breaks? No. You either fix it yourself or take it to a mechanic who you pay to fix it. Robots will be the same

Dude, I'm not going to go over this again, if you are comparing a car to advanced AI and robotics then there's no point in continuing this conversation, you might as well say its like lego bricks and you can just put it back together

One mistake in the software in how it controls the hardware and your robot squeezes your dick off inside its artificial vagina, this isn't even remotely close to car repairs, it more closer to rocket science with all minor intracacies involved

Let me guess - "Just take it to your neighborhood rocket scientist bro, no big deal"

Shit, there are already repairmen that specialize in fixing basic sexdolls

1. JFL yeah and I'm sure that's very cheap

2. JFL handing over your sex doll to be poked and prodded by another man, how ironic, be careful he doesn't "take it for a spin" to "make sure his repairs were sufficient" :feelskek:

More than likely, if the bot cost a lot, there will be warranties and insurance companies that specialize in covering sexbots. New cars have warranties and insurance will cover major damage or theft. I can definitely see a company like Realbotix or some Japanese company having a dealer network and official service centers. Maybe mobile repairmen that service remote areas.
Dude, I'm not going to go over this again, if you are comparing a car to advanced AI and robotics
You keep losing sight of what I'm suggesting. Robotics sounds complex because robots are niche products right now used mostly by commercial end users. Imagine how complex a car would have been to somebody who was only used to horses or a computer to somebody who was used to pen and paper or a typewriter. Have you even see the engine internals of modern gas cars or diesels? They have more computer systems in them than people realize. What if one of those computers malfunctions and your engine stops working while you are driving? Or the brakes fail? Or the power steering locks up at 60 mph?

Mass production and industry standards solve a lot of issues.
1. JFL yeah and I'm sure that's very cheap
Try getting a german luxury car repaired out of warranty.

2. JFL handing over your sex doll to be poked and prodded by another man, how ironic, be careful he doesn't "take it for a spin" to "make sure his repairs were sufficient" :feelskek:
>not paying for the vaginal spike addon to prevent unauthorized use
Shit, there are already repairmen that specialize in fixing basic sexdolls
>not paying for the vaginal spike addon to prevent unauthorized use

Pick One

He's not a specialist and he can't repair shit if he can't get past that

Also thanks for proving my point, its retarded to argue that something that can malfunction and send spike through your dick is as mundane as getting a car repaired

Either way none of this shit is happening in our era, keep dreaming though lol

The only incels more foolish than those refusing to pay for sex for moral/ego reasons, are those refusing to pay for sex because they are waiting for super realistic AI sex dolls that are decades and even a century away
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He's not a specialist and he can't repair shit if he can't get past that

Also thanks for proving my point, its retarded to argue that something that can malfunction and send spike through your dick is as mundane as getting a car repaired
It was kind of meant more as a joke. But vaginal repairs would probably involve swapping the insert. Seems like a high use area. Kinda like an Autoblow sleeve.
The only incels more foolish than those refusing to pay for sex for moral/ego reasons, are those refusing to pay for sex because they are waiting for super realistic AI sex dolls that are decades and even a century away
I agree. Hence why I use prostitutes since those bots don't exist and I don't have the space for a doll right now. I will admit I'm less than impressed with many prostitutes.
Either way none of this shit is happening in our era, keep dreaming though lol
Anything is possible if enough autistic men with lots of funding get together.
Anything is possible if enough autistic men with lots of funding get together.

I'd much rather but black market human clone sex slaves, I can keep one in my basement and raise them to be my wife, I would spend thousands on that, but not on a lifeless doll, human cloning is something I look more forward too than sex robots, Imagine being able to just clone any celebrity hole you wanted to fuck, guys selling strands of their hair on the black market for dna samples to take to your black market cloner lol

Now that I can get into, but again, not in my era
I'd much rather but black market human clone sex slaves, I can keep one in my basement and raise them to be my wife, I would spend thousands on that, but not on a lifeless doll, human cloning is something I look more forward too than sex robots, Imagine being able to just clone any celebrity hole you wanted to fuck, guys selling strands of their hair on the black market for dna samples to take to your black market cloner lol

Now that I can get into, but again, not in my era
You could just pay some father for his daughter in a third world shithole for $20k and have a loli wife. Or "adopt" her.
You could just pay some father for his daughter in a third world shithole for $20k and have a loli wife. Or "adopt" her.

Yeah, like I said before lol:
I would much rather just move to yemen, become a muslim and marry a loli from a poor father and pay him a decent bride price

Age of consent in Yemen is 9 (as long as you are married) JFL

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