I didn't even read the whole thing and I can tell how fucking dumb this is. First off, if Crest got Danny DeVito to do there adds, I'd so buy it. He's fucking awesome and people love him. Yeah, he's not exactly mr. handsome, but he's a very, talented, funny, likeable guy with a wide range. I've heard people say nothing but positive things about him. Probably cause he's a fairly grounded guy who all things considered, means well.
Everything about this paper is so disprovable. Well, maybe not that as the scope of this is very limited. First off, yes, some people are more attractive than others. I have eyes, I can see this, but attractive as can be or ugly as sin, if they're going to do you wrong and are a fucked up person, it's not going to go well for you either way. So perhaps we scale back on this worshipping of the attractive.
Secondly, what do the uh, "upper class or higher status attractive folks who think they can look down on and treat everyone else like there insubordinates decide they want to turn around and go, Fuck you." Cause attractive or not, you can't stop that shit. You may not get everything you want in life, but you can stand up for yourself.
Then, when you make it be all about attractiveness and image/image obsession, like no matter what, that shit is only going to last so long. People will get bored with it eventually. I mean, if this is the peak of social media, and the effect it has on people, what are they going to do when they are faced with real problems. Like you focus on this and then wonder why Trump wins? These people need quite a fucking reality check.
So attractive people are percieved as more trustworthy despite countless examples that say otherwise? Wow. We really are past the being saved part.
The part about being sick and people's perceptions, I don't always have a happy smiling face, I don't give a fuck. I am regularly in an area where every other idiot and his fucking brother expects to walk into every place and have 5 fucking golden age musical numbers break out and have everyone kiss their ass and tell them their special for being there. Like they seriously cannot or refuse to think beyond their own emotional range for more than 5 fucking seconds. So when I have a case of stone face or not the happiest moods, and it upsets them, I enjoy that. People like that don't give a fuck about you, well not all of them. They just want their own smug sense of self satisfied for doing nothing really. I don't want their sympathy, I don't want their faux concern, I want them to either cut the shit/and or shut the fuck up for five minutes.
So yeah. These are people who just refuse to flex their own emotional scale and not realize the goddamned fucking world does not revolve around them. You have people doing this shit and it being encouraged and you then wonder why we have some of the problems we do? This is getting dangerously close to thought control. I don't swear by the guy but shit like this is why people like Jordan Peterson have the appeal they do. He's at least trying to come up with solutions while everyone else sits there with a thumb up their ass and a dick in their mouth and then wonder why some things go the way they do.
So when you say people are sick they are generally less appealing, what the fuck exactly is that supposed to mean? That you can't accept this reality beyond you own limited scale? That when someone is sick that like uh, they are less valid? That because of that, they don't deserve treatment or care? This is very bad. This is like getting close to state sanctioned euthanasia. This is where it starts. Instead of praising this guy, everyone should be telling him to go fuck himself.
This is a case of a guy who went through some self improvement, got some attention, and then like decided he had all the answers and can like see all of these problems no one else can and comes up with these deeply troubling moral issues and like passes it off as deeper insight. I mean I think even the most attractive people would have a problem with this.
I mean he is literally saying he can't accept that people get sick and when they do, there worth or value goes up or down based on their attractiveness. That is way different from merely avoiding someone when sick so you don't catch it.
Really? The old makeup test? I bet he thinks he's the first person to come up with this. This asshole got an A on basically writing a paper with the most banal and basic talking points ever. And they wonder why people have a problem with "higher education."
This obsession with likability, has this guy never been pissed at someone? Has he never felt the urge to tell everyone fuck you and go fuck yourself, has he never wanted to punch someone in the face or beat the shit out of someone? Like would he be able to tell the signs when someone is conning him or ripping him off? I mean, attractive or ugly, if you can't tell that, how good looking you are or not ain't gonna solve that. But this is the shit we are allowing to take hold without anyone going "Wait a fucking minute."
Trust is given. That applies to everyone attractive or not.
"Furthermore, attractive people are more persuasive and get treated favorably. As previously said, attractive people are perceived as more likeable, healthier and more trustworthy."
He says that as if no attractive person has ever been told to go fuck themselves or has been hurt. He's posting this in an area where the idea of chads and stacies is touted. Therefore, completely disproving and contradicting his point.
Well, yeah. THIS gets an A+? This? A Paper made out of pointless talking points that most people eventually learn to grow out of. Wow. Just fucking wow.