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SuicideFuel Chad got on the subway and it was one of the worst moment in my life.



Cucks are ugly people in denial.
Oct 7, 2018
So, i was on the subway, coming back from work. Instead of playing on the phone as usual, i've decided to raise my head and give a good look to my surroundings.

Then it happened.

Chad got on the subway. The guy was a ... dunno, 190cm blond dude that could have been 22-25 years old. His face was fucking perfect. Even i (no homo) took a good couple of seconds looking at him, because he was truly gifted by god. He was not particulary buff, just an extremely tall dude with a model face. Chad was also a stranger, because he was speaking english (i'm in europe, not uk).

Now, what i'm going to describe may sound nothing to most of you people but for me, a person in his thirties, was maybe the most blatant example of what is the life of a guy like this, and it literally destroyed me. Chad was standing at my left, near the pole that people use to grab themselves to not fall; in front of me was sitting this young petite brunette with a ponytail, nothing exceptional but a solid 7. The moment she saw Chad she fucking literally LOCKED her eyes to him. She never blinked, she never moved her head. I swear it's like i could feel her getting drawn to him like a magnet. For a moment i thought she would stop and maybe type something on her phone "omomohgmgo i've seen the most beautiful guy in my life" but she stood up and she went next to him, leaning with her butt on the other pole next to the one Chad was using. She didn't need to get off the subway, she just left her comfy chair to stand near him, grabbing the fucking pole between her buttocks. I also think she wanted to take a picture, but it was too painful to watch every second of that so i don't know if she managed to do it.

I swear to god i'm not making any of this: what happened is literally what i've described.

Then, Chad got off and she went back to sit on another chair (her one was got), typing on her phone like an obsess.

Stranger Chad is probably the most powerful erotic stimuli that a girl can experience. I can bet the girl would have sucked his cock in front of everyone if he asked. I've seen something similar in the past (a girl looking at a guy) but never, NEVER experienced a vision like this. It was like watching some documentary about mating.

Now, my friends, i want to tell you that i, personally, will never be able to cope with something like that. I try. I do things, i gymcel, but this kind of event just tells me "it's useless, you will never experience this".

I admit that this kind of vision could hurt a normie, too, but i think it would do that in a differeny way. The way i put it is: let's say you get an average amount of money for your life. You have a decent house and a car. Then you see a millionaire. You get envy, of course, but then you go back to your business, living your normal life. Seeing Chad as an incel is like being a beggar, and seeing someone light his cigar with a 500€ bill.

I need to sleep over this.

Life is just shit. Inceldom, Red pill, mtgow and various shit and blah blah blah. When you see something like this, your instinct just screams at you that you're nothing.

Fuck off.
uhmm sweetie, he just had a nice personality, ok? :y'all:
I told this story to a normie friend. He was like "ha ha ha hilarious" or something like that.

it's exactly as i've said. Normie would have been jealous, too, if he saw the scene, but they somehow suffer less.

To be honest, i've told the story even to an incel friend but he's like an outcast, he avoids every kind of situation so he suffers less.
Superior personality, boyo :feelsokman: Cucktears, beta numale cucks won't touch this
Cuckqueers: "Durr durr u duh homo. U in closet ah hyuk hyuk!"
As you can clearly see he just was a fun and nice guy to be around :soy:
Suifuel tbh. You need to copemaxx more.
Throwing myself from a high height (and i admit i'm scared) or using an exit bag (maybe it's easy, but to me it doesn't seem it).

I don't want to live my life like that, i did nothing wrong to deserve it.
Suifuel tbh. You need to copemaxx more.

I try, but when i'm getting blasted with something like this i realize it's useless.
pure suifuel, experiences like these make me want to sui on spot this the exact reason why I hate chads more than foids, I can understand why foids dont want me so my hate for them is not as big as the envy I feel for chad
it's a genetical lotery that we lost in the womb, fuck this gay earth
pure suifuel, experiences like these make me want to sui on spot this the exact reason why I hate chads more than foids, I can understand why foids dont want me so my hate for them is not as big as the envy I feel for chad
hate soycucks above all, they are the enablers of this shit
See, if cucks were sincere and they are comfortable with their situation i'd envy them. I'd envy everyone that is able to cope with this mess. But they are not sincere, they're just in denial.

This period of my life was going good, i was able to cope well, hookers from time to time but i guarantee that facing a situation like this with a straight face is impossible for anyone, especially for us.

She would have done anything with him on the spot, just because he existed.
That's just natural selection in action.
suifuel.Why do we have to live with goodlooking people?Pure torture for us.
Another funny thing is that, sitting next to here, was this guy that was easily a high tier normie. To my eyes, he was just as me, NOTHING, compared to that guy.
Jfl. It's definetely over when even your brain cucks you near the proximity of chad. :feelsrope:
I cannot get off what happened from my head.
I have several Chad friends. I know your feeling. I know this Chad with a borderline incel brother. Same dna but with a different recombination.

Life is a joke, if you lose the genetic lottery.
Another funny thing is that, sitting next to here, was this guy that was easily a high tier normie. To my eyes, he was just as me, NOTHING, compared to that guy.
its fucking over
That kind of stuff doesnt bother me
I told this story to a normie friend. He was like "ha ha ha hilarious" or something like that.

it's exactly as i've said. Normie would have been jealous, too, if he saw the scene, but they somehow suffer less.

To be honest, i've told the story even to an incel friend but he's like an outcast, he avoids every kind of situation so he suffers less.
I think most normies just accept it or just brush it off as "Oh not all girls are like that."
I think most normies just accept it or just brush it off as "Oh not all girls are like that."

I wish i could be so clueless
Jesus, godamn brutal, witnessing something ike this will be the final blackpill for me
it's a genetical lotery that we lost in the womb, fuck this gay earth

hate soycucks above all, they are the enablers of this shit
For me too, my hate scale is soycucks > chads > foids tbh
For me too, my hate scale is soycucks > chads > foids tbh
nothing is worse than the fucking soycucks, they are the ones making this society rescend to the stone age
nothing is worse than the fucking soycucks, they are the ones making this society rescend to the stone age
True but men in general have become cucks too tbh not just the extreme soy cucks
I bet he has a good personality
no, it's every cuck, a good cuck is a dead cuck remenber it, most men are the ones who let foids do whatever they want
That's basically what I said bro they enable them everything and so the female nature shows its face
That's basically what I said bro they enable them everything and so the female nature shows its face
we have no choice but tolerate the existence of femoids because they are necessary to the survival of our species, but we should at least somewhat control them to not fuck the entire society, meanwhile cucks will defend her right to live as parasite from the governament while sucking chad dicks
Really? Then what does bother you?
Why would an attractive woman being attracted to an attractive man bother me? Did you just discover the world yesterday?
Why would an attractive woman being attracted to an attractive man bother me? Did you just discover the world yesterday?

Because it's a natural human reaction? I understand being edgy is fun, but look at the replies to this thread.

Good for you, anyway, if you're sincere.
i witnessed chad tier height , litteraly like 193 cm once , his brother ( what seemed to be the case ) was tall af too but not as tall as that guy , but his face wasnt chad tier at all

witnessing a complete and utter heightmogger with a superior face would be a godsent at saying me , your worth is NULL

such guys have it brutally easy , kinda like foids ( if they not cuck themselfs that is ) i believe they even can abuse some cunts for money if done correctly , just dont do long term relationshits so that she thinks your a cuck

but hey chad dosnt apply to us so it dosnt matter , i wish i could grow 16 cm all of a sudden so im 190
Because it's a natural human reaction? I understand being edgy is fun, but look at the replies to this thread.

Good for you, anyway, if you're sincere.
A natural human reaction? Lol

Its natural to be indifferent to something so commonplace and well known as women being attracted to good looking men. If you didn't know this then theres something wrong with you or you got severe autism. What did you expect to happen? Were you just born yesterday? Surprise surprise women like good looking men. Who fucking knew. Do you like ugly women? Also edgy doesnt mean what you think it does.
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She could clearly sense that he had showered and had 50 haircuts that morning. :y'all:
Hate to break it to you, but have you considered that he showers more frequently than you?
I know it's pointless to up this thread again and again but i didn't even sleep.I would really like to know how someone could ignore something like that. I'm shit, i'm nothing. The best thinng i can aspire is finding some bitch that wants my money or "durr i got fucked by 2039 boys time to get a nice beta and then cheat on him".

Of course time will make this pass, but what it happens another time? Should i avoid watching anything while i'm around? And summer is coming, another fucking torture. Seeing all those half-naked young firm bodies around makes me literally go crazy and do things that will surely bring me to jail one day or another.
Throwing myself from a high height (and i admit i'm scared) or using an exit bag (maybe it's easy, but to me it doesn't seem it).

I don't want to live my life like that, i did nothing wrong to deserve it.

I try, but when i'm getting blasted with something like this i realize it's useless.

Feels bad bro. I actually have a gigachad co-worker who I see almost every day. 6'2, gymmaxed, Italian, top top tier face structure, nw0 hairline with light brown hair and dark eyes. I don't know much about him but I'd like to ask him why he's not a professional model, because he has the looks for it.

It's suifuel.
I don't know much about him but I'd like to ask him why he's not a professional model
Personally I wouldn't ask him that. For one thing it sounds mega gay for a guy to ask another guy such a thing. Secondly what if he just leaves work one day and does as you say? Then you have to live with the fact that you made his life easier for no benefit of your own.
Personally I wouldn't ask him that. For one thing it sounds mega gay for a guy to ask another guy such a thing. Secondly what if he just leaves work one day and does as you say? Then you have to live with the fact that you made his life easier for no benefit of your own.

Yeah I haven't asked because it's weird, but I'd like to know why he isn't. He is in mid 30s though, maybe that ship has sailed
The chad just ignored her?
Yeah I haven't asked because it's weird, but I'd like to know why he isn't. He is in mid 30s though, maybe that ship has sailed
You are probably correct.. when anyone gets to that age exercise becomes harder to maintain and perfect body form is an incredible task to accomplish.
Ah, the good old public transport moggings.

I see ridiculously good looking 6'5"+ Chads all the time. When they enter the bus/tram, the entire atmosphere changes. People stop talking for a few seconds and you can just tell the focus is on the Chad. All the men suddenly feel like pussy betas. I'm embarrassed to be anywhere near such a Chad.
The chad just ignored her?
Chad like that can get a random 7/10 roastie any time he wants. He can afford to ignore anyone.

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