Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting Certain types of users here give us a bad name

I like most users here but some users here are one or more of the following:
-really rude. Just imagine cucks telling us we need to improve our personalities. You are the reason for this.
-has never tried. You are the reason why cucks tell us to go outside and try.
-promotes violence. Again, you are the reason why people associate violence with inceldom even when it has nothing to do with inceldom.
-volcels. You demand to have movie start looking girl and refuse to go with your looksmatch or even below

To those users, please GTFO
Also the "I cant succeed at anythign ever because of my looks" "only chad have friends!!!!!!"
Just go outside and be confident bro it always works :soy::soy::soy::soy:
Jfl at this bluepilled post
Mentalcel if you havn't tried tbh, ngl
You don't have to be bluepilled to be nonviolent.

Actually yes, anyone who believes non-violence works is indeed blue pilled, trying to preach non-violence for the sake of "morality" when it doesn't benefit you, is blue pilled, morality is inherently blue pilled

Non-violence is only logical when it benefits you
Thread is borderline soy, they will hate us regardless.

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Wrong tbh. It doesn't have to be a world thing, or an american thing. All we need is 100 betas to go to a place like florida or a busy port, and attack a nearby island in the carribean, or of a 3rd world nation.

Look up Baron von ungern sternberg, He took mongolia with like 50 people.
First we take Manhattan

Then we take Berlin!!!
Caring about incels public image is stupid.It will never be fixed,we're in deep shit.We may as well wallow in it.
Actually yes, anyone who believes non-violence works is indeed blue pilled, trying to preach non-violence for the sake of "morality" when it doesn't benefit you, is blue pilled, morality is inherently blue pilled

Non-violence is only logical when it benefits you

Morality is bluepilled? But the whole reason we're angry is because we feel our treatment is immoral. It's wrong, the way we're treated.
Morality is bluepilled? But the whole reason we're angry is because we feel our treatment is immoral

No that's why you're angry, because you are a moralfag, because you are blue pilled

You have to see how ridiculous your logic is here, are you saying if how were being treated was considered universally moral, and even you thought it was moral, you'd just stop caring and accept it then, because you think its moral?

Or are you ironically admitting that no such universe exists beacuse anything that affects someone negatively is immoral by default, then I have to ask what isn't immoral then, because there are a lot of "neutral" things that affect many negatively

This is why I say moralfags are complete idiots, morality overwrites every ounce of logic you have

Something negatively affecting you is all it takes for you you hate it, it doesn't matter if its moral or not

That's exactly what it means.

JFL when some low IQ no argument having idiot thinks he's in any position to "dismiss" me

Also JFL at the lack of self awareness:
He's an edgelord how do you not know this by now

Swap out edgelord with incel and see how stupid you sound, you sound like a normie, someones words have value based on the logic behind it, not whether or not you think they're edgy, you dismiss yourself everytime you post
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No that's why you're angry, because you are a moralfag, because you are blue pilled

You have to see how ridiculous your logic is here, are you saying if how were being treated was considered universally moral, and even you thought it was moral, you'd just stop caring and accept it then, because you think its moral?

Or are you ironically admitting that no such universe exists beacuse anything that affects someone negatively is immoral by default, then I have to ask what isn't immoral then, because there are a lot of "neutral" things that affect many negatively

This is why I say moralfags are complete idiots, morality overwrites every ounce of logic you have

Something negatively affecting you is all it takes for you you hate it, it doesn't matter if its moral or not

How we're treated can't be considered universally moral, because we don't deserve this kind of treatment, and universal morals about about only being cruel to other cruel things. If I hit somebody out of the blue, and then they hit me back, that affects me negatively, but it's not immoral. I deserve it. And it's simple why I deserve it: Because I hit that guy for no reason. Now, if he hits me for no reason, that's immoral. Because you shouldn't be a jerk to people.
How we're treated can't be considered universally moral, because we don't deserve this kind of treatment, and universal morals about about only being cruel to other cruel things. If I hit somebody out of the blue, and then they hit me back, that affects me negatively, but it's not immoral. I deserve it. And it's simple why I deserve it: Because I hit that guy for no reason. Now, if he hits me for no reason, that's immoral. Because you shouldn't be a jerk to people.
Morality is never universal. Hitting someone back is immoral according to Protestant morality for example (Jesus logic). Doesn't mean your morals are unreasonable, but there's no such thing as objective morality imo
Morality is never universal. Hitting someone back is immoral according to Protestant morality for example (Jesus logic). Doesn't mean your morals are unreasonable, but there's no such thing as objective morality imo

Morality in a common sense society. That's the only morality that matters. Maybe in some orange and blue dimension it's moral to kick puppies and eat babies, but what we're trying to do is live fair lives in the world that exists before us.
How we're treated can't be considered universally moral, because we don't deserve this kind of treatment

There's no such thing as deserve, shit just happens, that's reality, Chad was born good looking by the flip of a coin, a guy wins the lottery by buying a random ticket, etc, nobody deserves anything that happens to or for them, IT SIMPLY JUST HAPPENS

Only egoists (people who think themselves special and/or important) believe in the concept of "deserving", if you look at reality objectively its easy to see that nothing in life has to do with deserving anything

Did you "deserve" to be unattractive?


Then why do you think anyone "deserves" any kind of treatment when they didn't "deserve" the circumstances that led to that treatment

Chad doesn't "deserve" good treatment for being good looking, nor did he "deserve" to be born good looking, its all just shit that happens
"They give us a bad name" JFL
We are not a group delusional creature
Morality is a mental illness and humans are born with this defect.
Another "muh PR" thread.
I like most users here but some users here are one or more of the following:
-really rude. Just imagine cucks telling us we need to improve our personalities. You are the reason for this.
-has never tried. You are the reason why cucks tell us to go outside and try.
-promotes violence. Again, you are the reason why people associate violence with inceldom even when it has nothing to do with inceldom.
-volcels. You demand to have movie start looking girl and refuse to go with your looksmatch or even below

To those users, please GTFO
Promoting violence is just a cope

also, ephebophiles aren’t pedophiles

we already have a bad reputation bybeing incel
There's no such thing as deserve, shit just happens, that's reality, Chad was born good looking by the flip of a coin, a guy wins the lottery by buying a random ticket, etc, nobody deserves anything that happens to or for them, IT SIMPLY JUST HAPPENS

Only egoists (people who think themselves special and/or important) believe in the concept of "deserving", if you look at reality objectively its easy to see that nothing in life has to do with deserving anything

Did you "deserve" to be unattractive?


Then why do you think anyone "deserves" any kind of treatment when they didn't "deserve" the circumstances that led to that treatment

Chad doesn't "deserve" good treatment for being good looking, nor did he "deserve" to be born good looking, its all just shit that happens

Things happen by chance, that doesn't always mean they do or don't deserve it.Getting hit by a car could just happen, and you can not deserve to be hit by a car.
Things happen by chance, that doesn't always mean they do or don't deserve it.Getting hit by a car could just happen, and you can not deserve to be hit by a car.

You can't deserve anything, because the entire concept of deserving revolves around two concepts that aren't objective or even real

1. Fate
2. Morality

Morality is arbitrary and fate doesn't exist (and it can even be argued that morality doesn't really exist because its so arbitrary)

Who decides who deserves what? (answer that question)

Your only answer is God, but why is God a God?

Does God deserve to be God?

Who decided that God deserves to be God?

Ironically God is ust God because he happens to be God if you are being honest with yourself, how do you expect the universe created by an undeserving being to be dictated by principles like "deserving", the universe inherently has nothing to do with "deserving" because:

1. Its all random chance

2. It was created by a God who is just God because he exists as God, in other words he did not EARN his Godhood, he's undeserving so the universe he created is inherently one where people get things they do and don't deserve at random
what's wrong with violence? maybe you're the one giving us a bad name by being a pacified cuck :waitwhat: also I've never seen people clamoring for stacies
Your sig makes me wanna kill myself..
I only became rude if I get insulted first.
-uglies. Ugly people are bad, failo effect.

Those users that are ugly, get handsome or we will have a bad name!
This. No matter what if you are ugly you are treated like scum
Being nonviolent while society bears down oppression on us? N o t h a n k y o u

The only way the incel problem is solved is with an actual beta uprising
Because IRL people are even shittier than us, albeit in different ways, it's hard for me to judge our shady company.
:soy:stay away from that 17 year old 364 day old large breasted already having sex child she is so innocent!!! sick pedo!
You can't deserve anything, because the entire concept of deserving revolves around two concepts that aren't objective or even real

1. Fate
2. Morality

Morality is arbitrary and fate doesn't exist (and it can even be argued that morality doesn't really exist because its so arbitrary)

Who decides who deserves what? (answer that question)

Your only answer is God, but why is God a God?

Does God deserve to be God?

Who decided that God deserves to be God?

Ironically God is ust God because he happens to be God if you are being honest with yourself, how do you expect the universe created by an undeserving being to be dictated by principles like "deserving", the universe inherently has nothing to do with "deserving" because:

1. Its all random chance

2. It was created by a God who is just God because he exists as God, in other words he did not EARN his Godhood, he's undeserving so the universe he created is inherently one where people get things they do and don't deserve at random

It's got nothing to do with God. If I hit you unprovoked, it's immoral regardless of God or not. It's an asshole thing to do, that's self-evident. That's not arbitrary, it's common sense.
I like most users here but some users here are one or more of the following:
-really rude. Just imagine cucks telling us we need to improve our personalities. You are the reason for this.
-has never tried. You are the reason why cucks tell us to go outside and try.
-promotes violence. Again, you are the reason why people associate violence with inceldom even when it has nothing to do with inceldom.
-volcels. You demand to have movie start looking girl and refuse to go with your looksmatch or even below

To those users, please GTFO
didnt read tbh
What happened to all the edgecels? This site use to be way more edgy and exciting to browse last year.
chad looks at her and she's ready to get creampied. such is life :feelsmusic:
No one but Chad will get that look not normies or even chad-lites no this look is only for 8+/10 looking men, the girls look at them with such admiration like they are a demi-god sent to earth.
It's got nothing to do with God. If I hit you unprovoked, it's immoral regardless of God or not. It's an asshole thing to do, that's self-evident. That's not arbitrary, it's common sense.

If a snake kills a chicken was it immoral? (or does morality only arbitrarily apply to humans?)

Morality doesn't exist, one action is bad in one circumstance and yet good in another, there are too many variables and its used to arbitrarily by humans to say it actually exists, its just a concept in our minds, its not real

Lets say I shoot and kill a man, is it immoral?

Now lets say I shot and killed that man in self defense because he was robbing me at gun point, is it immoral that I killed him still?

Now lets say he was robbing me to get money to feed children at an orphanage, was his act of trying to rob me immoral?

Now lets say he told me his cause while robbing me, and I refused and said "fuck orphans" (lol), was I immoral to refuse giving away my own money?

If a snake kills a chicken was it immoral? (or does morality only arbitrarily apply to humans?)

Morality doesn't exist, one action is bad in one circumstance and yet good in another, there are too many variables and its used to arbitrarily by humans to say it actually exists, its just a concept in our minds, its not real

Lets say I shoot and kill a man, is it immoral?

Now lets say I shot and killed that man in self defense because he was robbing me at gun point, is it immoral that I killed him still?

Now lets say he was robbing me to get money to feed children at an orphanage, was his act of trying to rob me immoral?

Now lets say he told me his cause while robbing me, and I refused and said "fuck orphans" (lol), was I immoral to refuse giving away my own money?

morals are relative, power is absolute
Lets say I shoot and kill a man, is it immoral?
Now lets say I shot and killed that man in self defense because he was robbing me at gun point, is it immoral that I killed him still?
Now lets say he was robbing me to get money to feed children at an orphanage, was his act of trying to rob me immoral?
Now lets say he told me his cause while robbing me, and I refused and said "fuck orphans" (lol), was I immoral to refuse giving away my own money?
I agree that the morality of giving your money away is subjective, but saying "Fuck orphans" is rude and therefore immoral.
Morality doesn't exist.
Bro, I like you but you really need to look up the continuum fallacy.
Bro, I like you but you really need to look up the continuum fallacy.

Looked it up, and not seeing how it applies here, my argument isn't just that morality doesn't exist because its vague, it doesn't exist because it isn't an actual ruleset, its not like gravity, people decide for themselves what is moral, morality isn't real, there is nothing about an act that makes it "good" or "evil", acts just take place, its humans that define acts based on our personal beliefs
But power necessarily imposes it's own morals. This is true for any hierarchical structure.

Power doesn't impose morals, it imposes rules, the implications of "morals" is some set of "higher standards" that are inherently right, and their "rightness" is innate to the universe
Power doesn't impose morals, it imposes rules, the implications of "morals" is some set of "higher standards" that are inherently right, and their "rightness" is innate to the universe

Yes, but who decides what those rules are? And on what ground? Is a functioning (hierarchical) society the "moral" choice?
promotes violence. Again, you are the reason why people associate violence with inceldom even when it has nothing to do with inceldom.
Inceldom leads to a life of frustration and anger, it’s not a surprise it leads some promoting violence, it’s just their way of venting.
If a snake kills a chicken was it immoral? (or does morality only arbitrarily apply to humans?)

Morality doesn't exist, one action is bad in one circumstance and yet good in another, there are too many variables and its used to arbitrarily by humans to say it actually exists, its just a concept in our minds, its not real

Lets say I shoot and kill a man, is it immoral?

Now lets say I shot and killed that man in self defense because he was robbing me at gun point, is it immoral that I killed him still?

Now lets say he was robbing me to get money to feed children at an orphanage, was his act of trying to rob me immoral?

Now lets say he told me his cause while robbing me, and I refused and said "fuck orphans" (lol), was I immoral to refuse giving away my own money?


Yeah, it only applies to humans and not the animal kingdom, because we're the ones who decided to be moral to one another. It being a "concept in our minds" doesn't make it fake. It doesn't need to be a decree from God, or some observable phenomenon in nature. It's pure and simple: Don't be a dick to people.

And your examples aren't as complex as you seem to think. I already said...

If I hit somebody out of the blue, and then they hit me back, that affects me negatively, but it's not immoral. I deserve it. And it's simple why I deserve it: Because I hit that guy for no reason. Now, if he hits me for no reason, that's immoral. Because you shouldn't be a jerk to people.

So yeah, if you shoot somebody in self defense, if you needed to shoot them because they were menacing you and it was the only way to survive, that's fine. Even if he's feeding orphans, you have a right to defend yourself from people's who are purposefully threatening your life.
I just ignore everything i don't like

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