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RageFuel Can't stand the faggotry on looksmax

  • Thread starter Deleted member 12355
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Deleted member 12355

Deleted member 12355

radical times demand radical solutions
Aug 12, 2018
Too much normie bluepilled cuckery shit and too many confirmed chadlites on that site. There's even an open homosexual who's allowed to operate freely as an active member. Under no restrictions from the mods, he's able to state his sexual deviancy as if it's perfectly normal when it's in fact in complete defiance of everything natural. There's also a lot of incel bashing and bragging going on. Can't stand it as a sub5 male. I suppose what really pushed me over the edge is the fact that the fucking gay is still allowed to post. So for better or worse, I'm back boyos. I probably wont be as active as I was before

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Spare yourself and stay away from their Rating Megathread :feelsrope:
Welcome back man. :feelsautistic:

I agree that faggotry has no place in this world.
Hey nice to see you back, always enjoyed your posts
Was wondering where you where.


jfl at the self help shill threads
then dont browse it retard, idk why people complain about shit IT and other cucks post just dont look at it that simple
then dont browse it retard, idk why people complain about shit IT and other cucks post just dont look at it that simple
Yes, that was the whole point of my thread. I can't stand it, hence I'm leaving it and returning to .is
Lookmax site is so cucked i cant stand it
looksmax is a refugee camp for banned users
I could never get into that site.
I get it, but I'm probably going to stay over there. @Grok's there now, by the way. @IntolerantSocialist's only option is to post there and he seems to be getting sick of it already too, though. I have way less to talk about over there and it's probably better that way. One is always running into bluepills from preening narcissists, yeah, but it's really no worse than all the gooba gabba shit over here from whatever malcontent wants to run Just Gibs Me Dat game at any given moment:

Funny..yet we have cunts like @Ledgemund who got laid
Why are you back? the non virgin squad is back I guess @Ledgemund reply here cunt
This. A garbage website. I consider it a containment website for the worst users from here, the only problem is it doesn't contain shit. The users with an IQ that's above 2 but still less than 5 go from here to there and just create new usernames to shit on inceldom and in general, say a lot of blue pill shit, you should see some of the threads there. And then there's the users with IQs <=2 like @Ledgemund and @Zyros who use the same usernames there and brag anyways, knowing full well someone is gonna spot it and share it here, further boosting their insatiable ego.

Why are you nancyboys tagging me?

Bolded is particularly funny in this context. Knowing full well BronzeCocksaSnack is going to spam the "brag" everywhere then complain that it gets spammed everywhere.

Don't expect that I'm going to humor the next eeks down the line with a response. This only constitutes an addendum to my parting words to @DeformAspergerCel - too bad you didn't stay to aid the defense against the normienigs tbh. I might be checking PMs every now and then if you plan on staying in contact.
I get it, but I'm probably going to stay over there. @Grok's there now, by the way. @IntolerantSocialist's only option is to post there and he seems to be getting sick of it already too, though. I have way less to talk about over there and it's probably better that way. One is always running into bluepills from preening narcissists, yeah, but it's really no worse than all the gooba gabba shit over here from whatever malcontent wants to run Just Gibs Me Dat game at any given moment:

Why are you nancyboys tagging me?

Bolded is particularly funny in this context. Knowing full well BronzeCocksaSnack is going to spam the "brag" everywhere then complain that it gets spammed everywhere.

Don't expect that I'm going to humor the next eeks down the line with a response. This only constitutes an addendum to my parting words to @DeformAspergerCel - too bad you didn't stay to aid the defense against the normienigs tbh. I might be checking PMs every now and then if you plan on staying in contact.
Ah yes. You'll certainly be a missing addition to this site, but as I outlined in some of my posts on looksmax, .is is a sinking ship. I'll only post here when there's time to kill from now on, as opposed to letting it consume my existence as I did in the past. Although, with an obsessive aspie personality, that's easier said than done. As a few final words I'll say this: You were and continue to be my favorite poster on .is
The accuracy with which you write is unprecedented compared to most of the stuff I've ever read. I'm not one for sucking cock, and I certainly do have some disagreements with you, but as a final goodbye it is only appropriate that I express the depth to which I appreciated some of your posts. It's unlikely that I'll pm you because that's just depressing. Godspeed
lmao, why do you hate gays so much? less competition tbh.
20111121150543 original

Everyone is trying to get everyone else censored, ruined, denounced, and killed. There is a group above the fray that is rubbing their hands, laughing at the mayhem they've created. They want us to attack and despise each other. Divide and conquer is as old as man.
There is a group above the fray that is rubbing their hands, laughing at the mayhem they've created.
you mean that coward mr.house, he sits in his casino all day and LDARs while plotting world domination
Don't know why you even bothered going there, I would never bother even joining.
Now you see why we dislike them so much.
Don't know why you even bothered going there, I would never bother even joining.
thought it would be like this + the ambition to looksmax. Boy was I wrong
lmao, why do you hate gays so much?
Tbh. Gays aren't bad and it's not like they can just change their sexuality. If they could, we would all be volcels. Gays can't be incels, though, so if he joined here it would be understandable. Looksmax is not specifically for incels so it's not our place to judge who is on there and not.
Tbh. Gays aren't bad and it's not like they can just change their sexuality. If they could, we would all be volcels. Gays can't be incels, though, so if he joined here it would be understandable. Looksmax is not specifically for incels so it's not our place to judge who is on there and not.
Gays are at the tip of the iceberg that sexually low status males have to overcome should they wish topple the current world order that's fucking them so bad. Don't bore me with evolution arguments, I've heard them all before.
Gays are at the tip of the iceberg that sexually low status males have to overcome should they wish topple the current world order that's fucking them so bad. Don't bore me with evolution arguments, I've heard them all before.
Not sure why the new world order has anything to do with this. I meant that gay people are not inherently bad and there's nothing wrong with a gay person on looksmax, as it's not exclusively an incel site. They're fine with me as long as they are not acting like females when they aren't.
Not sure why the new world order has anything to do with this. I meant that gay people are not inherently bad and there's nothing wrong with a gay person on looksmax, as it's not exclusively an incel site. They're fine with me as long as they are not acting like females when they aren't.
The new world order is precisely why they exist. And part of ridding ourselves of the pest that is modern decadence, which is at the root of inceldom, is doing away with faggotry and every other variety of degeneracy once in for all. We don't have to cull them necessarily, although I don't personally object to such a treatment. Perhaps gays need to be put down like the sick dogs they are.
“Redpill” communities are cancer. There are people who just look for places where to talk about their success with women, and redpill community serves that purpose.

In Italy it’s the same, where mods and cuckmins are not incels, not even close, but they LARP and socialmax to meet “redpilled women”, just like what happened in the MGTOWsphere.

There are LARPers who uses this community as a place to get validation and support, parasites.

I suggest them to join PUA communities or redpill/seduction communities.
The new world order is precisely why they exist. And part of ridding ourselves of the pest that is modern decadence, which is at the root of inceldom, is doing away with faggotry and every other variety of degeneracy once in for all. We don't have to cull them necessarily, although I don't personally object to such a treatment. Perhaps gays need to be put down like the sick dogs they are.
That would include other mental illnesses like Asperger's, which you yourself have. Would you agree to an organisation "culling" you because of something you can't change? Culling people would not help to destroy degeneracy; a social change would actually make an impact instead of an empty murder of relatively innocent people.
That would include other mental illnesses like Asperger's, which you yourself have. Would you agree to an organisation "culling" you because of something you can't change? Culling people would not help to destroy degeneracy; a social change would actually make an impact instead of an empty murder of relatively innocent people.
There's nothing "innocent" about taking cock up your ass. Aspergers is a meme which means something entirely different in today's highly effeminate society than it did 100 years ago. I'm not suggesting Nationalsocialism or that we model our eugenics program on Aktion T4, although that is certainly one of the many options available. I would've been sterilized in Hitler's Germany because of my facial deformity, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they had valid points, some of which, though not all, should be pursued today
the looksmax forums are not about looksmaxxing at all, it's about a group of redpillers circle jerking each other, assaulting everyone for their beliefs and the moderation there is cucked of course.
the only active mod is this pajeet idiot that cried he's gonna off himself and posted the next day @11gaijin that gives warnings to whoever he wants to and choses to ignore obvious rule violations because he is part of the redpill/non-incel group. Basic cuck.
Looksmax is where banned fakecels go to show their true colors
There's nothing "innocent" about taking cock up your ass. Aspergers is a meme which means something entirely different in today's highly effeminate society than it did 100 years ago. I'm not suggesting Nationalsocialism or that we model our eugenics program on Aktion T4, although that is certainly one of the many options available. I would've been sterilized in Hitler's Germany because of my facial deformity, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they had valid points, some of which, though not all, should be pursued today
I agree with some of eugenics, involving stopping things like our facial deformaties as they have significantly impacted our lives, among other preventable genetic abnormalities. However, homosexuality is not genetic; it is an affliction or mental illness caused by the environment. This could be remedied through social reform discouraging homosexuality.

People who are gay, though, deserve some sort of happiness as it is not they who have chosen that path, similar to us in a way. I don't think they deserve complete annihilation through violent means, and should be generally accepted in places where they belong. Obviously, none of this is in our control but it doesn't detract from the fact that they face an insurmountable obstacle in the form of their brain, which is easily preventable in a society which accepts them, mirroring our situation in a way: we would be happy if we were allowed by societal norms to be in a relationship or have someone who cares for us.
I agree with some of eugenics, involving stopping things like our facial deformaties as they have significantly impacted our lives, among other preventable genetic abnormalities. However, homosexuality is not genetic; it is an affliction or mental illness caused by the environment. This could be remedied through social reform discouraging homosexuality.

People who are gay, though, deserve some sort of happiness as it is not they who have chosen that path, similar to us in a way. I don't think they deserve complete annihilation through violent means, and should be generally accepted in places where they belong. Obviously, none of this is in our control but it doesn't detract from the fact that they face an insurmountable obstacle in the form of their brain, which is easily preventable in a society which accepts them, mirroring our situation in a way: we would be happy if we were allowed by societal norms to be in a relationship or have someone who cares for us.
It's partially genetic, partially environmental. As I said, gays represent the tip of the ice berg that we have to overcome, should we wish to topple the current world order that's fucking us so bad. If you can't understand that, then that's not my issue. Any society which tolerates pest infested rats to congregate in its cathedrals is bound to collapse. It's simply the way nature works
I get it, but I'm probably going to stay over there. @Grok's there now, by the way. @IntolerantSocialist's only option is to post there and he seems to be getting sick of it already too, though. I have way less to talk about over there and it's probably better that way. One is always running into bluepills from preening narcissists, yeah, but it's really no worse than all the gooba gabba shit over here from whatever malcontent wants to run Just Gibs Me Dat game at any given moment:

Why are you nancyboys tagging me?

Bolded is particularly funny in this context. Knowing full well BronzeCocksaSnack is going to spam the "brag" everywhere then complain that it gets spammed everywhere.

Don't expect that I'm going to humor the next eeks down the line with a response. This only constitutes an addendum to my parting words to @DeformAspergerCel - too bad you didn't stay to aid the defense against the normienigs tbh. I might be checking PMs every now and then if you plan on staying in contact.
Fuck off to looksmax faggot. Request your ban already if you're going.
View attachment 70152

Everyone is trying to get everyone else censored, ruined, denounced, and killed. There is a group above the fray that is rubbing their hands, laughing at the mayhem they've created. They want us to attack and despise each other. Divide and conquer is as old as man.
go paddock
jfl at going to that gaysite
jfl if you think being gay isn't a mental disorder.
I agree with some of eugenics, involving stopping things like our facial deformaties as they have significantly impacted our lives, among other preventable genetic abnormalities. However, homosexuality is not genetic; it is an affliction or mental illness caused by the environment. This could be remedied through social reform discouraging homosexuality.

People who are gay, though, deserve some sort of happiness as it is not they who have chosen that path, similar to us in a way. I don't think they deserve complete annihilation through violent means, and should be generally accepted in places where they belong. Obviously, none of this is in our control but it doesn't detract from the fact that they face an insurmountable obstacle in the form of their brain, which is easily preventable in a society which accepts them, mirroring our situation in a way: we would be happy if we were allowed by societal norms to be in a relationship or have someone who cares for us.
accepted? why? what sort of man can tolerate the gays, a sort of creature that sees other men as prey, and even be comfortable around such an abomination and still call himself a man? surely no one sensible could bear being around them, being seen in such a light by them. what's more, the more accepted they are, the more accepted "degeneracy", so to speak, in general will be in our society. this includes feminism and etc. these sort of things are tied to each other quite strongly.
accepted? why? what sort of man can tolerate the gays, a sort of creature that sees other men as prey, and even be comfortable around such an abomination and still call himself a man? surely no one sensible could bear being around them, being seen in such a light by them. what's more, the more accepted they are, the more accepted "degeneracy", so to speak, in general will be in our society. this includes feminism and etc. these sort of things are tied to each other quite strongly.

gays are the biggest danger to turbomanlet prettyboys, fuck i would hate them in your position too (i hate them already though)
I don't agree w faggots allowed there

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