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Blackpill Can't Believe Lookism is Real (Yet It Evidently is)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 35725
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Deleted member 35725

Deleted member 35725

mogged by reality
Jul 24, 2021
Sometimes I just can't wrap my mind around the grim reality of lookism.

For all of my miserable, incel life, I have tried my hardest to look past people's appearances and to examine the contents of their characters.

Perhaps I did not always succeed in ignoring the way other people look, but generally speaking, I never made friends based on looks; never fawned over anyone because of looks; never regarded -- consciously or subconsciously -- people who look good as better than those who don't. Just the opposite: I assumed that good-looking people are more likely to be real-life villains, to be bad people, because it's been fixed in my mind that beauty is superficial, so if you look good, you must have a crappy personality, and you are probably dumb, as you focus so much on your appearance, instead of focusing on your inner world; and as normies all praise your appearance, surely, you aren't very likely to end up a humble, meek, generous, kind person, but rather a self-absorbed narcissist. If you look good, you have it all too easy in life, you can more easily manipulate people, and you are probably boring and vain, so went my thinking.

I have always despised superficiality. For the most part, my crushes fell upon regular-looking girls, never the "hottest girl in class," whose entire idiotic personality boils down to her looks. "Oh, look how hot she is," "check out this guy's muscles," "OMG look how tall he is," "damn, she looks so cute," "amazing hair on that dude," all of that superficial nonsense never connected with me. Who cares what people (male or female) look like, for God's sake? What matters is if you are good-natured, intelligent, helpful - or otherwise. I want my friends to treat me well and respectfully, to be there when I need their help, to understand me, my troubles, my struggles - who gives a flying fuck if they are 4 PSL or 8 PSL? Literally, who cares?

Yet, in 2021, I learned that virtually 99.9% of people operate according to altogether different rules than I do. Specifically, I learned that the "emphatic sex," foids, are so focused on looks, that they literally cannot perceive personality whatsoever; if you look good, you can have the personality of a brick wall, and they will still consider you "interesting"; and if you don't look good, you could have genius-tier IQ, humor that wouldn't embarrass any a standup comedian, and have the richest inner world within any room you happen to be in - and none of that would matter in the slightest. Whereas I really do care exclusively about the personalities of my interlocutors, and possess no genuine regard for any superficial traits, it seems that foids are 100% superficial, at least when it comes to mate-choice. Learning that niceness doesn't get you laid was hard enough in 2011 (wait, why shouldn't you be drawn to be people who are nice? Why shouldn't niceness be rewarded with romantic selection? Since we all instinctively prefer the company of nice people, it's only natural to assume that this preference carries over into mate-choice. Yet, it evidently doesn't, at least not for foids); but learning that even "game," or confidence, or alphaness, or what-have-you, is pretty much irrelevant -- learning that the redpill is a lie -- and that first and foremost, you need to look good, was a real shocker for me. It goes against everything I am naturally programmed to believe.

I just find it so hard to grasp that this is actually how the world operates. Looks are everything. Whereas I would assume that people are rewarded for their talents, their behavior, their achievements - it turns out that on the dating market, none of that is relevant. You can shove your "achievements" up your rectum, if you don't have good looks. Since foids are the "nurturing sex," one would assume that they would be able to see past superficial traits such as the length of your femur and tibia, the distance between your shoulders, the dimensions of your jawline, your overall skull measures, the size of your penis, or the density of your hair. In my personal life, I never give a damn about anything like that. Who cares? When it comes to dating, all the girls I have been interested in, caught my eye because they looked like nice people, not because I had the measures of their boobs or the weights of their butts or whatever. I guess I'm a freak, then. But it's hard for me to grasp that the only traits that consistently get you laid are the superficial ones, and that the entire world worships (and is mesmerized by) beauty and is centered on such shallow bullshit. When I get a new job, I want my boss to be kind and respectful; I couldn't care less what he or she looks like. If that is the case when it comes to one's boss, it should apply all the more so to one's lifelong partner, right? Yet, it doesn't; mates are chosen according to shallow traits. The person you are going to spend your life with, or at least the duration of your relationship, is chosen according to centimeters, rather than character. Isn't that baffling, to say the least?

Coming to terms with the reality of the blackpill is tough, in particular for someone who is used to judging people according to their behavior, indeed, taking conscious effort to disregard looks (attractive or unattractive) and to see the character of the person before me. I've always attempted to see if the good-looking person before me is actually nasty on the inside, or if the ugly person I come across is in fact an angel on the inside. I have taught myself to disregard other people's looks. Indeed, I had been disregarding my own looks before 2021, when it finally dawned on me -- at the age of 26 -- that I had been doing a terrible disservice to myself by looking like canine feces instead of looksmaxxing to the extent I can. The realization that behavior is mostly irrelevant when it comes to acquiring sexual partners, that what I should have been focusing on and improving all these years is not my "game," but my looks, struck me like thunder from the sky. "I had to spend all these years as an incel... because I am 5'7"?" was truly a world-shattering, astonishing revelation for me.

When I see the foids on FDS (posted here; I don't go on Reddit myself) obsessively analyzing height, penis size, even income, it all looks so surreal to me. Do they not realize that these things just aren't important, fundamentally? Would you -- the foid lurker reading my words so intently -- really prefer a 6'2" tall 10"-dicked sugar-daddy who has the personality of a husk, over a normal and decent guy who will simply treat you well after a hard day's work because he actually appreciates you, regardless of what he looks like? Ah, but this is a rhetorical question only; of course they only care about the superficial stuff and not about anything to do with character. They never felt any shame in rejecting and humiliating men for being unattractive, and then when we complain about that lifelong mistreatment by foids, they proceed to call us "misogynists," because apparently, asking to be judged according to who you really are, not according to some extra centimeters here or there -- to be appreciated for the content of your character, not for how big muh dikk is -- is such horrible and unacceptable and intolerable "oppression." Yeah, FDS lurker, go back to your pathetic circlejerk to post about how men shorter than 6'2" are totally manlets; way to make civilization a better place, valuing centimeters over characters.

I am simply appalled that foids are such fanatical lookists; all their cheap talk about "personality" is nothing but empty virtue-signaling.

Chads get laid; unattractive manlets like me do not.

It's all so terribly sad, but there is no going back from the insights of the blackpill.

I am trapped in an idiotic, shallow, lookist world, and the only way for me to advance and to ameliorate my unfortunate lot in it is to improve my looks. Some people have always taken that realization for granted; to me, it was a punch in the belly, as everything I believed in for 26 years collapsed into rubble a few months ago, when I finally took the blackpill.

I'm just so sick of all this superficiality. Yet, that is the reality of the situation, which cannot and must not be avoided.
great text, but in the end the conclusions are always the same, there is no way out for us
Indeed it's brutal, lookism hit me like a freight train from a very young age.
Over for essaycels
Over for essaycels
I know; I write my essays so that even if 99% of posters with IQs <95 and zero attention spans will ignore them because muh tl;dr, at the very least, I hope that someone, somewhere, at some point, perhaps just a single nameless lurker, will find value in and benefit from my words. Even if I merely shout into the arid wilderness of brutal no-reply pills, someone out there will eventually discover these gems and perhaps will find them more useful than the usual one-liner shitposts this forum is inundated with.
Honestly, I'd been aware of the importance of looks and height before learning about the blackpill. But I'd just thought it wasn't very important and I didn't realize how ugly I am. Besides, I didn't understand women are very obsessed with men's height. Like, my thoughts were like "a 6'+ is tall and a 6'3+ is too tall, so there's no point to be taller than 6'".
Great post. Really enjoyed reading. I resonate with everything you said. Looks are everything.
I know; I write my essays so that even if 99% of posters with IQs <95 and zero attention spans will ignore them because muh tl;dr, at the very least, I hope that someone, somewhere, at some point, perhaps just a single nameless lurker, will find value in and benefit from my words. Even if I merely shout into the arid wilderness of brutal no-reply pills, someone out there will eventually discover these gems and perhaps will find them more useful than the usual one-liner shitposts this forum is inundated with.
I read it
Sometimes I just can't wrap my mind around the grim reality of lookism.

For all of my miserable, incel life, I have tried my hardest to look past people's appearances and to examine the contents of their characters.

Perhaps I did not always succeed in ignoring the way other people look, but generally speaking, I never made friends based on looks; never fawned over anyone because of looks; never regarded -- consciously or subconsciously -- people who look good as better than those who don't. Just the opposite: I assumed that good-looking people are more likely to be real-life villains, to be bad people, because it's been fixed in my mind that beauty is superficial, so if you look good, you must have a crappy personality, and you are probably dumb, as you focus so much on your appearance, instead of focusing on your inner world; and as normies all praise your appearance, surely, you aren't very likely to end up a humble, meek, generous, kind person, but rather a self-absorbed narcissist. If you look good, you have it all too easy in life, you can more easily manipulate people, and you are probably boring and vain, so went my thinking.

I have always despised superficiality. For the most part, my crushes fell upon regular-looking girls, never the "hottest girl in class," whose entire idiotic personality boils down to her looks. "Oh, look how hot she is," "check out this guy's muscles," "OMG look how tall he is," "damn, she looks so cute," "amazing hair on that dude," all of that superficial nonsense never connected with me. Who cares what people (male or female) look like, for God's sake? What matters is if you are good-natured, intelligent, helpful - or otherwise. I want my friends to treat me well and respectfully, to be there when I need their help, to understand me, my troubles, my struggles - who gives a flying fuck if they are 4 PSL or 8 PSL? Literally, who cares?

Yet, in 2021, I learned that virtually 99.9% of people operate according to altogether different rules than I do. Specifically, I learned that the "emphatic sex," foids, are so focused on looks, that they literally cannot perceive personality whatsoever; if you look good, you can have the personality of a brick wall, and they will still consider you "interesting"; and if you don't look good, you could have genius-tier IQ, humor that wouldn't embarrass any a standup comedian, and have the richest inner world within any room you happen to be in - and none of that would matter in the slightest. Whereas I really do care exclusively about the personalities of my interlocutors, and possess no genuine regard for any superficial traits, it seems that foids are 100% superficial, at least when it comes to mate-choice. Learning that niceness doesn't get you laid was hard enough in 2011 (wait, why shouldn't you be drawn to be people who are nice? Why shouldn't niceness be rewarded with romantic selection? Since we all instinctively prefer the company of nice people, it's only natural to assume that this preference carries over into mate-choice. Yet, it evidently doesn't, at least not for foids); but learning that even "game," or confidence, or alphaness, or what-have-you, is pretty much irrelevant -- learning that the redpill is a lie -- and that first and foremost, you need to look good, was a real shocker for me. It goes against everything I am naturally programmed to believe.

I just find it so hard to grasp that this is actually how the world operates. Looks are everything. Whereas I would assume that people are rewarded for their talents, their behavior, their achievements - it turns out that on the dating market, none of that is relevant. You can shove your "achievements" up your rectum, if you don't have good looks. Since foids are the "nurturing sex," one would assume that they would be able to see past superficial traits such as the length of your femur and tibia, the distance between your shoulders, the dimensions of your jawline, your overall skull measures, the size of your penis, or the density of your hair. In my personal life, I never give a damn about anything like that. Who cares? When it comes to dating, all the girls I have been interested in, caught my eye because they looked like nice people, not because I had the measures of their boobs or the weights of their butts or whatever. I guess I'm a freak, then. But it's hard for me to grasp that the only traits that consistently get you laid are the superficial ones, and that the entire world worships (and is mesmerized by) beauty and is centered on such shallow bullshit. When I get a new job, I want my boss to be kind and respectful; I couldn't care less what he or she looks like. If that is the case when it comes to one's boss, it should apply all the more so to one's lifelong partner, right? Yet, it doesn't; mates are chosen according to shallow traits. The person you are going to spend your life with, or at least the duration of your relationship, is chosen according to centimeters, rather than character. Isn't that baffling, to say the least?

Coming to terms with the reality of the blackpill is tough, in particular for someone who is used to judging people according to their behavior, indeed, taking conscious effort to disregard looks (attractive or unattractive) and to see the character of the person before me. I've always attempted to see if the good-looking person before me is actually nasty on the inside, or if the ugly person I come across is in fact an angel on the inside. I have taught myself to disregard other people's looks. Indeed, I had been disregarding my own looks before 2021, when it finally dawned on me -- at the age of 26 -- that I had been doing a terrible disservice to myself by looking like canine feces instead of looksmaxxing to the extent I can. The realization that behavior is mostly irrelevant when it comes to acquiring sexual partners, that what I should have been focusing on and improving all these years is not my "game," but my looks, struck me like thunder from the sky. "I had to spend all these years as an incel... because I am 5'7"?" was truly a world-shattering, astonishing revelation for me.

When I see the foids on FDS (posted here; I don't go on Reddit myself) obsessively analyzing height, penis size, even income, it all looks so surreal to me. Do they not realize that these things just aren't important, fundamentally? Would you -- the foid lurker reading my words so intently -- really prefer a 6'2" tall 10"-dicked sugar-daddy who has the personality of a husk, over a normal and decent guy who will simply treat you well after a hard day's work because he actually appreciates you, regardless of what he looks like? Ah, but this is a rhetorical question only; of course they only care about the superficial stuff and not about anything to do with character. They never felt any shame in rejecting and humiliating men for being unattractive, and then when we complain about that lifelong mistreatment by foids, they proceed to call us "misogynists," because apparently, asking to be judged according to who you really are, not according to some extra centimeters here or there -- to be appreciated for the content of your character, not for how big muh dikk is -- is such horrible and unacceptable and intolerable "oppression." Yeah, FDS lurker, go back to your pathetic circlejerk to post about how men shorter than 6'2" are totally manlets; way to make civilization a better place, valuing centimeters over characters.

I am simply appalled that foids are such fanatical lookists; all their cheap talk about "personality" is nothing but empty virtue-signaling.

Chads get laid; unattractive manlets like me do not.

It's all so terribly sad, but there is no going back from the insights of the blackpill.

I am trapped in an idiotic, shallow, lookist world, and the only way for me to advance and to ameliorate my unfortunate lot in it is to improve my looks. Some people have always taken that realization for granted; to me, it was a punch in the belly, as everything I believed in for 26 years collapsed into rubble a few months ago, when I finally took the blackpill.

I'm just so sick of all this superficiality. Yet, that is the reality of the situation, which cannot and must not be avoided.
ya you sound like your personal life will be used against you ya have everything but the ability to attract women and you’re playing the game called life. Your family might turn against you and your job won’t like you if ya can’t have relationships and you’re not attractive so then they plot against you
I could not look past an ugly girls face for her personality lol so why would women do the same. Looks are all there is in life.
I could not look past an ugly girls face for her personality lol so why would women do the same. Looks are all there is in life.
If I foid is 1/10 in the face, I would have to strain myself, but with sufficient effort and determination, I could look past that.

Anything higher than 1/10, I don't mind at all.

But how is this relevant? 95% of incels here aren't 1/10 or 2/10 in the face; most here are 3/10 or higher, including you by the way.
I am trapped in an idiotic, shallow, lookist world, and the only way for me to advance and to ameliorate my unfortunate lot in it is to improve my looks. Some people have always taken that realization for granted; to me, it was a punch in the belly, as everything I believed in for 26 years collapsed into rubble a few months ago, when I finally took the blackpill.

I'm just so sick of all this superficiality. Yet, that is the reality of the situation, which cannot and must not be avoided.

We were doomed from the very start, from the very first second.
If there is a way out, it will be through improving our copes. Making money for oursleves and our own materialistic pleasures and well-being.

It might still not be enough. But it's either this or roping anyway.
If I foid is 1/10 in the face, I would have to strain myself, but with sufficient effort and determination, I could look past that.

Anything higher than 1/10, I don't mind at all.

But how is this relevant? 95% of incels here aren't 1/10 or 2/10 in the face; most here are 3/10 or higher, including you by the way.
You can't know that for sure you haven't seen me, but you forget I'm ginger , that is kinda like being ethnic right? Maybe not AS bad but it's not jbw tier. It's the worst white phenotype by far. (at least rice)

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@benshapirosugarbaby/video/6942283222071954693?is_from_webapp=v1&q=ginger%20boys%20ew&t=1631903084642

Not me bro I'm staceylite only /s
You can't know that for sure you haven't seen me, but you forget I'm ginger , that is kinda like being ethnic right?
Well, I never walked in those shoes, so I have no idea how bad it is to be a ginger. I guess ginger + acne scars is a failo sufficient to render one an incel, though there is still a long, long way to go from there to being a 5'2" bald curry janitor truecel. I believe that you will eventually be able to ascend despite your face, as I will eventually be able to ascend despite my height.
Well, I never walked in those shoes, so I have no idea how bad it is to be a ginger. I guess ginger + acne scars is a failo sufficient to render one an incel, though there is still a long, long way to go from there to being a 5'2" bald curry janitor truecel. I believe that you will eventually be able to ascend despite your face, as I will eventually be able to ascend despite my height.
I was kinda joking. Being ginger isn't so bad cus there are a lot of ginger fetishes actually. Being a ginger may be a halo enough to this minority of girls that they can overlook my skin. So I believe I may be able to ascend with a TRULY rare girl, but that is going to take A LOT of grinding, and even if it happens it's going to be hard to replace.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@mgkisbae101/video/6963364448316689669

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@rosiewhelan.x/video/6977058394662292742

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@v1ctoriyah/video/6909579237531880709

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@tbhjustolivia/video/7005364705783057669

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@5ameliaa/video/6943675053699550470
Being ginger isn't so bad cus there are a lot of ginger fetishes actually. Being a ginger may be a halo enough to this minority of girls that they can overlook my skin.
Okay, so you have these videos that are lifefuel for you.

Still waiting for TikToks of girls with a fetish for short men that aren't sales funnels for their OnlyFans accounts.
I agree with you. It was also shattering when I realized at 14 or so. Shame I focused on the redpill and not looksmaxx.

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