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It's Over Can't believe I may have to commit suicide. I don't want to

So today I have officially begun planning for my death. Here's a brief outline:

-Fast for two weeks to lose rest of the weight
- If face leans out, suicide will be cancelled
- If face is still ugly.......
-Kill myself at a practice range or my workplace
I may livestream it for you guys but I'm somewhat hesitant because I don't want to be bestgore material.
It sucks I may have to die at 18 but I'd be avoiding a life of perpetual misery if I just put a bullet in my mouth now.
Wish me luck. I don't know how you all keep living. I'll keep you updated on my results.

PM me your face and i can already tell you if it would be worth to lean out
Lmao get lean in 2 weeks or death, youngcels these days. Stop being such a cunt and start making efforts for longer periods and your results will arrive.
that depends on OP's height and weight and BMR. Normally water fasting with some low intensitiy cardio should yield 2000 kcal daily, which means in two days, 4000 kcal means a pound lost with 500 extra calories.

if OP keeps that up, with cardio and maintains the goal of burning 2000 kcal daily he could burn about 28000 kcal which is about 8 pounds
You are way too volatile if you're thinking about offing yourself at 18, man.
Try seeing the humor in things a little.

You've taken in so much blackpill that you're thinking of killing yourself while still in school / without a settled work environment and peer group.
And if you're going to do brutal looksmaxes or regimens, make sure that the advice you're getting is actually sound.
Water fasting gets you quick results.

Depending on how overweight you are 2 weeks is nowhere near enough bro. Plus, fasting is very difficult. I've tried. Longest I could stand was 6 days before hunger pain and weakness set in. Like, my stomach was constantly hurting and just standing up would make me feel like passing out. So 2 weeks? Forget it. Your survival instinct will kick in and you will be unable to resist the urge to eat. Unless you have an iron will, but let's face it, most of us on this forum dont.

I recommend partial fasting. 3 days on of eating a well balanced caloric intake of mostly fruits and vegetables (about 1500 calories). 3 days off and fasting. Keep doing that until you get results. That's what I'm currently doing. I'm 40 pounds overweight, I know your pain. Dont give up. Losing a significant amount of weight can definitely improve your appearance.

To those thincels out there reading this: dont use food as a cope. Being overweight/fat is suicide fuel. And it's hard as fuck to lose weight.
dont do it op cucktears are gona enjoy every second of your suicide they would even fap to it its not worth it stop and wait more years to do your leanmaxxing plans and try to find good copes i know these sentenses are meaningless but you need to hold on and try
Fuck it, free up some jobs at work tbh.
Life is a bitch, man but you may still have a chance. I can’t gurantee it but maybe there is a girl that does find you attractive but like I said, It’s not a guarantee and I’m not bluepilling you here either.
So today I have officially begun planning for my death. Here's a brief outline:

-Fast for two weeks to lose rest of the weight
- If face leans out, suicide will be cancelled
- If face is still ugly.......
-Kill myself at a practice range or my workplace
I may livestream it for you guys but I'm somewhat hesitant because I don't want to be bestgore material.
It sucks I may have to die at 18 but I'd be avoiding a life of perpetual misery if I just put a bullet in my mouth now.
Wish me luck. I don't know how you all keep living. I'll keep you updated on my results.
dude dont just kill yourself like a plain normie faggot
either you power through this phase or power through a bunch of foids
aka just fucking go ER if you already want to go
OP, do you have a job? Your own place? A car? A family that cares about you?

If so, you are better off than a lot of people on this site, including myself. Just remember that there are plenty of ugly incels who have lead rich, fulfilling lives. At least spend your 20s enjoying some HQ copes before pulling that trigger. Chances are that, by the age of 30, you will realise that a fishy-smelling hole belonging to a fake, evil, and rapidly-decaying creature ranks fairly low in the global scheme of things.

But the choice is yours; no-one can say that it is immoral to end your own life--one that you never consented to. Nor is it immoral to exterminate the wicked people who enjoyed making you suffer.
OP, do you have a job? Your own place? A car? A family that cares about you?

If so, you are better off than a lot of people on this site, including myself. Just remember that there are plenty of ugly incels who have lead rich, fulfilling lives. At least spend your 20s enjoying some HQ copes before pulling that trigger. Chances are that, by the age of 30, you will realise that a fishy-smelling hole belonging to a fake, evil, and rapidly-decaying creature ranks fairly low in the global scheme of things.

But the choice is yours; no-one can say that it is immoral to end your own life--one that you never consented to. Nor is it immoral to exterminate the wicked people who enjoyed making you suffer.
IT won't touch this answer
You're too young, but I respect your desition. But at least make some proofs that you're an incel like showing part of your face,wrist,etc. And btw maybe you are a locationcel. Anyways good look.
You'll need to train yourself before you're able to do even 1 week of fasting without it being an abolute torture, let alone 2 weeks.
Start off with one or two days of fasting per week and increase it gradually
JFL at the oldcels gate keeping ITT.

OP, at the end of the day it's your choice what you want to do and I'm not going to say suicide isn't the solution to problems, because in some instances it is.
All I will say is try and find copes and give yourself more time to lose weight, because losing substantial weight in 3 months without assistance isn't feasible.
that depends on OP's height and weight and BMR. Normally water fasting with some low intensitiy cardio should yield 2000 kcal daily, which means in two days, 4000 kcal means a pound lost with 500 extra calories.

if OP keeps that up, with cardio and maintains the goal of burning 2000 kcal daily he could burn about 28000 kcal which is about 8 pounds
Water fasting alone sounds retarded enough, even more adding cardio to it lol. He is 18, he should get on a diet, move his ass bit and stop being so edgy. If I were him I'd look into hairline preservation rather than stupid shit like water fastng lol.
Calm down bro. I'm 22 and still holding out fine.
Well if you do decide to kill yourself then please livestream it, there's nothing wrong with suicide
dude dont just kill yourself like a plain normie faggot
either you power through this phase or power through a bunch of foids
aka just fucking go ER if you already want to go
Everything comes to an end at some point. Some just earlier than others.
It’s not over at 18 trust me I’m 40
You might feel like it’s over in the moment, but just hang on and make a plan
I wish I was 18 again And I expect you’re better looking than me
If it's your time it's your time, but you are probably just attention seeking like 99,99% of people discussing this topic in this way. If you are not, I wish you good luck!
If u commit suicide u have big gay

I recommend you to ctb with n.
Brother, if you think life brings more pain than pleasure, suicide is the way to go. Deeply consider it. I'll support you whether or not you commit suicide. Keep us updated.
If you are brave enough, then do it, man. The world is not worth living.
Try going to a church service, usually helps me.

OP, do you have a job? Your own place? A car? A family that cares about you?

If so, you are better off than a lot of people on this site, including myself. Just remember that there are plenty of ugly incels who have lead rich, fulfilling lives. At least spend your 20s enjoying some HQ copes before pulling that trigger. Chances are that, by the age of 30, you will realise that a fishy-smelling hole belonging to a fake, evil, and rapidly-decaying creature ranks fairly low in the global scheme of things.

But the choice is yours; no-one can say that it is immoral to end your own life--one that you never consented to. Nor is it immoral to exterminate the wicked people who enjoyed making you suffer.
If you commit suicide you are no longer subhuman. You are no longer incel.
Try going to a church service, usually helps me.

this is awful advice. they're going to straight up think you're a pedo if you go alone

i don't even think single straight men are allowed in churches in the west
Hold out a little bit longer if you can otherwise find some foids and make the world a bettER place
because I don't want to be bestgore material.
It will be fap fuel for guys over there. You should at the very least charge them.
OP, do you have a job? Your own place? A car? A family that cares about you?

If so, you are better off than a lot of people on this site, including myself. Just remember that there are plenty of ugly incels who have lead rich, fulfilling lives. At least spend your 20s enjoying some HQ copes before pulling that trigger. Chances are that, by the age of 30, you will realise that a fishy-smelling hole belonging to a fake, evil, and rapidly-decaying creature ranks fairly low in the global scheme of things.

But the choice is yours; no-one can say that it is immoral to end your own life--one that you never consented to. Nor is it immoral to exterminate the wicked people who enjoyed making you suffer.
High iq.
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Don't rope. Make the world a bettER place instead.
Honestly bro, you should wait a few more years. Some incels are like 45-50 even. I'm 23. If you're gonna rope, at least wait a little. You still have a chance at ascending

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