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News Canada Will Soon Offer Assisted Suicide For Mental Illnesses



Yikes, let's unpack this sweaty. Tee hee.
Oct 1, 2019

This is great news. Drepressedcels that have tried every treatment available and can no longer cope won't have to suffer further. Now they can rope with dignity. Serge and Master aren't here anymore but this is a great victory for a cause they championed for years :feelsautistic:

More relevant parts:
One year from now, in March 2023, Canada will become one of the few nations in the world allowing medical aid in dying, or MAID, for people whose sole underlying condition is depression, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD or any other mental affliction. In the Netherlands, MAID for irremediable psychiatric suffering has been regulated by law since 2002, and a new study by van Veen and colleagues underscores just how complicated it can be. How do you define “grievous and irremediable” in psychiatry? Is it possible to conclude, with any certainty or confidence, that a mental illness has no prospect of ever improving? What has been done, what has been tried, and is it enough?
Canada’s high court ruled in 2015 that an absolute prohibition on doctor assisted dying violated the Charter, that competent adults suffering a “grievous and irremediable” medical condition causing intolerable physical or psychological suffering had a constitutional right to medically hastened death.

That decision formed the impetus for Canada’s MAID law, Bill C-14, which allowed for assisted dying in cases where natural death was “reasonably foreseeable.”

In 2019, a Quebec Superior Court justice ruled the reasonably foreseeable death restriction unconstitutional, and that people who were intolerably suffering but not imminently dying still had a constitutional right to be eligible for euthanasia.
In March 2021, Bill C-7 was passed that made changes to the eligibility criteria. Gone is the “reasonably foreseeable” criterion and, as of March 17, 2023, when a two-year sunset clause expires, MAID will be expanded to competent adults whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness.

Already, the removal of imminent death has made MAID requests far more complex, providers say. These are known as “Track Two” requests. At least 90 days must pass between the first assessment and the administration of MAID. Most involve chronic, unrelenting physical pain — nerve impingement, significant muscle spasms, neuropathic pain, chronic headaches. Ottawa MAID providers have received roughly 80 Track Two requests over the past year. “I think we’ve had only two proceed,” said Dr. Viren Naik, medical director of the MAID program for the greater Ottawa area. Of the 30 providers within The Ottawa Hospital program, only four are willing to see Track Two patients, and Naik says he’s probably going to lose two more of them. Many are conflicted when people aren’t close to dying. “Making sure that they’re not requesting MAID because they’re vulnerable in any way has also been a challenge. If I take that to mental health, I think those issues are only going to compound.”
Euthanasia for mental illness has, in fact, already occurred in Canada. Testifying before a Senate committee studying Bill C-7 last year, Vancouver psychiatrist Derryck Smith told the story of “E.F.”, a 58-year-old woman who suffered from severe conversion disorder, where a person’s paralysis, or blindness or other bizarre nervous system symptoms can’t be explained by any physical findings. She suffered from involuntary muscle spasms. Her eyelid muscles had spasmed shut, leaving her effectively blind. Her digestive system was a mess, she was in constant pain and needed to be carried or use a wheelchair. In May 2016, Alberta’s Court of Queen’s Bench allowed her an assisted death.

Smith took part in another case involving a 45-year-old Vancouver woman who had suffered from anorexia nervosa since she was 17. She’d endured a “gauntlet” of treatments, he said, had been certified several times under the Mental Health Act, involuntarily hospitalized and force fed by a tube in a manner that left her feeling “violated.” “At the time I assessed her, she had virtually no social life … no joy in her life.” Smyth determined the woman had capacity to agree to assisted death.
Others argue that mental illness can sometimes be irremediable, the suffering intolerable and that competent, capable people have the right to make their own judgements and decide how much uncertainty they’re willing to accept. They reject the arguments around vulnerability and that MAID is an “easier” path to suicide. In one study, 21 Dutch people who had a wish for assisted death because of suffering from mental illness said they wanted a “dignified” end of life. “Suicide was perceived as insecure and inhumane, for both the patient and others,” the authors write. The people saw “impulsive suicidality” as different from a request for doctor-hastened death. “Suicidality, although sometimes also planned, was perceived as an act out of desperation and crisis; a state of mind in which there is no more room for other thoughts or control over actions. A wish for (assisted dying) was more well considered.”
Under Canada’s MAID law, people requesting assisted dying for a medical condition can refuse treatments they don’t find acceptable. It’s not clear whether the same will hold where mental illness is the sole underlying condition. The law also states that intolerable suffering is wholly subjective and personal. It’s what the person says it is, and, unlike the Netherlands, a doctor doesn’t have to agree.

Under those criteria, Canada could become the most permissive jurisdiction in the world with respect to MAID and mental illness, according to an expert panel of the Council of Canadian Academies.

“We don’t force people to undergo treatment in order to realize their autonomy,” says Dalhousie University’s Jocelyn Downie, a professor of law and medicine. “We don’t compel people with cancer to try chemotherapy — they don’t have to have tried any if they want to have MAID, because we are basically respecting their autonomy. We’re saying, ‘You don’t have to make that choice, even though many people would think that is a reasonable thing to do, to try these things before you proceed.’ But we don’t force that.”
What will psychiatrists in Canada be looking for? A robust, eligibility assessment process, Neilson says. That any request for doctor-assisted death is one of “durability and voluntariness,” that it’s a settled one, free of undue, outside influences. That it’s not an impulsive wish. “It’s not a request they are making in the height of a despaired moment, or at a time when they are vulnerable.” That standard treatments have been offered, attempted and failed, with no other reasonable alternatives. That at least one independent psychiatrist expert in the specific disease be involved in the assessment, which is problematic. In many parts of the country, it can be a challenge to find a psychiatrist to treat mental illness, let alone provide an assessment for assisted death.
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
this is a step in the right direction, for sure
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
it's really not evil.. 1 million people commits suicide every year, regardless of this. mental illness and depression can be extremelly severe. having this option just give sense of autonomy and dignity to people, and actually validate their suffering.
So soy. Just borrow your weird uncle's shotgun and do the deed. Much better rating in the agony scale than Jew pills.

Disclaimer: I don't condone suicide, it's a very bad thing and you should never do it.
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
Your position is understandable. However, if someone has made their mind to commit suicide, they're going to do it. Especially for men who often choose deadlier methods and have a much higher rate of successful attempts.

It's better for them to pass away peacefully with the help of medical professionals rather than blow their brains and potentially fail while becoming a vegetable or jump in front of a train and cause a major accident.

This is cringe tbh

Reducing your problems into the scope of a medical paradigm ("le seeking le treatment for le depression"), and then going back to the quack to have them kill you when their charlatanism doesn't work :feelsgah:

It's monumentally more dignified to just kill yourself, rather than go to the secular priest (medical professional) to do it, as if medicine or the pretense of it is the only thing that can make your life and death legitimate.

Or bettER yet... :feelshehe:
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People who say suicide is cucked or wrong don't really know how depression works.

At any rate, my body my choice :feelsLSD:
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
Gtfo bluepilled motherfucker
:feelsgah: "Hey you fucking incels - we solved the incel problem." :feelsgah:
Nobody chooses to be born. We all should have a right to our bodily autonomy, and therefore a right to choose when and how we want to die.
this is the most based thing Canada has ever done
BASED start with the faggots. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
So soy. Just borrow your weird uncle's shotgun and do the deed. Much better rating in the agony scale than Jew pills.

Disclaimer: I don't condone suicide, it's a very bad thing and you should never do it.
Agreed it’s so dumb and soy
it's really not evil.. 1 million people commits suicide every year, regardless of this. mental illness and depression can be extremelly severe. having this option just give sense of autonomy and dignity to people, and actually validate their suffering.
If you gonna suicide go er and keep your dignity
it's really not evil.. 1 million people commits suicide every year, regardless of this. mental illness and depression can be extremelly severe. having this option just give sense of autonomy and dignity to people, and actually validate their suffering.
It is evil, I’ve been on severe depression for 8 years
People who say suicide is cucked or wrong don't really know how depression works.

At any rate, my body my choice :feelsLSD:
Suicide is cucked and wrong, there is always a chance to plan some bettER things
Seeing the comments in this tread convinced me that most of this forum is retards
:feelsgah: "Hey you fucking incels - we solved the incel problem." :feelsgah:
There will always fucking always be men like us ,those who are willing to think and say ,what others cannot
If only the US offered this
won't ever. ameriCUCks are too low IQ and (((brainwashed))) by (((judeo-christian))) morality
Nobody chooses to be born. We all should have a right to our bodily autonomy, and therefore a right to choose when and how we want to die.
big truth. Your body, your choice!
Can they offer the reincarnation as chad too :feelsaww:?
That's great! First time i respect Canada. Hopefully, the rest of the world will follow. Was their main intention to help trans tho?
Relying on the government to kys yourself is the most cucked thing I can think of. Wtf is wrong with you all.
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
What a moron. More people should kill themselves, not less.
LOL. What a sinful shithole.
What a moron. More people should kill themselves, not less.
Lmfao normies made a thing for us to die and you morons eat it like candy , fucking idiot you can try that you pathetic worthless piece of trash ,while we the surviving strong ones will destroy the enemy one by one
Same govt. condones forced v@xxing or lose your livelihood.
It's all good until "assisted suicide for the mentally ill" eventually morphs into "mandatory suicide for the involuntarily celibate". This is a stepping stone toward the coming incel holocaust.
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>Canada will soon offer assisted suicide for the mentally ill

America already has this, it’s called the 2nd amendment :feelskek:
Lmfao normies made a thing for us to die and you morons eat it like candy , fucking idiot you can try that you pathetic worthless piece of trash ,while we the surviving strong ones will destroy the enemy one by one
You are a moron like I said.

No, I won't kill myself ever, like I have said many times here already.

It is beneficial to us when other men voluntarily kill themselves.

Every man should have the right to kill themselves if they want.

(women should not have that right)
You are a moron like I said.

No, I won't kill myself ever, like I have said many times here already.

It is beneficial to us when other men voluntarily kill themselves.

Every man should have the right to kill themselves if they want.

(women should not have that right)
Oh so you so much want other depressed incels to kill themselves ,what a worthless piece of trash you are if you think that will help you in any way ,you’re no different than normies sick fuck, the people who do this will never be normies just poor desperate broken men like us ,I’d rather help these people be less sad than wanting them to kill themselves to reduce the “competition “ fuck competition,the people who should die are people like you
This is fucking evil ,a person musn’t do this just cuz of mental illness ,fucking piece of shit world ,also don’t say that depressed people should do this ,there is always hope and there is always a chance to continue living , giving up shouldn’t be an option
Stoic coping is kek , Just give in No Need to be though " or resilient in a world that only considers Woman
Stoic coping is kek , Just give in No Need to be though " or resilient in a world that only considers Woman
We should fight against it you idiot
Your position is understandable. However, if someone has made their mind to commit suicide, they're going to do it. Especially for men who often choose deadlier methods and have a much higher rate of successful attempts.

It's better for them to pass away peacefully with the help of medical professionals rather than blow their brains and potentially fail while becoming a vegetable or jump in front of a train and cause a major accident.

Suicides have gone up, but population has also increased since 1981
Lmfao normies made a thing for us to die and you morons eat it like candy , fucking idiot you can try that you pathetic worthless piece of trash ,while we the surviving strong ones will destroy the enemy one by one
Normies also rope.

You see highly successful people like Anthony Bourdian, Kate spate, Kpop stars, singers developing morbid depression and roping too.

I don't think anyone is immune to mental illness
Normies also rope.

You see highly successful people like Anthony Bourdian, Kate spate, Kpop stars, singers developing morbid depression and roping too.

I don't think anyone is immune to mental illness
Then it it just a matter of survival
Lmfao normies made a thing for us to die and you morons eat it like candy , fucking idiot you can try that you pathetic worthless piece of trash ,while we the surviving strong ones will destroy the enemy one by one
The ancient Romans and Greeks praised suicide as brave and worthy.

Pliny says: Life is not so desirable a thing as to be protracted at any cost. Whoever you are, you are sure to die, even though your life has been full of abomination and crime. The chief of all remedies for a troubled mind is the feeling that among the blessings which Nature gives to man, there is none greater than an opportune death; and the best of it is that every one can avail himself of it. (Hist. Nat. Lib. xxviii., 1.)

And elsewhere the same writer declares: Not even to God are all things possible; for he could not compass his own death, if he willed to die, and yet in all the miseries of our earthly life, this is the best of his gifts to man.

In Massilia and on the isle of Ceos, the man who could give valid reasons for relinquishing his life, was handed the cup of hemlock by the magistrate; and that, too, in public.

And in ancient times, how many heroes and wise men died a voluntary death.

in Stobaeus' exposition of the Peripatetic philosophy there is the following remark: The good man should flee life when his misfortunes become too great; the bad man, also, when he is too prosperous. And similarly: So he will marry and beget children and take part in the affairs of the State, and, generally, practice virtue and continue to live; and then, again, if need be, and at any time necessity compels him, he will depart to his place of refuge in the tomb.

And we find that the Stoics actually praised suicide as a noble and heroic action, as hundreds of passages show; above all in the works of Seneca, who expresses the strongest approval of it.

The Hindus look upon suicide as a religious act, especially when it takes the form of self-immolation by widows; but also when it consists in casting oneself under the wheels of the chariot of the god at Juggernaut, or being eaten by crocodiles in the Ganges, or being drowned in the holy tanks in the temples, and so on. The same thing occurs on the stage—that mirror of life. For example, in L'Orphelin de la Chine a celebrated Chinese play, almost all the noble characters end by suicide; without the slightest hint anywhere, or any impression being produced on the spectator, that they are committing a crime. And in our own theatre it is much the same—Palmira, for instance, in Mahomet, or Mortimer in Maria Stuart, Othello, Countess Terzky. In Hamlet's monologue he merely declares that if we had any certainty of being annihilated by it, death would be infinitely preferable to the world as it is. But there lies the rub!
This is great news. Drepressedcels that have tried every treatment available and can no longer cope won't have to suffer further. Now they can rope with dignity.
dude no, this is horrible news

they can legally murder you now, all they need to do is have you committed and get you drugged up and fake your signature on some consent form and then they edit you

time to channel my inner Jussie Smollett


they will use this to Epstein all the omega males so it's purely servile beta cucks and chads left, this is how they begin the omega purge, we're all goners if we let this happen guys

I'm a depressedcel, I suffer, but we should aspire to cope and improve not give up, more waifus to watch fren
The ancient Romans and Greeks praised suicide as brave and worthy.

Pliny says: Life is not so desirable a thing as to be protracted at any cost. Whoever you are, you are sure to die, even though your life has been full of abomination and crime. The chief of all remedies for a troubled mind is the feeling that among the blessings which Nature gives to man, there is none greater than an opportune death; and the best of it is that every one can avail himself of it. (Hist. Nat. Lib. xxviii., 1.)

And elsewhere the same writer declares: Not even to God are all things possible; for he could not compass his own death, if he willed to die, and yet in all the miseries of our earthly life, this is the best of his gifts to man.

In Massilia and on the isle of Ceos, the man who could give valid reasons for relinquishing his life, was handed the cup of hemlock by the magistrate; and that, too, in public.

And in ancient times, how many heroes and wise men died a voluntary death.

in Stobaeus' exposition of the Peripatetic philosophy there is the following remark: The good man should flee life when his misfortunes become too great; the bad man, also, when he is too prosperous. And similarly: So he will marry and beget children and take part in the affairs of the State, and, generally, practice virtue and continue to live; and then, again, if need be, and at any time necessity compels him, he will depart to his place of refuge in the tomb.

And we find that the Stoics actually praised suicide as a noble and heroic action, as hundreds of passages show; above all in the works of Seneca, who expresses the strongest approval of it.

The Hindus look upon suicide as a religious act, especially when it takes the form of self-immolation by widows; but also when it consists in casting oneself under the wheels of the chariot of the god at Juggernaut, or being eaten by crocodiles in the Ganges, or being drowned in the holy tanks in the temples, and so on. The same thing occurs on the stage—that mirror of life. For example, in L'Orphelin de la Chine a celebrated Chinese play, almost all the noble characters end by suicide; without the slightest hint anywhere, or any impression being produced on the spectator, that they are committing a crime. And in our own theatre it is much the same—Palmira, for instance, in Mahomet, or Mortimer in Maria Stuart, Othello, Countess Terzky. In Hamlet's monologue he merely declares that if we had any certainty of being annihilated by it, death would be infinitely preferable to the world as it is. But there lies the rub!
Just study thousand of years old shit bro, feel free to suicide yourself idiot
The ancient Romans and Greeks praised suicide as brave and worthy.

Pliny says: Life is not so desirable a thing as to be protracted at any cost. Whoever you are, you are sure to die, even though your life has been full of abomination and crime. The chief of all remedies for a troubled mind is the feeling that among the blessings which Nature gives to man, there is none greater than an opportune death; and the best of it is that every one can avail himself of it. (Hist. Nat. Lib. xxviii., 1.)

And elsewhere the same writer declares: Not even to God are all things possible; for he could not compass his own death, if he willed to die, and yet in all the miseries of our earthly life, this is the best of his gifts to man.

In Massilia and on the isle of Ceos, the man who could give valid reasons for relinquishing his life, was handed the cup of hemlock by the magistrate; and that, too, in public.

And in ancient times, how many heroes and wise men died a voluntary death.

in Stobaeus' exposition of the Peripatetic philosophy there is the following remark: The good man should flee life when his misfortunes become too great; the bad man, also, when he is too prosperous. And similarly: So he will marry and beget children and take part in the affairs of the State, and, generally, practice virtue and continue to live; and then, again, if need be, and at any time necessity compels him, he will depart to his place of refuge in the tomb.

And we find that the Stoics actually praised suicide as a noble and heroic action, as hundreds of passages show; above all in the works of Seneca, who expresses the strongest approval of it.

The Hindus look upon suicide as a religious act, especially when it takes the form of self-immolation by widows; but also when it consists in casting oneself under the wheels of the chariot of the god at Juggernaut, or being eaten by crocodiles in the Ganges, or being drowned in the holy tanks in the temples, and so on. The same thing occurs on the stage—that mirror of life. For example, in L'Orphelin de la Chine a celebrated Chinese play, almost all the noble characters end by suicide; without the slightest hint anywhere, or any impression being produced on the spectator, that they are committing a crime. And in our own theatre it is much the same—Palmira, for instance, in Mahomet, or Mortimer in Maria Stuart, Othello, Countess Terzky. In Hamlet's monologue he merely declares that if we had any certainty of being annihilated by it, death would be infinitely preferable to the world as it is. But there lies the rub!
That was in interesting read :bigbrain:
That was in interesting read :bigbrain:
It sure was.
All Suffering people deserve Choice and the Peace of Mind Choice brings, the Right To Die Movement is Unstoppable and Growing in America and Worldwide, We all Need to Peacefully Lobby, Petition and Take out Lawsuits in America and Worldwide for Legal and Available, Free of Charge, Doctor Assisted Death for any and all suffering people who Request to Die and Give Explicit consent

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