MGTOW is such a shit tier cope. First of all, pretending that you don't want pussy because of "womenz iz evil" is Autistic. They don't get pussy anyway, so it's a self defense mechanism where they think they're all just Chad volcels 2cool4Sex. The reality is every single beta loser who subscribes to MGTOW would betray their community in a heartbeat if a woman showed interest in them.
Another tenant of MGTOW is just working really hard for yourself and getting money, for yourself. Why, lol? There's literally no point to careercel'ing if you come home to an empty house. No loving, submissive woman to welcome you home, and to provide for. What's the fucking point? Working hard so you can buy the next big PC upgrade so you can forget about the fact that you'll never experience a fundamental human happiness and the utter fulfillment of having a loving biological partner.
If you're just betabux, no real attraction there at all and you're just a cuck who is playing captain save a ho.
MGTOW is a monumental joke. Anyone who adheres to MGTOW is either an incel-in-denial, or a divorced betabux who got cucked.