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Blackpill Can white men be true incels?

Anyone with white skin is Chad in India, China, Korea, or Japan.

This is how the five best and worst-looking guys did across those countries (the dataset with photos is free to download, you can check it yourself.)


In India and the African countries, Chads were rated worse than in Europe, while the incels got a boost in ratings, because in countries where a race of people isn't common, most members of that race will just look normie to the locals, it's a similar effect to how people often have trouble telling people of races they usually don't interact with apart because they just all look the same to them.

Admittedly, no East Asian country was involved in the study, which is an unfortunate oversight, but I doubt that the results would be dramatically different from the other nonwhite countries there.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRkgjqRF5vc

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGJSDpqkO8U

Pretty much all non Asian men can get a worthless shegook.

Came here to point this out:feelshaha:. It reminds me of the @Zhou Chang-Xing thread where he went over the ways women from poor SEA shitholes talk about men from rich NEA countries like Japan or Taiwan, which is almost unknown in the Anglosphere since it doesn't get translated and doesn't involve the type of stuff English-speaking incels are looking for in the first place (WMAF and other visibly interracial relationships) and it was basically the same type of simping over them and worshipping them:feelshaha:. Literally just foids praising the men who come to their countries as future betabuxxers for them:feelsthink:.

In grade 3 you retards how is kissing at girl at age 10 then being incel from age 10-27 not a real incel?
It completely mogs the experiences of at least 85% of the people here and is not allowed by the rules which ban any discussion of past romantic experiences.
Only whites can be Incels

Every other shitskin subhuman is incentivized to breed and doesn't have a whole genocide against them.

Idk y Cels can't understand it, look at the average White foid if you don't believe me
Came here to point this out:feelshaha:. It reminds me of the @Zhou Chang-Xing thread where he went over the ways women from poor SEA shitholes talk about men from rich NEA countries like Japan or Taiwan, which is almost unknown in the Anglosphere since it doesn't get translated and doesn't involve the type of stuff English-speaking incels are looking for in the first place (WMAF and other visibly interracial relationships) and it was basically the same type of simping over them and worshipping them:feelshaha:. Literally just foids praising the men who come to their countries as future betabuxxers for them:feelsthink:.
What's that thread called? It sounds interesting.
I have a catfish account on a Filipino dating site after messaging many of them i come to the conclusion that most of them are just after a better life and stability that typically a western provides. As for working class foids they tend to favour looks more and see you as a symbol of status. If you're a legit truecel not a larping fag then you might score with some self heating uneducated subhuman jungle gooks just because you're White and that is the main argument we display us ethnics because we don't have this "Halo"
Another retarded race bait thread with 100+ replies :feelsautistic::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:
No race for your face
Of course white men can be incel in certain countries in europe you have an advantage of being an ugly ethnic rather than an ugly white cause the girls there are sluts for anyone that isnt white

I live in America. American ethnic foids worship white cock and American white women are white men only. :lul:

My best chance as an ethnic male is marrying a used up Indian-American whore after she turns 30 and the white men are done using her like a dirty cum rag. This is the fate of most ethnic men in America.
I live in America. American ethnic foids worship white cock and American white women are white men only. :lul:

My best chance as an ethnic male is marrying a used up Indian-American whore after she turns 30 and the white men are done using her like a dirty cum rag. This is the fate of most ethnic men in America.
Some american fact check this because this doesnt sound true at all
Nigger is 5'11 and calling himself manlet :lul:

You’re a normalfag who doesn’t know 4chan memes. 5’11 is referred to as “king of manlets” on /fit/
@SupremeAutist @Regenerator @Stupid Clown is this guy for real?

What race are you? Let me guess coping curry who thinks white women all want us because of the propaganda you’ve been taught at Hindutva Indian school?
@SupremeAutist @Regenerator @Stupid Clown is this guy for real?
He's some bored troll. 5 ft 11 is not considered "Manlet" By anyone serious.
He's some bored troll. 5 ft 11 is not considered "Manlet" By anyone serious.

Are you a coping Hindu nationalist too?

I’ve never seen such cope before except from Hindu nationalist who think Indian men are some type of global sex symbol.

Stop coping, we are at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
Are you a coping Hindu nationalist too?

I’ve never seen such cope before except from Hindu nationalist who think Indian men are some type of global sex symbol.

Stop coping, we are at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
Where on earth did he or @anandkonda insinuate anything like that :lul:
Where on earth did he or @anandkonda insinuate anything like that :lul:
He's a 5'11 Gujjew in US completely denying heightpill with "muh I know a guy :soy:" who had a childhood girlfriend and also made out with her btw
He's a 5'11 Gujjew in US completely denying heightpill with "muh I know a guy :soy:" who had a childhood girlfriend and also made out with her btw
Gujjews are very conniving. They're second to none when it comes to exaggerating their woes and painting themselves as having it harder than you.
Gujjews are very conniving. They're second to none when it comes to exaggerating their woes and painting themselves as having it harder than you.
Exactly. I don't believe @CopingForBrutality was a truecel like he claims he is. He probably ascended
Are you a coping Hindu nationalist too?

I’ve never seen such cope before except from Hindu nationalist who think Indian men are some type of global sex symbol.

Stop coping, we are at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

Average male height in India​

Recent data indicate that the average height of adult males in India is approximately 5 feet 6 inches (166.50 centimeters). This positions India below the global average height of 5 feet 8 inches (173.74 cm) for men.
- Average height in India for men is 5 ft 6
- OP is a 5 ft 11 curry.
- Conclusion OP is a volcel.
- Average height in India for men is 5 ft 6
- OP is a 5 ft 11 curry.
- Conclusion OP is a volcel.
Gujjews also have forced arranged marriages. Rape is almost unofficially legal there as well. They literally can't be incel @Fevet
Gujjews also have forced arranged marriages. Rape is almost unofficially legal there as well. They literally can't be incel @Fevet
They don’t have to coerce any foids to marry them. Having monopoly over the entire wealth of the country is enough to draw in the foids towards them.
They don’t have to coerce any foids to marry them. Having monopoly over the entire wealth of the country is enough to draw in the foids towards them.
This nigger being in the diaspora had a gf at 7 and brought her to the bedroom, meanwhile I am here in the shithole mainland but still got bullied by foids even when I was 13. I wish I was also 5'11 so I could call myself a "manlet" like this. If God exists he's a sadist :cryfeels::cryfeels::feelsseriously:

This is how the five best and worst-looking guys did across those countries (the dataset with photos is free to download, you can check it yourself.)


In India and the African countries, Chads were rated worse than in Europe, while the incels got a boost in ratings, because in countries where a race of people isn't common, most members of that race will just look normie to the locals, it's a similar effect to how people often have trouble telling people of races they usually don't interact with apart because they just all look the same to them.

Admittedly, no East Asian country was involved in the study, which is an unfortunate oversight, but I doubt that the results would be dramatically different from the other nonwhite countries there.

Came here to point this out:feelshaha:. It reminds me of the @Zhou Chang-Xing thread where he went over the ways women from poor SEA shitholes talk about men from rich NEA countries like Japan or Taiwan, which is almost unknown in the Anglosphere since it doesn't get translated and doesn't involve the type of stuff English-speaking incels are looking for in the first place (WMAF and other visibly interracial relationships) and it was basically the same type of simping over them and worshipping them:feelshaha:. Literally just foids praising the men who come to their countries as future betabuxxers for them:feelsthink:.

It completely mogs the experiences of at least 85% of the people here and is not allowed by the rules which ban any discussion of past romantic experiences.
I sometimes feel like non white men worship more white women than non white foids worship white men
“Just be white bro”
I've been thinking about this a lot and my answer is a "no"

I saw this video and it further confirmed my theory that Whites cannot be incel.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6n7oZ52c_Y

My reasoning is that even the ugliest white men can go to Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and other SEA countries and find hot wives who want their white genetics.

Thus white men cannot be trucels. Thoughts on my theor
I've been thinking about this a lot and my answer is a "no"

I saw this video and it further confirmed my theory that Whites cannot be incel.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6n7oZ52c_Y

My reasoning is that even the ugliest white men can go to Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and other SEA countries and find hot wives who want their white genetics.

Thus white men cannot be trucels. Thoughts on my theory?

im white and im a incel and even if I geomaxxed and I had a bunch of Japanese girls into me I'm a insanitycel so my delusions and the voices in my head telling me to murder them wound scare them off anyway
2025 isn’t sending the best
I sometimes feel like non white men worship more white women than non white foids worship white men
It sure is hard to decide which gender of ethnics white worships more sometimes:shock:.
My reasoning is that even the ugliest white men can go to Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, and other SEA countries and find hot wives who want their white genetics.

Thus white men cannot be trucels. Thoughts on my theory?
True to some extent, theyre only going to see you as a walking greencard
what about black worship ( wiggers ) and yellow worship ( animutrannies )
They make the situation less one-sided:feelshaha:. Also, I'd say the former were more common 15-10 years ago, but currently the latter seriously outnumber them.

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