If anything its at least less difficult for you to fall into hopeless copes. A lot of average looking incels on this site i've noticed aren't as cold hearted as I am, they haven't truly accepted the black pill, and its likely because of what you are talking about here, some part of them is hanging on to a sliver of hope, and their standards for themselves are so low that they'd have no problem betabuxxing.
I on the other hand would have the same mindset, whether I was trucel or not, you being trucel just makes your decisions more absolute than the average looking incel.
You hate that nobody wants a romantic relationship with you, I don't even want a romantic relationship tbh, I don't see the point, never really did, I just want consistent access to sex, that's it.
If the end result is the same though, what does it matter, or are you saying that if you were average looking, even after being exposed to the black pill you would still try to become a normie and betabux?. If so are you really any better than the average looking incels you hate, because tbh when I talk to most of them, I hate them. You can tell they would switch sides in a heart beat, no conviction at all. I'm in this for the long haul, if I woke up tomorrow with chad looks, it would be the same for me, I still would not stop what I'm planning to do.
The changes I intend to try and make in this world. What most incels lack period, but this goes especially for average looking ones, is an absolute conviction and belief in the black pill.
Any incel talking about a oneitis is a fakecel in my book
Any incel still considering getting married is fakecel in my book
This one is going to strike a nerve with most incels, but I'm going to say it here and then make a thread about it right now - ANY INCEL STILL TRYING TO "ASCEND" IS A FAKECEL.
Somebody who is merely "on our side" because they have no where else to go, and if a 4/10 roastie showed them even the slightest amount of romantic interest they'd jump sides. I'd kill myself before I'd switch sides now, its too late for that shit, what has been seen cannot be unseen, I am not going to settle for Chad's scraps and be content.
Once again, you raise some good points to ponder about, but for me it's not about sex. I guess that's what makes you different from me.
I am also not looking for universal validation, I just want to be happy with just one person that I cherish.
Considering I'm a truecel, that is not going to happen. Everyone is superficial, women even moreso than men. Everyone keeps saying it's not true, just work on yourself, other bluepilled talk that is absolutely false and whatnot.
I don't want to be a betabuxxer, I want a virgin wife that loves only me. Scientific studies have shown us that women's capability to love their partner decreases as the number of previous partners increases.
Your wife will smile out of the blue and all she's thinking about are the cocks she's had before you. It's completely suicide fuel to know that the person you're married to, isn't the person who's given her all to you.
I hate the incels on here like you do, but for a much different reason. I hate them because they have it so easy, in comparison to me. That they only have their autism to blame, while I have my looks to blame.
But, partly, I also agree with you. I hate them because they are willing to be betabuxxers, the type of men they supposedly hate.
It's all smokes and mirrors here anyways. Most of the userbase consists of fakecels, larpers and other scumbags who hide behind an identity they don't fit in.
Finally, I don't see why having a oneitis makes you a fakecel. This is not a voluntary celibacy forum, this is quite the opposite. Everyone gets attached to people, whether it's on purpose, meaning they believe they might stand a chance, or accidentally, meaning they know they don't stand a chance, yet their feelings took control over their logic.
Ugly people like me, we fall in the later category. There is no hope for us. And seeing people cry about the fact that they aren't top-tier is rage-inducing. They will never know what it's like to be instantly dismissed, regardless of personality.
Good, bad, it doesn't matter. As long as you aren't as ugly as me, you stand a chance.